How to get the processed results from dramatiq python? - python-3.x

import dramatiq
from dramatiq.brokers.redis import RedisBroker
from dramatiq.results import Results
from dramatiq.results.backends import RedisBackend
broker = RedisBroker(host="", port=6379)
# backend = RedisBackend()
# broker.add_middleware(Results(backend=backend))
def print_words(text):
print('This is ' + text)
a = print_words.send('async')
I was checking alternatives to celery and found Dramatiq. I'm just getting started with dramatiq and I'm unable to retrieve results. I even tried setting the backend and 'save_results' to True. I'm always getting this AttributeError: 'Message' object has no attribute 'get_results'
Any idea on how to get the result?

You were on the right track with adding a result backend. The way to instruct an actor to store results is store_results=True, not save_results and the method to retrieve results is get_result(), not get_results.

When you run get_result() with block=False, you should wait the worker set result ready, like this:
while True:
res = a.get_result(backend=backend)
except dramatiq.results.errors.ResultMissing:
# do something like retry N times.


Launching parallel tasks: Subprocess output triggers function asynchronously

The example I will describe here is purely conceptual so I'm not interested in solving this actual problem.
What I need to accomplish is to be able to asynchronously run a function based on a continuous output of a subprocess command, in this case, the windows ping -t command and based on the time value from the replies I want to trigger the startme function. Now inside this function, there will be some more processing done, including some database and/or network-related calls so basically I/O processing.
My best bet would be that I should use Threading but for some reason, I can't get this to work as intended. Here is what I have tried so far:
First of all I tried the old way of using Threads like this:
import subprocess
import re
import asyncio
import time
import threading
def startme(mytime: int):
print(f"Mytime {mytime} was started!")
time.sleep(mytime) ## including more long operation functions here such as database calls and even some time.sleep() - if possible
print(f"Mytime {mytime} finished!")
myproc = subprocess.Popen(['ping', '', '-t'], shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
def main():
while True:
output = myproc.stdout.readline()
if myproc.poll() is not None:
myoutput = output.strip().decode(encoding="UTF-8")
mytime = re.findall("(?<=time\=)(.*)(?=ms\s)", myoutput)
mytime = int(mytime[0])
if mytime < 197:
# startme(int(mytime[0]))
p1 = threading.Thread(target=startme(mytime), daemon=True)
# p1 = threading.Thread(target=startme(mytime)) # tried with and without the daemon
# p1.join()
But right after startme() fire for the first time, the pings stop showing and they are waiting for the startme.time.sleep() to finish.
I did manage to get this working using the concurrent.futures's ThreadPoolExecutor but when tried to replace the time.sleep() with the actual database query I found out that my startme() function will never complete so no Mytime xxx finished! message is ever shown nor any database entry is being made.
import sqlite3
import subprocess
import re
import asyncio
import time
# import threading
# import multiprocessing
from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor
from concurrent.futures import ProcessPoolExecutor
conn = sqlite3.connect('test.db')
c = conn.cursor()
'''CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS mytable (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, u1, u2, u3, u4)''')
def startme(mytime: int):
print(f"Mytime {mytime} was started!")
# time.sleep(mytime) ## including more long operation functions here such as database calls and even some time.sleep() - if possible
c.execute("INSERT INTO mytable VALUES (null, ?, ?, ?, ?)",(1,2,3,mytime))
print(f"Mytime {mytime} finished!")
myproc = subprocess.Popen(['ping', '', '-t'], shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
def main():
while True:
output = myproc.stdout.readline()
myoutput = output.strip().decode(encoding="UTF-8")
mytime = re.findall("(?<=time\=)(.*)(?=ms\s)", myoutput)
mytime = int(mytime[0])
if mytime < 197:
print(f"The time {mytime} is low enought to call startme()" )
executor = ThreadPoolExecutor()
# executor = ProcessPoolExecutor() # I did tried using process even if it's not a CPU-related issue
executor.submit(startme, mytime)
I did try using asyncio but I soon realized this is not the case but I'm wondering if I should try aiosqlite
I also thought about using asyncio.create_subprocess_shell and run both as parallel subprocesses but can't think of a way to wait for a certain string from the ping command that would trigger the second script.
Please note that I don't really need a return from the startme() function and the ping command example is conceptually derived from the mitmproxy's mitmdump output command.
The first code wasn't working as I did a stupid mistake when creating the thread so p1 = threading.Thread(target=startme(mytime)) does not take the function with its arguments but separately like this p1 = threading.Thread(target=startme, args=(mytime,))
The reason why I could not get the SQL insert statement to work in my second code was this error:
SQLite objects created in a thread can only be used in that same thread. The object was created in thread id 10688 and this is thread id 17964
that I didn't saw until I wrapped my SQL statement into a try/except and captured the error. So I needed to make the SQL database connection inside my startme() function
The other asyncio stuff was just nonsense and cannot be applied to the current issue here.

