How to share data between windows in Node Webkit? - node.js

I am using node webkit v0.45, and am need to open a new window (with a pre-determined html layout) with dynamic parameters.
The only documentation I can find suggests using on "loaded" event to emit data to the new window, and then handle the data that is received using on "data" in the new window html, as per below:
Main window:
var ngui = require('nw.gui');
var newWindow ='newwindow.html', {
width: 1120,
height: 360
newWindow.on ('loaded', function(){
var data = {msg: "test"};
newWindow.emit("data", data);
New window:
var gui = require('nw.gui');
var win = gui.Window.get();
win.on("data", function(data) {
However, it seems after v0.13 this was deprecated and the Window class is no longer inherited from EventEmitter. Are there any other options for opening windows with parameters?
*** Update ***
The following code will work when the new window is opened:
var param = 'param';'newWindow.html', {
width: 1120,
height: 360,
}, function(newWindow) {
pageWindow.on('loaded', () => {
newWindow.window.param = param;
And in newWindow.html:
function getParam(){
if (!window.param){
} else {
console.log("Successfully loaded param: '" + window.param + "'");

The Node context can be used to share data, as the Node context is shared across windows.


Check when WebKit context is available in NW.js

When executed in Node context (node-main),
setTimeout(function () {
}, 20);
nw is not defined
because WebKit context is not ready (right from the start window is unavailable in NW.js <= 0.12, window.nw in NW.js >= 0.13). And
setTimeout(function () {
}, 200);
works just fine but setTimeout looks like a hack, setting it to safe delay value may cause undesirable lag.
How can the availability of WebKit context and nw be checked from Node context? Is there a reasonable way, like an event that could be handled?
The following achieves the same thing but does it the other way around.
In your html file:
<body onload="process.mainModule.exports.init()">
In your node-main JS file:
exports.init = function() {
Here, init function is only called when Webkit context/DOM is available.
You could use pollit :) ...
var pit = require("pollit");
foo = function(data) {
pit.nw('nw', foo);
I've tested it and it works for me :). This modularizes the solution that I give near the end of this.
The nw object does not exist until webkit is up and running ie the browser
window has been created. This happens after Node starts up which is why you're
getting this error. To use the nw api you either create events that can be
listened to or call global functions the former being preferable. The following code will demonstrate both and should give you a good idea of how Node and WebKit are interfacing with each other.
This example creates a Window, opens devtools and allows you to toggle the
screen. It also displays the mouse location in the console. It also demonstrates how to send events using the DOM ie body.onclick() and attaching events from within Node ie we're going to catch minimize events and write them to the console.
For this to work you need to be using the SDK version of NW. This is my package.json
"name": "hello",
"node-main": "index.js",
"main": "index.html",
"window": {
"toolbar": true,
"width": 800,
"height": 600
"dependencies" : {
"robotjs" : "*",
"markdown" : "*"
The two files you need are index.html
<!DOCTYPE html>
var win = nw.Window.get(); = win;
global.console = console;
var markdown = require('markdown').markdown;
document.write(markdown.toHTML("-->Click between the arrows to toggle full screen<---"));
<body onclick="global.mouse();">
and index.js.
var robot = require("robotjs");
global.mouse = function() {
var mouse = robot.getMousePos();
console.log("Mouse is at x:" + mouse.x + " y:" + mouse.y);;
global.main = function(nw_passed_in) {;
console.log("Starting main");
console.log(nw);'minimize', function() {
console.log('n: Window is minimized from Node');
When running this I used
nwjs --enable-logging --remote-debugging-port=1729 ./
You can then open up the browser using
for debugging if needed.
If you want to do something as soon as the nw object exists you can poll it. I'd use eventEmitter, if you don't want to use event emitter you can just as easily wrap this in a function and call it recursively. The following will display how many milliseconds it took before the nw object was setup. On my system this ranged between 43 - 48 milliseconds. Using a recursive function was no different. If you add this to the code above you'll see everything logged to the console.
var start = new Date().getTime();
var events = require('events');
var e = new events.EventEmitter();
var stop = 0;
e.on('foo', function() {
if(typeof nw === 'undefined') {
setTimeout(function () {
}, 1);
else {
if(stop === 0) {
stop = new Date().getTime();
setTimeout(function () {
console.log(stop - start);
}, 2000);
Solution 1:
You can use onload, see reference.
var gui = require("nw.gui"),
win = gui.Window.get();
onload = function() {
<!DOCTYPE html>
<script type="text/javascript" src="main.js"></script>
"name": "Freebox",
"main": "index.html"
Solution 2:
(To prevent issue, but it is not necessary).
var gui = require("nw.gui"),
win = gui.Window.get();
onload = function() {
var a = function () {
if (!win.nw) return setTimeout(a, 10);
The solution I've initially come up looks like
process.once('webkit', () => {
I would be glad to know that there is already an event to listen, so cross-platform client scripts could omit NW-related code.

