Generate summary gantt chart from detailed activities - excel

I want to create a gantt chart summary that shows a person´s whole "busy" and "free" schedule by day and in a single row, from a detailed gantt chart with a list of activities of different people in multiple rows.
Basically go from this:
To this: (which I created Manually)
To be able to give a summary of people´s shifts free time between activities.
Right now I´m just using this formula to compare the start and end date in each row and produce a "1" if the condition is True, then I just condition formatted the whole Gantt cells.
I have no idea how to start. I was thinking of doing the nest things:
Create a table of the names of all the possible people to be added in the gantt chart.
Program the macro to create a new sheet with the same template.
Program a loop which starts iterating with each person´s name:
For each person´s name which exists in the gantt chart to be summarized, start creating new rows per each day they have activities scheduled (I can´t figure out yet how I´d iterate through this).
Within the each person´s loop, start iterating each row on the original sheet, evaluating each start and end date´s and pasting on the new sheet´s current person´s current day row a "1" if the condition was true in the corresponding hours.
Loop until all individual activities of each person are finished.
Continue with next person.
I´d like to know if this is the logical way to go and if you have any pointers or similar code to recycle, I am not proficient in VBA and Excel macros.

Not sure if I understand properly, but it looks like you got a set of multiple records where you store the times In and Out of each worker, several rows for each worker.
And based on that, you would like to resume data, one row per worker, highlighting start and end time of each worker, but all in a single row.
I made a fake dataset like this:
I added 2 extra columns (you can even hide them if you don't want to see them)
Field START TIME got this formula:=B2-INT(B2)
Field END TIME got this formula: =C2-INT(C2)
In Excel, Dates are integers values and times are decimal values. I used both formulas to get only the decimal part of each start and end.
All this data is a table object named T_WORKERTIMES. I made a table object so if you add new records, the Gant Chart will autoupdate.
Then I made a simple (kind of horrible) Gant Chart:
The formula I've used in H2 and drag is:
=COUNTIFS(T_WORKERTIMES[Worker];$G2;T_WORKERTIMES[start time];"<="&H$1;T_WORKERTIMES[end time];">="&H$1)
Actually, all my data is in same sheet:
I added 2 Conditional Formating Rules to highlight cells in green/white if the result of the formula is 1/0.
Also, working with times sometimes can be hard, because decimals. 0,677083333335759 means 16:15. But 0,6770833333333333 too, so in Gant Chart I rounded up headers to 6 decimals.
My formula in H1 is =ROUND(7/24;6)
My formula in J1 and drag to right is =ROUND(H1+1/24/4;6)
So now everything works fine. Please, notice in worker 1, there is no activites from 07:00 to 08:00. So I add a new row with that data and everything updates:
I've uploaded a sample yo Google Drive you can see the formulas and hope you can adapt this to your needs.
Biggest issue here is the decimal part of times, to make sure they fit the Gant Chart. An easy solution would be substracting just 1 minute to start time column (calculated, you can hide it) and sum 1 minute to end time column (calculated, you can hide it).
Hope this can guide you in your project.

It looks like you are trying to extract unique records per person and day to get a person/day summary of time availability but also want it to be automated as you add more people and days.
I was able to do this with a combination of powerquery and a pivot table. When new persons/dates are added or changed the report will update but you will need to refresh using CTRL+ALT+F5
you want to highlight your entire report or an area as big as you think it will get. While highlighted you will then utilize named range feature under FORMULAS tab -> DEFINED NAMES ribbon -> DEFINED NAME dropdown. We could name it REPORTAREA or something like that.
Make sure you change the conditional format formula in report to show 0 instead of "" so this can work properly
2 go to DATA tab -> GET AND TRANSFORM ribbon -> From other sources -> Blank Query.
This will open the power query editor as a blank query
3 In the formula bar type =Excel.CurrentWorkbook() case sensitive is important
4 From there you will see CONTENT and NAME column.
In the NAME Column select the drop down and go to TEXT FILTERS -> Equals... Type in the name of your named range so the query does not pick up anything else on accident.
5 Remove the NAME column by right click selecting it and then remove.
6 you will notice the CONTENT column has two curved arrows pointing left and right instead of straight down like you are used to in excel. Click these arrows and make sure you uncheck the "use original column name as prefix" option box and ensure that the EXPAND option is selected. Then click okay.
7 At this point it looks alot like your report. Go to the HOME tab -> TRANSFORM ribbon -> Use first row as headers.
8.Select only the columns that are NOT THE 24 hr STYLE TIME LABELS of your report and then right click -> Unpivot other columns
9 At this point you can start removing some of the columns you dont want by right click and remove. Also double click and rename the columns as you wish. You can right click the top of the column and change types to what you want.
Dont worry about the 24HR style time zones not looking correct as this will be fixed later, this column should be changed to decimal type and not time zone type.
select a column that has the date information you need and right click -> Duplicate column -> change type to date.
11.At the top left part of the screen there is a CLOSE AND LOAD drop down where you will load to a new worksheet.
That will produce a green table. Select the table and press ALT+D+P to produce a pivot table linked to the green table you produced from the query.
You may need to close the Queries and Connections box that opened in order to see the pivot table options that will appear on you right.
Drag the 24hr style column to the columns area.
Drag the People to the Rows area and after Drag the Column you made in step 10 to the Rows area.
Drag the conditional format column to the Values area.
Your pivot table wont look exactly like what you want. while pivot table is selected go to DESIGN tab -> REPORT LAYOUT -> Tabular and also SUBTOTALS -> DO NOT SHOW SUBTOTALS while in the same tab.
13 Highlight all of the 24hr style time labels and format them and after highlight the inside of the pivot table where all the 1 and 0 will be and apply the conditional formatting you applied previously. Dont forget you changed the formula originally so your if statement does not end with "" but instead with 0.
If you would like i think it is easier to switch around the ROWS and COLUMNS area of the pivot table fields so that the report is easier to read. I have chosen to do so in the pictures. If you want to keep the report the way you are used to you can follow previous instructions.

