How to filter data in extractor? - kiba-etl

I've got a long-running pipeline that has some failing items (items that at the end of the process are not loaded because they fail database validation or something similar).
I want to rerun the pipeline, but only process the items that failed the import on the last run.
I have the system in place where I check each item ID (that I received from external source). I do this check in my loader. If I already have that item ID in the database, I skip loading/inserting that item in the database.
This works great. However, it's slow, since I do extract-transform-load for each of these items, and only then, on load, I query the database (one query per item) and compare item IDs.
I'd like to filter-out these records sooner. If I do it in transformer, I can only do it per item again. It looks like extractor could be the place, or I could pass records to transformer in batches and then filter+explode the items in (first) transformer.
What would be better approach here?
I'm also thinking about reusability of my extractor, but I guess I could live with the fact that one extractor does both extract and filter. I think the best solution would be to be able to chain multiple extractors. Then I'd have one that extracts the data and another one that filters the data.
EDIT: Maybe I could do something like this:
already_imported_item_ids = Items.pluck(:item_id)
Kiba.parse do
transform do |item|
next if already_imported_item_ids.include?(item)
I guess that could work?

A few hints:
The higher (sooner) in the pipeline, the better. If you can find a way to filter out right from the source, the cost will be lower, because you do not have to manipulate the data at all.
If you have a scale small enough, you could load only the full list of ids at the start in a pre_process block (mostly what you have in mind in your code sample), then compare right after the source. Obviously it doesn't scale infinitely, but it can work a long time depending on your dataset size.
If you need to have a higher scale, I would advise to either work with a buffering transform (grouping N rows) that would achieve a single SQL query to verify the existence of all the N rows ids in the target database, or work with groups of rows then explode indeed.


Should we always use rdd.count() instead of rdd.collect().size

rdd.collect().size will first move all data to driver, if the dataset is large, it could resutl in OutOfMemoryError.
So, should we always use rdd.count() instead?
Or in other words, in what situation, people would prefer rdd.collect().size?
collect causes data to be processed and then fetched to the driver node.
For count you don't need:
Full processing - some columns may not be required to be fetched or calculated e.g. not included in any filter. You don't need to load, process or transfer the columns that don't effect the count.
Fetch to driver node - each worker node can count it's rows and the counts can be summed up.
I see no reason for calling collect().size.
Just for general knowledge, there is another way to get around #2, however, for this case it is redundant and won't prevent #1: rdd.mapPartitions(p => p.size).agg(r => r.sum())
Assuming you're using the Scala size function on the array returned by rdd.collect() I don't see any advantage of collecting the whole RDD just to get its number of rows.
This is the point of RDDs, to work on chunks of data in parallel to make transformations manageable. Usually the result is smaller than the original dataset because the given data is somehow transformed/filtered/synthesized.
collect usually comes at the end of data processing and if you run an action you might also want to save the data since might require some expensive computations and the collected data is presumably interesting/valuable.

Sorting enormous dataset

I have an enormous dataset (over 300 million documents). It is a system for archiving data and rollback capability.
The rollback capability is a cursor which iterates trough the whole dataset and performs few post requests to some external end points, it's a simple piece of code.
The data being iterated over needs to be send ordered by the timestamp (filed in the document). The DB was down for some time, so backup DB was used, but has received older data which has been archived manually, and later all was merged with the main DB.
Older data breaks the order. I need to sort this dataset, but the problem is the size; there is not enough RAM available to perform this operation at once. How I can achieve this sorting?
PS: The documents do not contain any indexed fields.
There's no way to do an efficient sort without an index. If you had an index on the date field then things would already be sorted (in a sense), so getting things in a desired order is very cheap (after the overhead of the index).
The only way to sort all entries without an index is to fetch the field you want to sort for every single document and sort them all in memory.
The only good options I see are to either create an index on the date field (by far the best option) or increase the RAM on the database (expensive and not scalable).
Note: since you have a large number of documents it's possible that even your index wouldn't be super scalable -- in that case you'd need to look into sharding the database.

AWS DynamoDB count query results without retrieving

I would like to check how many entries are in a DynamoDB table that matches a query without retrieving the actual entries, using boto3.
I want to run a machine learning job on data from DynamoDB table. The data I'm training on is a data that answers a query, not the entire table. I want to run the job only if I have enough data to train on.
Therefore, I want to check if I want to check that I have enough entries that match the query.
It is worth mentioning that the DynamoDB table I'm querying is really big, therefore actual retrieving is no option unless I actually want to run the job.
I know that I can use boto3.dynamodb.describe_table() to get how many entries there are in the entire table, but as I mentioned earlier, I want to know only how many entries match a query.
Any ideas?
This was asked and answered in the past, see How to get item count from DynamoDB?
Basically, you need to use the "Select" parameter to tell DynamoDB to only count the query's results, instead of retrieving them.
As usual in DynamoDB, this is truncated by paging: if the result set (not the count - the actual full results) is larger than 1 MB, then only the first 1 MB is retrieved, and the items in it counted, and you get back this partial count. If you're only interested in checking whether you have "enough" results - this may even be better for you - because you don't want to pay for reading a gigabyte of data just to check if the data is there. You can even ask for a smaller page, to read less - depending on what you consider enough data.
Just remember that you'll pay Amazon not by the amount of data returned (just one integer, the count) but by the amount of data read from disk. Using such counts excessively may lead to surprising large costs.

