How to check length of text field of Cassandra table - cassandra

There is one field 'name' in our Cassandra database whose data type is type 'text'
How do I retrieve the data which has length of the 'name' field greater than some number using Cassandra query.

As was pointed in the comment, it's easy to add the user-defined function, and use it to retrieve the length of the text field, but the catch is that you can't use the user-defined function in the WHERE condition (see CASSANDRA-8488).
Even if it was possible, if you only have this as condition - that's a bad query for Cassandra, as it will need to go through all data in the database, and filter them out. For such tasks, usually things like, Spark are used - you can read data via Spark Cassandra Connector, and apply necessary filtering conditions. But this will involve reading all of the data from database, and then performing the filtering - this would be quite slower than normal CQL queries, but at least automatically parallelized.


Managing multiple database connections and data with foreachPartition

Will try to make it as clear as possible so an example isn't required as this has to be a concept that I didn't grasp properly and I'm struggling with rather than a problem with data or Spark code itself.
I'm required to insert city data within their own database (MongoDB) and I'm trying to perform those upserts as fast as possible.
Take into account a sample DataFrame with the following, where I want to do some upserts against MongoDB based on, for example, year, city and zone.
year - city - zone - num_business - num_vehicles.
Having groupedBy those columns I'm just pending to perform the upsert into the DB.
Using the MongoDB Driver I'm required to instantiate several WriteConfigs to cope with multiple databases (1 database per city).
// the 'getDatabaseWriteConfigsPerCity' method filters the 'df' so it only contains the docs from a single city.
for (cityDBConnection <- getDatabaseWriteConfigsPerCity(df) {
... // set MongoDB upsert criteria.
Doing it that way works but still, more performance can be gained when using foreachPartition as I hope that those records within the DF are spread to the executors are more data is concurrently being upsert.
However, I get erroneous results when using foreachPartition. Erroneus because they seem incomplete. Counters are way off and such.
I suspect this is because, among the partitions, same keys are in different partitions and it's not until those are merged in the master when those are inserted to MongoDB as a single record.
Is there any way I can make sure partitions contain the total of documents related to an upsert key?
Don't really know if I'm being clear enough, but if it's still too complicated I will update as soon as possible.
Is there any way I can make sure partitions contain the total of
documents related to an upsert key? if you do:
You can be sure that all records with same city are in the same partition (but there is probably more than 1 city per partition!)

Querying on column which is not a part of a PK or a secondary index

Please help me to resolve a confusion. Cassandra book Claims that attempts to query based on column that is not a part of a PK should fail (No secondary index for this column as well). However when I try to do it I can see this warning:
Cannot execute this query as it might involve data filtering and thus may have unpredictable performance. If you want to execute this query despite the performance unpredictability, use ALLOW FILTERING
Once I append ALLOW FILTERING to my query, there is no more error. I understand the implication on performance - however there is a clear contradiction to what is written in the book. Was this feature added later or book authors simply missed this?
I think it is great you have a textbook to guide you through important noSQL concepts, but don't rely on it as CASSANDRA is open source and is constantly updated by the community. Online resources such as the official apache documentation is a much better option to retrieve updated information / tutorials on new and existing features.
Although ALLOW FILTERING does exist, it is still recommended to use a different table construction (e.g. changing the column to a key) or create an INDEX to keep querying fast.
AFAIK, Cassandra has ALLOW FILTERING from version 1.
Also to explain ALLOW FILTERING,
As per the datastax documentation,
Let’s take for example the following table:
CREATE TABLE blogs (blogId int,
time1 int,
time2 int,
author text,
content text,
PRIMARY KEY(blogId, time1, time2));
If you execute the following query:
SELECT * FROM blogs;
Cassandra will return you all the data that the table blogs contains.
If you now want only the data at a specified time1, you will naturally add an equal condition on the column time1:
SELECT * FROM blogs WHERE time1 = 1418306451235;
In response, you will receive the following error message:
Bad Request: Cannot execute this query as it might involve data filtering and thus may have unpredictable performance. If you want to execute this query despite the performance unpredictability, use ALLOW FILTERING.
Cassandra knows that it might not be able to execute the query in an efficient way. It is therefore warning you: “Be careful. Executing this query as such might not be a good idea as it can use a lot of your computing resources”.
The only way Cassandra can execute this query is by retrieving all the rows from the table blogs and then by filtering out the ones which do not have the requested value for the time1 column.
If your table contains for example a 1 million rows and 95% of them have the requested value for the time1 column, the query will still be relatively efficient and you should use ALLOW FILTERING.
On the other hand, if your table contains 1 million rows and only 2 rows contain the requested value for the time1 column, your query is extremely inefficient. Cassandra will load 999, 998 rows for nothing. If the query is often used, it is probably better to add an index on the time1 column.
Unfortunately, Cassandra has no way to differentiate between the 2 cases above as they are depending on the data distribution of the table. Cassandra is therefore warning you and relying on you to make the good choice.

