ffmpeg nodejs lambda crop issue - node.js

I have a lambda function to crop videos with ffmpeg
I am installing the layer this way
mkdir -p layer
cd layer
rm -rf *
curl -O https://johnvansickle.com/ffmpeg/builds/ffmpeg-git-amd64-static.tar.xz
tar -xf ffmpeg-git-amd64-static.tar.xz
mv ffmpeg-git-*-amd64-static ffmpeg
rm ffmpeg-git-amd64-static.tar.xz
I do not really which version but should be recent as I did it today for the last time
Then my node js lambda function is running with the following nodejs module https://github.com/fluent-ffmpeg/node-fluent-ffmpeg
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
.on('error', reject)
.on('end', () => resolve(fs.readFileSync(outputFile.name)))
with for example videoFilters('crop=500:500:20:20')
And I have the folowing error
ffmpeg exited with code 1: Error reinitializing filters!
Failed to inject frame into filter network: Invalid argument
Error while processing the decoded data for stream #0:0
Conversion failed!
On my local computer I am running the following command on the exact same image
ffmpeg -i in.mp4 -filter:v "crop=500:500:20:20" out.mp4
my version of ffmpeg is 4.2.2 and this is working great
I do not have the issue with all videos, here one video which is causing me the issue https://ajouve-util.s3.amazonaws.com/earth.mp4

Here is slightly modified code that works:
var ffmpeg = require('fluent-ffmpeg');
var reject = function(something) {
console.error("got error", something);
var resolve = function() {
console.info("Good, job done. Now read output file");
var width = 500;
var height = 500;
var x = 20;
var y = 20;
var filter_string = `crop=${width}:${height}:${x}:${y}`;
console.log("filter_string", filter_string);
var onStart = function(commandLine) {
console.log('Spawned Ffmpeg with command: ' + commandLine);
var command = ffmpeg('earth.mp4')
.on('error', reject)
.on('end', resolve)
.on('start', onStart)
With earth.mp4 downloaded from your link in same dir output is:
node main.js
filter_string crop=500:500:20:20
Spawned Ffmpeg with command: ffmpeg -i earth.mp4 -y -filter:v crop=500:500:20:20 -f mp4 earth_cropped.mp4
Good, job done. Now read output file
And we get earth_cropped.mp4 file as expected.
I bet the error is in input params, so add .on('start', onStart) in your code and check logs to see exact command used to validate it ;)


fluent-ffmpeg and ffmpeg-concat not cutting and merging video in Docker container

I am using react-media-recorder to record the video on ReactJS application which further sends to my NodeJS backend to cut and contact/merge video using fluent-ffmpeg and ffmpeg-concat, before merging the video I am making all the uploaded video to same size 640x360.
NodeJS code to cut the video and make the same size 640x360 before merging, also added padding to keep the consistency of video ratio.
const allCutVideos = await Promise.all(convertVideoList.map(async (row) => {
return await new Promise((resolve) => {
.on("start", function (commandLine) {
console.log("Spawned FFmpeg with command: " + commandLine);
.on("error", function (err) {
resolve({ ...row, status: false, message: err.message })
.on("end", function (err) {
if (!err) {
resolve({ ...row, status: true });
Once I get all the video(recorded video or any mp4 which are downloaded from internet) from the above promises, I am merging it using ffmpeg-concat, below is the code
const contactVideoList = allCutVideos.map(row => row.status === true ? row.outputPath : null).filter(row => row);
await ContactVideos({
output: "/app/folder/tmp/output.mp4",
videos: contactVideoList,
transition: {
name: 'directionalWipe',
duration: 500
Here is my Dockerfile
FROM node:14
RUN mkdir /opt/prod_api
WORKDIR /opt/prod_api
RUN apt-get -y update
RUN apt-get -y upgrade
RUN apt-get install -y ffmpeg
COPY . .
RUN chmod 777 -R /opt
ENTRYPOINT ["/opt/prod_api/entrypoint.sh"]
On my local the above process working as expected (using macOS), I do not get any error while performing.
When I tried the same code using Dockerfile I get the below problems.
Problem 1: I am cutting video with fluent-ffmpeg which is recorded through react-media-recorder, I get error TypeError: Cannot destructure property 'width' of 'scenes[0]' as it is undefined., and here is full ffmpeg command, here I am getting error while cutting and resizing video.
ffmpeg -ss 0 -i /opt/prod_api/assets/tmp/6b7286081d/3fb0e15881097c1aa93f8393f863e79.mp4 -y -acodec copy -filter:v scale=w='if(gt(a,1.7777777777777777),640,trunc(360*a/2)*2)':h='if(lt(a,1.7777777777777777),360,trunc(640/a/2)*2)',pad=w=640:h=360:x='if(gt(a,1.7777777777777777),0,(640-iw)/2)':y='if(lt(a,1.7777777777777777),0,(360-ih)/2)':color=black -t 12.23 /opt/prod_api/assets/tmp/6b7286081d/9b6e5551011d120289b906abd2f2b69_output.mp4
Problem 2: After uploading any mp4 video which is download from the internet I do get another error while performing an action using ffmpeg-concat. Error - Failed to create OpenGL context. Please see https://github.com/stackgl/headless-gl#supported-platforms-and-nodejs-versions for compatibility. failed to create OpenGL context. (here in this case I do not get any error while performing fluent-ffmpeg)
Am I missing any steps in Dockerfile? Everything works fine in my local but getting the above problems in Docker container. Any help would be appreciated, thank you in advance.

