How to handle various units in a single attribute / feature using Pandas? - python-3.x

I have a dataset, on which i am working on Data Cleaning part, where one of the attribute or feature is having the values with various units. for example some of the values are as follow.
1 kg; 6 LB; 900 gms; 32 oz; etc.
If i use the standard scaler then it will not be fair as the values and their units are different, so cannot treat them as is.
Please do suggest how to handle such data.

I will recommend to change the different value to same unit first of all. For example, you can make all the value to kg or whatever suits best for you, and then perform the standard scale.

Thanks All, I did some research and found that i need to convert the various units into standard units and which follow internation norms referred to SI Units , and same suggestion has given by #sharmajee499.
Moving ahead with this approach.. though this is going to be a lot of manual code, but seems there is no direct short and easy way.
Please do post if have any better solution.


Generating multiple optimal solutions using Excel solver

Is there a way to get all optimal solutions when you are solving some problem with Excel Solver (Simplex LP method)?
If not, what is the best way/add-in to Excel to solve it and convert existing VBA code to use this new way?
Actually, I have found a way to do this with Excel solver, although it is not optimal in sense of time consumption but that is not issue for me.
If you can assign unique id for each possible solution on some way, which is true in my case, then for each solution you find you can check if there is some solution with same value with different id on following way :
Find first optimal solution and save solution id and result. I will call this origID, origRes
Check if there is some solution with id < origID and res = origRes
If yes, then consider newId as initial id and continue with step 2 until you can't find solutions which satisfied criteria
After that, do the same thing with condition id > origID and res = origRes
After you make sure you found all solutions with optimal solution origRes, then we can go and find solution which is not optimal as origRes. I did it on a way to add condition that new solution needs to be <= (origRes - 0.01) because I know that all solutions will be with 2 decimal places.
Go to step 2 again
I know this is not the best way but I usually do not need more than 100 solutions and currently I can get it in 2 mins which is acceptable for me.
Although this looks easy, it actually is not such an easy question. Even the definition of "all possible optimal solutions" is not clear. There may by infinitely many of them. Asking for "all basic feasible solutions" (i.e. corner points) sounds better. To my knowledge there are no solvers providing this. I also do not know of a really simple technique to enumerate all optimal bases.
One interesting approach is to use a MIP formulation to enumerate all optimal bases:
Sangbum Lee, Chan Phalakornkule, Michael M. Domach, Ignacio E. Grossmann, "Recursive MILP model for finding all the alternate optima in LP
models for metabolic networks," Computers and Chemical Engineering 24 (2000) 711-716. (link)

Clustering non-numeric groups

I am trying to group together parts of a data set that I am working with. I have a group of individuals that work with a variety of different skills. The idea is to get the largest pct of agents and skills represented.
So in a perfect scenario, it would be nice to get a sample of agents that comprise 85-90% of the records along with a group of skills that represent 85-90% of records too. Basically, I want to obtain the largest percent sample without having small groups of agents that work with only a few skills or have skills that only a very small pct of agents work with.
I am trying to find a more statistical approach to doing this and thought about clustering. But from my understanding, clustering requires a distance definition. I am not sure that that this data would fit this requirement.
Below is a small sample of what the data looks like:
Agent Skill
1 Claims
1 Benefits
2 Claims
2 -
3 Other
You are looking at the wrong tools for this problem.
What you are trying to do is a variant of the set cover problem, not clustering.
Except that you are not looking for a minmal cover, but an approximative upper cover.
You'll need to decide when a solution is better than another. Your description of this is too vague - it allows the trivial solution of keeping everything: 100% cover.
Then repeatedly try to either:
remove an agent
remove a skill
depending on what yields the best improvement.
But again, you need to have a formal quality criterion.

