Are there compatibility issues with clang-cl and arch:avx2? - visual-c++

I'm using Windows 10, Visual Studio 2019, Platform: x64 and have the following test script in a single-file Visual Studio Solution:
#include <iostream>
#include <intrin.h>
using namespace std;
int main() {
unsigned __int64 mask = 0x0fffffffffffffff; //1152921504606846975;
unsigned long index;
_BitScanReverse64(&index, mask);
if (index != 59) {
cout << "Fails!" << endl;
else {
cout << "Success!" << endl;
In my property solution I've set the 'Enable Enhanced Instruction Set' to 'Advanced Vector Extenstions 2 (/arch:AVX2)'.
When compiling with msvc (setting 'Platform Toolset' to 'Visual Studio 2019 (v142)') the code returns EXIT_SUCCESS, but when compiling with clang-cl (setting 'Platform Toolset' to 'LLVM (clang-cl)') I get EXIT_FAILURE. When debugging the clang-cl run, the value of index is 4, when it should be 59. This suggests to me that clang-cl is reading the bits in the opposite direction of MSVC.
This isn't the case when I set 'Enable Enhanced Instruction Set' to 'Not Set'. In this scenario, both MSVC and clang-cl return EXIT_SUCCESS.
All of the dlls are loaded and shown in the Debug Output window come from C:\Windows\System32###.dll in all cases.
Does anyone understand this behavior? I would appreciate any insight here.
EDIT: I failed to mention earlier: I compiled this with IntelCore i7-3930K CPU #3.20GHz.

Getting 4 instead of 59 sounds like clang implemented _BitScanReverse64 as 63 - lzcnt. Actual bsr is slow on AMD, so yes there are reasons why a compiler would want to compiler a BSR intrinsic to a different instruction.
But then you ran the executable on a computer that doesn't actually support BMI so lzcnt decoded as rep bsr = bsr, giving the leading-zero count instead of the bit-index of the highest set bit.
AFAIK, all CPUs that have AVX2 also have BMI. If your CPU doesn't have that, you shouldn't expect your executables build with /arch:AVX2 to run correctly on your CPU. And in this case the failure mode wasn't an illegal instruction, it was lzcnt running as bsr.
MSVC doesn't generally optimize intrinsics, apparently including this case, so it just uses bsr directly.
Update: i7-3930K is SandyBridge-E. It doesn't have AVX2, so that explains your results.
clang-cl doesn't error when you tell it to build an AVX2 executable on a non-AVX2 computer. The use-case for that would be compiling on one machine to create an executable to run on different machines.
It also doesn't add CPUID-checking code to your executable for you. If you want that, write it yourself. This is C++, it doesn't hold your hand.
target CPU options
MSVC-style /arch options are much more limited than normal GCC/clang style. There aren't any for different levels of SSE like SSE4.1; it jumps straight to AVX.
Also, /arch:AVX2 apparently implies BMI1/2, even though those are different instruction-sets with different CPUID feature bits. In kernel code for example you might want integer BMI instructions but not SIMD instructions that touch XMM/YMM registers.
clang -O3 -mavx2 would not also enable -mbmi. You normally would want that, but if you failed to also enable BMI then clang would have been stuck using bsr. (Which is actually better for Intel CPUs than 63-lzcnt). I think MSVC's /arch:AVX2 is something like -march=haswell, if it also enables FMA instructions.
And nothing in MSVC has any support for making binaries optimized to run on the computer you build them on. That makes sense, it's designed for a closed-source binary-distribution model of software development.
But GCC and clang have -march=native to enable all the instruction sets your computer supports. And also importantly, set tuning options appropriate for your computer. e.g. don't worry about making code that would be slow on an AMD CPU, or on older Intel, just make asm that's good for your CPU.
TL:DR: CPU selection options in clang-cl are very coarse, lumping non-SIMD extensions in with some level of AVX. That's why /arch:AVX2 enabled integer BMI extension, while clang -mavx2 would not have.


How can I compile C code to get a bare-metal skeleton of a minimal RISC-V assembly program?