merge multiple videos to a single .mp4 files using fluent-ffmpeg

Version information
fluent-ffmpeg version: 2.1.2
ffmpeg version:4
OS:linux mint
Code to reproduce
var fluent_ffmpeg = require("fluent-ffmpeg");
var mergedVideo = fluent_ffmpeg();
// .inputOptions(['-loglevel error','-hwaccel vdpau'])
// .outputOptions('-c:v h264_nvenc')
.on('error', function(err) {
console.log('Error ' + err.message);
.on('end', function() {
.mergeToFile('./mergedVideo8.mp4', '/tmp');
When I run this code, then I get conversion failed error.
Observed results
Error ffmpeg exited with code 1: Error reinitializing filters!
Failed to inject frame into filter network: Invalid argument
Error while processing the decoded data for stream #3:0
Conversion failed!
I have tried the same conversion using the command line:
ffmpeg -f concat -i textfile -c copy -fflags +genpts merged8.mp4
Where textfile has the following content-
file 'Video1.mp4'
file 'Video2.mp4'
And I was able to concatenate the video file. But I want to get the same result using fluent-ffmpeg.

Turning sox command line Duration into a node.js variable.

I would like find the duration of an audio.wav and use the duration as a variable in node.js script.
I can get the duration of a wav on the command line using sox:
$ soxi -D audio.wav
How is it possible to run soxi -D in a node.js file?
OK, I think I solved this using a child_process:
var exec = require("child_process").exec;//require child_process.exec
exec("soxi -D /path/to/audio.wav", function(err, stdout){
if (err){
throw err;
var audioDuration = stdout * 1000; //takes audio length in seconds and converts to milliseconds
console.log("This is the Audio Duration:" + audioDuration);//Prints

FFmpeg Stream RTSP input and save to file at the same time using nodejs

I am using node-rtsp-stream module to stream RTSP to web with nodejs.
I am streaming RTSP source with ffmpeg, for example RTSP SOURCE - EXAMPLE
I know that I can save one or many inputs to many outputs but I dont know if there is option to stream the input and save it to file at the same time without executing two process of ffmpeg.
With the following example I am able to stream the RTSP source
ffmpeg -i rtsp-url -rtsp_transport tcp -f mpeg1video -b:v 800k -r 30
On the module is look like that:
this.stream = child_process.spawn("ffmpeg", [ "-i", this.url, "-rtsp_transport", "tcp",'-f', 'mpeg1video', '-b:v', '800k', '-r', '30', '-'], {
detached: false
ff =child_process.spawn("ffmpeg", [ "-i", this.url, '-b:v', '800k', '-r', '30', '1.mp4'], {
detached: false
this.inputStreamStarted = true;
this.stream.stdout.on('data', function(data) {
return self.emit('mpeg1data', data);
this.stream.stderr.on('data', function(data) {
return self.emit('ffmpegError', data);
As you can see I am using two process of ffmpeg to do what I want but
If anyone faced with this issue and solve it with one command ( process ), I would like to get some suggestions.
How to stream RTSP source and save it to file at the same time.
for more information about the module I use:
try the code: (it will read RTSP and save to a jpg file (overwrite it every 3 seconds))
var fs = require('fs');
var spawn = require('child_process').spawn;
var rtspURI = 'rtsp://wowzaec2demo.streamlock.net/vod/mp4:BigBuckBunny_115k.mov';
var fps = 1/3;
//avconv -i rtsp://wowzaec2demo.streamlock.net/vod/mp4:BigBuckBunny_115k.mov \
// -r 1/3 -an -y -update 1 test.jpg
var ffmpeg = spawn('avconv', ['-i',rtspURI,'-r',fps,'-an','-y','-update','1','test.jpg']);
// var ffmpeg = spawn('avconv',
// ['-i','rtsp://wowzaec2demo.streamlock.net/vod/mp4:BigBuckBunny_115k.mov',
// '-r','1/3','-an','-y','-update','1','test.jpg']);
ffmpeg.stdout.on('data', function (data) {
console.log('stdout: ' + data);
ffmpeg.stderr.on('data', function (data) {
console.log('stderr: ' + data);
ffmpeg.on('close', function (code) {
console.log('child process exited with code ' + code);

