Why are there two OrderLockManager implementations in Broadleaf? - broadleaf-commerce

In Broadleaf, both SessionOrderLockManager and DatabaseOrderLockManager can be used by CartStateFilter to serialize user requests.
It appears that the former locks on the session associated with the request, and the latter locks on the order embedded in the request body.
My question is that, why both implementations exist? Are there differences in the provided semantics? Are there scenarios where session-based locks won't suffice? (I found through git history that the database lock implementation is introduced after.)
Many thanks!
p.s. I'm not familiar with HTTP sessions. Please correct me if any statement is wrong.
[Edit] Here's another related question: why use locks at all? It seems that marking the service methods #Transactional suffices.



I am building a REST service over CQRS using EventSourcing to distribute changes to my domain across services. I have the REST service up and running, with a POST endpoint for creating the initial model and then a series of PATCH endpoints to change the model. Each end-point has a command associated with it that the client sends as a Content-Type parameter. For example, Content-Type=application/json;domain-command=create-project. I have the following end-points for creating a Project record on my task/project management service.
Verb: POST
Command: create-project
What it does: Inserts a new model in the event store with some default values set
Command: rename-project
What it does: Inserts a project-renamed event into the event store with the new project name.
Command: reschedule-project
What it does: Inserts a project-rescheduled event into the event store with the new project due date.
Command: set-project-status
What it does: Inserts a project-status-changed event into the event store with the new project status (Active, Planning, Archived etc).
Command: delete-project
What it does: Inserts a project-deleted event into the event store
Traditionally in a REST service you would offer a PUT endpoint so the record could be replaced. I'm not sure how that works in the event-sourcing + CQRS pattern. Would I only ever use POST and PATCH verbs?
I was concerned I was to granular and that every field didn't need a command associated with it. A PUT endpoint could be used to replace pieces. My concern though was that the event store would get out of sync so I just stuck with PATCH endpoints. Is this level of granularity typical? For a model with 6 properties on it I have 5 commands to adjust the properties of the model.
This is a common question that we get a lot of the time when helping developers getting started with CQRS/ES. We need to acknowledge that applying REST in a pure way is a really bad match for DDD/CQRS since the intention of the commands are not explicitly expressed in the verbs GET/POST/PUT/PATCH/DELETE (even though you can use content-type like you did). Also the C/R-side of the system are definitely different resources in a CQRS-system which does not match up with REST.
However, to use HTTP to provide an API for a CQRS/ES system is very practical.
We usually only use POST for sending commands, to either a /commands endpoint or to endpoints with the name of the command, i.e /commands/create-project. It's all about how strict you want to be. In this case we embed the command type in the payload or as a content-type.
However, it is all a matter of what matches the tech stack better and what you choose here usually does not make or break the solution. The more important part is usually to create a good domain model and get the whole team onboard with this way of thinking.
Good luck!
One question that comes to mind is, is REST the right paradigm for CQRS at all?
One completely different way to structure this is to not have action-focused endpoints, but instead structure your REST API as a series of events that you add new events to (with POST).
Events should be immutable and append-only, so maybe a DELETE method doesn't make that much sense for mutations.
If you're going all in with CQRS (good luck, I've heard the war stories) I would be inclined to build an API that reflects that model well.
Would I only ever use POST and PATCH verbs?
Most of the time, you would use POST.
PUT, and PATCH are defined with remote authoring semantics - they are methods used to copy new representations of a resource from the client to the server. For example, the client GETs a representation of /project/12345, makes local edits, and then uses PUT to request that the server accept the client's new representation of the resource as its own.
PATCH, semantically, is a similar exchange of messages - the difference being that instead of sending the full representation of the resource, the client returns a "patch-document" that the server can apply to its copy to make the changes.
Now, technically, the PATCH documentation does put any restrictions on what a "patch-document" is. In order for PATCH to be more useful that POST, however, we need patch document formats that are general purpose and widely recognized (for instance, application/merge-patch+json or application/json-patch+json).
And that's not really the use case you have here, where you are defining command messages that are specific to your domain.
Furthermore, remote authoring semantics don't align very well with "domain modeling" (which is part of the heritage of CQRS). When we're modeling a domain, we normally give the domain model the authority to decide how to integrate new information with what the server already knows. PUT and PATCH semantics are more like what you would use to write information into an anemic data store.
On the other hand, it is okay to use POST
POST serves many useful purposes in HTTP, including the general purpose of “this action isn’t worth standardizing.” -- Fielding, 2009
It may help to recall that REST is the architectural style of the world wide web, and the only unsafe method supported by html is POST.
So replacing your PATCH commands with POST, and you're on the right path.
Fielding, 2008
I should also note that the above is not yet fully RESTful, at least how I use the term. All I have done is described the service interfaces, which is no more than any RPC. In order to make it RESTful, I would need to add hypertext to introduce and define the service, describe how to perform the mapping using forms and/or link templates, and provide code to combine the visualizations in useful ways. I could even go further and define these relationships as a standard, much like Atom has standardized a normal set of HTTP relationships with expected semantics
The same holds here - we aren't yet at "REST", but we have improved things by choosing standardized methods that are better aligned with our intended semantics.
One final note -- you should probably replace your use of DELETE with POST as well. DELETE is potentially a problem for two reasons -- the semantics aren't what you want, and the standard delete payload has no defined semantics
Expressed another way: DELETE is from the transferring documents over a network domain, not from your domain. A DELETE message sent to your resources should be understood to mean the same thing as a DELETE message sent to any other resource is understood. That's the uniform interface constraint at work: we all agree that the HTTP method tokens mean the same thing everywhere.
Relatively few resources allow the DELETE method -- its primary use is for remote authoring environments, where the user has some direction regarding its effect -- RFC 7231
As before: remote authoring semantics are not obviously a good fit for sending messages to a domain model.
This Google Cloud article API design: Understanding gRPC, OpenAPI and REST and when to use them clarifies the REST vs RPC debate. REST is more relevant for entity-centric API whereas RPC is more relevant for action-centric API (and CQRS). The most mature REST level 3 with hypermedia controls works well only for entities with simple state models.
Understand and evaluate first the benefits of REST for your case. Many APIs are REST-ish and not RESTful. OpenAPI is actually RPC mapped over and HTTP endpoints but it doesn't prevent it to be widely adopted.

