This question is related to this post: Understanding do notation for simple Reader monad: a <- (*2), b <- (+10), return (a+b)
I don't care if a language is hard to understand if it promises to solve some problems that easy to understand languages give us. I've been promised that the impossibility of changing state in Haskell (and other functional languages) is a game changer and I do believe that. I've had too many bugs in my code related to state and I totally agree with this post that reasoning about the interaction of objects in OOP languages is near impossible because they can change states, and thus in order to reason about code we should consider all the possible permutations of these states.
However, I've been finding that reasoning about Haskell monads is also very hard. As you can see in the answers to the question I linked, we need a big diagram to understand 3 lines of the do notation. I always end up opening to desugar the do notation by hand and write step by step the >>= applications of the do notation in order to understand the code.
The problem is more or less like this: in the majority of the cases when we have S a >>= f we have to unwrap a from S and apply f to it. However, f is actually another thing more or less in the formS a >>= g, which we also have to unwrap and so on. Human brain doesn't work like that, we can't easily apply these things in the head and stop, keep them in the brain's stack, and continue applying the rest of the >>= until we reach the end. When the end is reached, we get all those things stored in the brain's stack and glue them together.
Therefore, I must be doing something wrong. There must be an easy way to understand '>>= composition' in the brain. I know that do notation is very simple, but I can only think of that as a way to easily write >>= compositions. When I see the do notation I simply translate it to a bunch of >>=. I don't see it as a separate way of understanding code. If there is a way, I'd like someone to tell me.
So the question is: how to read the do notation?
Given a simple code like
foo :: Monad m => m Int -> m Int -> m Int
foo x y = do
a <- y -- I'm intentionally doing y first; see the Either example
b <- x
return (a + b)
you can't say much about <- except that it "gets" an Int value from x or y. What "get" means depends very much on what m is.
Some examples:
m ~ Maybe
foo (Just 3) (Just 5) evaluates to Just 8; replace either argument with Nothing, and you get Nothing. <- tries to get a value out the Maybe Int value, but aborts the rest of the block if it fails.
m ~ Either a
Pretty much the same as Maybe, but replacing Nothing with the first Left value that it encounters. foo (Right 3) (Right 5) returns Right 8. foo x (Left "foo") returns Left "foo", whether x is a Right or Left value.
m ~ []
Now, instead of getting an Int, <- gets every Int from among the given choices. It does so nondeterministically; you can imagine that the function "forks" into multiple parallel copies, each one having chosen a different value from its list. In the end, the final result is a list of all the results that were computed.
foo [1,2] [3,4] returns [4, 5, 5, 6] ([3 + 1, 3 + 2, 4 + 1, 4 + 2]).
m ~ IO
This one is tricky, because unlike the previous monads we've looked at, there isn't necessarily a value yet to get. foo readLn readLn will return whatever the sum of the two numbers read from standard input is, with the possibility of a run-time error should the strings so read not be parseable as Int values.
You might think of it as working like the Maybe monad, but with run-time exceptions replacing Nothing.
Part 1: no need to go into the weeds
There is actually a very simple, easy to grasp, intuition behind monads: they encode the order of stuff happening. Like, first do this thing, then do the other thing, then do the third thing. For example:
executeMadDoctrine = do
wait oneYear
s <- evaluatePoliticalSituation
case s of
Stable -> do
printInNewspapers "We're going to live another day"
executeMadDoctrine -- recursive call
Unstable -> do
printInNewspapers "Run for your lives"
return ()
Or a slightly more realistic (and also compilable and executable) example:
main = do
putStrLn "What's your name?"
name <- getLine
if name == "EXIT" then
return ()
else do
putStrLn $ "Hi, " <> name
Simple. Just like Python. Human brain does, indeed, work exactly like this.
You see, you don't need to know how it all works inside, unless you start doing more advanced things. After all, you're probably not thinking about the order of cylinders firing every time you start your car, do you? You just hit the gas and it goes. It's the same with do.
Part 2: you picked a bad example
The example you picked in your previous question is not the best candidate for this stuff. The Monad instance for functions is indeed a bit brain-wrecking. Even I have to make a little effort to understand what's going on - and I've been doing Haskell professionally for quite some time.
The trouble here is mathematics. The bloody thing turns out unreasonably effective time after time, especially when nobody is asking it to.
