How to get a list of functions defined in a Haskell source file (for semantic analysis)? - haskell

I've found however this does not yet seem to support Haskell source code.
I highly suspect such a library exists, however it's quite difficult to get relevant results from a web search.
What library supports this, ideally something fairly simple?
I suppose the defacto parser for Haskell in Haskell is GHC itself, but I'd assume interfacing with this would be difficult.


Creating libraries from machine readable specifications in Haskell

I have a specification and I wish to transform it into a library. I can write a program that writes out Haskel source. However is there a cleaner way that would allow me to compile the specification directly (perhaps using templates)?
References to manuals and tutorials would be greatly appropriated.
Yes, you can use Template Haskell. The are a couple of approaches to using it.
One approach is to use quasiquotation to embed (parts of) the text of the specification in a quasiquotation within a source file. To implement it, you need to write a parser of the machine specification that outputs Haskell AST. This might be useful if the specification is relatively static, it makes sense to have subsets of the specification, or you want to manually map parts of the specification to different modules. This may also be useful, in addition to a different approach perhaps, to provide tools for users of the library to express things in terms of the specification.
Another approach is to execute IO in a normal Template Haskell splice. This would allow you to read the specification from a file (see addDependentFile too in this case), the network (don't do this), or to execute an arbitrary program to produce the Haskell AST needed. This might be more useful if the specification changes more often, or you want to keep a strict separation between the specification and code.
If it's much easier to produce Haskell source than Haskell AST, you can use a library like haskell-src-meta which will parse a string into Template Haskell AST.

What are the differences between inline-c and language-c-inline?

I've been briefly looking into quasi-quotation libraries for Haskell. These libraries allow Haskell to integrate with other languages. For integrating with C, there appears to be two packages with similar functionality:
language-c-inline (which uses language-c-quote)
As I'm looking to build a quasi-quotation library of my own, I'm interested in design choices, API differences, performance etc.
The only difference I'm aware of is that language-c-quote supports C and Objective-C, whereas inline-c supports C.
How would you distinguish these packages? What are the fundamental differences? Are they, in fact, similar?
Some differences where (shortly) discussed in inline-c's reddit announcement:
How does this compare to language-c-inline?
In inline-c we have a very simple core library which is easily extensible with additional anti quoters. I wanted the core functionality to be very predictable, and leave fancier marshalling up to specific use cases. In language-c-inline the marshalling works with a mix of hard-coded rules and user-supplied Template Haskell functions.
We wanted to make the language to include the C code as simple as possible. The inline C is spliced with a quasi quoter and no Template Haskell functions. The inline C code specifies the Haskell variables to capture using anti-quoters, and the target types are all specified using C syntax. As I say in the blog post I cared quite a bit that this is the case, to have confidence that what you're getting in C is what you expect. Relatedly, only the anti-quoters are examined: the rest of the C code is not parsed and left verbatim, so we don't have to worry about eventual incompatibilities between the C compiler the user is using and the Haskell C parser that language-c-inline uses.
We're also making sure that the infrastructure and build process is smooth. The addTopDecl function is used to avoid having to populate tables at runtime like language-c-inline does, and I also employ various tricks to make sure that everything will work smoothly across builds. For example, the names of the generated C functions is based on the hash of the contents of the function itself. This is quite important to guarantee that repeated builds of the same file by cabal -- for example when compiling with profiling support -- result in the same C symbols being generated, while making sure that the the symbols are the same only if the C snippets in the module are the same.
In short, the two libraries are very similar in spirit, but we coded inline-c to be better suited to our needs taking different design choices. Some of the advantages above could be easily ported to language-c-inline, especially the ones in the last point.
The announcement on fpcomplete also contains additional information, but all in all, yep, their somewhat similar.

