Hard refresh in vim (not :so %) - vim

Sometimes in vim I'll need to exit the vimrc file and enter back into it to update changes (for example if I'm editing other files related to it). To do this I'll normally do:
$ vim
ctrl-o ctrl-o " in vim
Would there be a way to do this all within vim? Something like:
:wq | !vim %
Additionally, why does it require me to do ctrl-o two times to go to the previous buffer (it almost seems like the first ctrl-o does nothing)?
Update: Please note that I am aware of doing :so % or :so $MYVIMRC, etc. My question here is how do I basically reset 100% of the things to whatever are in my current files? That is, unset ALL mappings, variables, etc. that may have been updated, removed, etc; update ALL files that may have changed (functions, plugins, colorschemes, etc.). I don't think "Running :so % on 20 files" is a good solution here, which is why my current solution is to close the file and re-open it.

As others have mentioned, you can source your .vimrc, but that doesn't completely reset Vim. If you want to just restart Vim, then you can do so by re-execing it.
Vim doesn't provide a built-in way to exec processes from within it, since typically one doesn't want to replace one's editor with another process, but it is possible to do so with Perl or Ruby, as you see fit:
:perl exec "vim"
:ruby exec "vim"
This may or may not work on Windows, and it of course requires that your Vim version have been compiled with support for the appropriate interpreters. Debian provides both in the vim-nox, vim-gtk3, and vim-athena packages, but not in vim or vim-tiny; Ubuntu, last I checked, did not provide Ruby support but did include Perl.
If you want to re-exec with the same buffer, you can use one of these:
:perl exec "vim", $curbuf->Name();
:ruby exec "vim", Vim::Buffer.current.name
Note that re-execing may cause your screen to be slightly messed up when exiting, so you may need to use reset to set it back to normal.

I don't know if you had tried this but you can source your vimrc file from vim itself by typing

In order to apply the changes, you don't have to exit vim and open it again, no need for a "hard refresh" :)
If you want to apply in on the .vimrc file itself, you can type
:so %
to apply the changes in another file, you can type:
:so ~/.vimrc #path to your .vimrc file
in normal mode, Ctrl-O takes you to where your cursor has been backward and Ctrl-I forward. You can check your jump list by typing :jumps, to clear your jumps :clearjumps
in insert mode, Ctrl-O escapes to normal mode and lets the user to do one normal mode command.


How to source vimrc in All buffers

To source vimrc in all buffers in the current window I do :bufdo so~/.vimrc ,to source vimrc in the ACTIVE buffers in all windows I do :windo so~/.vimrc. How to source vimrc in all buffers in all windows?
for some reason if I do:bufdo so~/.vimrc | :windo so~/.vimrc the active buffer in the non-active window changes.
example: if I set set number in my .vimrc, I want all buffers in all windows affect the change.
the solution might be something like this:
for window in windowlist
execute 'bufdo so~/.vimrc'
I use vim 8.2 .
PLEASE NOTE: I did try all of the commands you guys suggested but it seems that things aren't clear enough. all of the commands that includes :tabdo :windo :bufdo or combination of them doesn't work properly for what I want. please note that this is the same as changing vimrc and sourcing it with chain of these commands like :tabdo bufdo so~/.vimrc. for example :windo bufdo set number does set number to all buffers(active or hidden) in the active window but on non-active windows only does set number for the active buffer(buffer that is shown in the window) or :tabdo windo set number only does set number in active buffers in every window meaning that hidden buffers won't get line numbers.
I even made a reddit post about this problem on r/vim and made a video about it but I don't know why nobody gets what I say. honestly don't think this problem will be solved by someone else but me even though its a simple one.
The :bufdo command will consume | as part of the command to execute, so in effect you're running the :windo command for each buffer that you have active!
See :help :bar, which documents this behavior.
That help section also mentions a way to work around this behavior, by using the :execute command to run the first command from a string, which allows you to delimit the first command. Like so:
:execute 'bufdo so ~/.vimrc' | windo so ~/.vimrc
Please note that sourcing your vimrc file "in all buffers" or "in all windows" doesn't make much sense... The vimrc file typically has global commands that usually need to be sourced only once, and usually if you modify your vimrc, sourcing it again only once should be enough...
This might make sense with a separate *.vim script that affects local settings and is meant to act on a single buffer. The ftplugin, indent and syntax scripts come to mind. But also with those, they're normally run per buffer, not per window... It's not completely inconceivable that you'd have scripts that you want to run on every buffer and window, but it surely seems odd...
.vimrc shall only contain global definitions. That the way it's supposed to be used. Sourcing it in several buffers makes no sense.
I wonder if you're fighting with local settings for which the best tool to use is either ftplugin (when the setting are filetype driven), or a local_vimrc plugin for project driven settings.
To apply in all buffers and all windows:
:windo bufdo set number
If you have tabs, from :tabe, :tabf, :tab and friends. Just add tabdo like this:
:tabdo windo bufdo set number
I would advise not to source your vimrc like this. If you want a quick setting, just use the set command and friends.
:help tabdo
:help windo
:help bufdo
:help source
While I agree with most answers on sourcing your vimrc. I do believe there are uses of the source command. Particularly batch fixing. I've never tried using
:windo with this, I mostly use :argdo and :cdo. As I have more fine-grained control on what files I need to apply.
Batch fixing is particularly useful on a large codebase. You do your fixes with :g, :v, :s for example, and save them in a file called fix.vim. This is so useful, you could even pair macros with those commands (:g and :v) via :norm command.
:help norm
Then update your argslist via :args *.js or similar commands (like backtick expression) and finally do the :argdo source fix.vim