Non-blocking insert into database with node js

Part of my Node Js app includes reading a file and after some (lightweight, row by row) processing, insert these records into the database.
Original code did just that. The problem is that the file may contain a crazy number of records which are inserted row by row. According to some tests I did, a file of 10000 rows blocks completely the app for some 10 seconds.
My considerations were:
Bulk create the whole object at once. This means reading the file, preparing the object by doing for each row some calculation, pushing it to the final object and in the end using Sequelize's bulkcreate. There were two downsides:
A huge insert can be as blocking as thousands of single-row inserts.
This may make it hard to generate reports for rows that were not inserted.
Bulk create in smaller, reasonable objects. This means reading the file, iterating each n (ex. 2000) rows by doing the calculations and adding it to an object, then using Sequelize's bulkcreate for the object. Object preparation and the bulkcreate would run asyncroniously. The downside:
Setting the object length seems arbitrary.
Also it seems like an artifice on my side, while there might be existing and proven solutions for this particular situation.
Moving this part of the code in another proccess. Ideally limiting cpu usage to reasonable levels for this process (idk. if it can be done or if it is smart).
Simply creating a new process for this (and other blocking parts of the code).
This is not the 'help me write some code' type of question. I have already looked around and it seems there is enough documentation. But I would like to invest on an efficient solution, using the proper tools. Other ideas are welcomed.

How to implement custom pagination with LINQ2Entities using 1 call to the database

I am working on ASP.NET Web Forms project and I use jquery datatable to visualize data fetched from SQL server. I need to pass the results for the current page and the total number of results for which by far I have this code :
var queryResult = query.Select(p => new[] { p.Id.ToString(),
p.Address })
and the result that I get when I return the result to the view like :
iTotalRecords = queryResult.Count(),
is the number of records that the user has chosen to see per page. Logical, but I haven't thought about it while building my Method chaining. Now I think about the optimal way to implement this. Since it's likely to use with relatively big amounts of data (10,000 rows, maybe more) I would like leave as much work as I can to the SQL server. However I found several questions asked about this, and the impression that I get is that I have to make two queries to the database, or manipulate the total result in my code. But I think this will won't be efficient when you have to work with many records.
So what can I do here to get best performance?
In regards to what you’re looking for I don’t think there is a simple answer.
I believe the only way you can currently do this is by running more than one query like you have already suggested, whether this would be encapsulated inside a stored procedure (SPROC) call or generated by EF.
However, I believe you can make optimsations to make your query run quicker.
First of all, every query execution MAY result in the query being recached as you are chaining your methods together, this means that the actual query being executed will need to be recompiled and cached by SQL Server (if that is your chosen technology) before being executed. This normally only takes a few milliseconds, but if the query being executed only takes a few milliseconds then this is relatively expensive.
Entity framework will translate this Linq query and execute it using derived tables. With a small result set of approx. 1k records to be paged your current solution maybe best suited. This would also depend upon on how complex your SQL filtering is as generated by your method chaining.
If your result set to be paged grows up towards 15k, I would suggest writing a SPROC to get the best performance and scalability which would insert the records into a temp table and run two queries against it, firstly to get the paged records, and secondly to get the total results.
alter proc dbo.usp_GetPagedResults
#Skip int = 10,
#Take int = 10
row_number() over (order by id) [RowNumber],
dbo.MyTable t
declare #To int = #Skip+#Take-1
select * from #results where RowNumber between #Skip and #To
select max(RowNumber) from #results
You can use the EF to map a SPROC call to entity types or create a new custom type containing the results and the number of results.
Stored Procedures with Multiple Results
I found that the cost of running the above SPROC was approximately a third of running the query which EF generated to get the same result based upon the result set size of 15k records. It was however three times slower than the EF query if only a 1K record result set due to the temp table creation.
Encapsulating this logic inside a SPROC allows the query to be refactored and optimised as your result set grows without having to change any application based code.
The suggested solution doesn’t use the derived table queries as created by the Entity Framework inside a SPROC as I found there was a marginal performance difference between running the SPROC and the query directly.