fluent-ffmpeg thumbnail creation error

i try to create a video thumbnail with fluent-ffmpeg here is my code
var ffmpeg = require('fluent-ffmpeg');
exports.thumbnail = function(){
var proc = new ffmpeg({ source: 'Video/express2.mp4',nolog: true })
.takeScreenshots({ count: 1, timemarks: [ '00:00:02.000' ] }, 'Video/', function(err, filenames) {
console.log('screenshots were saved');
but i keep getting this error
"mate data contains no duration, aborting screenshot creation"
any idea why,
by the way am on windows, and i put the ffmpeg folder in c/ffmpeg ,and i added the ffmpeg/bin in to my environment varableļ¼Œ i dont know if fluent-ffmpeg need to know the path of ffmpeg,but i can successfully create a thumbnail with the code below
exec("C:/ffmpeg/bin/ffmpeg -i Video/" + Name + " -ss 00:01:00.00 -r 1 -an -vframes 1 -s 300x200 -f mjpeg Video/" + Name + ".jpg")
please help me!!!
I think the issue can be caused by the .withSize('...') method call.
The doc says:
It doesn't interract well with filters. In particular, don't use the size() method to resize thumbnails, use the size option instead.
And the size() method is an alias of withSize().
Also - but this is not the problem in your case - you don't need to set either the count and the timemarks at the same time. The doc says:
count is ignored when timemarks or timestamps is specified.
Then you probably could solve with:
const ffmpeg = require('fluent-ffmpeg');
exports.thumbnail = function(){
const proc = new ffmpeg({ source: 'Video/express2.mp4',nolog: true })
.takeScreenshots({ timemarks: [ '00:00:02.000' ], size: '150x100' }, 'Video/', function(err, filenames) {
console.log('screenshots were saved');
Have a look at the doc:
FFmpeg needs to know the duration of a video file, while most videos have this information in the file header some file don't, mostly raw videos like a raw H.264 stream.
A simple solution could be to remux the video prior to take the snapshot, the FFmpeg 0.5 command for this task it's quite simple:
ffmpeg -i input.m4v -acodec copy -vcodec copy output.m4v
This command tells FFmpeg to read the "input.m4v" file, to use the same audio encoder and video encoder (no encoding at all) for the output, and to output the data into the file output.m4v.
FFmpeg automatically adds all extra metadata/header information needed to take the snapshot later.
Try this code to create thumbnails from Video
// You have to Install Below packages First
var ffmpegPath = require('#ffmpeg-installer/ffmpeg').path;
var ffprobePath = require('#ffprobe-installer/ffprobe').path;
var ffmpeg = require('fluent-ffmpeg');
var proc = ffmpeg(sourceFilePath)
.on('filenames', function(filenames) {
console.log('screenshots are ' + filenames.join(', '));
.on('end', function() {
console.log('screenshots were saved');
.on('error', function(err) {
console.log('an error happened: ' + err.message);
// take 1 screenshots at predefined timemarks and size
.takeScreenshots({ count: 1, timemarks: [ '00:00:01.000' ], size: '200x200' }, "Video/");
