Passively inject shared object to a specific executable - linux

I'm interested on injecting my own shared object to any future to run instance of a specific executable.
This executable gives me hard time since it is executed a lot and quite frequently which makes me reluctant to inject my code actively (using ptrace()).
The best option I thought of is to use some kind of ELF patcher (maybe ?) in order to make the executable depends on my code. This option discourages me since I'm afraid any bug in the code will lead to an executable corruption.
Any other suggestion?
Root permissions are granted
I can't load a kernel module
The injection must be inline - meaning, before the executable entry point was called (main())


How can a program change a directory without using chdir()?

I can find a lot of documentation on using chdir() to change a directory in a program (a command shell, for instance). I was wondering if it is possible to somehow do the same thing without the use of chdir(). Yet, I can't find any documentation or examples of code where a person is changing directories without using chdir() to some capacity. Is this possible?
In Linux, chdir() is a syscall. That means it's not something a program does in its own memory, but it's a request for the OS kernel to do something on the program's behalf.
Granted, it's one of two syscalls that can change directories -- the other one is fchdir(). Theoretically you could use the other one, though whether that's what your professor actually wants is very much open to interpretation.
In terms of why chdir() and fchdir() can't be reimplemented by an application but need to be leveraged: The current working directory is among the process state maintained by the kernel on a program's behalf; the program itself can't access kernel memory without asking the kernel to operate on its behalf.
Things are syscalls because they need to be syscalls -- if something could be done in-process, it would be done that way (crossing the boundary between userspace and kernelspace involves a context-switch penalty; it's not without performance impact). In this case, letting the kernel do accurate bookkeeping as to what a process's working directory is ensures that the working directory is maintained when a new executable is loaded (with execve()), and helps to ensure the integrity of the kernel's records (making sure a program can't pretend to have its current working directory be a directory it doesn't actually have access to).

How do I open a file in a kernel module if calling process is in user space?

I am trying to create a character device driver that dumps /etc/shadow when read from as a non-privileged user. This is for purely academic purposes of course.
I was reading about how reading/writing files in kernel space opens a system to possible exploits. I am trying to implement this in practice.
Please spare me the "don't touch the filesystem in kernel mode" talk. I am precisely trying to exploit the nuances of doing so.
Problem is that the only way I have found so far that works to open a file in kernel mode is filp_open, which is currently producing EACCESS when I read from the device file as a non-privileged user. This was confounding at first as I assumed that I can do anything in kernel space.
For example, when I cat the device file I have created as a non-root user, filp_open produces EACCESS in kernel space???
Further investigation has led me to believe that filp_open checks the capabilities of the calling process. This would make sense as it is used internally by open(), but I am in kernel mode here! There must be a way!
I am very new to programming in kernel space. I have extensive application C experience, but I am finding it difficult to navigate the kernel documentation for precisely what I am looking for. Additionally, it seems that more and more symbols within the kernel are not exported for use in modules. As I am developing an exploit proof of concept, I would like it to work without recompiling the kernel. I am finding a lot of code (vfs and syscalls) that is deprecated as the symbols are no longer exported to kernel modules.
Is what I am trying to do a thing that is specifically engineered against? Loading a kernel module requires root to begin with, so I would see this more in the lens of a persistence focused attack rather than an access one.
Also, I got the proof of concept working by just reading from the file when the module is loaded, but this is no fun! Any pointers here are much appreciated.
After some rethinking and digging I have found two solutions to my problem. Thank you to Tsyvarev and stark for the pointers.
Solution 1
The first solution is to elevate the privileges of the calling process before making a call of filp_open. This is also basically making a rootkit, so not as interesting.
Here is a link to the guide that I found on the subject.
Solution 2
The module will have an init function that by nature must be run with elevated privs when the module is loaded. So you can open the file pointer there and just close it when the module is unloaded. Caveats are that you have the file pointer open the whole time, so all of the gotchas there are still present. Better to only read, writing is where things can get a bit tricky. This is the solution I chose in the interim, as I didn't want this thing to be a full rootkit.
Another direction is workqueue or to spawn a thread. Probably the most tricky but also the most inline with what my original vision of this demo was. I did not test this direction but it probably is the best solution.

