I'm using Parrot security OS MATE. The keyboard working fine elsewhere but when I try to enter my root password for using any elevated privileges, the keyboard stops working.
I think you don't know that Linux terminal Hide password type feedback.
Just type your password correctly and hit enter. It you will works. If you enter wrong password then It will show you
Sorry, try again.
If you want to see your keystroke feedback in terminal then open your terminal Ctrl + Alt + T and Run
sudo visudo
And enter your password correctly
You will see file like one below. Using arrow keys, navigate to the end of line:
Defaults env_reset
Add this line with ,pwfeedback . Result should look like this:
Defaults env_reset,pwfeedback
Save with Ctrl + X and then typing y and hit “Enter” to accept
Now close and re-launch command prompt to see if this worked or not.
It will not show the password while typing the password. So it's not your keyboard error. It's yoir error. I think u need to start from ubuntu
I'm using Xubuntu. When I start jshell in the terminal, I doesn't recognize when I press the enter key. Every other key gets detected normaly. Any suggestions how to fix that?
Solution for laptop users without an number pad on their keyboard:
Plug in an extra keyboard with a number-pad.
Start jshell, try to press enter on your laptop keyboard.
If it still doesn't work: On the extra keyboard: press "Num" key with which you activate the number pad.
Now pressing enter on your laptop keyboard again.
It should work now, otherwise turn the numberpad off and on again and repeat step 4.
Don't know why it works that way, but it does.
Write the following in your terminal:
numlockx on
Now it will work. To make this permanent, let Xubuntu execute this after booting.
I'm unable to paste text at CLI prompts when running tfx-cli.
I've just installed Node v8.9.1 LTS. Unfortunately, the tfx-cli install hung the first time through. I pressed Ctrl+C to cancel it, ran it again, and the second time it completed. (In the text that flashed across my screen during the second run, I believe I saw something about 'failed' and 'rollback.')
I don't know whether the initial failure is contributing to my problem.
When I run tfx login, I get this prompt first:
> Service URL:
I can type at this prompt, but I can't paste. Once I type the URL and press Enter I get this:
> Personal access token:
I can neither paste nor type at this prompt (or at least the cursor doesn't advance when I type). The only keys that seem to work here are Enter and Ctrl+C. Pressing Enter without typing anything results in this:
error: Invalid input for Personal access token:
Pressing Enter after typing a few random characters sends no output to the console and simply dumps me back at the C:\> prompt.
How to fix this? How can one determine whether it's a Node problem or a tfx-cli problem? I suspect the latter but I'm not sure.
Are others able to paste text at these prompts?
I tested on my side with Node v8.9.1 LTS installed. Everything works correctly.
Make sure you have activated the command line window before pasting the text.
For Personal access token or password, it's implicit (non-visible) in the command line. The token strings will not show there when pasting the PAT/password. But it works if you enter the correct token.
So, just make sure you activated the cmd window before paste action:
Copy PAT/password (Sometimes you need to try this several times to make sure the strings are copied)
Activate the command line window (click within the window to active
Paste the PAT/password (It's implicit, just make sure you pasted the
correct token )
Seems related to the OS or permission. Whatever, you can try running the cmd as Administrator, then check whether you can copy and paste now.
Besides, you can also try to enable "QuickEdit Mode" for CMD console. ( Right-click on the title-bar of your cmd window. --> [Properties] - Options - check "QuickEdit Mode"
Also try the ways mentioned in this article: How to Enable CTRL+C / Ctrl+V for Pasting in the Windows Command Prompt
I'm using PuTTY on an old Windows laptop to communicate with Ubuntu.
When using the terminal, everything is fine and I can use the numpad normally. However, when I open anything in nano, all these keys have functions instead of numbers.
I did a search about this and found a few solutions to change PuTTY settings, but they didn’t have any effect. Is this an issue with PuTTY or with nano?
For anyone else with this problem—this is PuTTY specific and is caused by the application keypad mode sending escape sequences to nano.
To solve it:
From an open PuTTY terminal:
Ctrl + right-click to bring up the context menu
Select "Change Settings..."
Select Terminal → Features in the left-hand navigation tree
Check "Disable application keypad mode"
Reference: Description of bug on the Vim (FANDOM.com??) wiki
nano uses the curses keypad function, turning it on (so that curses handles cursor-keys). The terminal description turns on application mode for both the cursor-keys and the numeric keypad, which with PuTTY makes it send the non-numeric stuff.
You could modify the terminal description to remove the numeric-keypad part of the smkx capability:
infocmp -1 >foo
vi foo
... look for smkx=\E[?1h\E=,
... change that to smkx=\E[?1h,
tic foo
When I am using the ubuntu operating system, the most thing I use is a terminal/shell.
As a result, I wonder if a terminal/shell can be opened/popped-up automatically once I login to the desktop.
PS. I know that, we can press Ctrl + Alt + T to open a terminal/shell. However, I want the terminal/shell pop-up without any actions.
PSS. The comment from Jeremy H works, here is the step by step tutorial.
Based on what is written here go to System > Preferences > Startup Applications and start a terminal or script that launches your terminal.
I didn't change any setting of my Vim, but today the Backspace gets some crazy behavior. Every time when I hit it, it does not delete a character, but prints ^?. Anyone knows what is going on?
Not sure why it would randomly start doing this based on the information you gave, but trying adding this line to your .vimrc
set backspace=start,eol,indent
The problem comes from the communication between Mac Terminal the Linux Terminal.
Go to the Mac Terminal -> Preferences -> Advanced tab, check the option "Delete sends Ctrl-H". Then after I login to Linux, and Backspace works just fine in Vim.
In Mac Mavricks and Yosemite Open a terminal, then command+, for preferences, click on the profile tab, click on the -keyboard- menu, then add +
Key: very bottom, <= Delete
Modifier: ^ Control
Action: Send Text
Text: H
click Ok