Order of results in Cassandra

I have two questions about query results in Cassandra.
When I make a "full" select of a table in Cassandra (ie. select * from table) is it guaranteed that the results will be returned in increasing order of partition tokens?
For instance, having the following table:
create table users(id int, name text, primary key(id));
Is it guaranteed that the following query will return the results with increasing values in the token column?
select token(id), id from users;
If so, is it also guaranteed if the data is distributed to multiple nodes in the cluster?
If the anwer to the above question is 'yes', is it still valid if we use secondary index? For instance, if we would have the following index:
create index on users(name);
and we query the table by using the index:
select token(id), id from users where name = 'xyz';
is there any guarantee regarding the order of results?
The motivation for the above questions is if the token is the right thing to use in order in implement paging and/or resuming of broken longer "data exports".
EDIT: There are multiple resources on the net that state that the order matches the token order (eg. in description of partitioner results or this Datastax page):
Without a partition key specified in the WHERE clause, the actual order of the result set then becomes dependent on the hashed values of userid.
However the order of results is not specified in official Cassandra documentation, eg. of SELECT statement.
Is it guaranteed that the following query will return the results with increasing values in the token column?
Yes it is
If so, is it also guaranteed if the data is distributed to multiple nodes in the cluster?
The data distribution is orthogonal to the ordering of the retrieved data, no relationship
If the anwer to the above question is 'yes', is it still valid if we use secondary index?
Yes, even if you query data using a secondary index (be it SASI or the native implementation), the returned results will always be sorted by token order. Why ? The technical explanation is given in my blog post here:
That's the main reason that explain why SASI is not a good fit if you want the search to return data ordered by some column values. Only a real search engine integration (like Datastax Enterprise Search) can yield you the correct ordering because it bypasses the cluster read path layer.

Is a read with one secondary index faster than a read with multiple in cassandra?

I have this structure that I want a user to see the other user's feeds.
One way of doing it is to fan out an action to all interested parties's feed.
That would result in a query like select from feeds where userid=
otherwise i could avoid writing so much data and since i am already doing a read I could do:
select from feeds where userid IN (list of friends).
is the second one slower? I don't have the application yet to test this with a lot of data/clustering. As the application is big writing code to test a single node is not worth it so I ask for your knowledge.
If your title is correct, and userid is a secondary index, then running a SELECT/WHERE/IN is not even possible. The WHERE/IN clause only works with primary key values. When you use it on a column with a secondary index, you will see something like this:
Bad Request: IN predicates on non-primary-key columns (columnName) is not yet supported
Also, the DataStax CQL3 documentation for SELECT has a section worth reading about using IN:
When not to use IN
The recommendations about when not to use an index apply to using IN
in the WHERE clause. Under most conditions, using IN in the WHERE
clause is not recommended. Using IN can degrade performance because
usually many nodes must be queried. For example, in a single, local
data center cluster with 30 nodes, a replication factor of 3, and a
consistency level of LOCAL_QUORUM, a single key query goes out to two
nodes, but if the query uses the IN condition, the number of nodes
being queried are most likely even higher, up to 20 nodes depending on
where the keys fall in the token range.
As for your first query, it's hard to speculate about performance without knowing about the cardinality of userid in the feeds table. If userid is unique or has a very high number of possible values, then that query will not perform well. On the other hand, if each userid can have several "feeds," then it might do ok.
Remember, Cassandra data modeling is about building your data structures for the expected queries. Sometimes, if you have 3 different queries for the same data, the best plan may be to store that same, redundant data in 3 different tables. And that's ok to do.
I would tackle this problem by writing a table geared toward that specific query. Based on what you have mentioned, I would build it like this:
userid UUID,
feedid UUID,
action text,
PRIMARY KEY (userid, feedid));
With a composite primary key made up of userid as the partitioning key you will then be able to run your SELECT/WHERE/IN query mentioned above, and achieve the expected results. Of course, I am assuming that the addition of feedid will make the entire key unique. if that is not the case, then you may need to add an additional field to the PRIMARY KEY. My example is also assuming that userid and feedid are version-4 UUIDs. If that is not the case, adjust their types accordingly.

HBase schema design in storing query log

Recently, I'm working on make a solution for storing user's search log/query log into a HBase table.
Let's simple the raw Query log:
query timestamp req_cookie req_ip ...
Data access patterns:
scan through all querys within a time range.
scan through all search history with a specified query
I came up with the following row-key design:
But the query may be very long or in different encoding, put query directly into the rowkey seems unwise.
I'm looking for help in optimizing this schema, anybody handling this scenario before?
1- You can do a full table scan with a timerange. In case you need realtime responses you have to maintain a reverse row-key table <timestamp>_<query> (plan your region splitting policy carefully first).
Be warned that sequential row key prefixes will get some of your
regions very hot if you have a lot of concurrence, so it would be wise
to buffer writes to that table. Additionally, if you get more writes than a single region can handle you're going to implement some sort of sharding prefix (i.e modulo of the timestamp), although this will make your
retrievals a lot more complex (you'll have to merge the results of
multiple scans).
2- Hash the query string in a way that you always have a fixed-length row key without having to care about encoding (MD5 maybe?)