Think about this: first we had perfectly good natural numbers that we could very well understand. I have two eyes, and you have one sword, I better run. But then it turned out that we need zero. Why the bloody hell do we need it? It's sacrilege! You can't write down something that isn't! But it turns out you have to have it. It unambiguously follows from the other stuff we know is true. And then we got irrational numbers. WTF is that? How do I even understand it? I can't have π oranges after all, can I? But they too must exist. It just follows. No way around it. And then complex numbers, transcendental, hypercomplex, unconstructible... My brain is boiling at this point.
It's sort of the same with monads: there is this peculiar mathematical object, and at some point somebody noticed that it's very good for expressing the order of computation, so we appropriated monads for that. But then it turns out that all kinds of things can be made to look like monads, mathematically speaking. No way around it, it just is.
And so we have all these funny instances. And the do notation still works for them, because they're monads (mathematically speaking), but it's no longer about order. Like, did you know that lists were monads too? But just like with functions, the interpretation for lists is not "order", it's nested loops. And if you combine lists with something else, you get non-determinism. Fun stuff.
But just like with different kinds of numbers, you can learn. You can build up intuition over time. Do you absolutely have to? See part 1.
Any long do chains can be re-arranged into the equivalent binary do, by the associativity law of monads, grouping everything on the right, as
do { A ; B ; C ; ... }
do { A ; r <- do { B ; C ; ... } ; return r }.
So we only need to understand this binary do form to understand everything else. And that is expressed as single >>= combination.
Then, treat do code's interpretation (for a particular monad) axiomatically instead, as a bunch of re-write rules. Convince yourself about the validity of those rules for a particular monad just once (yes, using possibly extensive >>=-based re-writes, once).
So, for the Reader monad from the question's linked entry,
(do { S f }) x === f x
(do { a <- S f ; return (h a) }) x === let {a = f x} in h a
=== h (f x)
(do { a <- S f ; === let {a = f x ;
b <- S g ; b = g x} in h a b
return (h a b) }) x === h (f x) (g x)
and any longer chain of lets is expressible as nested binary lets, equivalently.
The last one is liftM2 actually, so an argument could be made that understanding a particular monad means understanding its particular liftM2 (*), really.
And those Ss, we end up just ignoring them as noise, forced on us by Haskell syntax (well, that question didn't use them at all, but it could).
(*) more precisely, liftBind, (do { a <- S f ; b <- k a ; return (h a b) }) x === let {a = f x ; b = g x } in h a b where (S g) x === k a x. (specifically, this, after the words "the long version")
And so, your attitude of "When I see the do notation I simply translate it to a bunch of >>=. I don't see it as a separate way of understanding code" could actually be the problem.
do notation is your friend. Personally, I first hated it, then learned to love it, and now I see the >>=-based re-writes as its (low-level) implementation, more and more.
And, even more abstractly, do can equivalently be written as Monad Comprehensions, looking just like list comprehensions!
#chepner has already included in his answer quite a lot of what I would have said, but I wish to emphasise another aspect, which I feel is quite pertinent to this question: the fact that do notation is, for most developers, a much easier and more easily understandable way to work with any monadic expression which is at least moderately complex.
The reason for this is that, in an almost miraculous way, do blocks end up very much resembling code written in an imperative language. Imperative style code is much easier to understand for the majority of developers, and not only because it's by far the most common paradigm: it gives an explicit "recipe" for what a piece of code is doing, whereas more typical Haskell expressions, particularly monadic ones involving nested lambdas and >>= everywhere, very easily become difficult to comprehend.
In saying this I certainly do not mean that one should code in an imperative language as opposed to Haskell. The advantages of the pure functional style are well documented and seemingly well understood by the OP, so I will not go into them here. But Haskell's do notation allows one to write code in an imperative-looking "style", which therefore is explicit and easier to comprehend - at least on a small scale - while sacrificing none of the advantages of using a pure functional language.
This "imperative style" of do notation is, I feel, more visible with some monads than others, and I wish to illustrate my point with examples from a couple of monads which I find suit the "imperative style" well. First, IO, where I can give this simple example:
greet :: IO ()
greet = do
putStrLn "Hello, what is your name?"
name <- readLine
putStrLn $ "Pleased to meet you, " ++ name ++ "!"