How can I force external links from browser-window to open in a default browser from Electron?

I'm using the BrowserWindow to display an app and I would like to force the external links to be opened in the default browser. Is that even possible or I have to approach this differently?
I came up with this, after checking the solution from the previous answer.
mainWindow.webContents.on('new-window', function(e, url) {
According to the electron spec, new-window is fired when external links are clicked.
NOTE: Requires that you use target="_blank" on your anchor tags.
new-window is now deprecated in favor of setWindowOpenHandler in Electron 12 (see
So a more up to date answer would be:
mainWindow.webContents.setWindowOpenHandler(({ url }) => {
return { action: 'deny' };
Improved from the accepted answer ;
the link must be target="_blank" ;
add in background.js(or anywhere you created your window) :
window.webContents.on('new-window', function(e, url) {
// make sure local urls stay in electron perimeter
if('file://' === url.substr(0, 'file://'.length)) {
// and open every other protocols on the browser
Note : To ensure this behavior across all application windows, this code should be run after each window creation.
If you're not using target="_blank" in your anchor elements, this might work for you:
const shell = require('electron').shell;
$(document).on('click', 'a[href^="http"]', function(event) {
I haven't tested this but I assume this is should work:
1) Get WebContents of the your BrowserWindow
var wc = browserWindow.webContents;
2) Register for will-navigate of WebContent and intercept navigation/link clicks:
wc.on('will-navigate', function(e, url) {
/* If url isn't the actual page */
if(url != wc.getURL()) {
3) Implement openBrowser using child_process. An example for Linux desktops:
var openBrowser(url) {
require('child_process').exec('xdg-open ' + url);
let me know if this works for you!
For anybody coming by.
My use case:
I was using SimpleMDE in my app and it's preview mode was opening links in the same window. I wanted all links to open in the default OS browser. I put this snippet, based on the other answers, inside my main.js file. It calls it after it creates the new BrowserWindow instance. My instance is called mainWindow
let wc = mainWindow.webContents
wc.on('will-navigate', function (e, url) {
if (url != wc.getURL()) {
Check whether the requested url is an external link. If yes then use shell.openExternal.
mainWindow.webContents.on('will-navigate', function(e, reqUrl) {
let getHost = url=>require('url').parse(url).host;
let reqHost = getHost(reqUrl);
let isExternal = reqHost && reqHost != getHost(wc.getURL());
if(isExternal) {
Put this in renderer side js file. It'll open http, https links in user's default browser.
No JQuery attached! no target="_blank" required!
let shell = require('electron').shell
document.addEventListener('click', function (event) {
if ( === 'A' &&'http')) {
For Electron 5, this is what worked for me:
In main.js (where you create your browser window), include 'shell' in your main require statement (usually at the top of the file), e.g.:
// Modules to control application life and create native browser window
const {
} = require('electron');
Inside the createWindow() function, after mainWindow = new BrowserWindow({ ... }), add these lines:
mainWindow.webContents.on('new-window', function(e, url) {
I solved the problem by the following step
Add shell on const {app, BrowserWindow} = require('electron')
const {app, BrowserWindow, shell} = require('electron')
Set nativeWindowOpen is true
function createWindow () {
// Create the browser window.
const mainWindow = new BrowserWindow({
width: 1350,
height: 880,
webPreferences: {
nativeWindowOpen: true,
preload: path.join(__dirname, 'preload.js')
icon: path.join(__dirname, './img/icon.icns')
Add the following listener code
mainWindow.webContents.on('will-navigate', function(e, reqUrl) {
let getHost = url=>require('url').parse(url).host;
let reqHost = getHost(reqUrl);
let isExternal = reqHost && reqHost !== getHost(wc.getURL());
if(isExternal) {
shell.openExternal(reqUrl, {});
reference by cuixiping
I tend to use these lines in external .js script:
let ele = document.createElement("a");
let url = "";
ele.setAttribute("href", url);
ele.setAttribute("onclick", "require('electron').shell.openExternal('" + url + "')");