I put the above comment down here as a complete answer.
I call those cells after "Finish date" column as "Chart cells". To extract a unique list of names, please refers to: here
If each name, you can use the followings formula and format for cells value >0 to show the bars.
=SUMIF([name range], "[each name]", [for each column of the chart cells])
If you further needs to filter by dates, you need to use sumifs() instead:
=SUMIFS([each column of chart cells], [name range], [unique name obtained from above], [Finish date range],"<=" & DATEVALUE("[target date]")+1,[start date range],"<=" & DATEVALUE("[target date]"))
This is the Excel formula solution, which is good if your table is not huge.


Do not show blank cells on excel graph

I have a problem solving something out in excel. I constantly have to manage financial informations from dozens of company as part of some startup acceleration programs.
In this context, as part of some analysis, I have to show, through graphs, the revenue information of the last twelve months of each company. However, some companies began operating 12 months ago, some other 8 months ago, and so on. Moreover, some companies report financial information each month, some others each quarter and so on.
However, if I select the same range of cells (same columns but different rows) for each company, the graphs will show the blank spaces when we don't have the monthly information of one company.
In this context, it is very inefficient to manually change the range of cells that each graph has to show for each company whenever we receive information from one company. Hence, I'm wondering if there is a way in which you could select a range of cells for a graph, but that the graph do not show the cells that are on blank, which could be some cells in the beginning or some cells at the end.
I'm attaching an image to explain more my problem, in which I point out with a red circle the blank cells that I don't want to have.
Directly copying #harrymc answer from here.
There are various methods for avoiding the zeroes, none of them are perfect.
Below are a couple of such methods.
Filtering the data set
Select the data range.
On the Data tab, click Filter in the Sort & Filter group,
to add a filter to all of the columns.
Click the drop-down arrow on the column's first row and uncheck 0.
Click OK to filter the column, which will filter the entire row.
Be sure to remove the filter when you're done.
Replace 0s with NA()
Select the data set
Click Find & Select in the Editing group on the Home tab and choose Replace,
or type Ctrl+H.
Enter 0 in Find what.
Enter =NA() in Replace
Click Options to display additional settings and
check Match entire cell contents.
Click Replace All.
Click Close and OK.
For more information see the article
How to suppress 0 values in an Excel chart.
My addition
One thing to note is that if these values are formulaic, then you can N/A them out via the formula bar. That would have the graph disregard the values.

Calculate average of values in a column based on matches of two variables in two other columns

I'm having an issue with some data that I'm working on that has had me stuck for a while.
I'm working on some patient data for a clinical practice that has each patient encounter logged on a separate line with an account ID, date of service, the height and weight measurements for that date, and other variables.
Aside from VLOOKUP and the usual formulae/functions I've got a pretty rudimentary understanding of Excel but I can pick up on things fairly quickly.
In the data I've got each line tied to a patient account ID as well as what quarter the DOS was in. For patients with multiple visits, they will be identifiable by repetitions of the account ID number on other lines.
For some patients, there will also be repetitions in the quarter if the same patient was seen twice in the same quarter. This is where I need help.
I'd simply like to average the value of a variable for each patient in each quarter. I'm not sure if AVERAGEIFS is the right function to use but I need an operation that checks for matches in a line of both account ID and quarter (Q1, Q2, Q3, or Q4) with the other lines in the sheet and comes up with a quarterly average for the variables in question.
What I have
What I need
If I'm understanding your question, you could use AVERAGEIFS to accomplish what you are asking. With excel, a lot of how successful an approach will be is determined by how your data is structured, and if/how often you are planning on updating your work.
It would be easier to give a concrete answer with an example of the data you are looking at.
If your source data is in columns A:D something like:
and you are looking to summarize the weight data in I by account ID and Quarter:
you could use AVERAGEIFS(C:C,A:A,G2,B:B,H2) this would find the cells in column A that match the value in G2, find the cells in column B that match the value in H2, and report the mean value in column C of the matching rows.
An alternative is to use a pivot table, which automates a lot of what you are trying to do. For that approach you would select your data block, and click on Insert>>Insert Pivot Table (at least in my version). That should bring up a wizard. Accepting the defaults will create a new sheet. Then look on the right side of your window, and you should see a list of your column names near the top, and four boxes called Filters, Columns, Rows, and Values. You should be able to drag and drop your columns into these boxes to get summaries of your data. If you add your Account ID and Quarter tabs as columns, and your height and weight as Values, then right click on each of the value columns and select "Value Field Settings" and select Average from the menu that pops up. That should give you something that looks like:
At that point, you can change the formatting to make if fit your needs, or copy data somewhere else.
The AVERAGEIFS approach will automatically update if you add more data, but will only summarize things that match the values you list. If there is an account ID/Quarter pair that isn't in the summary column you won't have any idea it's there. If you are summarizing an ID/Quarter pair that isn't in your data you'll end up with a division by Zero error like in the example.
The Pivot Table option only updates when you manually click refresh (right click and choose refresh pivot table from the menu), but will summarize all the data based on the columns you've selected. It's also a little more robust as you avoid having to type out the formulas and make sure you are pointing to the right column. This option also by default provides nested summaries; you can turn the subtotals and grand totals off if you want.
I used the function:
=SUMPRODUCT(($B$2:$B$13="Customer 1")*($C$2:$C$13="Q1"))
Where Customer 1 could be a user id and Q1 you can change to which quarter you want.
Excel screenshot