I hope it's immediately obvious what this code does, when executed by the Haskell runtime. What I wish to emphasise is how similar it is to imperative code, for example, this Python translation (which is not the most idiomatic, but has been chosen to exactly match the Haskell code line for line).
def greet():
print("Hello, what is your name?")
name = input()
print("Pleased to meet you, " + name + "!")
Now ask yourself, how easy would the code be to understand in its desugared from, without do?
greet = putStrLn "Hello, what is your name?" >> readLine >>= \name -> putStrLn $ "Pleased to meet you, " ++ name ++ "!"
It's not particularly difficult, granted - but I hope you agree that it's much more "noisy" than the do block above. I can't speak for others, but I very much doubt I'm alone in saying that the latter version might take me 10-20 seconds or so to fully comprehend, whereas the do block is instantly comprehensible. And this of course is an extremely simple action - anything more complicated, as found in many real-world applications, makes the difference in comprehensibility much greater.
I have chosen IO for a reason, of course - I think it's in dealing with IO in particular that it's most natural to think in terms of "do this action, then if the result is that then do the next action, otherwise...". While the semantics of the IO monad fits this perfectly, it's much easier to translate the code into something like that when written in quasi-imperative notation than it is to use >>= directly. And the do notation is easier to write, too.
But although IO is the clearest example of this, it's certainly not the only one. Another great example is the State monad. Here's a simple example of using it to find the sum of a list of integers (and I know you wouldn't actually do that this way, but it's just a very simple example of some not-totally-trivial code that used this monad):
sumList :: State [Int] Int
sumList = go 0
where go subtotal = do
remaining <- get
case remaining of
[] -> return subtotal
(x:xs) -> do
put xs
go $ subtotal + X
Here, in my opinion, the steps are very clear - the auxiliary function go successively adds the first element of the list to the running total, while updating the internal state with the tail of the list. When there is no more list, it returns the running total. (Given the above, the function evalState sumList will take an actual list and sum it.)
One can probably come up with better examples (particularly ones where the calculation involved isn't trivial to do in other ways), but my point is hopefully still clear: rewriting the above with >>= and lambdas would make it much less comprehensible.
do notation is, in my opinion, why the often-quoted quip about Haskell being "the world's finest imperative language", has more than a grain of truth. By using and defining different monads one can write easily understandable "imperative" code in a wide variety of situations - while still having guarantees that various functions can't, for example, change global state. It's in many ways the best of both worlds.
I quite like Haskell, but space leaks are a bit of a concern for me. I usually think Haskell's type system makes it safer than C++, however with a C-style loop I can be fairly certain it will complete without running out of memory, whereas a Haskell "fold" can run out of memory unless you're careful that the appropriate fields are strict.
I was wondering if there's a library that uses the Haskell type system to ensure various constructs can be compiled and run in a way that doesn't build up thunks. For example, no_thunk_fold would throw a compiler error if one was using it in a way that could build up thunks. I understand this may restrict what I can do, but I'd like a few functions I can use as an option which would make me more confident I haven't accidentally left an important unstrict field somewhere and that I'm going to run out of space.
It sounds like you are worried about some of the down sides of lazy evaluation. You want to ensure your fold, loop, recursion is handled in constant memory.
The iteratee libraries were created solve this problem,
The most popular and also recent are
pipes and
conduit. Both of which go beyond the iteratee model.
pipes library focuses on being theoretically sound in an effort to eliminate bugs and to allow the constancy of design open up efficient yet high levels of abstraction(my words not the authors). It also offers bidirectional streams if desired which is a benefit so far unique to the library.
conduit is not quite as theoretically as well founded as pipes but has the large benefit of currently having more associated libraries built on it for parsing and handling http streams, xml streams and more. Check out the conduit section at hackage in on the packages page. It is used
yesod one of Haskell's larger and well known web frameworks.
I have enjoyed writing my streaming applications with pipes library in particular the ability to make proxy transformer stacks. When I have needed to fetch a web page or parse some xml I have been using the conduit libraries.
I should also mention
io-streams which just did its first official release. It's aim is at IO in particular, no surprise it is in its name, and utilizing simpler type machinery, fewer type parameters, then
pipes or
conduit. The major down side is that you are stuck in the IO monad so it is not very helpful to pure code.