How to use mod_exec proftpd linux

i used this code to execute external script, from mod_exec proftpd.
ExecEngine on
ExecLog /opt/proftpd_mod_exec.log
ExecOptions logStderr logStdout
<IfUser yogi>
ExecBeforeCommand STOR,RETR /home/yogi/Desktop/ EVENT=BeforeCommand FILE='%f'
ExecOnCommand STOR,RETR /home/yogi/Desktop/ EVENT=OnCommand FILE='%f'
but i get error code like this on proftpd_mod_exec.log file. STOR ExecBeforeCommand '/home/yogi/Desktop/' failed: Exec format error
how can i fix it?
This module will not work properly for logins, or for logins that are affected by DefaultRoot. These directives use the chroot(2) system call, which wreaks havoc when it comes to scripts. The path to script/shell interpreters often assume a certain location that is no longer valid within a chroot. In addition, most modern operating systems use dynamically loaded libraries (.so libraries) for many binaries, including script/shell interpreters. The location of these libraries, when they come to be loaded, are also assumed; those assumptions break within a chroot. Perl, in particular, is so wrought with filesystem location assumptions that it's almost impossible to get a Perl script to work within a chroot, short of installing Perl itself into the chroot environment.
From the error message it sounds like that just that. You have enabled chroot and the script cannot get executed because of files not available at expected places within chroot.
Author suggest not to use the module because of this.
To get it work You need to figure out the dependencies You need in the chroot target and set them up there at the appropriate places. Or disable chroot for the users and try again. Third possibility: build a statically linked binary with almost no dependencies.
Or try, as the author of the module suggest, to use a FIFO and proftpd logging functionality to trigger the scripts outside of the chroot environment.

Call dlopen with file descriptor?

I want to open a shared object as a data file and perform a verification check on it. The verification is a signature check, and I sign the shared object. If the verification is successful, I would like to load the currently opened shared object as a proper shared object.
First question: is it possible to call dlopen and load the shared object as a data file during the signature check so that code is not executed? According to the man pages, I don't believe so since I don't see a flag similar to RTLD_DATA.
Since I have the shared object open as a data file, I have the descriptor available. Upon successful verification, I would like to pass the descriptor to dlopen so the dynamic loader loads the shared object properly. I don't want to close the file then re-open it via dlopen because it could introduce a race condition (where the file verified is not the same file opened and executed).
Second question: how does one pass an open file to dlopen using a file descriptor so that dlopen performs customary initialization of the shared object?
On Linux, you probably could dlopen some /proc/self/fd/15 file (for file descriptor 15).
RTLD_DATA does not seems to exist. So if you want it, you have to patch your own dynamic loader. Perhaps doing that within MUSL Libc could be less hard. I still don't understand why you need it.
You have to trust the dlopen-ed plugin somehow (and it will run its constructor functions at dlopen time).
You could analyze the shared object plugin before dlopen-ing it by using some ELF parsing library, perhaps libelf or libbfd (from binutils); but I still don't understand what kind of analysis you want to make (and you really should explain that; in particular what happens if the plugin is indirectly linked to some bad behaving software). In other words you should explain more about your verification step. Notice that a shared object could overwrite itself....
Alternatively, don't use dlopen and just mmap your file (you'll need to parse some ELF and process relocations; see elf(5) and Levine's Linkers and Loaders for details, and look into the source code of your, e.g. in GNU glibc).
Perhaps using some JIT generation techniques might be useful (you would JIT generate code from some validated data), e.g. with GCCJIT, LLVM, or libjit or asmjit (or even LuaJit or SBCL) etc...
And if you have two file descriptors to the same shared object you probably won't have any race conditions.
An option is to build your ad-hoc static C or C++ source code analyzer (perhaps using some GCC plugin provided by you). That plugin might (with months, or perhaps years, of development efforts) check some property of the user C++ code. Beware of Rice's theorem (limiting the properties of every static source code analyzer). Then your program might (like my manydl.c does, or like RefPerSys will soon do, in mid 2020, or like the obsolete GCC MELT did a few years ago) take as input the user C++ code, run some static analysis on that C++ code (e.g. using your GCC plugin), compile that C++ code into a temporary shared object, and dlopen that shared object. So read Drepper's paper How to Write Shared Libraries.

How does Adore-Ng rootkit gets loaded into the kernel

I am working on detecting kernel level rootkits and have chosen Adore-Ng as my first test rootkit. After having known how this rootkit hides itself and other processes in the Linux kernel (2.4, 2.6 versions), I now want to know how it gets loaded into the kernel.
Specifically, I want to know whether
1. It calls any already existing APIs in the Linux kernel OR
2. Does it have any hard-coded assembly instructions such that as soon as its compiled, it gets loaded into the kernel?
I went through the source code of Adore-Ng but couldn't find anything in this direction and could only see how it achieves its goal of hiding.
Can anyone tell/suggest how I can find its loading behaviour?
The core of the Adore rootkit is a malicious module, so for it to be loaded into the kernel you first need root access, then run insmod (or modinfo).
Another way to load Adore is to infect a trusted kernel module as described in Phrack volume 0x0b, issue 0x3d. It wouldn't be as stealthy as the former way because the cleaner module wouldn't be invoked. Since you went through the source code, I believe you have the aptitude to modify the source to invoke the cleaner module once the Adore module has infected a legit module. (make sure you also leave no trace of the module infection; the cleaner will not pick that up).
Any admin worth his salt would use signed modules, so don't expect these methods to work on production kernels after the 2.6 mainline.
