Location for SSH private key and temporary SFTP download data in Azure functions - azure

I am writing an Azure function that uses WinSCP library to download files using SFTP and upload the files on blob storage. This library doesn't allow to get files as a Stream. Only option is to download them locally. My code also uses a private key file. So i have 2 questions.
sessionOptions.SshPrivateKeyPath = Path.GetFullPath("privateKey2.ppk");
is working locally. I have added this file in solution with option "copy to output" and it works. But will it work when Azure function is deployed?
While getting the files I need to specify local path where the files will be downloaded.
var transferResult = session.GetFiles(
file.FullName, Path.GetTempPath() + #"SomeFolder\" + file.Name, false,
The second parameter is the local path.
What should I use in place of Path.GetTempPath() that will work when Azure function is deployed?

For the private key, just deploy it along with your function project. You can simply add it to your VS project.
See also Including a file when I publish my Azure function in Visual Studio.
For the download: The latest version of WinSCP already supports streaming the files. Use the Session.GetFile method.
To answer your question about the temporary location, see:
Azure Functions Temp storage.
Where to store files for Azure function?


What Visual Studio Code extension API should be used to add folders and move files in a Visual Studio Code workspace?

I want to write an extension that will:
Read the folders and files in the current workspace
Reorganise those files by creating new folders and moving the files into them
So I need an API to do the above. I am not clear on whether I should use
the standard fs node module,
the File System Provider or
the workspace namespace.
I read the answer here, but it doesn't say what to use to create folders and move files within the workspace.
The FileSystemProvider is to be used if you want to serve files from non-local storage like FTP sites or virtual file systems inside remote devices and present them to Visual Studio Code as storage directories. The FileSystemProvider is a view/controller of the remote storage. In other words, you have to implement all the file manipulation operations by communicating with the remote storage.
If you want to just manipulate the files in the current workspace and also be able to use URI's from FileSystemProviders, you use vscode.workspace.fs.
You can also use the Node.js fs module, but that only handles local disk workspaces (URI's with scheme file:). I recommend to use the synchronous versions of the fs methods. I had some troubles using the asynchronous fs methods in Visual Studio Code (I did not know of vscode.workspace.fs at that time).
I found extension.ts, sample code for implementing FileSystemProvider provided by Microsoft.
The below steps are provided which helps you understand how to create a new folder (createDirectory) and move files within the workspace (using the copy command, copying all files in an old folder to a new folder and use the delete command if you don’t wish for files to remain in the old folder).
The first step in FileSystemProvider is to register the filesystem provider for a given scheme using registerFileSystemProvider:
const memFs = new MemFS();
vscode.workspace.registerFileSystemProvider('memfs', memFs, {
isCaseSensitive: true
Next is to register the command registerCommand to perform your operations in FileSystemProvider like readDirectory, readFile, createDirectory, copy, delete.
vscode.commands.registerCommand('memfs.init', _ =>
#TODO: add required functionalities
Read folders and read files
for (const [name] of memFs.readDirectory(vscode.Uri.parse('memfs:/'))) {
Create the new folder
Move files to newly created folder. Unfortunately there doesn't seem to be a separate move file command, but you can use the Copy command to copy to the new folder and then delete:
copy(source: Uri, destination: Uri, options: {overwrite: boolean})
context.subscriptions.push(vscode.commands.registerCommand('memfs.reset', _ => {
for (const [name] of memFs.readDirectory(vscode.Uri.parse('memfs:/'))) {

Azcopy interprets source as local and adds current path when it is a gcloud storage https url

We want to copy files from Google Storage to Azure Storage.
We used following this guide: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/storage/common/storage-use-azcopy-google-cloud
We run this command:
azcopy copy 'https://storage.googleapis.com/telia-ddi-delivery-plaace/activity_daily_al1_20min/' 'https://plaacedatalakegen2.blob.core.windows.net/teliamovement?<SASKEY>' --recursive=true
And get this resulting error:
INFO: Scanning...
INFO: Any empty folders will not be processed, because source and/or destination doesn't have full folder support
failed to perform copy command due to error: cannot start job due to error: cannot scan the path /Users/peder/Downloads/https:/storage.googleapis.com/telia-ddi-delivery-plaace/activity_daily_al1_20min, please verify that it is a valid.
It seems to us that azcopy interprets the source as a local file destination and therefore adds the current location we run it from which is: /Users/peder/Downloads/. But we are unable to find any arguments to indicate that it is a web location and it is identical to the documentation in this guide:
azcopy copy 'https://storage.cloud.google.com/mybucket/mydirectory' 'https://mystorageaccount.blob.core.windows.net/mycontainer/mydirectory' --recursive=true
What we have tried:
We are doing this on a Mac in Terminal, but we also tested PowerShell for Mac.
We have tried single and double quotes.
We copied the Azure Storage url with SAS key from the console to ensure that has correct syntax
We tried cp instead of copy as the help page for azcopy used that.
Is there anything wrong with our command? Or can it be that azcopy has been changed since the guide was written?
I also created an issue for this on the Azure Documentation git page: https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/issues/78890
The reason you're running into this issue is because the URL storage.cloud.google.com is hardcoded in the application source code for Google Cloud Storage. From this link:
const gcpHostPattern = "^storage.cloud.google.com"
const invalidGCPURLErrorMessage = "Invalid GCP URL"
const gcpEssentialHostPart = "google.com"
Since you're using storage.googleapis.com instead of storage.cloud.google.com, it is not recognized by azcopy as a valid Google Cloud Storage endpoint and it considers the value as one of the directories in your local file system.

