Kubernetes: Connect to Azure SQL - azure

I have hosted my SQL on Azure SQL.
From my AKS, each of the pods, I found out it is not able to connect to Azure SQL.
DB Connection:
Data Source=tcp:dbname.database.windows.net,1433;Initial Catalog=dbname;User Id={account};Password={password}
In Azure Portal > I have enable this below
I double checked the connection string and is able to connect from my local machine, but inside the kubenetes pod, I try to perform telnet to the server it responds
Connection closed by foreign host.
May I know what going wrong on this.

Azure provides two options for pods running on an AKS worker nodes to access a MySQL or PostgreSQL DB instance:
Create a firewall rule on the Azure DB Server with a range of IP addresses that encompasses all IPs of the AKS Cluster nodes (this can be a very large range if using node auto-scaling).
Create a VNet Rule on the Azure DB Server that allows access from the subnet the AKS nodes are in. This is used in conjunction with the Microsoft.Sql VNet Service Endpoint enabled on the cluster subnet.
VNet Rules are recommended and preferable in this situation for several reasons. Nodes are often configured with dynamic IP addresses that can change when a node is restarted resulting in broken firewall rules that reference specific IPs. Nodes can be added to a cluster which would require updating the firewall rule to add additional IPs. VNet Rules avoid these issues by granting access to an entire subnet of AKS nodes.
Manual steps
Configuring a secure networking environment for AKS and Azure DB requires the following:
AKS cluster setup
ResourceGroup: a logical grouping a resources required for all resources.
VNet: creates a virtual network for the AKS cluster nodes.
Subnet has a range of private IPs for AKS cluster nodes
Create an AKS cluster using the above resources.
Configure managed service access
VNet Service Endpoint: update the cluster subnet above with a service endpoint for Microsoft.Sql to enable connectivity for new Azure DB service resource.
Provision managed services with private IPs on the cluster’s network
Provision managed Azure DB service instances: PostgreSQL, MySQL.
VNet Rule for each managed service instance to allow traffic from all nodes in the cluster subnet to a given Azure DB service instance (PostgreSQL, MySQL).

I have found the issue, basically the Issue is on the AKS getting the wrong configuration, For the Identity, It doesn't read the proper appsettings.json, which it should be point to /secrets/*.json
I change the code to retrieve the information from the correct secret, the apps is work now.

Sadhus answer is correct and secure. But first you can quickly check by enabling the traffic as follows.
First select your server from your resource group.
Now in your sql server enable "Allow Azure services and resources to access this serve"


Connect an existing azure Kubernetes cluster to new virtual network for timescale VPC

The overall goal of this question is to find out the proper way to connect a pre-existing azure kubernetes cluster to an azure virtual private network (or redeploy it in the virtual private network) so that it can now access the timescale postgres database (timescale.com) that has been placed in the VPC connected to the virtual network.
What I would like to do is take an existing production Kubernetes cluster and configure it to be able to see the timescaledb in the Virtual Private Cloud.
Is it possible to do this with another peering rule?
What I have done
Created a VPN in azure
Created a timescaledb database at timescaledb.com
Created the appropriate service principals, peering rules, and connected timescaledb to the vnet
Created a NEW kuberneted cluster in the virtual network
Tested the connection to the database (failed via internet, succeeded within vnet)

Kubernetes pod failed to connect to external service

I have an Azure Kubernetes Cluster Running with Azure CNI (virtual network) as the Network. The cluster is running on 1 subnet of the network.
On another subnet, I have a Virtual Machine running as it has a private IP of
Now I have a pod in the K8S cluster, which is trying to connect with the Virtual Machine. But it's not able to do so.
Also, the ping from inside the pod gives a timeout.
Please help me to figure out, what I am doing wrong so that I can connect the Pod with the VM.
• You cannot directly create communication between an AKS cluster pod and a Virtual Machine as the IP assigned to a pod/node in an AKS cluster is a subset range of the address space of the higher CIDR IP address range assigned while deploying the cluster. And communication within the cluster between the nodes is uninterrupted and possible readily. But the same with resources other AKS is restricted as they are governed by Azure CNI framework policy which directs the Kubernetes cluster to direct traffic outbound of the cluster in a regulated and conditional way.
• Thus, the above said can only be achieved by initiating intermediate services such as an internal load balancer between the AKS and the VMs as the CIDR of the VM and the AKS is different. So, leveraging the Azure plugin to deploy an internal load balancer as a service through AKS is only way through which you can achieve communication between AKS pod and a VM deployed in Azure. Below is a diagram for illustration purposes.
To deploy the internal load balancer through YAML files in AKS for external communication with VMs, kindly refer to the link below for details: -

