Unexpected EOF from 'ls -all directory' - What could be the reason? - linux

While building image with docker, I had to make sure that file copy has been successfully done, so I simply added RUN ls -all command at the end of Dockerfile.
The image build was successful on my local docker machine, but it has failed with this log on my build server.
Step 5 : RUN ls -all {directory_path}
---> Running in d575dd671675
unexpected EOF
make: *** [docker-build] Error 1
What can be the reason for Unexpected EOF from 'ls' command? I have no idea where to start investigating this issue.
+) I just realised that I was using -all for -al, but this can't be the reason, or is it?

Turns out specific node of my building cluster was consistently making an issue, I managed to remove the node and everything was fine. So, it was environmental problem rather than ls func itself.


Create Build in Jenkins by using command line with ssh

I hope you're doing well,
I'm traying to automate a Jenkins process using a bash script in Linux, in which I need to create a build, then with created build I need to create a build using the option "Build with parameters" and use a specific build to create it.
First I'm creating the build with a similar command (it is corking fine it created the build successfully):
ssh -l MyUser -p JENK_PORT JENK_SERver build job-build -s –v
it creates the build number 10 then I need to use this build to create another one for the job job-deploy, something like:
ssh -l MyUser -p JENK_PORT JENK_SERver build job-deploy -p COPY_PROMOTION_LEVEL=1 -p BUILD_SELECTOR="\<SpecificBuildSelector plugin=\"copyartifact#1.37\"\> \<buildNumber\>10 \</buildNumber\>\</SpecificBuildSelector\>" -s -v
when I ran it, I'm getting this error:
ERROR: Too many arguments: plugin=copyartifact#1.37>
If I change the "space" for &nbsp/&#032 or adding a back slash between SpecificBuildSelector and plugin=copyartifact#1.37, I got this error:
ERROR: Unexpected exception occurred while performing build command.
com.thoughtworks.xstream.io.StreamException: : only whitespace
content allowed before start tag and not \ (position: START_DOCUMENT
seen ... #1:1)
Do you know how can I do it??, create the build for an specific build in the command line by passing the build parameters with -p option?
Thanks in advance.

Docker - unable to run script

What I'm doing
I am using AWS batch to run a docker container for a large compute job. I have configured the ECR/ECS successfully to the best of my knowledge but am having issues running the required commands for reasons that are beyond my level of understanding with docker ( newbie )
What I need to do is pass the below commands into my application and start my application to perform some heavy computing tasks; all commands listed below must be present.
The Issue(s)
The issue arises when I send the submit job to AWS batch; this service pulls the image from the ACR ( amazon container repository ) and spins up a compute environment. The issue comes from when I try to run the command I pass in, below I will go throgh it.
"command": [
"mkdir -p logging",
"chmod 777 logging/",
"docker run -t -i -e my-application", # container name
"-e APIKEY",
"-v WORKSPACE /logging:/src/log",
"python my_app.py",
"-t APP_USER",
"-i IN_PATH",
"-o OUT_PATH",
"-b tmp/"
The command above generates the following error(s)
container_linux.go:370: starting container process caused: exec: "mkdir -p log": executable file not found in $PATH
I tried to pass in the command to echo the env var $PATH but was unsuccesfull getting a response and resulted in a similar error.
I have ran successfully "ls" and was able to see the directory contents of my application inside.
I am not however able to run any of these commands that I have included in the command [] section. I have tried just running python and such in hopes of getting a more detailed error but was unsuccessful.
Logic in plain English
Create a path called logging if it doesnt exist
set the permissions for logging
run the docker container and pass in the environment variables while doing so
Tell docker to run the python file my_app.py and pass in the expected runtime args
Execute and perform the required logic deligated in the python3 application
Why can I not create a directory here called "logging" where am I ?
Am I running these properly as defined by AWS batch? or docker
What am I missing or where am I going wrong?
AWS Batch high level doc
AWS Batch link specific to what i'm doing
Assuming that you're following the syntax described in the Container
section of the AWS docs, you have several problems with the syntax of
your command directive.
The command directive can only run a single command. You can't mash together a bunch of commands as you're trying to do in your example. If you need to run multiple commands you would need to embed them as an argument to a shell. For example, something like:
command: ["/bin/sh", "-c", "mkdir -p logging; chmod 777 logging; ..."]
You must properly tokenize your
command lines -- that is, when you type mkdir -p logging at the
command prompt, the shell splits this into three parts (or "tokens"): ['mkdir', '-p', 'logging']. You need to do the same thing when building up the
list of arguments to command.
This is invalid:
command: ["mkdir -p logging"]
That would looking for a command named mkdir -p logging, and of course no such command exists. That would properly be written as:
command: ["mkdir", "-p", "logging"]
I'm not very familiar with the AWS batch environment, but it's unlikely you can run a docker command inside a docker` container as you're trying to do. It's unclear why you're doing this, though: why not just configure your AWS batch job with the appropriate image, environment variables, etc?
Take a look at some of these example job definitions.

