Microsoft Azure - Where is my custom domain that I added using Azure AD portal? - azure

I have Azure subscription through Visual Studio Enterprise. Yesterday, using my Azure AD Portal, I added a custom domain - that I had bought from Google Domains. I had followed this official tutorial from MS Azure team. The domain was successfully created and verified per the instructions in the tutorial. But today when I login to Azure portal using the same Microsoft account that I use every day to login to Azure (and I also used to create the domain), and go to the left menu item Custom Domain Names of Azure AD page, I see only the default initial domain that has always been there. But I don't see
Question: How do I get access to
Remark: I think one needs to be a user with proper permissions to the domain. But since I am the global admin to the entire Azure subscription and I am the one who added the custom domain, I am, by default, the global admin to the domain, as well. So how do I access the domain?

at the top of the portal, next to the console button there is a directory and subscriptions button, click that, i suspect you have access/multiple directories and you created the custom domain in one of the other directories that you may have access to.
Because as mentioned by sruthi, if you added the domain properly/successfully, it will be there in that "custom domain names" blade.


Where to find domain name to use Azure AD Authentication in application

I'm looking to learn how to set up a Web API to use Azure authentication. This web api will be locally hosted on my network and not in Azure. I simply want to use Azure as a means of authenticating user sign in and token management. I've set up a web api in the past but it used authentication with a locally hosted SQL database. I'm completely new to Azure and am looking for any resources on how to set this up. The end goal is to get something that I can put into the domain box pictured below:
I have no idea what that is or how to go about getting it. I know this is Stackoverflow but can anyone at least point me in the right direction?
You can absolutely do what you're describing. Assuming you already have an Azure Subscription, sign-in to the Azure portal and open the Azure Active Directory blade. In the Azure Active Directory blade, click on Custom domain names. This will show you what your Azure AD domain is. Unless you have configured a custom domain for your directory, it will be <something> For example,

Unable to enable Organizational Authorization for custom domain in O365 Azure AD

I want to publish a web application to a Azure Web App and enable Organizational Authentication during the process. The wizard offers the following options:
I've added two custom domains to our Office 365 subscription that also show up in the corresponding Azure AD tenant.
Instead of using the default domain I want to use one of those custom domains so that this domain is shown to the user on various web pages that handle authentication and consent. I was able to use the custom domain without any problem when configuring Azure AD authentication for the web project.
When using the custom domain in the wizard (field domain in the screenshot), I first need to enter my O365 credentials. Shortly after, the following error is displayed:
Provisioning the destination end point failed with the error:
'The user account 'x#y.z' doesn't have the required permissions to access the domain 'y.z'.'
If you don't intend to enable Orgnizational Authentication during
publish, please turn that option off in the publish dialog.
The Directory Role of the account is Global Administrator and I've already registered multiple apps using this account. So I don't think that this has anything to do with permissions.
Do I have to use the * domain or can I solve this in a different way?
As a sidenote (just if this is makes a difference): the web app resides in a Azure subscription that belongs to my Microsoft account whereas the O365 Azure AD is administered by my work account and does not belong to a subscription. Of course, not the most straightforward way, but I guess pretty common for Microsoft partners as the Azure benefits can only be actived on a Microsoft account even if the partner already has a O365 subscription.
To use the custom domain for the organization authentication we need to enable it as the primary domain.
You can check it from the old Azure portal here like figure below:
Update( change the primary domain in new Azure portal)
locate Azure Active Directory->Domain names->select the domain which want to set as primary domain like figure below:

Unable to view any tabs in Azure portal

I am unable to view any services in my azure portal. A couple of days back everything was visible.
I think there's some permissions issue. I am logging as Global Admin on the portal.
[UPDATE]: I was trying to publish a web application from visual studio to my azure account and when I select my account, it says "There are no Azure subscriptions associated with this account". Is it that my account is suspended or deactivated or so?
You are signed in to the classic portal with an AAD subscription. These subscriptions don't support using other services. You might be signed in to the wrong directory. Use the "Subscriptions" menu at the top to switch. If you don't have that, you could also be signed in to the wrong account. Some people have used "work/school" (AAD) email addresses to sign up for a "personal" (Microsoft Account) account. If that happens, you'll see a prompt to pick one of the two when you sign in. If you don't see your subscription, it may be assigned to the personal/MSA account. You can grant access to the other one to avoid this.

Azure, login to separate accounts with one email

I'm a developer that has an Azure account for my own dev stuff. I log into my dev account using
Next, I set up a client with their own Azure account, then invited myself via and set myself as a co-administrator for the client's subscription. When I subsequently log into Azure using, I only see my own subscriptions/resources, etc.
Is there a way that I can log into Azure, using, and have access to both my dev stuff as well as my client's subscription from within the portal (specifically
Not sure if this is supported or if I'm doing something wrong. Thanks
You can only view subscriptions for a single directory at a time.
If you click your name in the top right corner of the portal you can select which directory you want to work from.
There is a suggestion on the Azure feedback site to add the ability to view subscriptions from all directories:

Windows Azure Active Directory remove/transfer tenant domain

I joined to Windows Azure Active Directory beta trial when was initially launched.
At initial process, site forced me to use a new LIVE account instead of the one I already have which is and also controls all my Azure services. Anyway, I did create a new one as
Next, I did be able to create the active directory domain as and added my domain as secondary domain.
While ago, Active Directory tab appeared in Azure control panel and it came empty. So I assumed it needs to be link somehow but couldn't find anything about it.
After that, I tried to create a new domain but when I type mycompany into the name field of the create a directory page, it says "This domain is not unique" which is predictable since other live account holds the name.
Tried to delete entire account but didn't work. Also in here says :
"The original domain name that was provided for your tenant when you signed up cannot be removed from your tenant."
Since I'm the owner of the both account, I would like to move (or re-create etc.) under my actual Azure account which is
Please advise. Thank you!
I didn't realize you had an existing subscription you were looking to work wit. So what you are seeing is expected behavior as there is no subscription associated with your Azure AD account.
We are propping an update this weekend and Monday that will help you here. On Tuesday morning, do the following:
Log into Azure using your Azure AD account.
It will tell you that you have no subscription - set up a 90 day trial subscription - you will not be charged anything for this.
Click onto Active Directory tab in the Azure Portal.
Add a new user - and select to add a user with a Microsoft Account - specify the account that is the administrator of your Windows Azure subscription and make them a "global administrator".
Log off
Log in to Azure portal using the same Microsoft Account that you just added.
Go into Settings.
Click on administrators tab
Select your Azure Subscription
Click "add" in the tray at the bottom
Now add the Azure AD user account you would like to have be a co-admin on your Azure subscription.
That should do it. Now when you log in using your Windows Azure Account you'll be able to administer your Azure subscription.
Just a reminder - try this on Tuesday morning! We will have the update propped by then.
You can make this work though by creating a new 90 trial subscription - you do this on the page where you are being told there are no subscriptions associated with your account.
You need to log into Azure using your account (the Windows Azure Active directory account you created).
To do that, go to the Azure Management portal - if you are already logged in using a Microsoft Account (formerly LiveID) you will need to log-out first - Then the left hand side of the login page you should see a link that says "Office 365 users: Sign in using your organizational account".
Click on that link, and now log into the Azure portal using your Azure AD Account ( Once you do that, you should see your Windows Azure AD tenant in the Active Directory tab in the portal.
