Speeding up dataframe.to_excel operations by a GPU - python-3.x

I was working on extracting some data wherein I constantly need to manipulate some part of fetched data and then append it to another dataframe which contains the combined dataset. I constantly save the dataframe using dataframe.to_excel. Since there is a lot of data, it has started to become a time taking operation, reading the previous file, appending and saving it again, inspite of ample of CPU and RAM. I am using GCP, an N1 type 8vCPU along a 30GB memory. Moreover since I am running various instances of the same script for various projects together, would using a GPU speed these things up ?

I never did it by myself but I think this is possible by using some Pandas alternative.
I found this thread which users seems to provide some solutions to a similar question.

I too have not tried this. I could offer couple of suggestions
rather than to_excel try to use to_csv probably there might be small gains.
you can try this library https://github.com/modin-project/modin, this library seems to make the read and operations faster, but i am not sure able to the write operations.
or you could move it to to_excel line to a different function and perform that operation by spinning out a new thread.


Confusion about the data location when applying Scikit-learn on cluster (Dask)

I'm currently working on implementing machine learning (Scikit-Learn) from a single machine to a Slurm cluster via dask. According to some tutorials (e.g. https://examples.dask.org/machine-learning/scale-scikit-learn.html), it's quite simple by using job_lib.parallel_backend('dask'). However, the location of the read in data confuses me and none of the tutorials mention it. Should I use dask.dataframe to read in data to make sure it is passed to the cluster or it doesn't matter if I just read in it using pd.dataframe (then the data is stored in the RAM of which machine I run the Jupiter notebook)?
Thank you very much.
If your data is small enough (which it is in the tutorial), and preprocessing steps are rather trivial, then it is okay to read in with pandas. This will read the data in to your local session, not yet any of the dask workers. Once you call with joblib.parallel_backend('dask'), the data will be copied to each worker process and the scikit work will be done there.
If your data is large or you have intensive preprocessing steps its best to "load" the data with dask, and then use dask's built-in preprocessing and grid search where possible. In this case the data will actually be loaded directly from the workers, because of dask's lazy execution paradigm. Dask's grid search will also cache repeated steps of the cross validation and can speed up computation immensely. More can be found here: https://ml.dask.org/hyper-parameter-search.html

What is the best beetween multiple small h5 files or one huge?

I'm working with huge sattelite data that i'm splitting into small tiles to feed a deep learning model. I'm using pytorch, which means the data loader can work with multiple thread.
[settings : python, Ubuntu 18.04]
I can't find any answer of which is the best in term of data accessing and storage between :
registering all the data in one huge HDF5 file (over 20Go)
splitting it into multiple (over 16 000) small HDF5 files (approx
Is there any problem of multiple access of one file by multiple thread ? and in the other case is there an impact of having that amount of files ?
I would go for multiple files if I were you (but read till the end).
Intuitively, you could load at least some files into memory speeding the process a little bit (it is unlikely you would able to do so with 20GB, if you are, than you definitely should as RAM access is much faster).
You could cache those examples (inside custom torch.utils.data.Dataset instance) during the first past and retrieve cached examples (say in list or other more memory-efficient data structure with better cache-locality preferably) instead of reading from disk (similar approach to the one in Tensorflow's tf.data.Dataset object and it's cache method).
On the other hand, this approach is more cumbersome and harder to implement correctly,
though if you are only reading the file with multiple threads you should be fine and there shouldn't be any locks on this operation.
Remember to measure your approach with pytorch's profiler (torch.utils.bottleneck) to pinpoint exact problems and verify solutions.