Why does my Vim always save a file, no matter what?

Whenever I quit a file, even using :q!, Vim will save it. What could possibly be causing this?
In init:
in plugin:
Often, a binary search where you disable half of your plugins, then only one half of that (when the problem is still there), or the other half (when the problem vanished) lets you get to the problematic script quickly. The same can be done with the configuration in your ~/.vimrc (by commenting out blocks).
Also, you can capture a full log of a Vim session with vim -V20vimlog. After quitting Vim, examine the vimlog log file for appropriate commands. In your case, that would be :write commands.

How to disable 'vi compatible' mode for Vim in Cygwin on Windows 8?

I am using Cygwin 1.7.22 (32-bit) on Windows 8 (64-bit). Within Cygwin, I am using Vim 7.3.1152, which is the default version.
Behavior that seem like bugs:
When I press I to enter insert mode, it does not say -- INSERT -- in the bottom left. In fact, it doesn't say anything. It does behave correctly, though.
When I delete letters using Backspace in insert mode, the letters do not disappear but the cursor does move to the left.
When I use the arrow keys in insert mode, it enters the letters A, B, C, and D, rather than moving the cursor. The arrow keys work normally outside of insert mode.
How do I make Vim behave as I expect?
Create a ~/.vimrc file with the following contents to put vim in nocompatible mode (actually the mere presence of the file is sufficient.)
set nocompatible
The behavior you are seeing is how vi used to behave. These are not bugs.
Take a look at :h nocompatible
In vim compatible mode tries to emulate vi as closely as possible.
--insert-- is not part of vi so it not shown in compatible mode.
I believe vi did a lazy redraw of the screen and didn't update until you exited back to normal mode. Also backspace is only usable also only works on stuff that was entered in the current insert mode. Overall its not very user friendly.
The arrow keys are sent to vim as escape sequences (escape followed by a coupled of letters). Let ^[ be escape. ^[OA is up on my computer its probably something similar on yours. vim sees this as an escape (goes back to normal mode), and O (add a line above the current) and A which is the A you see entered onto your screen. This just means that vim in compatible mode does not interpret the escape characters properly. Most likely because vi did not interpret them (nor was it designed to use them).
set nocompatible fixes problems 1 and 3.
I think set backspace=indent,eol,start should fix problem 2.
This was asked months ago, but I am answering for future reference for anyone else who encounters this problem.
I was just bitten by this issue. All advice listed in this post, and in other posts on this forum (not to mention posts on other forums) does not work, at least for some of us. I finally figured out the real issue.
vim on cygwin, for whatever reason (at least this was the case for me) does not use the .vimrc you put in your directory. Let's say you copy the example one to your working directory, or copy some .vimrc from online. Or maybe you create a new one from scratch, and put all the settings the good people here and elsewhere recommend (set backspace = blahblah, set nocompatible, set this, set that). It doesn't work. Why? Because for whatever reason (at least in my case) vim isn't looking at the .vimrc you just created.
The solution is to FORCE vim to use a particular .vimrc, by passing in -u on the command line like so:
vim -u [/INSERT/PATH/TO/.vimrc]
For the love of all that is holy, DO NOT type square brackets or the words "/INSERT/PATH/TO/.vimrc" verbatim. Use your brain please.
Anyway, this solved my problems and I was able to use the default example .vimrc and get proper delete and backspace behavior while in insert mode, not to mention other goodies.
You might want to alias the vim command in your .bashrc like this:
alias vim='vim -u [/INSERT/PATH/TO/.vimrc]'
Regarding A,B,C,D for arrow keys in Vim, adding:
:set term=cons25
to ~/.vimrc worked like a charm.
source: http://vim.wikia.com/wiki/Fix_arrow_keys_that_display_A_B_C_D_on_remote_shell
Following different answers in this topic I found a simple solution.
$ vi --version | head
VIM - Vi IMproved 8.2 (2019 Dec 12, compiled Mar 30 2020 21:54:08)
Included patches: 1-486
Modified by <cygwin#cygwin.com>
Compiled by <cygwin#cygwin.com>
$ vi --version | grep 'user vimrc'
user vimrc file: "$HOME/.virc"
2nd user vimrc file: "~/.vim/vimrc"
So I just created ~/.virc (not vimrc) and it works! The content of the file:
set nocompatible
Probably, if you already have this file you will add the above string in it. Or, as people say above, if you have an empty ~/.virc, nocompatible mode must be already in use (I didn't check it).
Apart of the question, line numbers (that I find very useful) may be shown in vi by adding:
set number