I have the following simple C code:
void main(){
int A = 333;
int B=244;
int sum;
sum = A + B;
When I compile this with
$riscv64-unknown-elf-gcc code.c -o code.o
If I want to see the assembly code I use
$riscv64-unknown-elf-objdump -d code.o
But when I explore the assembly code I see that this generates a lot of code which I assume is for Proxy Kernel support (I am a newbie to riscv). However, I do not want that this code has support for Proxy kernel, because the idea is to implement only this simple C code within an FPGA.
I read that riscv provides three types of compilation: Bare-metal mode, newlib proxy kernel and riscv Linux. According to previous research, the kind of compilation that I should do is bare metal mode. This is because I desire a minimum assembly without support for the operating system or kernel proxy. Assembly functions as a system call are not required.
However, I have not yet been able to find as I can compile a C code for get a skeleton of a minimal riscv assembly program. How can I compile the C code above in bare metal mode or for get a skeleton of a minimal riscv assembly code?
Warning: this answer is somewhat out-of-date as of the latest RISC-V Privileged Spec v1.9, which includes the removal of the tohost Control/Status Register (CSR), which was a part of the non-standard Host-Target Interface (HTIF) which has since been removed. The current (as of 2016 Sep) riscv-tests instead perform a memory-mapped store to a tohost memory location, which in a tethered environment is monitored by the front-end server.
If you really and truly need/want to run RISC-V code bare-metal, then here are the instructions to do so. You lose a bunch of useful stuff, like printf or FP-trap software emulation, which the riscv-pk (proxy kernel) provides.
First things first - Spike boots up at 0x200. As Spike is the golden ISA simulator model, your core should also boot up at 0x200.
(cough, as of 2015 Jul 13, the "master" branch of riscv-tools ( is using an older pre-v1.7 Privileged ISA, and thus starts at 0x2000. This post will assume you are using v1.7+, which may require using the "new_privileged_isa" branch of riscv-tools).
So when you disassemble your bare-metal program, it better
start at 0x200!!! If you want to run it on top of the proxy-kernel, it
better start at 0x10000 (and if Linux, it’s something even larger…).
Now, if you want to run bare metal, you’re forcing yourself to write up the
processor boot code. Yuck. But let’s punt on that and pretend that’s not
(You can also look into riscv-tests/env/p, for the “virtual machine”
description for a physically addressed machine. You’ll find the linker script
you need and some macros.h to describe some initial setup code. Or better
yet, in riscv-tests/benchmarks/common.crt.S).
Anyways, armed with the above (confusing) knowledge, let’s throw that all
away and start from scratch ourselves...
.align 6
.globl _start
# screw boot code, we're going minimalist
# mtohost is the CSR in machine mode
csrw mtohost, 1;
j 1b
and link.ld:
OUTPUT_ARCH( "riscv" )
ENTRY( _start )
/* text: test code section */
. = 0x200;
.text :
/* data: Initialized data segment */
.data :
/* End of uninitalized data segement */
_end = .;
Now to compile this…
riscv64-unknown-elf-gcc -nostdlib -nostartfiles -Tlink.ld -o hello hello.s
This compiles to (riscv64-unknown-elf-objdump -d hello):
hello: file format elf64-littleriscv
Disassembly of section .text:
0000000000000200 <_start>:
200: 7810d073 csrwi tohost,1
204: 0000006f j 204 <_start+0x4>
And to run it:
spike hello
It’s a thing of beauty.
The link script places our code at 0x200. Spike will start at
0x200, and then write a #1 to the control/status register
“tohost”, which tells Spike “stop running”. And then we spin on an address
(1: j 1b) until the front-end server has gotten the message and kills us.
It may be possible to ditch the linker script if you can figure out how to
tell the compiler to move <_start> to 0x200 on its own.
For other examples, you can peruse the following repositories:
The riscv-tests repository holds the RISC-V ISA tests that are very minimal
This Makefile has the compiler options:
And many of the “virtual machine” description macros and linker scripts can
be found in riscv-tests/env (
You can take a look at the “simplest” test at (riscv-tests/isa/rv64ui-p-simple.dump).
And you can check out riscv-tests/benchmarks/common for start-up and support code for running bare-metal.
The "extra" code is put there by gcc and is the sort of stuff required for any program. The proxy kernel is designed to be the bare minimum amount of support required to run such things. Once your processor is working, I would recommend running things on top of pk rather than bare-metal.
In the meantime, if you want to look at simple assembly, I would recommend skipping the linking phase with '-c':
riscv64-unknown-elf-gcc code.c -c -o code.o
riscv64-unknown-elf-objdump -d code.o
For examples of running code without pk or linux, I would look at riscv-tests.
I'm surprised no one mentioned gcc -S which skips assembly and linking altogether and outputs assembly code, albeit with a bunch of boilerplate, but it may be convenient just to poke around.