Vlookup inside a Vlookup looking for multiple values

I am trying to make a box shown below, all white boxes are for users to enter data, e.g. a start and end date then a tray end type, these will then return how much of that tray end has been used in the set dates in the cell H25.
This will then need to look at another table called product to find every time the selected tray end type appears, from this i should be able to find all products that use it. A sample of this table is shown below.
Then after this it would need to find all of those products in another table called Waste within the set dates (Date Packed column) and add up the Printed Amount column.
I already have a similar formula:
=SUMIFS(Waste[Cost],Waste[Date Packed],">=" & G12,Waste[Date Packed],"<=" & H12, Waste[Product], "=" &H13)
This one is used to add up the cost column for a set date range / product name. So I would guess it would be similar to this but just with an extra Vlookup in as it is needing to search from 2 tables where as the previous formula only uses one.
Thank You in advance for any help / support.
- Tom
I have attached a sample, essentially with the attached, you could insert the date 26/10/18 into the start and end date boxes, then insert Tesco into the tray end type box which would add the printed amount column for all products that use Tesco labels, in this case this should work out as 2,250.
If you cannot use power pivot, I would suggest adding a new column to your 'Waste' table, to look up the Label Type from 'Products'. If you cannot or do not want to update the 'Waste' table, then you could potentially create a copy, say 'Waste2' on a separate (hidden?) tab, by a direct reference to the Waste table and add a column there. Then you can do the 'sumif' using the new column.

Excel: How to create a weekly calendar with a drop-down day selection?

I'm trying to create a weekly calendar showing times of availability for a team. Header is "Monday"/"Tuesday"/"Wednesday" etc., with the time of day and availability of each team member to meet, as shown in the image:
In the header containing the day of the week, I want to create a drop down box where I can select other days and have the calendar automatically change to that day's availability. E.g. if I select "Wednesday" from the drop down box, the calendar updates the cells showing the data for Wednesday, but the calendar format still remains. I'm not sure how to do this using Data Validation; I know that Data Validation can create a drop-down list of values, but I don't know how to link the selection from that list to a group of cells that change based on the list selection.
There are various ways to accomplish this, but this is my favorite.
Create your list, as in the image, cells E2 to E8.
Click Data Validation under Data, Data Tools. Select List in the Allow: window and select your range in the Source: window. I did this for cell A2 in the example.
When done you can select the cell and see the values you can select from.
I recommend that the list be on another sheet and you can make it a table, but basically that is it.
As #Forward Ed pointed out, you still need the formulas in every cell referring to this value and whatever your data fields are in the background. Probably need INDEX/MATCH or VLOOKUP.
OBTW, you can also type in the values like this:

List of number of values in a range (Google Spreadsheets or Excel)

I asked a similar question a little while ago. I was basically just learning how to count the number of recurrences of a string in a range (using =COUNTIF()). I am now doing a very similar task, but I think it will be much more complex to solve.
So say for example I have a data set:
(Yes I am doing a stats sheet for me and my team for League of Legends)
So I would like to ultimately have a pie chart or something with my percentage play of each champ (this will be a huge data set of 100's of games per year)
How can I have a pie chart or some other chart that shows the number of times each separate string appears in a range without me already having put it in.
If you need any clarification let me know!
PivotTables and PivotCharts will be your friends on this one...
Place those names in a column, let's say column A. It would be wise to insert a row header, I used Title in the my example.
Select the range, and do Insert > PivotTable. Once the PivotTable is created, drag Title (or whatever you named the header) down to Row Labels. Next drag Title again the Values section. Icing on the cake would be drag Title yet again, to Values and then click the second count column created in the PivotTable and elect for Show Values As > % of Column Total.
If you just want a bar chart, you can remove the percent column, click on the Pivot Table, and hit ALT+F1 to create a PivotChart. Although, you will probably want to apply some cleanup formatting to get the final result below.
