Layout management inside Cairo DrawingArea/Context? - layout

I have a window in mono gtk#, which has lot of VBoxes & HBoxes. These boxes contain some buttons, labels, and some other widgets also. Now I need to make this window alone to transparent.
I created one drawingArea by referring zetcode page.
But inside this drawing area I'm not able to do the arrangements of my widgets, one Move function is available, but it is not much use for me. So how do I do widget arrangement neatly inside a drawingArea?


Flutter: Scrollable content to go underneath a blurred widget

I'm trying to build a screen where there is a fixed widget at the top of the screen and another widget which is fixed to the bottom of the screen and in between is a scrollable widget.
I want to have the content inside the scrollable widget scroll underneath the two fixed widgets (both with a transparent blur), to indicate that there is more content underneath.
Here is an image of what I am trying to do.
I am currently using a Stack for this, however I am having to manually adjust the padding in the SingleChildScrollView to offset for the top and bottom widgets, but I would like to have this be much more flexible and have the widgets be any size and not have to update the padding.
I've found other examples where the bottom widget is part of the scrollable content but that isn't quite what I am looking for.
Does anyone know of a way to do this, without having to manually provide the padding?

Tkinter contents of both widgets visible when overlapping

So, I am trying to make a video game in Tkinter (no, I don't want to use PyGame), but I have ran into a bit of a problem.
I have realized that sometimes you may want to have two widgets overlap (e.g. sprite on top of background) but have the contents of both widgets to be visible. For example, I might have a sprite with transparent sections.
How do I set the "background" option of a widget so that there is no visible background?
Note: "you can't do this" answers are acceptable.
This is not really posible in Tkinter. But you can set the transparency of the whole window with root.attributes('-alpha', 0.5)
For windows, you can do root.attributes("-transparentcolor", "red"), but again it will be applied to the whole window, not just the single widget.

How to track the bottom of a frame when used on a canvas with a scrollbar?

I implemented the code from this solution:
Adding a scrollbar to a group of widgets in Tkinter
I use it basically as a console displaying messages etc.
I need the same effect as for the text widget using
Meaning the frame would follow the widget on the bottom.
I tried using focus() on the bottom widget, but that didn't work and made it look really wierd.
In Bryan Oakley's solution when scrolling the widgets they bleed over the canvas. To fix it place the canvas into another frame which has the same size.
In his solution it can't be seen too well, but using let's say sunken relief it is truly disturbing. Also then use the relief on the outer frame not the canvas.
Call the yview_moveto method of the canvas. It takes an argument which represents what percentage of the widget should be at the top of the window. The value 1.0 guarantees that the bottom of the scrollable canvas will be in view.
Note that this only works after the event loop has had a chance to render the items on the screen (ie: you can't call this immediately after adding things to the frame, unless you explicitly call update)

PyQt4 Qt Designer making dynamic GUIs

I'm trying to figure out a way of using Qt Designer to make a dynamic GUI. For example, let's say I have a main window with a horizontal layout. I have a push button on one side and an empty area on the other. When I click the button the empty area will be filled with a widget that I've made in Qt Designer. When the button is pressed again the widget will be replaced with another widget that I've made in Qt Designer. Would I have to go about making all my widgets, to fill the empty area, custom widgets?
I've tried setting the parent to the empty are, but on the second change I get this
QLayout: Attempting to add QLayout "" to QWidget "t2", which already has a layout
So then I tried deleting the layout but still see the old widget underneath the new one and the layout is now messed up.
help please
Never mind, figured it out. Simple really. Use QStackedWidget and as for the UIs made in Qt Designer wrap that in a class that inherits from QWidget.

How to determine visible region of a Windows in X Windows / Linux?

I have several nested X Windows - let's say - a scrollable window within a scrollable window (see the example below). In such case the main window contains (at least) the major scroll bars and the (major) drawing area they control. This drawing area on its turn contains (at least) a scrollable window batch - a (minor) main window, containing a scroll bar and minor drawing area.
During live scrolling of an inner drawing area the redraw procedure messes up, because I am using the XCopyArea to speed the process and move the contents that are valid and invoke the actual redraw routine for just the newly appeared content. This works fine when the inner drawing batch is by itself, but when nested within another one a problem occurs - when the inner scrolling-batck is partially visible (i.e. the major drawing area is scrolled) redrawing of newly appeared contents is clipped from the major drawing area and never actually redrawn, but considered to be so. When on the next scroll XCopyArea gets this supposedly-redrawn area it is actually empty. Finally this empty area show up on the partially visible inner scrolling-batch and it is empty. On the first general redraw message they are fixed.
If I can obtain the clipping mask for what is actually visible from (my) inner drawing area I can adjust the XCopyArea() call and redraw call and overcome the problem without the plan "B" which is redrawing all contents on each scroll bar movement.
Example: Developing a plugin for Mozilla Firefox and needing to determine the region that describes the visible area of "my" window, i.e. the one that is passed from the Mozilla system as plugin viewport.
If its really an X Window you get, and not a widget from some specific toolkit (like GTK+ maybe?) then you can use the XGetWindowAttributes function call.
This fills out a provided XWindowAttributes structure, which includes integers for the x and y position of the window as well as its width and height and other useful facts.
But in reality I think you are probably using the Mozilla plugin API inherited from Netscape, aka NSAPI, and in that case what you get is a call to your function NPP_SetWindow() at least once (and again if necessary because something changed) with a structure which contains the information you're looking for. Try looking at for more information about the APIs you should use.