Three.js with Node.js on a server - how to load a TEXTURE?

I have a trouble with Three.js for loading a texture and applying to a mesh cube.
In local, I know there are some issues like running the html file on a apache server with wamp (localhost).
But when I use Node.js and, how to fix it ?
First, to load three.js, I have to put the web adress of the script src instead of a local "three.js" :
It works but how about the texture ?
Neither a local or an internet adress for the texture is working...
//var mapUrl = "mercury.jpg";
var mapUrl = "";
var map = THREE.ImageUtils.loadTexture(mapUrl); // its not working with both
And if I put my code on a web server running with Node.js like Cloud9, how to fix it ? (same problem as in local with Node.js).
Thank you for your attention.
Here is my complete code.
var http = require('http');
var fs = require('fs');
// Creation du serveur
var app = http.createServer(function (req, res) {
// On lit notre fichier app.html
fs.readFile('gl.html', 'utf-8', function(error, content) {
res.writeHead(200, {'Content-Type' : 'text/html'});
var io = require("");
io = io.listen(app);
io.sockets.on('connection', function (socket) {
socket.on('send', function () {
}); // send
}); // connection
Client (gl.html)
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Welcome to WebGL</title>
<body onLoad="onLoad();" style="">
<div id="container" style="width:95%; height:80%; position:absolute;"></div>
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<!--<script type="text/javascript" src="Three.js"></script> not working-->
<script type="text/javascript" src="/"></script>
var socket = io.connect();
var renderer = null,
scene = null,
camera = null,
cube = null,
animating = false;
function onLoad()
// Grab our container div
var container = document.getElementById("container");
// Create the Three.js renderer, add it to our div
renderer = new THREE.WebGLRenderer( { antialias: true } );
renderer.setSize(container.offsetWidth, container.offsetHeight);
container.appendChild( renderer.domElement );
// Create a new Three.js scene
scene = new THREE.Scene();
// Put in a camera
camera = new THREE.PerspectiveCamera( 45, container.offsetWidth / container.offsetHeight, 1, 4000 );
camera.position.set( 0, 0, 3 );
// Create a directional light to show off the object
var light = new THREE.DirectionalLight( 0xffffff, 1.5);
light.position.set(0, 0, 1);
scene.add( light );
// Create a shaded, texture-mapped cube and add it to the scene
// First, create the texture map
// var mapUrl = "mercury.jpg";
var mapUrl = "";
var map = THREE.ImageUtils.loadTexture(mapUrl); // not working with both !!!
// Now, create a Phong material to show shading; pass in the map
var material = new THREE.MeshPhongMaterial({ map: map });
// Create the cube geometry
var geometry = new THREE.CubeGeometry(1, 1, 1);
// And put the geometry and material together into a mesh
cube = new THREE.Mesh(geometry, material);
// Turn it toward the scene, or we won't see the cube shape!
// cube.rotation.x = Math.PI / 5;
cube.rotation.x = 0.5;
//cube.rotation.y = Math.PI / 5;
// Add the cube to our scene
scene.add( cube );
// Add a mouse up handler to toggle the animation
// Run our render loop
function run()
// Render the scene
renderer.render( scene, camera );
// Spin the cube for next frame
if (animating)
cube.rotation.y -= 0.01;
//cube.rotation.x += 0.05;
// Ask for another frame
setTimeout(run, 1000/60);
function addMouseHandler()
var dom = renderer.domElement;
dom.addEventListener( 'mouseup', onMouseUp, false);
function onMouseUp (event)
animating = !animating;
socket.on('rec', function () {
animating = !animating;
In fact i just had to use express, place all the files in the folder public and name client index.html.
Now it works ! How can close my question ?
Here is the simple code of the server :
var express = require('express');
var app = express();
app.use(express.static(__dirname + '/public'));
You are running into trouble with CORS. CORS state that textures need to be comming from the same base url or needs special handling on server side. This is easily fixable with a proxy. If you are already using a server thaen it shouldn't be too hard to configure it to handle proxy requests.