Azure Blob Using Python

I am accessing a website that allows me to download CSV file. I would like to store the CSV file directly to the blob container. I know that one way is to download the file locally and then upload the file, but I would like to skip the step of downloading the file locally. Is there a way in which I could achieve this.
i tried the following:
but I keep getting errors stating path is not found.
Any help is appreciated. Thanks!
The file_path in create_blob_from_path is the path of your local file, looks like "C:\xxx\xxx". This path('https://*****.blob.core.windows.net/containername/FlightStats') is Blob URL.
You could download your file to byte array or stream, then use create_blob_from_bytes or create_blob_from_stream method.
Other answer uses the so called "Azure SDK for Python legacy".
I recommend that if it's fresh implementation then use Gen2 Storage Account (instead of Gen1 or Blob storage).
For Gen2 storage account, see example here:
from azure.storage.filedatalake import DataLakeFileClient
data = b"abc"
file = DataLakeFileClient.from_connection_string("my_connection_string",
file_system_name="myfilesystem", file_path="myfile")
file.append_data(data, offset=0, length=len(data))
It's painful, if you're appending multiple times then you'll have to keep track of offset on client side.

Cloud Functions: how to upload additional file for use in code?

I need to get access to protoc file in my code. Locally I just put it in the folder but how to get this file from deployed Firebase functions?
const grpc = require('grpc');
const PROTO_PATH = __dirname + '\\protos\\prediction_service.proto';
exports.helloWorld = functions.https.onRequest((request, response){
var tensorflow_serving = grpc.load(PROTO_PATH).tensorflow.serving;
You'd like to upload 3 files to deploy your Cloud Function:
In order to do so via the Developer Console, you'll need to:
Go to the Google Cloud Developer Console > Cloud Functions > Create Function
In the "Source Code" field, choose either:
"ZIP upload" and select a zip file including your 3 files,
"ZIP from Cloud Storage" and select file location on GCS,
"Cloud Source repository" and provide your repo details
Fill in the remaining fields and click "Create"
Once deployed, in the source tab for your function you'll see the three files displayed.
Alternatively, you can use gcloud to deploy your files via the following command:
gcloud beta functions deploy <functionName> --source=SOURCE
where source can be a ZIP file on Google Cloud Storage, a reference to source repository or a local filesystem path. I'd recommend to have a look at the doc for this command for full details.
When you are using Firebase Cloud Functions with TypeScript (your code is in functions/src/index.ts), you need to put the additional files in functions/lib
I find this way the easiest when it comes to Firebase Functions:
Put your .proto file into functions folder of your firebase project (where index.js and package.json is located).
Deploy your functions as normal with the CLI command firebase deploy --only functions
As you can see here the file is automatically added to the project in the GCP:
And you can access it in your node.js project:
protobuf.load(__dirname + '/schema.proto')
While it is possible to use GCS, it's simple to include files in your source.
Put your package.json, index.js (or whatever file is specified in package.json's 'main' field) and other dependent files in a directory.
When you create your function, provide that directory including your other files via the ZIP upload or Cloud Source repository.
Your other files are available at path.join(__dirname, 'your/path/file.ext')

IFileProvider Azure File storage

I am thinking about implementing IFileProvider interface with Azure File Storage.
What i am trying to find in docs is if there is a way to send the whole path to the file to Azure API like rootDirectory/sub1/sub2/example.file or should that actually be mapped to some recursion function that would take path and traverse directories structure on file storage?
just want to make sure i am not missing something and reinvent the wheel for something that already exists.
I'm using Azure Storage Client for .NET. I would not like to mount anything.
My intentention is to have several IFileProviders which i could switch based on Environment and other conditions.
So, for example, if my environment is Cloud then i would use IFileProvider implementation that uses Azure File Services through Azure Storage Client. Next, if i have environment MyServer then i would use servers local file system. Third option would be environment someOther with that particular implementation.
Now, for all of them, IFileProvider operates with path like root/sub1/sub2/sub3. For Azure File Storage, is there a way to send the whole path at once to get sub3 info/content or should the path be broken into individual directories and get reference/content for each step?
I hope that clears the question.
Now, for all of them, IFileProvider operates with path like ˙root/sub1/sub2/sub3. For Azure File Storage, is there a way to send the whole path at once to getsub3` info/content or should the path be broken into individual directories and get reference/content for each step?
For access the specific subdirectory across multiple sub directories, you could use the GetDirectoryReference method for constructing the CloudFileDirectory as follows:
var fileshare = storageAccount.CreateCloudFileClient().GetShareReference("myshare");
var rootDir = fileshare.GetRootDirectoryReference();
var dir = rootDir.GetDirectoryReference("2017-10-24/15/52");
var items=dir.ListFilesAndDirectories();
For access the specific file under the subdirectory, you could use the GetFileReference method to return the CloudFile instance as follows:
var file=rootDir.GetFileReference("2017-10-24/15/52/2017-10-13-2.png");