Comparing audio recordings

I have 5 recorded wav files. I want to compare the new incoming recordings with these files and determine which one it resembles most.
In the final product I need to implement it in C++ on Linux, but now I am experimenting in Matlab. I can see FFT plots very easily. But I don't know how to compare them.
How can I compute the similarity of two FFT plots?
Edit: There is only speech in the recordings. Actually, I am trying to identify the response of answering machines of a few telecom companies. It's enough to distinguish two messages "this person can not be reached at the moment" and "this number is not used anymore"
This depends a lot on your definition of "resembles most". Depending on your use case this can be a lot of things. If you just want to compare the bare spectra of the whole file you can just correlate the values returned by the two ffts.
However spectra tend to change a lot when the files get warped in time. To figure out the difference with this, you need to do a windowed fft and compare the spectra for each window. This then defines your difference function you can use in a Dynamic time warping algorithm.
If you need perceptual resemblance an FFT probably does not get you what you need. An MFCC of the recordings is most likely much closer to this problem. Again, you might need to calculate windowed MFCCs instead of MFCCs of the whole recording.
If you have musical recordings again you need completely different aproaches. There is a blog posting that describes how Shazam works, so you might be able to find this on google. Or if you want real musical similarity have a look at this book
The best solution for the problem specified above would be the one described here ("shazam algorithm" as mentioned above).This is however a bit complicated to implement and easier solution might do well enough.
If you know that there are only 5 different different possible incoming files, I would suggest trying first something as easy as doing the euclidian distance between the two signals (in temporal or fourier). It is likely to give you good result.
Edit : So with different possible starts, try doing an autocorrelation and see which file has the higher peak.
I suggest you compute simple sound parameter like fundamental frequency. There are several methods of getting this value - I tried autocorrelation and cepstrum and for voice signals they worked fine. With such function working you can make time-analysis and compare two signals (base - to which you compare, in - which you would like to match) on given interval frequency. Comparing several intervals based on such criteria can tell you which base sample matches the best.
Of course everything depends on what you mean resembles most. To compare function you can introduce other parameters like volume, noise, clicks, pitches...

How to estimate search application's efficiency?

I hope it belongs here.
Can anyone please tell me is there any method to compare different search applications working in the same domain with the same dataset?
The problem is they are quite different - one is a web application which looks up the database where items are grouped in categories, and another one is a rich client which makes search by keywords.
Is there any standard test giudes for that purpose?
There are testing methods. You may use e.g. Precision/Recall or the F beta method to estimate a rate which computes the "efficiency". However you need to make a reference set by yourself. That means you will somehow measure not the efficiency in the domain, more likely the efficiency compared to your own reasoning.
The more you need to make sure that your reference set is representative for the data you have.
In most cases common reasoning will give you also the result.
If you want to measure the performance in matters of speed you need to formulate a set of assumed queries against the search and query your search engine with these at a given rate. Thats doable with every common loadtesting tool.

Evaluating the "Value" Attribute

I'm attempting to use the OpenAmplify API to evaluate the content of a URI. The point is to draw out the topics that are truly relevant to the article. Unfortunately, the topical analysis I'm getting back is:
Huge, and
Neither quality is terribly useful for what I'm trying to do because the signal to noise ratio is being heavily skewed towards noise. I'm analyzing web content, so there is a certain amount (perhaps a large amount) of irrelevant content (ads, etc.) involved. I get that.
Nonetheless, many of the topics being returned are either useless (utterly non-sensical, not even words), irrelevant (as in, where did that come from?) or too granular to provide any meaning or insight. I can probably filter out most of this noise using the value, um, value that is returned for each domain, subdomain, topic, et al, but I don't really know what it means.
Certainly I understand that the value it's a measure of "the prominence of the word in the text," but the number itself appears entirely arbitrary in a way that I prevents me saying something like "ignore any terms with a value less than 50" and have it carry any real meaning.
Are there any range criteria that I can use to help me understand how to use a topic's value score as a filtering threshold? Alternatively, is there another field that I should be using for this sort of filtration?
Thanks for your help.
From other channels, I've learned that the value attribute can't be evaluated the way I was hoping. It means different things for different signals and none are defined in such a way that are meaningful for this kind of requirement.
