Mongoose: Define schema for a complex field containing objectIds - node.js

I've a mongoDB record field called taxonomies which is an object and each of it's property contains an array of single/multiple mongo objectId which reference to other documents. The property keys are dynamic and cannot be hard-coded.
"taxonomies": {
"job-region": [
"salary-slabs": [
"experience": []
Given the above document format I want to define mongoose schema definition in such way so that I can use the .populate() method on the query afterwards. I've tried following schema definition but since the field is not a simple string of a single ID, it does not work with populate.
// Schema Definition
const JobSchema = new mongoose.Schema({
taxonomies: {
type: mongoose.Schema.ObjectId,
ref: "Taxonomy",
required: true,
Any idea how to define it so I can use the populate() method? Any help would be appreciated.


How to add new fields to the last object in an array in MongoDB?

I have an Array of objects in mongoDB as follow
Initially there is only the heartRate field inside the object. Now I want to add new fields to this object along with the existing heartRate field.
Also there can be multiple objects inside the dailyReadings array. Therefore, I need to add new fields only to the last object using nodejs and expressjs
I tried using the $push method but ended up adding new object intead of adding the fields to the last object. Is there a way to achieve this? Thanks in advance!
Why I am doing this (For further understanding):-
I have developed a mobile app to read the heart rate. Initially it will save the heart rate in the database as a new object (As in the image). Then, there are several other data sent through a desktop application which needs to add to the same object (Which is the last object in the dailyReadings array)
There is no straight way to do this, you can try update with aggregation pipeline starting from MongoDB 4.2,
$size to get total elements in dailyReadings array
$subtract to minus 1 from above total elements
$slice to get elements other than the last object element
$slice to get last object element by -1 from dailyReadings
$arrayElemAt to select first object element from array
$mergeObjects to merge existing object fields of the last object and new fields that you want to insert
$concatArrays to concat first slice array and second updated object
{}, // put your query condition
$set: {
dailyReadings: {
$concatArrays: [
$slice: [
{ $subtract: [{ $size: "$dailyReadings" }, 1] }
$mergeObjects: [
{ $arrayElemAt: [{ $slice: ["$dailyReadings", -1] }, 0] },
newField: "1"
In order for you to add fields to the last object, the heartRate should be an object with a schema containing the following
Array (for you to add to)
any other necessary data type you'd want the object to have
you must define a complex schema using mongoose, perform the following changes to your file of model
const mongoose = require('mongoose');
const childSchema = mongoose.Schema({
heartRate: {type: Array, required: true}
array: {type: Array, required: false}, //change the required parameter based on your requirement
const parentSchema = mongoose.Schema({
dailyReadings: {
type: childSchema,
required: false //change the required parameter based on your requirement
module.exports = mongoose.model('modelCollection', parentSchema);
So basically you need to define the child schema, and change the type of dailyReadings to that schema and add to the array of different objects.

How to use $push inside $set in mongoose?

I'm using express-restify-mongoose library to have rest endpoints agaist mongoose.
I have schema looks like this:
const BookSchema = new Schema(
name: { type: String },
items: [{ type: mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref: 'Book' }],
So I send http patch request: { name: 'blabla' } and it change the name as expect.
But when I want to add item to items array like { items: ["5dd138199f6ecb3990360328"] } its replace the entire object (with one 5dd138199f6ecb399036032d item).
After I digging in the source code I see here the function uses findOneAndUpdate and $set.
So my question is there is any way to use $push or any function/property in the $set value?
I can't add to this library, but maybe there is any workaround solution here?
I think the closest solution in mongoose is to use Set Elements in Arrays:
"items.1": "5dd138199f6ecb3990360355"
Which will add to array, but you have to pass the position.

Mongoose : How to find documents in which fields match an ObjectId or a string?

This is mongoose DataModel in NodeJs
product: {type: mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref: 'products', required: true}
But in DB, this field is having multiple type of values in documents, have String and ObjectId
I'm querying this in mongoose
$or: [
"product": "55c21eced3f8bf3f54a760cf"
"product": mongoose.Types.ObjectId("55c21eced3f8bf3f54a760cf")
But this is only fetching the documents which have that field stored as ObjectId.
Is there any way that it can fetch all the documents having both type of values either String OR ObjectId?
Help is much appreciated. Thanks
There is a schema in Mongoose, so when you query a document, it will search it by this schema type. If you change the model's product type to "string", it will fetch only documents with string IDs.
Even if there is a way to fetch either a string OR ObjectId, it's smelly to me to have such inconsistency.
I've encountered the same problem, so the solution was to standardize all documents by running a script to update them.
db.products.find().forEach(function(product) {
db.products.update({ type: product.type},{
$set:{ type: ObjectId(data.type)}
The only problem I see there is if this type field is actually an _id field. _id fields in MongoDB are immutable and they can't be updated. If that is your case, you can simply create a new document with the same (but parsed) id and remove the old one.
This is what I did: (in Robomongo)
var newDoc = doc;
newDoc._id = ObjectId(doc._id);
Then delete all documents, which id is a string:
db.getCollection('products').remove({_id: {$regex: ""}})
There is another way to do this. If we Update the type to Mixed then it will fetch all the documents with each type, either String or ObjectId
Define this in your Schema
product: {type: mongoose.Schema.Types.Mixed, required: true}

Ways to remove sub-documents in Mongoose

I am currently trying to design a schema structure with mongoose which looks like the following:
var hubSchema = new mongoose.Schema({
//some other properties
dataStream: {
dataType: String,
dataPoints: [{
createdAt: { type: Date, expires: '7d'}
data: {}
storeStrategy: {
type: String,
enum: storeStrategies
The mongoose API docs say that:
Sub-documents enjoy all the same features as normal documents. The
only difference is that they are not saved individually, they are
saved whenever their top-level parent document is saved.
I want dataPoints to be an array of sub-documents and each sub-document should have TTL set just as a normal document. Having said that, I found out from other posts that it is not possible to set 'expires' for sub-documents. So my question is: Should I create a separate model for dataPoints and store a references here or I should implement some custom strategy for deleting sub-documents keeping this kind of structure?

Mongoose: Find reference documents by id before inserting a doc

Is there a way for checking if a reference document id exists in the array field of its "parent" model?
Imagine you know the objectId you want to check if exists because you don't want duplicates and also want to avoid that an error was thrown when trying to insert it.
I would like to know if there is an elegant and simple way as the method mongoose provides when working with subdocuments: var doc =
In this case it is a reference document:
// Car.js
var CarSchema = new Schema({
name: String,
description: String,
_components: [ { type: Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref: 'Component'},]
