How can I list the contents of a CSV file (under Filestore) in Azure Databricks notebook using the %fs commands ? At least the first few lines like the "head" command in linux.
To list the contents of a file in DBFS filestore, you can use "dbutils.fs.head" command.
Example: dbutils.fs.head("/foobar/baz.txt")
List the contents of a file in DBFS filestore
Using Magic Command %fs
%fs head /Filestore/filename.csv
Using DButils directory
Using DButils directory and display data in more readble format
contents = dbutils.fs.head("/Filestore/filename.csv")
in Python I have the following command executed unzip '{dir}ATTOM_RECORDER/*.zip' -d {dir}ATTOM_RECORDER/ as a bash command. The python call works perfectly. my question is about the unzip command itself.
for some reason when unzip is called to expand any relevent zip files in the folder specified, not all the files WITHIN the zip is extracted. There's usually a rpt and a txt file. However, sometimes the txt file is not coming out and I do not have an error command.
How can I ensure the txt file is guaranteed to be extracted before moving on?
While you want to unzip your specific zip file. There are many option to decompress any file from zip files. Easiest way is the ā-lā option with unzip command is used to list the contents of a zip file after extracting it.
Syntax: unzip -l []
I have a directory in a gcp storage bucket. And there are 2 subdirectories in that bucket.
Is there a way to download files which are created in last 24 hours in those subdirectories using gsutil command from console?
gsutil does not support filtering by date.
An option is to create a list of files to download via another tool or script, one object name per line.
Use stdin to specify a list of files or objects to copy. You can use
gsutil in a pipeline to upload or download objects as generated by a
program. For example:
cat filelist | gsutil -m cp -I gs://my-bucket
cat filelist | gsutil -m cp -I ./download_dir
where the output of cat filelist is a one-per-line list of files,
cloud URLs, and wildcards of files and cloud URLs.
I was able to achieve part of it using gcp console and shell.
Go to storage directory in browser gcp console.
Click on filter and you'll get options to filter based on created before, created after etc.
Provide the date and apply filter
Click on Download button
Copy the command, Open the gcp shell and run it. The required files will be downloaded there.
Run the zip command in shell and archive the downloaded files.
Select the Download from shell options and provide file path to download.
Command to find file is as below :
hdfs dfs -ls {adls file location path}
command to read listed file
you can read a file from hdfs like below. here is a good tutorial.
hdfs dfs -cat <path>
I have employee_mumbai.tar.gz file inside this I have name.json and salary.json.
And the tar.gz is present in HDFS location. Is it possible to untar/Unzip the gzip file and put the json files in HFDS folder without bringing it to a local file system.
Please remember it is not a text file and both json file unique information.
Please let me know if it can be achieved to read the both file separately in different data frame directly too in spark.
This worked for me:
hdfs dfs -cat /data/<data.gz> | gzip -d | hdfs dfs -put - /data/
I am using the following tcl command:
file copy ?-force? file1 file2
here 'file1' and 'file2' are text files having same names, I want to copy file1 from the location by moving up the parent directory and replace the file2 located in the current directory. So I want to perform something like this:
step1: cd ../../
step2: copy 'file1.txt' from the step1 location
step3: now move to the current directory
step4: replace 'file2.txt' with 'file1.txt'
I don't know how to mention the path in the 'file copy' command ? It would be also better if you mention the shortcut to navigate like in step1 but for a longer path. So I can skip writing manually a longer path. Thank you.
file copy -force ../../file1.txt file2.txt
You can't copy a file like you do in a GUI. The file copy command immediately creates a copy of the source file in the target location. Both the source and target arguments are file names (or possibly a directory name for the target) including full paths, so you simply join up the path with the base file name.
I'm not sure what you mean by "shortcut to navigate". The command for changing the current directory is cd, with the path to a directory as argument. But, again, you don't need to change directory to copy a file.
Documentation: cd, file