Network setup for accessing Azure Redis service from Azure AKS

We have an application that runs on an Ubuntu VM. This application connects to Azure Redis, Azure Postgres and Azure CosmosDB(mongoDB) services.
I am currently working on moving this application to Azure AKS and intend to access all the above services from the cluster. The services will continue to be external and will not reside inside the cluster.
I am trying to understand how the network/firewall of both the services and aks should be configured so that pods inside the cluster can access the above services or any Azure service in general.
I tried the following:
Created a configMap containing the connection params(public ip/address, username/pwd, port, etc) of all the services and used this configMap in the deployment resource.
Hardcoded the connection params of all the services as env vars inside the container image
In the firewall/inbound rules of the services, I added the AKS API ip, individual node ips
None of the above worked. Did I miss anything? What else should be configured?
I tested the setup locally on minikube with all the services running on my local machine and it worked fine.
I am currently working on moving this application to Azure AKS and
intend to access all the above services from the cluster.
I assume that you would like to make all services to access each other and all the services are in AKS cluster? If so, I advise you configure the internal load balancer in AKS cluster.
Internal load balancing makes a Kubernetes service accessible to
applications running in the same virtual network as the Kubernetes
You can take a try and follow the following document: Use an internal load balancer with Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS). In the end, good luck to you!
Outbound traffic in azure is SNAT-translated as stated in this article. If you already have a service in your AKS cluster, the outbound connection from all pods in your cluster will come thru the first LoadBalancer type service IP; I strongly suggest you create one for the sole purpose to have a consistent outbound IP. You can also pre-create a Public IP and use it as stated in this article using the LoadBalancerIP spec.
On a side note, rather than a ConfigMap, due to the sensitiveness of the connection string, I'd suggest you create a Secret and pass that down to your Deployment to be mounted or exported as environment variable.

Expose containers to private network

I am looking for a way to create a docker cluster (probably kubernetes) on azure, and expose the containers only via a vnet to my datacenter.
Is such a setup possible?
That is that the container services can only be access via the vpn that is created. So that the container can use private resources (mainly database) not available in the azure cloud?
And so that I can access the resources in the cloud, only from my dc.
Yes, that is perfectly possible. depending on your setup you need to deploy regular kubernetes cluster and use site-to-site VPN to connect networks or use ACS engine to deploy kubernetes into existing vnet\subnet.
You would also need to tweak your network security group rules to allow traffic to flow (if you have them).
I am looking for a way to create a docker cluster (probably
kubernetes) on azure, and expose the containers only via a vnet to my
Yes, we just create k8s pod, and not expose it to internet. Then create S2S VPN connect Azure Vnet to your DC, in this way, your DC's VMs can connect to Azure K8S pod via Azure private IP address.
If you want to connect your K8S pods via VPN, we can create Azure route table to achieve that.
More information about create route table, please refer to my another answer.

Azure Service Fabric Cluster connection with on premise network (Private data center)

Can you please describe the process on how services inside Service Fabric Cluster could communicate with the database servers present in our private datacenter?
Right now how we do for some of the custom VMs on Azure is that we attach network interfaces(NICs) to VMs and Nics are connected to the subnet which provides us cross premises connectivity.
Is there any way we could specify this when provisioning the Service Fabric Cluster?
What you describe is the preferred way - Have a VNET that is connected to your datacenter (either with S2S VPN or Express Route), and then you are free to access on-prem resources from your code as if you were operating inside the local network. You don't have to add NICs to your SF VMs, you can just modify the ARM template to provision all resources inside the designated VNET.
If you take a look at the sample template for SF, you can see the subnet0Ref variable which is being used to set the network profile of the NICs that are part of the newly created scale set.
You can modify the template to lookup your pre-existing subnet using the resourceid template expression function (documentation). The you can drop from the template all the other resources that you don't need created, like the VNET itself.