Is there ever a need to have GET request API as POST is better in every way?

So we were starting a new project from scratch and one of the developers suggested why have any GET API requests as POST API's are better in every which way. (At least when using a mobile client)
On further looking into this it does seem POST can do everything GET can do and it can do it better -
slightly more secure as parameters are not in URL
larger limit than GET request
So is there even a single reason to have a GET API ? (This will only be used from a mobile client so browser specific cacheing doesn't affect us)
Is there ever a need to have GET request API as POST is better in every way?
In general, yes. In your specific circumstances -- maybe no.
GET and POST are method tokens.
The request method token is the primary source of request semantics
They are a form of meta data included in the http request so that general purpose components can be aware of the request semantics and contribute constructively.
POST is, in a sense, the wildcard method - it can mean anything. But one of the consequences of this is - because the method has unconstrained semantics, general purpose components can't do anything useful other than pass the request along.
GET, however, has safe semantics (which includes idempotent semantics). Because the request is idempotent, general purpose components know that they can resend a GET request when the server returns no response (ie messages being lost on unreliable transport); general purpose components can know that representations of the resource can be pre-fetched, reducing perceived latency.
You dismissed caching as a concern earlier, but you may want to rethink that - the cache constraint is an important element that helped the web take over the world.
Reducing everything to POST reduces HTTP from an application for transferring documents over a network to dumb transport.
Using HTTP for transport isn't necessarily wrong: Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) works that way, as does gRPC. You still get authorization, and conditional requests; features of HTTP that you might otherwise need to roll your own.
You aren't doing REST at that point, but that's OK; not everybody has to.
That doesn’t mean that I think everyone should design their own systems according to the REST architectural style. REST is intended for long-lived network-based applications that span multiple organizations. If you don’t see a need for the constraints, then don’t use them. (Fielding, 2008)

How to customize the behaviour of SecurityContextPersistenceFilter?