How do I start vim in insert mode?

Whenever I enter vim, there are 99% chance that I will go in insert mode and edit the file. Can I make vim always start in insert mode?
You can start vim like this:
vim -c 'startinsert' FILENAME
If you want, you can edit the .bashrc file (if you are using bash) and add this line:
alias vim="vim -c 'startinsert'"
You can use vim +star, which is even shorter. NB: star is short for :help :start.
If you want this behavior by default, the best option is to add the line
autocmd BufRead,BufNewFile * start
into your ~/.vimrc. Also take a look at :h 'insertmode', which outlines a special option made for this kind of functionality. However, it can make it difficult to get out of insert mode which is crucial for growing in your vim ninja skills.
You can, and it's very simple.
The :startinsert command enters insert mode. (It is the exact command-line-mode counterpart to typing i in normal-mode.) Just drop it into your vimrc so it runs at startup. Unlike some of the other suggestions, this doesn't interfere with dropping back to normal-mode by ESC as normal.
Additionally, there's something called "Easy mode", started from vim -y or evim. It's a more radical departure than just starting in insert mode: it has some key bindings matching other editors', and normal-mode commands are done by hitting Ctrl+O instead of Esc. As a consequence of that, being in insert mode is the rule rather than the exception.

vim undo limited to one step on some hosts

On one of my dev machines I have unlimited undos, I can hold u and go all the way back to when I opened the file.
On another, pressing u toggles between the last two changes I made, no more.
The first dev machine I have Administrator access to and the vim installer had free reign. The second I do not and vim had to be installed off the normal OS paths and have to launch vim with a 'Sendto'. Perhaps this is related and I'm missing some rc commands.
Also noticed I have to run 'syn on' to get highlighting on that box. vimrc was also blank so now I'm sure it has something to do with it.
From other threads I don't believe this is related to the persistent undo feature, but simply a .swp or ~ issue (whatever those files are used for..)
Deadlines have prompted punting what is probably a simple issue.. How do I fix this?
vimrc was blank on the affected box.
I added these lines from my other dev box and everything was hapy again.
set nocompatible
source $VIMRUNTIME/vimrc_example.vim
source $VIMRUNTIME/mswin.vim
behave mswin
Looks like you need a vimrc file on the second box: see :he compatible-default.
If there is no vimrc file, vim runs in vi compatible mode, and there is no syntax highlighting etc...
Create one. Output of :version will show you more where the files are expected.
If undo still does not work have a look at :he undo-two-ways.