Numerical regression in x64 with the VS2013 compiler with latest Haswell chips?

We recently started seeing unit tests fail on our build machine (certain numerical calculations fell out of tolerance). Upon investigation we found that some of our developers could not reproduce the test failure. To cut a long story short, we eventually tracked the problem down to what appeared to be a rounding error, but that error was only occurring with x64 builds on the latest Haswell chips (to which our build server was recently upgraded). We narrowed it down and pulled out a single calculation from one of our tests:
#include "stdafx.h"
#include <cmath>
int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
double rate = 0.0021627412080263146;
double T = 4.0246575342465754;
double res = exp(-rate * T);
printf("%0.20e\n", res);
return 0;
When we compile this x64 in VS2013 (with the default compiler switches, including /fp:precise), it gives different results on the older Sandy Bridge chip and the newer Haswell chip. The difference is in the 15th significant digit, which I think is outside the machine epsilon for double on both machines).
If we compile the same code in VS2010 or VS2012 (or, incidentally, VS2013 x86) we get the exact same answer on both chips.
In the past several years, we've gone through many versions of Visual Studio and many different Intel chips for testing, and no-one can recall us ever having to adjust our regression test expectations based on different rounding errors between chips.
This obviously led to a game of whack-a-mole between developers with the older and newer hardware as to what should be the expectation for the tests...
Is there a compiler option in VS2013 that we need to be using to somehow mitigate the discrepancy?
Results on Sandy Bridge developer PC:
VS2010-compiled-x64: 9.91333479983898980000e-001
VS2012-compiled-x64: 9.91333479983898980000e-001
VS2013-compiled-x64: 9.91333479983898980000e-001
Results on Haswell build server:
VS2010-compiled-x64: 9.91333479983898980000e-001
VS2012-compiled-x64: 9.91333479983898980000e-001
VS2013-compiled-x64: 9.91333479983899090000e-001
I used procexp to capture the list of DLLs loaded into the test program.
Sandy Bridge developer PC:
Haswell build server:
The results you documented are affected by the value of the MXCSR register, the two bits that select the rounding mode are important here. To get the "happy" number you like, you need to force the processor to round down. Like this:
#include "stdafx.h"
#include <cmath>
#include <float.h>
int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[]) {
unsigned prev;
_controlfp_s(&prev, _RC_DOWN, _MCW_RC);
double rate = 0.0021627412080263146;
double T = 4.0246575342465754;
double res = exp(-rate * T);
printf("%0.20f\n", res);
return 0;
Output: 0.99133347998389898000
Change _RC_DOWN to _RC_NEAR to have MXCSR in normal rounding mode, the way the operating system programs it before it starts your program. Which produces 0.99133347998389909000. Or in other words, your Haswell machines are in fact producing the expected value.
Exactly how this happened can be very hard to diagnose, the control register is the worst possible global variable you can think of. The usual cause is an injected DLL that reprograms the FPU. A debugger can show the loaded DLLs, compare the lists between the two machines to find a candidate.
Due to a bug in the MS 2013 CRT x64 CRT code improperly detecting AVX and FMA3 support.
Fixed in an updated 2013 runtime, or using a newer MSVC version, or just disabling the feature support at runtime by calling" "_set_FMA3_enable(0);".

