How to use Arithmetic expression in Enum in system verilog? - verilog

`define REG_WIDTH 48
`define FIELD_WIDTH 32
typedef enum bit [`REG_WIDTH-1:0]
BIN_MIN = 'h0,
In the above code I am getting compilation error of enum duplicate because BIN_MID is also taking value '48{0}. But when I do $display for "BIN_MIN + `REG_WIDTH'(((1<<`FIELD_WIDTH)+2)/3)" , I don't get zero.
Since I have typecast each enum field by 48 , why I am getting zero ? I am new to system verilog.

Typically, integer constants like 1 are treated as 32-bit values (SystemVerilog LRM specifies them to be at least 32 bits but most simulators/synthesis tools use exactly 32 bits). As such, since you are preforming a shift of 32 first, you are shifting out the one completely and left with 0 during compilation (32'd1<<32 is zero). By extending the size of the integer constant first to 48 bits, you will not lose the value due to the shift:
`define REG_WIDTH 48
`define FIELD_WIDTH 32
typedef enum bit [`REG_WIDTH-1:0] {
BIN_MIN = 'h0,
} reg_cover;
As to why when put in a $display prints a non-zero value, I'm not sure. Some simulators I tried did print non-zero values, others printed 0. There's might be some differences in compile-time optimizations and how they run the code, but casting first is the best thing to do.


In the risc-v architecture, what do the bits returned by the mulh[[s]u] operation look like?

TLDR: given 64 bit registers rs1(signed) = 0xffff'ffff'ffff'fff6 and rs2(unsigned) = 0x10 does the riscv mulhsu instruction return 0x0000'0000'0000'000f or 0xffff'ffff'ffff'ffff or something else entirely to rd?
I am working on implementing a simulated version of the RiscV architecture and have run into a snag when implementing the RV64M mulh[[s]u] instruction. I'm not sure if mulhsu returns a signed or unsigned number. If it does return a signed number, then what is the difference between mulhsu and mulh?
here is some pseudocode demonstrating the problem (s64 and u64 denote signed and unsigned 64-bit register respectively)
rs1.s64 = 0xffff'ffff'ffff'fff6; //-10
rs2.u64 = 0x10; // 16
execute(mulhsu(rs1, rs2));
// which of these is correct? Note: rd only returns the upper 64 bits of the product
EXPECT_EQ(0x0000'0000'0000'000f, rd);
EXPECT_EQ(0xffff'ffff'ffff'ffff, rd);
EXPECT_EQ(<some other value>, rd);
Should rd be signed? unsigned?
From the instruction manual:
MUL performs an XLEN-bit × XLEN-bit multiplication of rs1 by rs2 and places the lower XLEN bits
in the destination register. MULH, MULHU, and MULHSU perform the same multiplication but return
the upper XLEN bits of the full 2 × XLEN-bit product, for signed × signed, unsigned × unsigned,
and signed rs1×unsigned rs2 multiplication, respectively. If both the high and low bits of the same
product are required, then the recommended code sequence is: MULH[[S]U] rdh, rs1, rs2; MUL
rdl, rs1, rs2 (source register specifiers must be in same order and rdh cannot be the same as rs1 or
rs2). Microarchitectures can then fuse these into a single multiply operation instead of performing
two separate multiplies.
The answer for your question is :EXPECT_EQ(0xffff'ffff'ffff'ffff, rd);.
mulhsu will do a multiplication of a sign extend of rs1.s64 and a zero extend rs2.u64.
You can see that in the compiler machine description
so mulhsu (64 bits) will return the equivalent of :
((s128) rs1.s64 * (u128) rs2.u64) >> 64. where s128 is a signed 128 int and u128 an unsigned 128 int.
the difference between the three mul is:
mulhsu is a multiplication between a sign extended register and a zero extended register.
mulh is a multiplication of two sign extended registers.
mulhu is a multiplication of two zero extended registers.

SystemVerilog Array of Bits to Int Casting

I have the following SystemVerilog variable:
bit [5:0] my_bits = 6'h3E; // my_bits == 6'd62
I want to take the bit-wise inverse of it and then get that result into an int variable, treating the underlying bits as unsigned, so first I did this:
bit [5:0] my_bits_inv = ~my_bits; // my_bits_inv = 6'b00_0001
int my_int = int'(my_bits_inv); // my_int = 1
That gave me what I wanted. However, if I combine the inversion and casting into a single step, I get -63:
int my_int2 = int'(~my_bits); // my_int2 = -63 ???
Presumably it is treating my_bits as 32 bits, then taking the inverse of that to give int'(~32'h0000_003E) = int'(32'hFFFF_FFC1) = -63.
Can someone explain why this happens? Does it have to do with self-determination rules?
Your diagnosis is correct. This is explained in IEEE Std 1800-2017, section 11.6.1 Rules for expression bit lengths. In your case, casting with int' expands my_bits to match the width of int (32) before the bitwise inversion.
Consider also:

Shifter output is always 0 when using concatenation and case

I have the following code:
module shifter(
input[7:0] in,
input[1:0] amt,
output logic[7:0] out
always_comb case(amt)
2'h0: out = in;
2'h1: out = {{in[6:0]}, 0};
2'h2: out = {{in[5:0]}, 0, 0};
2'h3: out = {{in[4:0]}, 0, 0, 0};
default: out = in;
It describes a simple shifter which takes in the amount of shifts through the amt input. The problem is that no matter what the value of amt is (except 0), out is always 0 as seen on this waveform from a test:
Am I concatenating wrong? Examples I've seen online are similar to this, however.
Try constraining the size of the 0 to 1'b0 in 2'h1: out = {{in[6:0]}, 0};. What happens is that you are assigning a concatenation of in[6:0] and 32-bit (default width) 0, so only LSBs of the 0 goes to the out.
Also, default is redundant since you've described all the possible cases for amt.
The code you wrote is illegal according to the IEEE 1800-2017 LRM section 11.4.12 Concatenation operators:
Unsized constant numbers shall not be allowed in concatenations. This
is because the size of each operand in the concatenation is needed to
calculate the complete size of the concatenation
The tool you are using has a bug and did not catch this error, which is very difficult to find on your own.

GBZ80 - ADC instructions fail test

I've been running Blarggs CPU tests through my Gameboy emulator, and the op r,r test shows that my ADC instruction is not working properly, but that ADD is. My understanding is that the only difference between the two is adding the existing carry flag to the second operand before addition. As such, my ADC code is the following:
void Emu::add8To8Carry(BYTE &a, BYTE b) //4 cycles - 1 byte
if((Flags >> FLAG_CARRY) & 1)
halfCarryAdd8_8(a, b); //generates H flag based on addition
carryAdd8_8(a, b); //generates C flag appropriately
if(a == 0)
I entered the following into a test ROM:
06 FE 3E 01 88
Which leaves A with the value 0 (Flags = B0) when the carry flag is set, and FF (Flags = 00) when it is not. This is how it should work, as far as my understanding goes. However, it still fails the test.
From my research, I believe that flags are affected in an identical manner to ADD. Literally the only change in my code from the working ADD instruction is the addition of the flag check/potential increment in the first two lines, which my test code seems to prove works.
Am I missing something? Perhaps there's a peculiarity with flag states between ADD/ADC? As a side note, SUB instructions also pass, but SBC fails in the same way.
The problem is that b is an 8 bit value. If b is 0xff and carry is set then adding 1 to b will set it to 0 and won't generate carry if added with a >= 1. You get similar problems with the half carry flag if the lower nybble is 0xf.
This might be fixed if you call halfCarryAdd8_8(a, b + 1); and carryAdd8_8(a, b + 1); when carry is set. However, I suspect that those routines also take byte operands so you may have to make changes to them internally. Perhaps by adding the carry as a separate argument so that you can do tmp = a + b + carry; without overflow of b. But I can only speculate without the source to those functions.
On a somewhat related note, there's a fairly simple way to check for carry over all the bits:
int sum = a + b;
int no_carry_sum = a ^ b;
int carry_into = sum ^ no_carry_sum;
int half_carry = carry_into & 0x10;
int carry = carry_info & 0x100;
How does that work? Consider that bitwise "xor" gives the expected result of each bit if there is no carry going in to that bit: 0 ^ 0 == 0, 1 ^ 0 == 0 ^ 1 == 1 and 1 ^ 1 == 0. By xoring sum with no_carry_sum we get the bits where the sum differs from the bit-by-bit addition. sum is only different whenever there is a carry into a particular bit position. Thus both the half carry and carry bits can be obtained with almost no overhead.

Declaring an array of constant with Verilog

first i want to apologize for my ignorance,this question may be stupid for many of you..but i am a newbie in the domain of Hw dev
I am trying to turn a software function into a hardware accelerator...
in the C code we use an array of integer to calculate a certain value as shown here
uint k[64] = {
as you see here am gonna use it to calculate t1
$ t1 = h + EP1(e) + CH(e,f,g) + k[i] + m[i];
however am not certain how to declare this array without using registers, i have a verilog file in whitch it uses localparam to declare a constant. so i wonder could i use it with this vector as below ?
localparam [31:0] k[63:0] =
Yes you can. However, 0x is not verilog syntax, use 32'h (or just 'h if you want it less strongly typed) instead.
localparam logic [31:0] k[63:0] =
You might be better off going with an integer type rather than localparam. Logic types are 4-state, which is more expensive on the simulator and since you are using it as a constant value (I assume), you should be fine with integer.
integer k[64] = {
