Unable to find the source of error dialogflow fulfillment - dialogflow-es

I am trying to create intent in which when the user sends a parameter, then it should be checked in the database that is already there or not. If it already exists user gets a response A and if not it is added to the database, & the user gets response B. I am using Axios to make the API calls. But the code is not working.
I am getting a following errors in the console.
TypeError: Cannot set property 'response' of undefined
at axios.get.then.response (/srv/index.js:33:18)
at <anonymous>
at process._tickDomainCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:229:7)"
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I am not a professional, I am doing all this coding by learning from online tutorials and youtube videos Please help.
function idHandler(agent) {
const idcard = agent.parameters.idcard;
const idvalue = ' ';
const idname= ' ';
axios.get('API' + idcard)
.then(response => {
this.response = response.data;
idvalue = this.response[0].IDcard;
idname = this.response[0].Name;
if (idcard === idvalue) {
const ans = 'Name of ' + idname + ' is already present in the List';
} else {
const data = [{
idcard: idcard
axios.post('API', data);

You have a few issues with both how to code for Dialogflow, and how to express some of the syntax correctly. Some of that is because it looks like you're mixing code that expects Promises with code that doesn't.
The axios library is meant to work with Promises - the get and post methods both return Promises. So you can either work with them by using an await method, or by using the .then() method that the returned Promise has. You may want to look up details of both.
Additionally, Dialogflow requires that you either return the Promise, or that your handler be an async function (which will return a Promise for you).
If you're using the .then() approach, however, then everything you do that relies on the call to axios must be done inside the .then() block and you must return that Promise. If you use await, then your function must be declared as an async function. (You can probably mix the two - but don't.)
So that part of your code might look something like:
return axios.get( url )
.then( response => {
// Do EVERYTHING in here
And inside the then() code block is where you would extract the values you want, call agent.add() with the message, and possibly make the API call to add data.
While this didn't get flagged as an error, you are trying to assign a value to a const after it is initially set. This is an error. Those should probably be declared using let instead.
Your error looks like it is saying that this is undefined. Which seems... odd. But also not really an issue since you probably don't need to be using this for most of what you're trying to do. If you scope the variables with let, then they should be available for the life of the function.


How to pass data in a promise chain, I am using sequelize

I am really struggling here. Admittedly I am no guru especially when it comes to node and asynchronous programming, I am an old C# .net developer so I am comfortable with code but struggling here.
Here's the back story, short and sweet. I have a pg database and I am using the sequelize ORM tools to create a relatively simple CRUD app.
Here's what I want to do.
Make a call to the findAll function on one object.
I need a piece of information from that first call so that I can make a subsequent call.
For instance. Lookup the current user to get their details, grab their ID and now lookup their display preferences.
I know I can run two requests that are not linked using Promise.all, here is an example of this already working.
var delConfig = deliverabiltyConfigs.findAll2(req.signedCookies.tsUser);
var delPack = deliverabilityPackages.findAll2();
Promise.all([delConfig, delPack]).then((results) =>{
res.render('index', { title: 'Deliverability Calculator', UserEmail : req.signedCookies.tsUser, UserName : req.signedCookies.tsUserName, data:results[0], packs:results[1]});
Where I am stuck is passing data from one promise to then next and needing them to run asynchronously.
Please help!
There are a few way you can do this. Either use promise chaining or with async & await.
Promise chaining might be the simplest way to do this now, but I would suggest using async await as its easier to read. Since you didn't really provide a sample of what you were trying to do I will make something generic that should hopefully help.
So using promise chaining you would do something like:
pgConnection.findAll().then((data) => {
const foo = data.foo;
pgConnection.findSomething(foo).then((data2) => {
What is happening here is once the promise from findAll() is resolved successfully it will call the .then method and will pass the resulting data there for you to use in your next db query and then I am just printing out the result of the final db query.
This is how you could do it using async & await:
async function getFoo() {
const data = await pgConnection.findAll();
const foo = data.foo;
const data2 = await pgConnection.findSomething(foo);
The await keyword can only be used inside of an async function so it might not be as simple to change as just using a .then promise chain.