{-# language NoMonoMorphismRestriction #-}
import Control.Proxy
Start with simple translation.
map (+1) [1..10]
runProxy $ mapD (+1) <-< fromListS [1..10]
The iteratee like offerings a little more verbose for simple translations, but offer large wins with larger examples.
A example of a proxy, pipes library, that generates fibonacci numbers in constant sapce
fibsP = runIdentityK $ (\a -> do respond 1
respond 1
go 1 1)
go fm2 fm1 = do -- fm2, fm1 represents fib(n-2) and fib(n-1)
let fn = fm2 + fm1
respond fn -- sends fn downstream
go fm1 fn
These could streamed to the stdout with
runProxy $ fibsP >-> printD -- printD prints only the downstream values, Proxies are the bidirectional offer of the pipes package.
You should check out the proxy tutorial and the conduit tutorial which I just found out is now at FP Complete's school of Haskell.
One method to find the mean would be:
> ((_,l),s) <- (`runStateT` 0) $ (`runStateT` 0) $ runProxy $ foldlD' ( flip $ const (+1)) <-< raiseK (foldlD' (+)) <-< fromListS [1..10::Int]
> let m = (fromIntegral . getSum) s / (fromIntegral . getSum) l
Now it is easy to add map or filter the proxy.
> ((_,l),s) <- (`runStateT` 0) $ (`runStateT` 0) $ runProxy $ foldlD' ( flip $ const (+1)) <-< raiseK (foldlD' (+)) <-< filterD even <-< fromListS [1..10::Int]
edit: code rewritten to take advantage of the state monad.
On more method of doing multiple calculation over a large stream of data in a compassable fashion then writing direct recursion is demonstrated in the blog post beautiful folding. Folds are turned into data and combined while using a strict accumulator. I have not used this method with any regularity, but it does seem to isolate where strictness is required making it easier to apply. You should also look at an answer to another question similar question that implements the same method with applicative and may be easier to read depending on your predilections.
Haskell's type system can't do that. We can prove this with a fully polymorphic term to eat arbitrary amounts of ram.
takeArbitraryRAM :: Integer -> a -> a
takeArbitraryRAM i a = last $ go i a where
go n x | n < 0 = [x]
go n x | otherwise = x:go (n-1) x
To do what you want requires substructural types. Linear logic corresponds to an efficiently computable fragment of the lambda calculus (you would also need to control recursion though). Adding the structure axioms allows you to take super exponential time.
Haskell lets you fake linear types for the purposes of managing some resources using index monads. Unfortunately space and time are baked in to the language, so you can't do that for them. You can do what is suggested in a comment, and use a Haskell DSL to generate code that has performance bounds, but computing terms in this DSL could take arbitrary long and use arbitrary space.
Don't worry about space leaks. Catch them. Profile. Reason about your code to prove complexity bounds. This stuff you just have to do no matter what language you are using.
I'm working on implementing the UCT algorithm in Haskell, which requires a fair amount of data juggling. Without getting into too much detail, it's a simulation algorithm where, at each "step," a leaf node in the search tree is selected based on some statistical properties, a new child node is constructed at that leaf, and the stats corresponding to the new leaf and all of its ancestors are updated.
Given all that juggling, I'm not really sharp enough to figure out how to make the whole search tree a nice immutable data structure à la Okasaki. Instead, I've been playing around with the ST monad a bit, creating structures composed of mutable STRefs. A contrived example (unrelated to UCT):
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.ST
import Data.STRef
data STRefPair s a b = STRefPair { left :: STRef s a, right :: STRef s b }
mkStRefPair :: a -> b -> ST s (STRefPair s a b)
mkStRefPair a b = do
a' <- newSTRef a
b' <- newSTRef b
return $ STRefPair a' b'
derp :: (Num a, Num b) => STRefPair s a b -> ST s ()
derp p = do
modifySTRef (left p) (\x -> x + 1)
modifySTRef (right p) (\x -> x - 1)
herp :: (Num a, Num b) => (a, b)
herp = runST $ do
p <- mkStRefPair 0 0
replicateM_ 10 $ derp p
a <- readSTRef $ left p
b <- readSTRef $ right p
return (a, b)
main = print herp -- should print (10, -10)
Obviously this particular example would be much easier to write without using ST, but hopefully it's clear where I'm going with this... if I were to apply this sort of style to my UCT use case, is that wrong-headed?
