MTProto connection closed by server - mtproto

I am writing an MTProto client, however when I send a message my connection is closed. Under what conditions might MTProto close my connection?

MTProto servers will close your connection (under TCP at least) if they can't understand what you've sent it; messages sent that have some incorrect parameter will typically receive a reply indicating parameters were incorrect but messages whose composition is fundamentally wrong, e.g: sending the transport code with each message instead of just the first will lead to the connection being closed. Check the code that handles the transport layer for correctness against


nodeJS how to send a message with connection request

I am using websockets to talk with server but I want to prevent client from connecting if a requirement is not met. My code is very simple
let socket = new WebSocket('wss://');
socket.addEventListener('open', function(e) {
// we are now connected
How does nodeJS connect? It must send a connect message right? Is there a way to edit that message? I'd like to limit it so connections can not be made unless a key is sent with the connection message.
How it works now I send a "login request message" and if the credentials dont match I terminate the connection but currently people could still open connections without sending the login request. This would be a security issue right? People could just DDOS by creating a bunch of connections without logging in.
It's not NodeJS's responsibility to manage DOS/DDOS requests. That is done at the network layer (routers, switches, load balancers, proxies, etc.). See this answer for more detail: protection agains DOS websocket with ip address
Preventing users from continuing to communicate over the socket can be done after a successful connection is made and then the key sent, after which, if it's marked as valid by the server, it continues, otherwise it closes the connection. The limits on how many times a client can connect (or in this case re-connect) are handled by the network rules.

Frequent xhr request by

When I connect to the socket server from the client side, which is considered react, every few seconds a repeated request is sent by the socket client. Generally, the requests are of get type and most of the time they are in pending mode. Sometimes the result of requests is 2.
What do you think is the problem of sending repeated requests after connecting or doing anything with the socket?
This problem occurs when I use namespace . I tried all the solutions but this problem was not solved.
This is expected behavior when the option used for transport is polling (long-polling).
What happens is, by default, the transport parameter is ["polling", "websocket"] (client, server), where the sequence of elements matters. So, the first connection attempt is made via polling (which is faster to start compared to websocket), and then (or in parallel, I don't know the working details) there is a connection attempt by websocket (this takes a little longer to establish but is faster for later communication).
If the websocket connection is successfully established, the communication will be carried in this way. But if an error occurs, or the connection takes a long time to be established, or this transport option is not present in the instance's parameters, then the communication will continue being carried out through polling, which are the various requests that remain pending. It is normal for them to remain pending, so they receive an update and are able to inform the requester immediately, without the need for several quick requests consulting the application's status.
Check the instance parameters you set for this connection to find out if transport via websocket is enabled. Be careful when using the socket server behind a reverse proxy, as this reverse proxy needs to be properly configured to accept websocket connections, otherwise it won't work.
You can check the websocket requests in the browser inspection, Network tab, by enabling the WS filter.
Here are some additional links for you to read more about:

How to force TcpNetClientConnectionFactory to open a connection without sending a message?

I have a task to create a Spring-integration TCP client which should connect to a server and receive messages from it:
The server is responsible for sending "heartbeat" and data messages and doesn't expect any incoming messages from the client, except acknowledgements.
The client must open and maintain (reopen) a connection to the server.
As I understand, TcpNetClientConnectionFactory opens a connection only upon sending a message. Is there any way to open a connection without sending any data (something like SocketFactory.createSocket(host, port) does) and maintain it?
Please, investigate a TcpReceivingChannelAdapter and let us know why it doesn't work for you:

Is it possible to have server to server communication with websockets?

I'm trying to have 2 servers communicate with each other, I'm pretty new to websockets so its kind of confusing. Also, just to put it out there, i'm not trying to do this: websocket communication between servers;
My goal here is to basically use a socket to read data from another server (if this is possible?) I'll try to easily explain more below;
We'll assume there is a website called (going to this website returns an object)
With a normal HTTP request, you would just do:
$.get('').success(function (r) {
And this would return r, which is an object thats something like this {test:'1'};
Now from what I understand with websockets, is that you cannot return data from them because you don't actually 'request' data, you just send data through said socket.
Since I know what returns, and I know all of the headers that i'm going to need, is it possible to just open a socket with and wait for that data to be changed without requesting it?
I understand how client-server communication works with socketio/websockets im just not sure if its possible to do server-server communication.
If anyone has any links to documentation or anything trying to help explain, it would be much appreciated, I just want to learn how this works. (or if its even possible)
Yes, I you can do what (assuming I understood your needs correctly). You can establish a websocket connection between two servers and then either side can just send data to the other. That will trigger an event at the other server and it will receive the sent data as part of that event. You can do this operation either direction from serverA to serverB or vice versa or both.
In node.js, everything is event driven. So, you would establish the webSocket connection and then just set up an event handler to be triggered when data arrives. The other server can then just send new data whenever it has updated data to send. This is referred to as the "push" model. So, rather than serverA asking serverB is it has any new data, you establish the webSocket connection and serverB just sends new data to serverA whenever that new data is available. Done correctly, this is both more efficient and more timely (as there is no polling interval and no cycles wasted asking for data when there is nothing new).
The identical model can be used between servers or client to server. The only difference with the client/server model is that the webSocket must be initially established client to server. With the server to server model, either server can initiate the connection.
You can think of a webSocket connection like establishing a phone call. Once the phone call is established, either side can just say something and the other end hears what they're saying. The webSocket connection is similar. Once its established, either side can just send some data to the other end and the other end will receive it. It's an open pipeline ready to have data sent either way. In node.js, when data arrives on that pipeline, it triggers and event so the listener will get that event and see the data that was sent.

How to kill "CLOSE_WAIT" and "FIN_WAIT2" network connections

I created a game using node.js and All works well, but from time to time this game socket server doesn't respond to any connections. When I go to Process information -> Files and connections (in webmin), then I see there are many connections with CLOSE_WAIT and FIN_WAIT2 statuses. I think the problem is in these connections, because game fails when there are about 1,000 connections. Server OS is Ubuntu Linux 12.04.
How can I kill these connections or increase maximum allowed connections?
To add to Jim answer, i think there is a problem in your client handling of closing of socket connections . It seems your client is not closing the sockets properly(both server initiated and client initiated close) and that is the reason your server has so many wait states
You don't need to kill connections or increase the number allowed. You need to fix a defect in the application on one side of the connection, specifically, the side which does not initiate the close.
See Figure 13 of RFC 793. Your programs are at step 3 of the close sequence. The side which you see in FIN-WAIT-2 is behaving correctly. It has initiated the close and the TCP stack has sent a FIN packet on the network. The side in CLOSE-WAIT has the defect. The TCP stack on that side has received and acknowledged the FIN packet, but the application has failed to notice. How the application is expected to detect that the remote side has closed the connection will depend on your platform. Unfortunately, I am old, and don't know node.js or
What happens in C is that the socket appears readable, but a read() returns a zero-length packet. When the application sees this, it is expected to call close(). You will find something equivalent in the docs for node.js or
When you find it, considering answering your own question here and accepting the answer.
Linux has the SO_REUSEADDR option for setting socket parameters. It allows immediate reuse of the same port. Someone who knows your toolset can tell you how to set socket options. You may already know how. I do not know this toolset.
From older java docset:
