Nodejs, Include Static Codegen Protobuf/gRPC files from outside of project - node.js

Good day,
I am using protoc to generate pb files for nodejs. This step works fine. The proto files, and the code generated from them, are kept in a central location since different services will be using them (server and clients). If I copy these files into my project and use them, everything works fine. If I try requiring the files from the central location (which is outside of my project) I get an error
Error: Cannot find module 'google-protobuf'
The core of the question is, how do I require a file from outside of my project, that in turn requires a module from my project? Can this be done? I would have imagined that once the file was requires through relative pathing, it would become a part of the project, but this doesn't appear to be the case. Please help.


How to deal with node_modules in PhpStorm

I have been setting up my development environment for my Laravel/AngularJS project. My IDE is JetBrains PhpStorm. I am wondering what are the best practices for configuring the IDE to deal with the node_modules (or bower_components or vendor for my PHP) folder, so that:
It is not included in the code inspection as far as the modules' internal code is concerned.
It is included in the code inspection as far as references in my own code to the modules is concerned.
It is included in Autocomplete or Code Navigation (Ctrl+click on methods)
To make it more clear: I want to be able to Ctrl+click on methods of my node modules and be redirected to the source code of these modules. I also want to be warned if I write a node module method wrong, or if it does not exist. Also autocomplete a method, when I press Ctrl+Space. But I don't want the internal code of my node modules to be included in code inspection, because it takes a lot of time to inspect all the modules, and they are supposed to be ok, so I don't need to inspect them.
I already tried two solutions:
Marking the folders as excluded: This does not work because the folders are totally excluded from the project and redirection and inspection does not work at all
Creating a specific Scope (in PhpStorm Settings), that includes all files except the node_modules folder, to use when I manually run Code Inspection: It is impossible to exclude the node_modules folder, because my IDE recognizes it as a module "I think" (it has [webapp] next to it in the Project explorer). I could however exclude bower_components and vendor.
Regardless my tries, what is the best way to deal with it?
As it's mentioned in help, PhpStorm auto-excludes node_modules folder from indexing for better performance, adding the direct dependencies listed in package.json to javascript libraries for completion, etc. So the best way to handle node_modules is relying on the IDE default procedures

Node Module Paths in Host Application

just like to add a short preface to this question - It may be a true issue of how Node functions, or it may be a fundamental misunderstanding on my part of how modules in Node work.
Recently, I've been working on a new project, specifically, a new Node module that requires some configuration via a .json file. I've had quite a few issues with this, being tested via linking the module to an Angular 2 (v5) project, and attempting to use the module in a service.
As I have the module set up right now, the configuration is loaded immediately as the module is initialized. It attempts to look for a config.json file, and read values from aforementioned file. I have this working, to an extent. I am able to require the file, read the file, and throw an error if the file is not found - but only in the same directory as the module's main file. The issue that I've come across is trying to determine how to find the path to the host project's root path - in this case, the Angular project. For example, say the absolute path to my module's root is /home/dev/angular2project/src/node_modules/module/. How can I determine the root path of the host, in this case /home/dev/angular2project/? What if the module has been installed globally?
I have attempted to use my weak understanding of the path module, paired with various searches of SO, to resolve this issue. I've tried using path.resolve(__dirname) to no avail path.resolve(process.cwd). This works well when debugging the module by itself. When attempted to be run from the Angular project, it simply returns / as the path, despite the actual root of the Angular project being home/dev/Desktop/angular2proj.

Implementing dropbox-content-hasher in electron node.js app

I have a fully functioning Electron App that uses node.js fs module to look at local files. I need to compare these files to files held on Dropbox. I have the Dropbox module all set up and running and have retrieved the content-hash for each file using the filesGetMetadata method and now I need to create a hash, in the same way, for each of my local files to compare to. I have found this code here: GitHub Repo written by Dropbox themselves, but being a relative newbie to Node.js and Electron I have only ever installed and 'required' node modules. This code just requires a js file (I tried to install the module, just in case!) and despite the js file I am implementing it on existing in the same directory as dropbox-content-hasher.js (like the example in the link) I can only get the error Uncaught Error: Cannot find module './dropbox-content-hasher' in my console. I've played with a few attempts at getting the right path but the error looks like it's still looking in the node_modules folder and I've no idea how to change this. Any help appreciated?!
I worked it out through trial and error... making the assumption from all my other requires that 'it' starts by looking in the node_modules folder, the following ended up working:
Just thought I'd update this for anyone in my situation who doesn't quite know enough before embarking on a project!!

Serverless Node.js Project Structure

I am building a RESTful API with the serverless framework to run on AWS (API Gateway + Lambda + DynamoDB). It's my first Node project and my first serverless production project and I have no idea how to structure it. So far I have the following
I keep my API endpoints (Lambda handlers) in Functions. Some of them have internal modules which they only use and there are some who use modules from Shared. I want to have unit tests for all my modules - inner and shared as well as API testing on the lambda functions. I am using mocha and chai and want to integrate everything in a pipeline which on a git push runs the linters and tests and if they are successful deploy the API to the appropriate stage. The problem is that in order to test each module I have to have chai as a local node module in every folder where I have a test file and reference the modules to be tested by a relative path. In most cases it looks really ugly because of the nesting. If I want to test an internal module from
and I require it on top of the test like so
+ I have to install chai in every folder so it's reachable. The same goes for mocha and all the dependencies needed for the test and I haven't even mentioned configuration. The main idea I am now considering is weather or not I should bring all modules to a folder called modules and require them when needed - worst case
from Functions/Function1
Also keep the test files in the module folder and run them inside, but that would require the assertion library installed in every folder. I've read about npm link and symlinks but I want to keep track of what dependencies each folder has so I can install them on the CI environment after the clean project is downloaded from GitHub where I can't do links (or I've got the whole concept wrong?)
If anyone can suggest a better solution I would highly appreciate it!
the way Node uses require is so much more than I thought!
First, Node.js looks to see if the given module is a core module - Node.js comes with many modules compiled directly into the executable binary (ex. http, fs, sys, events, path, etc.). These core modules will always take precedence in the loading algorithm.
If the given module is not a core module, Node.js will then begin to search for a directory named, "node_modules". It will start in the current directory (relative to the currently-executing Javascript file in Node) and then work its way up the folder hierarchy, checking each level for a node_modules folder.
read more here
I will try out Putting all modules in a separate folder each with it's own Folder prefixed with FunctionName_ so I know where each module is used, and the test file + package.json file. Then if I need a module I can require it from the functions with shallow nesting which would look not so bad:
from Functions/Function1
with package.json
and have a separate folder Shared where I keep the shared Modules.
I am still open for better ideas!

Using angular-ui-tinymce with JSPM - unable to load templates and plugins

I have the same problem that has already been documented on GitHub here. ui-tinymce references a number of dependencies which cannot be reached in my application.
GET http://localhost:8080/jspm_packages/github/tinymce/tinymce-dist#4.3.12/themes/modern/theme.min.js # angular.js:6084
tinymce.js:9426 Failed to load: /jspm_packages/github/tinymce/tinymce-dist#4.3.12/themes/modern/theme.min.js
I am able to use the workaround suggested in the github issue above, which changes the baseURL. This works fine in my development environment. However, when I run jspm bundle-sfx it does not pick up these dependencies and I am left in the same situation without templates or plugins.
What is the best way to address this? Can angular-ui-tinymce be broken down so that the dependent files are available in separate packages? Or should I just use gulp to get around this problem?
I tried using Gulp to concatenate the missing files, however this will not work because by default tinymce still expects the files to be at the relative locations which it uses in its own internal file structure.
I still think it would be helpful for Tinymce to provide separate packages for the most common themes, however I admit that there are a lot of themes and plugins so this would be a fair amount of work.
In the end the simplest thing to was to copy the theme and plugin files into the "correct" relative directories within my own source code. This way I can change the relative baseURL for tinymce and it will be correct when I run it in production as well as development environments.
This way I can run jspm bundle-sfx and it will bundle these files along with everything else. However you may have to import the files explicitly if you do not serve the area statically in your application. For example:
import 'sysadmin/app/tinymce/themes/modern/theme';