Somebody asked a similar question here a couple years back, but I think my question is a bit different... I have no problem using monads to encapsulate mutable state when appropriate, but it's that "when appropriate" clause that gets me. I'm worried that I'm reverting to an object-oriented mindset prematurely, where I have a bunch of objects with getters and setters. Not exactly idiomatic Haskell...
On the other hand, if it is a reasonable coding style for some set of problems, I guess my question becomes: are there any well-known ways to keep this kind of code readable and maintainable? I'm sort of grossed out by all the explicit reads and writes, and especially grossed out by having to translate from my STRef-based structures inside the ST monad to isomorphic but immutable structures outside.
I don't use ST much, but sometimes it is just the best solution. This can be in many scenarios:
There are already well-known, efficient ways to solve a problem. Quicksort is a perfect example of this. It is known for its speed and in-place behavior, which cannot be imitated by pure code very well.
You need rigid time and space bounds. Especially with lazy evaluation (and Haskell doesn't even specify whether there is lazy evaluation, just that it is non-strict), the behavior of your programs can be very unpredictable. Whether there is a memory leak could depend on whether a certain optimization is enabled. This is very different from imperative code, which has a fixed set of variables (usually) and defined evaluation order.
You've got a deadline. Although the pure style is almost always better practice and cleaner code, if you are used to writing imperatively and need the code soon, starting imperative and moving to functional later is a perfectly reasonable choice.
When I do use ST (and other monads), I try to follow these general guidelines:
Use Applicative style often. This makes the code easier to read and, if you do switch to an immutable version, much easier to convert. Not only that, but Applicative style is much more compact.
Don't just use ST. If you program only in ST, the result will be no better than a huge C program, possibly worse because of the explicit reads and writes. Instead, intersperse pure Haskell code where it applies. I often find myself using things like STRef s (Map k [v]). The map itself is being mutated, but much of the heavy lifting is done purely.
Don't remake libraries if you don't have to. A lot of code written for IO can be cleanly, and fairly mechanically, converted to ST. Replacing all the IORefs with STRefs and IOs with STs in Data.HashTable was much easier than writing a hand-coded hash table implementation would have been, and probably faster too.
One last note - if you are having trouble with the explicit reads and writes, there are ways around it.
Algorithms which make use of mutation and algorithms which do not are different algorithms. Sometimes there is a strightforward bounds-preserving translation from the former to the latter, sometimes a difficult one, and sometimes only one which does not preserve complexity bounds.
A skim of the paper reveals to me that I don't think it makes essential use of mutation -- and so I think a potentially really nifty lazy functional algorithm could be developed. But it would be a different but related algorithm to that described.
Below, I describe one such approach -- not necessarily the best or most clever, but pretty straightforward:
Here's the setup a I understand it -- A) a branching tree is constructed B) payoffs are then pushed back from the leafs to the root which then indicates the best choice at any given step. But this is expensive, so instead, only portions of the tree are explored to the leafs in a nondeterministic manner. Furthermore, each further exploration of the tree is determined by what's been learned in previous explorations.
So we build code to describe the "stage-wise" tree. Then, we have another data structure to define a partially explored tree along with partial reward estimates. We then have a function of randseed -> ptree -> ptree that given a random seed and a partially explored tree, embarks on one further exploration of the tree, updating the ptree structure as we go. Then, we can just iterate this function over an empty seed ptree to get a list of increasingly more sampled spaces in the ptree. We then can walk this list until some specified cutoff condition is met.
So now we've gone from one algorithm where everything is blended together to three distinct steps -- 1) building the whole state tree, lazily, 2) updating some partial exploration with some sampling of a structure and 3) deciding when we've gathered enough samples.
It's can be really difficult to tell when using ST is appropriate. I would suggest you do it with ST and without ST (not necessarily in that order). Keep the non-ST version simple; using ST should be seen as an optimization, and you don't want to do that until you know you need it.
I have to admit that I cannot read the Haskell code. But if you use ST for mutating the tree, then you can probably replace this with an immutable tree without losing much because:
Same complexity for mutable and immutable tree
You have to mutate every node above the new leaf. An immutable tree has to replace all nodes above the modified node. So in both cases the touched nodes are the same, thus you don't gain anything in complexity.
For e.g. Java object creation is more expensive than mutation, so maybe you can gain a bit here in Haskell by using mutation. But this I don't know for sure. But a small gain does not buy you much because of the next point.
