How to create a nuxt.js app without create-nuxt-app - node.js

Please I wish to know how I can create a nuxt app without the create-nuxt-app template. I am pretty new to it and I don't want to download the template but start a new project (say with Vue.js) and incrementaly add nuxt functionality to my app. I Googled but can't find a relevant post.

You cannot add it incremetaly since it's a framework build upon Vue


Create React App command does not make react components

My question is pretty easy but could not find what is the error.
I try to create new project on React but when I try, I can see only packetJson files but components are not created.
I have no error while installing as well.
How can I fix it?

Adding React.js to an existing Electron App

I am developing a desktop application using Electron.js. Now, I decided that to implement the required functionality, it would be good to use React.js. I searched for some tutorials on how to add React to an existing electron app, but all I got was tutorials on building React apps with Electron from "scratch". Also, all those tutorials add electron on top of an existing React app and not the other way round. I haven't found any existing stackoverflow answers addressing this problem.
I don't want to go through the mess of creating a new project and then copying the existing code to the new project. This would also mean I would loose all the older commits from my Git and I want to continue with this project on the same repo.
Could anyone help me figure this out?

Convert Angular 2/3/4/5/6 project to Angular Universal

I have just updated my project to work with Angular 5, and I have got a NodeJS setup on my hosting so I want to create an Angular Universal Application, I would like to convert my current Angular 5 project into a working Angular Universal project that I can setup on my hosting.
The only thing I found on this so far is this;
Convert Angular 4 web app to Angular Universal app
I followed this and It gave me errors, I imagine due to the quick changing nature of Angular that the answer is most likely outdated, so I was wondering the best way to convert it.
Should I just use the starter seed and do the tedious work of adding all my code?
The best way to do this for me personally was add in all my components, services, modules into the universal-starter project, ensure I remove hammerjs or import it properly (for Material 2). I converted most of my components to have .module so I could use their lazy loading (not forgetting to add these paths properly in my routing file and in the static lazy loading path)
It only took a few hours and alot of that was just bug testing/fixing so it was pretty easy all in all.
I had the same issue several weeks ago. There is a Wiki on how to implement Universal into an Angular CLI project :
Maybe that helps you out.
I found it the easiest to take the current Angular Universal Starter Kit and import all my Modules into a fresh installation. As the new starter is for Angular 5 CLI I hope it's future proof. We will seeā€¦
I wrote a starter kit for MEAN applications with Angular Universal for Angular 5 and you can clone my repository at GitHub here: It provides all the instructions you need to get started. For your specific app, you can just delete the MongoDB part (Mongoose and the out of server.js, node_src/config/database) and npm uninstall mongoose and be able to integrate your project in.

Angular2 and NodeJs

I'm trying to create an Angular2 project with a REST service, using NodeJs. Although I found some tutorials/sample codes doing this kind of applications, the organization of the code/project is different form each other. I'm trying to figure out what's the best way so far to do that.
what is the best approach to creating Angular2 project with NodeJs back end?
what should be the folder structure?
where to put the Angular code(with TypeScript)?
how to use Bower/Gulp?
A sample of Angular2 + NodeJS and a few other things:
You can use Angular-Cli to create the initial project structure:
Gulp tutorial:
I do not recommend using bower. Use npm instead, as it is more stable, and has more support from the tools.

Project type for Sails.js is not getting in Webstorm

I am a beginner in using WebStorm. I try to create a new application WebStorm with Jade template engine with node.js and sail.js. I found some project templates in WebStorm "Create New Project" wizard. Please see the below image.
But I didn't see the Node.js Sail App item in my menu. I already installed Sails.js using the command line. How do I get this template in my Project Type menu?
According to this SO question and this ticket on the developer's site, the project template types are hard-coded into WebStorm and there's no way to make your own. However, starting a new project in Sails is super easy--just do sails new [your app name] on the command line to create a new app with the correct folder structure and files, and import the app directory into WebStorm!
There is now a Sails/Treeline plugin for WebStorm that allows you to directly create a Sails app. Install the plugin and you can create a new Sails app.