Gitlab-CI succeeds on non-zero exit

Gitlab-CI seems allow the build to succeed even though the script is returning a non-zero exit. I have the following minimal .gitlab-ci.yml:
# Run linter
stage: build
- exit 1
Producing the following result:
Running with gitlab-runner 11.1.0 (081978aa)
on gitlab-runner 72348d01
Using Shell executor...
Running on [hostname]
Fetching changes...
HEAD is now at 9f6f309 Still having problems with gitlab-runner
From https://[repo]
9f6f309..96fc77b dev -> origin/dev
Checking out 96fc77bb as dev...
Skipping Git submodules setup
$ exit 1
Job succeeded
Running on GitLab Community Edition 9.5.5 with gitlab-runner version 11.1.0. Closest post doesn't propose a resolution nor does this issue. A related question shows this setup should fail.
What are the conditions of failing a job? Isn't it a non-zero return code?
The cause of the problem was su was wrapped to call ksu as the shared machines are authenticated using Kerberos. In that case the wrapped ksu succeeds even though the script command might fail, indicating the job succeeded. This affected gitlab-runner since the shell executor was running su to run as the indicated user.

Error on neo4j server start on arch linux

I have an arch linux setup and installed neo4j through the arch user repository (yaourt -S neo4j), and I'm able to run the web console fine (sudo neo4j console with seemingly normal output and full functionality), however when trying to start the server (sudo neo4j start), I encounter the following error message:
/usr/share/neo4j/bin/utils: line 345: [: -lt: unary operator expected
Using additional JVM arguments: -server -XX:+DisableExplicitGC -Dorg.neo4j.server.properties=/etc/neo4j/neo4j-server.properties -Djava.util.logging.config.file=/etc/neo4j/logging.properties -Dlog4j.configuration=file:/etc/neo4j/log4j.properties -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC -XX:+CMSClassUnloadingEnabled
Starting Neo4j Server...cat: /run/neo4j/neo4j-service.pid: No such file or directory
process []... waiting for server to be ready. Failed to start within 120 seconds.
Neo4j Server may have failed to start, please check the logs.
rm: cannot remove ‘/run/neo4j/neo4j-service.pid’: No such file or directory
There's no delay before the error message is printed, so it seems to be something other than the timeout. I'm quite new to neo4j (I worked through a fair bit of the user manual using the web console, but no development or server config experience), so I'm not really sure what else might be relevant. I tried looking through the utils script and the error appears to be where it attempts to su neo4j, but it also seems to proceed to attempt to start the server. I also tried changing the port it's starting on as in this question, but no change. The only log I can find just has this over and over (with appropriate timestamps):
Oct 15, 2014 1:33:49 AM com.sun.jersey.server.impl.application.WebApplicationImpl _initiate
INFO: Initiating Jersey application, version 'Jersey: 1.9 09/02/2011 11:17 AM'
Any help at all would be appreciated!
The line 345 that it's failing on is the end of this snippet:
if [ $UID == 0 ] ; then
OPEN_FILES=`su $NEO4J_USER -c "ulimit -n"`
OPEN_FILES=`ulimit -n`
if [ $OPEN_FILES -lt 40000 ]; then
From doing some echo debugging, it seems that su $NEO4J_USER is failing, probably because $NEO4J_USER is set to neo4j, a user that does not exist on my system. I tried setting that to root in one of the config files, but evidently that's not working properly. Arch is a continual learning experience for me, but I've not had to add a new user before to get software working.
The interesting line here is:
/usr/share/neo4j/bin/utils: line 345: [: -lt: unary operator expected
I assume that is caused by a wrong default shell for the neo4j user. What default is currently set for the neo4j system user? Try to switch that to bash. The startup scripts should work nicely with bash.


I try to go over the tutorial/presentation at http://learnwindowsazure.sourceforge.net/, and I cannot reproduce the steps related to node.
When I run Add-AzureNodeWebRole command I get Add-AzureNodeWebRole : service root is invalid or empty
Also when running the previous command, New-AzureService", there aren't any files created in the folder.
What would this exactly mean?
you need to run the cmdlet New-AzureServiceProject not New-AzureService.