Updating the tree is presumably not the bottleneck
The evaluation of the new leaf will probably be much more expensive than updating the tree. At least this is the case for UCT in computer Go.
Use of the ST monad is usually (but not always) as an optimization. For any optimization, I apply the same procedure:
Write the code without it,
Profile and identify bottlenecks,
Incrementally rewrite the bottlenecks and test for improvements/regressions,
The other use case I know of is as an alternative to the state monad. The key difference being that with the state monad the type of all of the data stored is specified in a top-down way, whereas with the ST monad it is specified bottom-up. There are cases where this is useful.
I like reading snippets of code about concepts that I don't understand. Are there any snippets that show off monads in all their glory? More importantly how can I apply monads to make my job easier.
I use jQuery heavily. That's one cool application of monads I know of.
Like others, I think the question is far too general. I think most answers (like mine) will give examples of something neat making use of one specific monad. The real power of monads is that, once you understand them as an abstraction, you can apply that knowledge to any new monads you come across (and in Haskell there are a lot). This in turn means you can easily figure out what new code does and how to use it because you already know the interface and some rules that govern its behavior.
Anyway, here's an example using the List monad from a test-running script I wrote:
runAll :: IO ()
runAll = do
curdir <- getCurrentDirectory
sequence $ runTest <$> srcSets <*> optExeFlags <*> optLibFlags
setCurrentDirectory curdir
Technically I'm using the Applicative interface, but you can just change the <*>'s to ap from Control.Monad if that bothers you.
The cool thing about this is that it calls runTest for every combination of arguments from the lists "srcSets", "optExeFlags", and "optLibFlags" in order to generate profiling data for each of those sets. I think this is much nicer than what I would have done in C (3 nested loops).
Your question is really vague -- it's like asking, "show an example of code that uses variables". It's so intrinsic to programming that any code is going to be an example. So, I'll just give you the most-recently-visited Haskell function that's still open in my editor, and explain why I used monadic control flow.
It's a code snippet from my xmonad config file. It is part of the implementation for a layout that behaves in a certain way when there is one window to manage, and in another way for more than one window. This function takes a message and generates a new layout. If we decide that there is no change to be made, however, we return Nothing:
handleMessage' :: AlmostFull a -> SomeMessage -> Int -> Maybe (AlmostFull a)
handleMessage' l#(AlmostFull ratio delta t) m winCount =
case winCount of
-- keep existing Tall layout, maybe update ratio
0 -> finalize (maybeUpdateRatio $ fromMessage m) (Just t)
1 -> finalize (maybeUpdateRatio $ fromMessage m) (Just t)
-- keep existing ratio, maybe update Tall layout
_ -> finalize (Just ratio) (pureMessage t m)
finalize :: Maybe Rational -> Maybe (Tall a) -> Maybe (AlmostFull a)
finalize ratio t = ratio >>= \ratio -> t >>= \t ->
return $ AlmostFull ratio delta t
maybeUpdateRatio :: Message -> Maybe Rational
maybeUpdateRatio (Just Shrink) = Just (max 0 $ ratio-delta)
maybeUpdateRatio (Just Expand) = Just (min 1 $ ratio+delta)
maybeUpdateRatio _ = Nothing
We decide what to return based on the current window manager state (which is determined by a computation in the X monad, whose result we pass to this function to keep the actual logic pure) -- if there are 0 or 1 windows, we pass the message to the AlmostFull layout and let it decide what to do. That's the f function. It returns Just the new ratio if the message changes the ratio, otherwise it returns Nothing. The other half is similar; it passes the message onto Tall's handler if there are 2 or more windows. That returns Just a new Tall layout if that's what the user asked for, otherwise it returns Nothing.
The finalize function is the interesting part; it extracts both ratio (the desired new ratio) and t (the desired new Tall layout) from its Maybe wrapper. This means that both have to be not Nothing, otherwise we automatically return Nothing from our function.
The reason we used the Maybe monad here was so that we could write a function contingent on all results being available, without having to write any code to handle the cases where a Nothing appeared.
Essentially, monads are "imperative minilanguages". Hence, they enable you to use any imperative construct like exceptions (Maybe), logging (Writer), Input/Output (IO), State (State), non-determinism (lists [a]), parsers (Parsec, ReadP) or combinations thereof.