Implementation tips for whole-program static analysis for Haskell

As part of a research project on property-based testing, I need to do static whole-program analysis of Haskell programs. I'm looking for suggestions on how to implement whole-program analysis of Haskell programs, hopefully without building lots of infrastructure myself.
I looked at Template Haskell, which has many of the capabilities I need, but is missing a key feature: in Template Haskell as implemented in GHC, there appears to be no way to get the definition of a function by name. (Related SO question: How to get the declaration of a function using `reify`?)
I suspect that there might be some way of doing whole-program analysis of Haskell programs using the GHC API, but I can't easily determine how this might be done from the GHC API documentation.
In particular, given a function call site, I need to be able to look up the corresponding function definition(s). I'm especially interested in Template Haskell or GHC API-based solutions.
Is there any way to do whole-program analysis of Haskell programs without building all the infrastructure myself?

What would be involved in calling ARPACK++ (a C++ library) from Haskell?

I've spent a couple of days developing a program in Haskell, while learning the language. Now I realize that I'll need to call Arpack (a Fortran library) or Arpack++ (a C++ wrapper to Arpack) -- I can't find a good implementation of Lanczos method with Haskell bindings. Do any more experienced Haskell programers have an opinion of how difficult this would be?
I've been able to get ".so" ("shared object") versions of libarpack and libarpack++ installed through Ubuntu's repository, but I'm not sure that will suffice. I suspect I'm going to ultimately need to build Arpack++ from source code, which is possible, but I'm getting a lot of build errors, so it will take time. Is there any way to use just the ".so" files, without knowing exactly which version of the header files were used to generate them?
I'm considering using GreenCard, because it looks like the most well maintained Haskell/C bridge. I can't find much documentation though, so I'm wondering whether it will support C++ too.
I'm also starting to wonder whether I should rewrite my program in Python, and use scipy to call Arpack, but I've already sunk a couple of days into writing Haskell. I really like Haskell too, so I'm hoping I can make this work. I guess my overall question is this: What would be involved in making this work with Haskell?
Thanks much.
ELF format is standard format of executables and shared libraries, so accessing the code in these compiled modules is only a matter of knowing function names. If I understand correctly, Fortran is interoperable with C. As a consequence, Fortran should be interoperable with any language which can use C bindings, including Haskell. FYI, you can find all names exported by a module (executable or shared object or simple object archive) using nm tool (it is usually available in all linux distros by default). This of course would work if the binary file was not "stripped", but AFAIK it is not common practice.
However, Haskell cannot use C++ bindings in sane way, since C++ polymorphic features require name mangling, and the method of this name transformation is highly compiler-dependent. It is well-known problem which is not specific to Haskell. Of course, you could try to get a list of exported symbols from C++ shared object and then bind them using FFI, but... It isn't worth it.
As dsign said, you can use Foreign Function Interface GHC feature to create bindings to foreign code. All you would require is library headers (and the library itself of course). In case of C language that would be header files (*.h), but since your library is written in Fortran, you have to find header files analogue in library sources, refere to this page to match Fortran and C types, and then use this information to write FFI bindings. It would be helpful first to write C bindings, i.e. write C header. Then you can even use automatic FFI binding programs like c2hs.
It maybe also helpful to look through C++ bindings. It is possible that it has the header file I've described above. If it has one, then writing FFI bindings will be no more difficult than writing them for any other library.
So, it is not entirely impossible, but it may require some thorough work. Writing bindings to scientific/pure computational libraries is way easier than writing them for some system library which does a lot of IO and keeps its own internal state, but since this library is written not in C... Well, it may be advisable to invest your time in easier alternatives. I cannot say anythin about scipy, I've never used it, but since Python as a language is much more simpler than Haskell, it may be good alternative.
I can tell you that using a C/Fortran library from Haskell, with the help of the Foreign Function Interface would be certainly possible and not terribly complicated. Here is an introduction. In my understanding, you should be able to call anything with a C calling convention, and perhaps even Fortran, without need of recompiling the code. The only exception is with things that look like function calls but are indeed macros, in which case you will have to figure out what the macros do and reproduce them in Haskell.
As of greencard, I have never used it, so I can not vouch for it.
Your second idea of using Python could potentially save you more than a couple of days. Sad as it is, I have never managed Haskell code to easily adapt to my changing requirements, while I find that trivial in Python. Of course, that could be a limitation on my skills with Haskell or my thinking process rather that something to blame to the language.

