WARNING: Mac address to reach destination not found when send ipv6 packet - scapy

when try to send an ipv6 packet i get
WARNING: Mac address to reach destination not found. Using broadcast.
Finished sending 1 packets
when i send a packet to specific destination using ipv6 as following:
syn = IPv6(dst=destination,src=source) / TCP(sport=555,dport=80,flags="S")
syn_ack = sr1(syn,timeout=11)
this happend if i use the ipv6 while on ipv4 i dont see this issue
scapy version :2.4.3
platform: windows server 2019


Python3.6 Scapy receives ICMP responses even from dead hosts

Got strange stuff. Setup: VirtualBox + CentOs7 + python3.6 + scapy2.4.0
Got network with only 4-5 hosts active: gateway, CentOs in VirtualBos, PC on which VirtualBox running and something else.
Trying to do:
ans, unans = sr(IP(dst='')/ICMP(), iface = 'enp0s3', retry=0, timeout=1)
Begin emission: ...
Received 1822 packets, got 99 answers, remaining 1 packets
Results: TCP:0 UDP:0 ICMP:99 Other:0
Unanswered: TCP:0 UDP:0 ICMP:1 Other:0
ans[x] - are legit ICMP Reply packets.
unans[0] - no ICMP reply from CentOs VM itself
So looks like everything is alive instead of 4-5 hosts which actually are alive
What could be the possible reason ?
You want to know the possible reason, but scapy is not giving you enough details. So use tcpdump:
$ sudo tcpdump -e -c 200 icmp
Send the probe packets while tcpdump is running, in order to view address and timing details. It is possible you are seeing lots of perfectly normal ICMPs, for example port unreachable, or network unreachable. Tcpdump will tell you exactly what went over the network interface.

Pinging local domain returns unknown IPv6

I have a weird problem I can't solve due to my lack of knowledge.
I have a local server running Dnsmasq. On my computer (Windows 10) I have Acrylic DNS Proxy which directs all requests ending with .local to the local server. It works great, however one domain respons with an unknown IPv6 address.
> ping testdomain.local
Pinging TESTDOMAIN [IPv6 address] with 32 bytes of data:
Reply from IPv6 address: time<1ms
I can't figure out why testdomain.local is reversed to TESTDOMAIN. All my other local domains respons as expected:
> ping testdomain2.local
Pinging testdomain2.local [local server address] with 32 bytes of data:
Reply from local server address: bytes=32 time<1ms TTL=64

Domain refers to the local machine

Just was walking around till I tried to ping a domain .
But I surprised that it was the domain of the localhost !
I went to see what the wrong was , and how this domain set itself .
However,I didn't find anything that related to it in the localhost OS !
I tried to ping it via online ping service , and the surprise is here , it pings the localhost of the service host !
The domain is :
Is there any explanation ?
This should be migrated to superuser but the answer to your question is because the owners of that domain have an IP address of set...
$host securitytube.com
securitytube.com has address
securitytube.com mail is handled by 0 mail.happyisp.com.
$ping securitytube.com
PING securitytube.com ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from localhost.localdomain ( icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=0.089 ms
Most linux boxes will presume that's the loop-back address (Hence return Windows boxes appear to not do anything other than error out.
Pinging with 32 bytes of data:
PING: transmit failed. General failure.

Linux Mininet Scapy error

I am trying to launch scapy using Mininet and get this error:
IOError : [Errno 99] Cannot assign requested address
Error happens in
linux.py,line 151, in read_routes
ifreq = ioctl(s, SIOCGIFADDR,struct.pack("16s16x",LOOPBACK_NAME))
Any solutions or ideas?
note: host was added into existed network,may be this cause some misconfiguration
No loopback interface was added. Solution (from terminal):
ifconfig lo up
ifconfig lo

SRX FW configuration

Try configure SRX FW , try set static arp
[edit interfaces ge-0/0/3 unit 0 family inet address]
user#host# set arp mac 01:ff:85:7f:78:03
return :
Invalid unicast address at '01:ff:85:7f:78:03'
Why is this invalid?
Solved , happened IP is a Cluster IP which is Multicast mac
as simply say "mac" JunOS assumed unicast which is invalid
So say "multicast mac" and should be OK