Can an except block of python have 2 conditions simultaneously?

I was trying to learn stock prediction with the help of this github project. but when I run the file given in the repository, via the cmd. I encountered an error
File "/Stock-Predictor/src/tweetstream/", line 101
except urllib2.HTTPError, exception:
SyntaxError: invalid syntax
The below given code is part of a PyPi module named tweetstreami.e. named as tweetstream/ Which while implementing in a Twitter sentiment analysis project gave the error
import time
import urllib
import urllib2
import socket
from platform import python_version_tuple
import anyjson
from . import AuthenticationError, ConnectionError, USER_AGENT
class BaseStream(object):
"""A network connection to Twitters streaming API
:param username: Twitter username for the account accessing the API.
:param password: Twitter password for the account accessing the API.
:keyword count: Number of tweets from the past to get before switching to
live stream.
:keyword url: Endpoint URL for the object. Note: you should not
need to edit this. It's present to make testing easier.
.. attribute:: connected
True if the object is currently connected to the stream.
.. attribute:: url
The URL to which the object is connected
.. attribute:: starttime
The timestamp, in seconds since the epoch, the object connected to the
streaming api.
.. attribute:: count
The number of tweets that have been returned by the object.
.. attribute:: rate
The rate at which tweets have been returned from the object as a
float. see also :attr: `rate_period`.
.. attribute:: rate_period
The amount of time to sample tweets to calculate tweet rate. By
default 10 seconds. Changes to this attribute will not be reflected
until the next time the rate is calculated. The rate of tweets vary
with time of day etc. so it's useful to set this to something
.. attribute:: user_agent
User agent string that will be included in the request. NOTE: This can
not be changed after the connection has been made. This property must
thus be set before accessing the iterator. The default is set in
:attr: `USER_AGENT`.
def __init__(self, username, password, catchup=None, url=None):
self._conn = None
self._rate_ts = None
self._rate_cnt = 0
self._username = username
self._password = password
self._catchup_count = catchup
self._iter = self.__iter__()
self.rate_period = 10 # in seconds
self.connected = False
self.starttime = None
self.count = 0
self.rate = 0
self.user_agent = USER_AGENT
if url: self.url = url
def __enter__(self):
return self
def __exit__(self, *params):
return False
def _init_conn(self):
"""Open the connection to the twitter server"""
headers = {'User-Agent': self.user_agent}
postdata = self._get_post_data() or {}
if self._catchup_count:
postdata["count"] = self._catchup_count
poststring = urllib.urlencode(postdata) if postdata else None
req = urllib2.Request(self.url, poststring, headers)
password_mgr = urllib2.HTTPPasswordMgrWithDefaultRealm()
password_mgr.add_password(None, self.url, self._username, self._password)
handler = urllib2.HTTPBasicAuthHandler(password_mgr)
opener = urllib2.build_opener(handler)
self._conn =
except urllib2.HTTPError, exception: #___________________________problem here
if exception.code == 401:
raise AuthenticationError("Access denied")
elif exception.code == 404:
raise ConnectionError("URL not found: %s" % self.url)
else: # re raise. No idea what would cause this, so want to know
except urllib2.URLError, exception:
raise ConnectionError(exception.reason)
The second item in the except is an identifier used in the body of the exception to access the exception information. The try/except syntax changed between Python 2 and Python 3 and your code is the Python 2 syntax.
Python 2 (language reference):
except <expression>, <identifier>:
Python 3 (language reference, rationale):
except <expression> as <identifier>:
Note that can be a single exception class or a tuple of exception classes to catch more than one type in a single except clause, so to answer your titled question you could use the following to handle more than one possible exception being thrown:
x = array[5] # NameError if array doesn't exist, IndexError if it is too short
except (IndexError,NameError) as e:
print(e) # which was it?
Try: #code here
Except MyFirstError: #exception handling
Except AnotherError: #exception handling
You can repeat this many times