For more advanced examples, have a look at the example code for my operational package. In particular,
WebSessionState.lhs implements web sessions that are programmed as if the server were a persistent process while they are in fact delivered asynchronously.
TicTacToe.hs shows a game engine where players and AI are written as if they were running in concurrent processes.
I've been looking into Haskell and Information Flow security. This paper is pretty interesting, it uses Monads to enforce confidentiality in Haskell Programs.
Here is something that I did recently that might show off some of the power of monads. The actual code is not shown here to protect the innocent, this is just a sketch.
Let's say you want to search through some dictionary and depending on what you find you want to do some other search. The searches might return Nothing (the element you are looking for doesn't exist) in which case you might try a different search, and if all searches fail you return Nothing.
The idea is to make our own monad by combining monad transformers, and then we can easily make some combinators for searches. Our monad will be ReaderT Dictionary Maybe. And we define the functions find wich looks up a given key, both which will return a the list of elements it found in both of the searches and oneOf which takes two searches and tries the first and if it didn't succeed it tries the second. Here is an example of such a search:
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.Reader
find a = ReaderT (lookup a)
both a b = liftM2 (++) a b
oneOf = mplus
search = both (find 1) ((find 2) `oneOf` (find 3))
`oneOf` both (find 4) (find 5)
And running:
(runReaderT search) [(1,"a"),(3,"c"),(4,"d"),(5,"g")] --> Just "ac"
(runReaderT search) [(6,"a")] --> Nothing
The big advantage we gain from this being a monad is that we can bind searches together and lift other functions into this abstraction. Let's say for instance, I have two searches search_a and search_b, and I want to do them and then return them merged:
do a <- search_a
b <- search_b
return (merge a b)
or alternatively liftM2 merge search_a search_b.
I'm working on a small concept project in Haskell which requires a circular buffer. I've managed to create a buffer using arrays which has O(1) rotation, but of course requires O(N) for insertion/deletion. I've found an implementation using lists which appears to take O(1) for insertion and deletion, but since it maintains a left and right list, crossing a certain border when rotating will take O(N) time. In an imperative language, I could implement a doubly linked circular buffer with O(1) insertion, deletion, and rotation. I'm thinking this isn't possible in a purely functional language like Haskell, but I'd love to know if I'm wrong.
If you can deal with amortized O(1) operations, you could probably use either Data.Sequence from the containers package, or Data.Dequeue from the dequeue package. The former uses finger trees, while the latter uses the "Banker's Dequeue" from Okasaki's Purely Functional Data Structures (a prior version online here).
The ST monad allows to describe and execute imperative algorithms in Haskell. You can use STRefs for the mutable pointers of your doubly linked list.
Self-contained algorithms described using ST are executed using runST. Different runST executions may not share ST data structures (STRef, STArray, ..).
If the algorithm is not "self contained" and the data structure is required to be maintained with IO operations performed in between its uses, you can use stToIO to access it in the IO monad.
Regarding whether this is purely functional or not - I guess it's not?
It sounds like you might need something a bit more complicated than this (since you mentioned doubly-linked lists), but maybe this will help. This function acts like map over a mutable cyclic list:
mapOnCycling f = concat . tail . iterate (map f)
Use like:
*Main> (+1) `mapOnCycling` [3,2,1]
And here's one that acts like mapAccumL:
mapAccumLOnCycling f acc xs =
let (acc', xs') = mapAccumL f acc xs
in xs' ++ mapAccumLOnCycling f acc' xs'
Anyway, if you care to elaborate even more on what exactly your data structure needs to be able to "do" I would be really interested in hearing about it.
EDIT: as camccann mentioned, you can use Data.Sequence for this, which according to the docs should give you O1 time complexity (is there such a thing as O1 amortized time?) for viewing or adding elements both to the left and right sides of the sequence, as well as modifying the ends along the way. Whether this will have the performance you need, I'm not sure.
You can treat the "current location" as the left end of the Sequence. Here we shuttle back and forth along a sequence, producing an infinite list of values. Sorry if it doesn't compile, I don't have GHC at the moment:
shuttle (viewl-> a <: as) = a : shuttle $ rotate (a+1 <| as)
where rotate | even a = rotateForward
| otherwise = rotateBack
rotateBack (viewr-> as' :> a') = a' <| as'
rotateForward (viewl-> a' <: as') = as' |> a'