What is the best way to process more than 7 MB JSON file in Node

I have a large file of JSON (over 7 MB) and I want to iterate it to find my match data.
Is it a good a way to read the entire file in memory and keep it for next call or there are other ways which have better performance and a few memory using?
Data stored in the JSON format is meant to be read in all at once. That's how the format works. It's not a format that you would generally incrementally search without first reading all the data in. While there are some modules that support streaming it in and somewhat examining it incrementally, that is not what the format was intended for, nor what it is best suited for.
So, you really have several questions to ask yourself:
Can you read the whole block of data into memory at once and parse it into Javascript?
Is the amount of memory it takes to do that OK in your environment?
Is the time to do that OK for your application?
Can you cache it in memory for awhile so you can more efficiently access it the next time you need something from it?
Or, should this data really be in a database that supports efficient searches and efficient modifications with far lower memory usage and much better performance?
If you're OK with the first four questions, then just read it in, parse it and keep the resulting Javascript object in memory. If you're not OK with any of the first four questions, then you probably should put the data into a format that can more efficiently be queried without loading it all into memory (e.g. a simple database).

Spark: Importing Data

I currently have a spark app that reads a couple of files and forms a data frame out of them and implements some logic on the data frames.
I can see the number and size of these files growing by a lot in the future and wanted to understand what goes on behind the scenes to be able to keep up with this growth.
Firstly, I just wanted to double check that since all machines on the cluster can access the files (which is a requirement by spark), the task of reading in data from these files is distributed and no one machine is burdened by it?
I was looking at the Spark UI for this app but since it only shows what actions were performed by which machines and since "sc.textFile(filePath)" is not an action I couldn't be sure what machines are performing this read.
Secondly, what advantages/disadvantages would I face if I were to read this data from a database like Cassandra instead of just reading in files?
Thirdly, in my app I have some code where I perform a collect (val treeArr = treeDF.collect()) on the dataframe to get an array and then I have some logic implemented on those arrays. But since these are not RDDs, how does Spark distribute this work? Or does it distribute them at all?
In other words, should I be doing maximum amount of my work transforming and performing actions on RDDs than converting them into arrays or some other data structure and then implementing the logic like I would in any programming language?
I am only about two weeks into Spark so I apologize if these are stupid questions!
Yes, sc.textFile is distributed. It even has an optional minPartitions argument.
This question is too broad. But the short answer is that you should benchmark it for yourself.
collect fetches all the data to the master. After that it's just a plain array. Indeed the idea is that you should not use collect if you want to perform distributed computations.

Grails Excel import fails for huge data

I am using grails 2.3.7 and the latest excel-import plugin (1.0.0). My requirement is that I need to copy the contents of an excel sheet completely as it is into the database. My database is mssql server 2012.
I have got the code working for the development version. The code works fine when the number of records are few or may be upto a few hundreds.
But while in production the excel sheet will be having as many as 50,000 rows and over 75 columns.
Initially I faced a data out of memory exception. I increased the heap size to as much as 8GB, but now the thread keeps running on and on without termination. No errors are generated.
Please note that this is a once in while operation and it will be carried out by a person who will ensure that this operation does not hamper other operations running parellely. So need to worry about the huge load of this operation. I can afford to run it.
When the records are upto 10,000 with the same number of columns the data gets copied in around 5 mins. If now I have 50,000 rows then the time taken should ideally be around 5 times more, which is around 25 mins. But the code kept running for more than an hour without termination.
Any idea how to go about this issue. Any help is highly appreciated.
If you load 5 times more data in memory, it doesn't always take 5 times more. I guess that most of 8GB are in virtual memory and the virtual memory is very slow on hardware. Try to decrease the memory, run some memory tests and try to use as much as possible the RAM.
In my experience, a normal problem with large batch operations in Grails. I think you have memory leaks that radically slow down the operation as it proceeds.
My solution has been to use an ETL tool such as Pentaho Kettle for the import, or chunk the import into manageable pieces. See this related question:
Insert 10,000,000+ rows in grails
Not technically an answer to your problem, but have you considered just using CSV instead of of excel?
From a users point of view, saving as a CSV before importing is not a lot of work.
I am loading, validating and saving CSVs with 200-300 000 rows without a hitch.
Just make sure you have the logic in a service so it puts a transaction around it.
A bit more code to decode csv maybe, especially to translate to various primitives, but it should be orders of magnitude faster.