Plot a continuous graph of Number of Snort alerts against time

I have snort logging DDOS alerts to file; I use Syslog-ng to parse the logs and output in json format into redis (wanted to set it up as a buffer, I use 'setex' command with expiry of 70 secs).
The whole thing seems not to be working well; any ideas to make it easier is welcome.
I wrote a simple python script to listen to redis KA events and count the number of snort alerts per second. I tried creating two other threads; one to retrieve the json-formatted alerts from snort and the second to count the alerts. The third is supposed to plot a graph using matplotlib.pyplot
#import time
from redis import StrictRedis as sr
import os
import json
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import threading as th
import time
redis = sr(host='localhost', port = 6379, decode_responses = True)
#file = open('/home/lucidvis/vis_app_py/log.json','w+')
# This function is still being worked on
def do_plot():
print('do_plot loop running')
while accumulated_data:
x_values = [int(x['time_count']) for x in accumulated_data]
y_values = [y['date'] for y in accumulated_data]
plt.title('Attacks Alerts per time period')
plt.xlabel('Time', fontsize=14)
plt.ylabel('Snort Alerts/sec')
plt.tick_params(axis='both', labelsize=14)
plt.plot(y_values,x_values, linewidth=5)
def accumulator():
# first of, check the current json data and see if its 'sec' value is same
#that is the last in the accumulated data list
#if it is the same, increase time_count by one else pop that value
pointer_data = {}
print('accumulator loop running')
while True:
# pointer data is the current sec of json data used for comparison
#new_data is the latest json formatted alert received
# received_from_redis is a list declared in the main function
if received_from_redis:
new_data = received_from_redis.pop(0)
if not pointer_data:
pointer_data = new_data.copy()
print(">>", type(pointer_data), " >> ", pointer_data)
if pointer_data and pointer_data['sec']==new_data["sec"]
pointer_data['time_count'] +=1
elif pointer_data:
pointer_data = new_data.copy()
# main function creates the redis object and receives messages based on events
#this function calls two other functions and creates threads so they appear to run concurrently
def main():
p = redis.pubsub()
print('Starting message loop')
while True:
message = p.get_message()
# Obtain the key from the redis emmitted event if the event is a set event
if message and message['data']=='set':
# the format emmited by redis is in a dict form
# the key is the value to the key 'channel'
# The key is in '__keyspace#0__*' form
# obtain the last field of the list returned by split function
key = message['channel'].split('__:')[-1]
data_redis = json.loads(redis.get(str(key)))
except Exception e:
if __name__ == "__main__":
accumulated_data = []
received_from_redis = []
# main function creates the redis object and receives messages based on events
#this function calls two other functions and creates threads so they appear to run concurrently
thread_accumulator = th.Thread(target = accumulator, name ='accumulator')
do_plot_thread = th.Thread(target = do_plot, name ='do_plot')
while True:
I currently do get errors per se ; I just cant tell if the threads are created or are working well. I need ideas to make things work better.
sample of the alert formated in json and obtained from redis below
I'm not sure I understand exactly your scenario, but if you want to count events that are essentially log messages, you can probably do that within syslog-ng. Either as a Python destination (since you are already working in python), or maybe even without additional programming using the grouping-by parser.

Asyncio shared object at the same address does not hold same values

Okay, so I am created a DataStream object which is just a wrapper class around asyncio.Queue. I am passing this around all over and everything is working fine up until the following functions. I am calling ensure_future to run 2 infinite loops, one that replicates the data in one DataStream object, and one that sends data to a websocket. here is that code:
def start(self):
# make sure that we set the event loop before we run our async requests
print("Starting WebsocketProducer on ",, self.port)
"Starting WebsocketProducer on %s:%i",, self.port)
#Get the event loop and add a task to it.
asyncio.ensure_future(self._serve(self.ssl_context))enter code here
Ignore the indent issue, SO wont indent correctly.
And here is the method that is failing with the error 'Task was destroyed but it is pending!'. Keep in mind, if I do not include the lines with 'data_stream.get()' the function runs fine. I made sure, the objects in both locations have the same memory address AND value for id(). If i print the data that comes from the await self.data_stream.get() I get the correct data. However after that it seems to just return and break. Here is the code:
async def _mirror_stream(self):
while True:
stream_length = self.data_stream.length
if stream_length > 1:
for _ in range(0, stream_length):
data = await self.data_stream.get()
data = await self.data_stream.get()
except Exception as e:
# If the data is null, keep the last known value
if self._is_json_serializable(data) and data is not None:
self.payload = json.dumps(data)
"Mirroring stream encountered a Null payload in WebsocketProducer!")
await asyncio.sleep(self.poll_rate)enter code here
The issue has been resolved by implementing my own async Queue by utilizing the normal queue.Queue object. For some reason the application would only work if I would 'await' for queue.get(), even though it wasnt an asyncio.Queue object... Not entirely sure why this behavior occured, however the application is running well, and still performing as if the Queue were from the asyncio lib. Thanks to those who looked!

python eve gracefully exit from callback

I'm wondering if it's possible to update an item without completely process the PATCH request.
What I'm trying to do is to randomly generate and insert a value inside the db when a user sends a PATCH request to the accounts/ endpoint.If I don't exit from the PATCH request I will get an error because it expects a value but I cannot give it in advance because it will be randomly generated.
def pre_accounts_patch_callback(request, lookup):
if not my_func():
return HTTP 201 OK
What can I do?
Not sure I get what you want to achieve, however keep in mind that you can actually update lookup within your callback, so the API will get back and process the updated version, with validation and all.
import random
def pre_accounts_patch_callback(request, lookup):
lookup['random_field'] = random.randint(0, 10)
app = Eve()
app.on_pre_PATCH_accounts += pre_accounts_patch_callback
if __name__ == '__main__':