I developing a stateless REST API that makes use of token based authentication, where I'm manually adding an Authentication object to the security context by calling SecurityContextHolder.getContext().setAuthentication(authentication) from within a custom security filter. I've been experiencing problems with the context not being set correctly which I believe is due to this :
Storing the SecurityContext between requests
In an application which receives concurrent requests in a single session, the same SecurityContext instance will be shared between threads. Even though a ThreadLocal is being used, it is the same instance that is retrieved from the HttpSession for each thread. This has implications if you wish to temporarily change the context under which a thread is running. If you just use SecurityContextHolder.getContext(), and call setAuthentication(anAuthentication) on the returned context object, then the Authentication object will change in all concurrent threads which share the same SecurityContext instance. ...
You can customize the behaviour of SecurityContextPersistenceFilter to create a completely new SecurityContext for each request, preventing changes in one thread from affecting another.
So the question is - how do you change the behaviour of the SecurityContextPersistenceFilter?
I'd like the security context to not be associated with the http session, but don't want to set the session creation policy to stateless, because I still want to implement CSRF protection etc.
I had this exact question this afternoon, and this open question matched my search exactly, so I thought I would add the little I learned.
We had threads that were accessing the same SecurityContext. I was unable to figure out how to customize the behavior of the SecurityContextPersistenceFilter directly (and in the pattern of the framework), however there were two ways that I could get it to be thread safe.
The first solution was to ensure that an empty context was created in our main authentication filter. This covered all of our authenticated requests, so it would work for our solution.
The second thing that worked for me was to change our WebSecurityConfig to be stateless, which I know doesn't work for the OP, but added here for completeness.
Both these solutions work independently for our particular configuration. I'm certain there is a 3rd solution that would read better, but I don't know what it is but would like to.
This is my first time posting. I welcome any feedback.

Generate document ID server side

When creating a document and letting Couch create the ID for you, does it check if the ID already exists, or could I still produce a conflict?
I need to generate UUIDs in my app, and wondered if it would be any different than letting Couch do it.
Use POST /db request for that, but you should be aware the fact that the underlying HTTP POST method is not idempotent, and a client may automatic retry it due to a problem some networking problems, which may create multiple documents in the database.
As Kxepal already mentioned it is generally not recommended to POST a document without providing your own _id.
You could, however, use GET /_uuids to retrieve a list of UUIDs from the server and use that for storing your documents. The UUIDs returned will depend on the algorithm that is used, but the chance of a duplicate are (for most purposes) insignificantly small.
You can and should give a document id, even when using the bulk document interface. Skipping that step makes the problem of resubmitted requests creating duplicate documents even worse. On the other hand, if you do assign ID's, and part of the request reaches couchdb twice (as in the case of a reconnecting proxy), then your response will include some conflicts, which you can safely ignore, you know the conflict was from you, in the same request

Voting system hack proof

I'm implementing a voting system like Stackoverflow's. How can I implement this so it is hack proof?
I've got some PHP that does database work according to the ajax request sent after the javascript parses it. Would doing a query to check the current vote state of a user be enough to avoid unauthorised votes?
It is definitely possible to implement pretty reliable solution. But this must be done server-side.
Basic rule of security: you don't trust client data.
Move all your checks to PHP and make your javascript as dumb as
$(".vote").click(function(e) {
$.post('/vote.php', vote_data, function(result) {
// update UI according to returned result
It's a common thing, however, to still do checks on the client, but as a way to improve usability (mark required form fields that weren't filled) or reduce server load (by not sending obviously incomplete data). These client checks are for user's comfort, not for your security.
Answering to your updated question:
If you store full log of when which user voted for which question, then yes, it's pretty easy to prevent multiple voting (when user can vote for the same thing several times). Assuming, of course, that anonymous votes are not allowed.
But if you have a popular site, this log can get pretty big and be a problem. Some systems try to get away by disabling voting on old articles (and removing corresponding log entries).
What if someone intentionally tries to hack me?
There are different types of attacks a malicious user can perform.
CSRF (cross-site request forgery)
The article lists some methods for preventing the attack. Modern Ruby on Rails has built-in protection, enabled by default. Don't know how it is in PHP world.
This attack tricks users into clicking on something what isn't what they think. For example, they may click "Play video", but the site will intercept this click and post on user's wall instead.
There are some articles on the Web as well.
Wiki on clickjacking
5 ways to prevent clickjacking
Javascript to prevent clickjacking
NOTE: THIS IS AN ANSWER TO THE ORIGINAL QUESTIONDon't downvote it just because the OP radically changed his question.
It's a huge error even just thinking of relying on browser-side components to enforce application logic. Javascript should be used, in untrusted environments, exclusively for presentation purposes.
All application logic should be implemented, validated and enforced server-side.