NestJS async await requirement

I am trying out NestJS for the first time.
The question is simple, when I DO NOT use async await in my controller, I am able to return the data without await as async/await is used in the repository class methods
getMessage(#Param('id') id: string) {
const messageId = id;
// works just fine 👇
const message = this.messagesService.findOne(messageId);
return message;
But when I make use of NotFoundException from NEST to make sure if I found the data I am supposed to return, I am forced to use async/await because without it, it considers the message to be always there. Which I am assuming is a Promise.
async getMessage(#Param('id') id: string) {
const messageId = id;
// 👇 await
const message = await this.messagesService.findOne(messageId);
if (!message) {
throw new NotFoundException('Message with ID not found');
return message;
And if I do not use await, it does not throw an exception.
The question is, why/how does it work in the first example without the use of await
The await keyword returns a Promise. Therefore if you return a Promise you have satisfied the contract of returning a Promise.
I presume that Nest.js repository methods need to return a Promise. You have two choices. Either use the async keyword or return a Promise. In the first example you have returned a Promise so that is why it works.
Note that you don't need to use async if you don't want to. You can always go old school. This is what your first example would be like with the logic to check the message:
getMessage(#Param('id') id: string) {
const messageId = id;
// works just fine 👇
const promise = this.messagesService.findOne(messageId).then((message) => {
if (!message) {
throw new NotFoundException('Message with ID not found');
else {
return message;
return promise;
We know that in JS, program runs synchronously and findOne is a webAPI provided by the browser. As it is a webapi it will first send the line
const message = this.messagesService.findOne(messageId);
to the api and will return that function again to stack once all the data is received.
(Assuming you know how the event loop and api works in JS)
In the first function you are not checking the variable message(if it is true or false) you are just returning the value so it will return only if the value is present.
But in second function you are checking the var message, if that line is written without the await it will directly go to the "if" statement even before the data is received from the api(findOne) at that time message var would still be undefined. So once you write await, stack will not go to the next line unless the answer from api is received, and at time your if statement will be checked perfectly.
The answer to your question is in the architecture of nestjs/node itself. If you return a promise (your first case) it resolve it and then returns the value. To get more clear idea about this check jiripospisil on 3 Aug 2018 on this issue.

Accessing restAPI response outside function in nodejs

I want to be access array outside the function or outside the loop in nodejs. I written following code.
var result = [];
function setid (swfid){
crud.getswift(swfid).then(function (response) {
result = response;
// res.send(response);
}).catch(function (err) {
return ("error:" + err);
But its returning null. your suggestions please
You wrote a new statement in the function call and therefore you scoped it. This is one of the things wrong there. Apart from that, as the first person commenting to this answer mentioned, you have an async call here. Therefore, you need to return a promise from setid and wait for the response to get the result.
You're mixing your Aysnc logic with Sync. You won't get the response outside the .then function scope because there's no response available at the time you're trying to get the results.
Try using a callback in the promise - You'd need to invoke the function in the promise callback and send the response as function param, then play with the data.
> Promise / API call etc
.then(() => gotDataCallBack(data));
// handle your data and logic here.
// this will make sure you have the data available before you move ahead with
your application/manipulation logic.

Accessing outside variables inside the 'then' function

I am new to nodejs. Using bluebird promises to get the response of an array of HTTP API calls, and storing derived results in an ElasticSearch.
Everything is working fine, except I am unable to access the variables within the 'then' function. Below is my code:
Promise.map(bucket_paths, function(path) {
this.path = path;
return getJson.getStoreJson(things,path.path);
}, {concurrency:1}).then(function(bucketStats){
bucketStats.map(function(bucketStat) {
var bucket_stats_json = {};
bucket_stats_json.timestamp = new Date();
bucket_stats_json.name = path.name ==> NOT WORKING
How can I access the path.name variable within the 'then' ? Error says 'path' is undefined.
The best way to do this is to package the data you need from one part of the promise chain into the resolved value that is sent onto the next part of the chain. In your case with Promise.map(), you're sending an array of data onto the .then() handler so the cleanest way to pass each path down to the next stage is to make it part of each array entry that Promise.map() is resolving. It appears you can just add it to the bucketStat data structure with an extra .then() as show below. When you get the data that corresponds to a path, you then add the path into that data structure so later on when you're walking through all the results, you have the .path property for each object.
You don't show any actual result here so I don't know what you're ultimately trying to end up with, but hopefully you can get the general idea from this.
Also, I switched to Promise.mapSeries() since that's a shortcut when you want concurrency set to 1.
Promise.mapSeries(bucket_paths, function(path) {
return getJson.getStoreJson(things,path.path).then(bucketStat => {
// add the path into this item's data so we can get to it later
bucketStat.path = path;
return bucketStat;
return bucketStats.map(function(bucketStat) {
var bucket_stats_json = {};
bucket_stats_json.timestamp = new Date();
bucket_stats_json.name = bucketStat.path.name;
return bucket_status_json;

Wrapping/intercepting a promise in an inner function

I'm having difficulty finding an answer to my question, perhaps because I don't know how to ask it (what search terms to use). I'm really struggling to understand promises, and have watched a number of tutorial videos and am still not getting some fundamental piece to make it click.
In Node, I am using the request-promise module, which returns a promise when I make a call to an rp() method. I am calling
return rp(service);
from within a function. But what I want to do, instead, is add a .then() handler to this to do some post-processing with the result of the service call, BEFORE returning the promise back to the caller so the caller can still have its own then handler.
How do I accomplish this?
It would be helpful to see your current code to better understand where exactly you are struggling with.
In general, you can think of promises as a placeholder for some future value that you can chain together.
If I understood your question correctly, you would like to make a request to a server, receive the response, do something with the response and return it back to the caller.
const callService = (url) => {
// make sure to return your promise here
return rp(url)
.then((html) => {
// do something with html
return html;
Now you can call it like so -
.then((html) => {
}).catch((err) => {
// error handling
The common mistake is to omit the return statement in your top level function and subsequent then functions.
Feel free to provide additional details.