mozilla addon sdk 1.11 - page-mod cleanup

I'm using page-mod to attach content script to all open tabs !
After that at cretain moment/event i want to remove all attached content scripts from all open tabs!
How can i do that ? .... using already sdk 1.11
myPanel.port.on('userlogged', function(rdata) {
var workers= [];
function detachWorker(worker, workerArray) {
var index = workerArray.indexOf(worker);
if(index != -1) {
workerArray.splice(index, 1);
var pMod = pageMod.PageMod({
include: "*",
contentScriptWhen: "end",
contentScriptFile: data.url("sas_tb.js"),
attachTo: ["existing", "top", "frame"],
onAttach: function(worker) {
worker.on('detach', function () {
detachWorker(this, workers);
worker.port.emit('logged', rdata.logged);
So the contentScriptFile will be attached to all open tabs in the browser, but if i want to ... say logout from my addon how can i remove the contentScriptFile from all attached tabs/workers!?
Explicitly call the Worker's destroy method and the SDK will take care of the content scripts

Cycling images in a live tile

I have a winJS app that is a working launcher for a steam game. I'd like to get it to cycle through 5 images even while not running.
It uses only the small tile — there are no wide tiles images for this app.
Here's the code:
(function () {
"use strict";
WinJS.Namespace.define("Steam", {
launch: function launch(url) {
var uri = new Windows.Foundation.Uri(url);
function (success) {
if (success) {
// File launched
} else {
// File launch failed
WinJS.Namespace.define("Tile", {
enqueue: function initialize() {
var updaterHandle = Windows.UI.Notifications.TileUpdateManager.createTileUpdaterForApplication();
return updaterHandle;
update: function update () {
var template = Windows.UI.Notifications.TileTemplateType.tileSquareImage;
var tileXml = Windows.UI.Notifications.TileUpdateManager.getTemplateContent(template);
var randIndx = Math.floor(Math.random() * 5);
var randUpdatetime = 1000 * 3 * (((randIndx == 0) ? 1 : 0) + 1); // let the base image stay longer
var tileImageAttributes = tileXml.getElementsByTagName("image");
tileImageAttributes[0].setAttribute("src", "ms-appx:///images/Borderlands2/borderlands_2_" + randIndx + "_sidyseven.png");
tileImageAttributes[0].setAttribute("alt", "Borderlands 2");
var tileNotification = new Windows.UI.Notifications.TileNotification(tileXml);
var currentTime = new Date();
tileNotification.expirationTime = new Date(currentTime.getTime() + randUpdatetime);
tileNotification.tag = "newTile";
var updater = Tile.enqueue();
setTimeout('Tile.update();', randUpdatetime);
WinJS.Binding.optimizeBindingReferences = true;
var app = WinJS.Application;
var activation = Windows.ApplicationModel.Activation;
app.onactivated = function (args) {
if (args.detail.kind === activation.ActivationKind.launch) {
setTimeout('Steam.launch("steam://rungameid/49520");', 800);
args.setPromise(WinJS.UI.processAll().then(function () {
return WinJS.Navigation.navigate("/default.html", args).then(function () {
The code currently does not cycle the image, instead either
apparently never changing, or after launch replacing the application
name text with a tiny view of the default image. This reverts to the
text after a short time, and the cycle may repeat. It never shows a
different image (neither in the small image it erroneously shows, nor
in the main tile).
When I run in debug and set a breakpoint at the
TileUpdater.update(TileNotification) stage, I can verify in the
console that the image src attribute is set to a random image
just as I wanted:
But this never actually displays on the tile.
These image files are included in the solution, and they appear in the proper directory in the Solution Explorer.
If the image src attribute is set properly in debug then the image may not have the proper "Build Action".
In the 'Properties' of each image, set "Build Action" to "Resource".