Functional programming languages introspection

I'm sketching a design of something (machine learning of functions) that will preferably want a functional programming language, and also introspection, specifically the ability to examine the program's own code in some nicely tractable format, and preferably also the ability to get machine generated code compiled at runtime, and I'm wondering what's the best language to write it in. Lisp of course has strong introspection capabilities, but the statically typed languages also have advantages; the ones I'm considering are:
F# - the .Net platform has a good story here, you can read byte code at run time and also emit byte code and get it compiled; I assume there's no problem accessing these facilities from F#.
Haskell, Ocaml - do these have similar facilities, either via byte code or parse tree?
Are there other languages I should also be looking at?
Haskell's introspection mechanism is Template Haskell, which supports compile time metaprogramming, and when combined with e.g. llvm, provides runtime metaprogramming facilities.
Ocaml has:
Camlp4 to manipulate Ocaml concrete syntax trees in Ocaml. The maintained implementation of Camlp4 is Camlp5.
MetaOCaml for full-scale multi-stage programming.
Ocamljit to generate native code at run time, but I don't think it's been maintained recently.
Ocaml-Java to compile Ocaml code for the Java virtual machine. I don't know if there are nice reflection capabilities.
Not really an answer, but note also the F# Quotations feature and library, for more homoiconicity stuff.
You might check out the typed variant of Racket (previously known as PLT Scheme). It retains most of the syntactic simplicity of Scheme, but provides a static type system. Since Racket is a Scheme, metaprogramming is par for the course, and the runtime can emit native code by way of a JIT.
The Haskell approach would be more along the lines of parsing the source. The Haskell Platform includes a complete source parser, or you can use the GHC API to get access that way.
I'd also look at Scala or Clojure which come with them all the libraries that have been developed for Java. You'll never need to worry if a library does not exist. But more to the point of your question, these languages give you the same reflection (or more powerful types) that you will find within Java.
I'm sketching a design of something (machine learning of functions) that will preferably want a functional programming language, and also introspection, specifically the ability to examine the program's own code in some nicely tractable format, and preferably also the ability to get machine generated code compiled at runtime, and I'm wondering what's the best language to write it in. Lisp of course has strong introspection capabilities, but the statically typed languages also have advantages; the ones I'm considering are:
Can you not just parse the source code like an ordinary interpreter or compiler? Why do you need introspection?
F# - the .Net platform has a good story here, you can read byte code at run time and also emit byte code and get it compiled; I assume there's no problem accessing these facilities from F#.
F# has a rudimentary quotation mechanism but you can only quote some expressions and not other kinds of code, most notably type definitions. Also, its evaluation mechanism is orders of magnitude slower than genuine compilation so it is basically completely useless. You can use reflection to analyze type definitions but, again, it is quite rudimentary.
You can read byte code but that has been compiled so a lot of information and structure has been lost.
F# also has lexing and parsing technology (most notably fslex, fsyacc and FParsec) but it is not as mature as OCaml's.
Haskell, Ocaml - do these have similar facilities, either via byte code or parse tree?
Haskell has Template Haskell but I've never heard of anyone using it (abandonware?).
OCaml has its Camlp4 macro system and a few people do use it but it is poorly documented.
As for lexing and parsing, Haskell has a few libraries (most notably Parsec) and OCaml has many libraries.
Are there other languages I should also be looking at?
Term rewrite languages like Mathematica would be an obvious choice because they make it trivial to manipulate code. The Pure language might be of interest.
You might also consider MetaOCaml for its run-time compilation capabilities.