Pthreads & Multicore compiler

I'm working with the support SMP kernel: Snapgear 2.6.21.
I have created 4 threads in my c application, and I am trying to set thread 1 to run on CPU1, thread2 on CPU 2, etc.
However, the compiler sparc-linux-gcc does not recognize these functions:
CPU_SET (int cpu, cpu_set_t * set);
CPU_ZERO (cpu_set_t * set);
and this type: cpu_set_t
It always gives me these errors:
implicit declaration of function 'CPU_ZERO'
implicit declaration of function 'CPU_SET'
'cpu_set_t' undeclared (first use in this function)
Here is my code to bind active thread to processor 0:
cpu_set_t mask;
CPU_ZERO (& mask);
CPU_SET (0, & mask) // bind processor 0
sched_setaffinity (0, sizeof(mask), & mask);
I have included and defined at the top :
**define _GNU_SOURCE
include <sched.h>**
But I always get the same errors. can you help me please?
You should read sched_setaffinity(2) carefully and test its result (and display errno on failure, e.g. with perror).
Actually, I believe you should use pthread_setaffinity_np(3) instead (and of course test its failure, etc...)
Even more, I believe that you should not bother to explicitly set the affinity. Recent Linux kernels are often quite good at dispatching running threads on different CPUs.
So simply use pthreads and don't bother about affinity, unless you see actual issues when benchmarking.
BTW, passing the -H flag to your GCC (cross-)compiler could be helpful. It shows you the included files. Perhaps also look into the preprocessed form obtained with gcc -C -E ; it looks like some header files are missing or not found (maybe some missing -I include-directory at compilation time, or some missing headers on your development system)
BTW, your kernel version looks ancient. Can't you upgrade your kernel to something newer (3.15.x or some 3.y)?

Error while compiling Linux kernel

I am making a system call which calculates the average waiting time in FCFS scheduling algorithm.
After following this guide, I have made changes in the concerned files and made this program.
Now while compiling the kernel, it is showing this error.
CC arch/x86/lib/strstr_32.o
AS arch/x86/lib/thunk_32.o
CC arch/x86/lib/usercopy_32.o
AR arch/x86/lib/lib.a
LD vmlinux.o
MODPOST vmlinux.o
WARNING: modpost: Found 31 section mismatch(es).
To see
full details build your kernel with:
GEN .version
CHK include/generated/compile.h
UPD include/generated/compile.h
CC init/version.o
LD init/built-in.o
LD .tmp_vmlinux1
kernel/built-in.o: In function `sys_atvfcfs':
(.text+0x3e27e): undefined reference to `__floatsisf'
kernel/built-in.o: In function `sys_atvfcfs':
(.text+0x3e286): undefined reference to `__fixsfsi'
make: *** [.tmp_vmlinux1] Error 1
An this is my program
#include <linux/linkage.h>
asmlinkage long sys_atvfcfs(int at[], int bt[], int n)
int i=0;
int j,t,wt[n],sum,q;
float avgwt;
return avgwt;
Can anyone explain where is the problem?
Google for "linux kernel float usage". It's a special thing. If you can avoid using floating point types, avoid it.
As the answer you've already got says, floating points are a special case for the Linux Kernel.
Specifically, one of the basic rules of the kernel is to avoid using the FPU unless you absolutely have to. To expand on what is said there:
The FPU context is not saved; even in user context the FPU state probably won't correspond with the current process: you would mess with some user process' FPU state. If you really want to do this, you would have to explicitly save/restore the full FPU state (and avoid context switches). It is generally a bad idea; use fixed point arithmetic first.
In short, as described in this question and its answers, the kernel asks the CPU not to bother with context switching the CPU registers. So if your process undergoes a context switch, the next application to run will be able to have hold of and modify your FPU registers. You'll then get back the modified state. Not good.
You can enable the fpu yourself with kernel_fpu_begin() and it is preempt-safe. However, it also disables your code from being pre-emptable and forces you into a critical section, so you must kernel_fpu_end() as soon as possible.

memcpy() performance- Ubuntu x86_64

I am observing some weird behavior which I am not being able to explain. Following are the details :-
#include <sched.h>
#include <sys/resource.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <iostream>
void memcpy_test() {
int size = 32*4;
char* src = new char[size];
char* dest = new char[size];
general_utility::ProcessTimer tmr;
unsigned int num_cpy = 1024*1024*16;
struct timespec start_time__, end_time__;
clock_gettime(CLOCK_PROCESS_CPUTIME_ID, &start_time__);
for(unsigned int i=0; i < num_cpy; ++i) {
__builtin_memcpy(dest, src, size);
clock_gettime(CLOCK_PROCESS_CPUTIME_ID, &start_time__);
std::cout << "time = " << (double)(end_time__.tv_nsec - start_time__.tv_nsec)/num_cpy << std::endl;
delete [] src;
delete [] dest;
When I specify -march=native in compiler options, generated binary runs 2.7 times slower. Why is that ? If anything, I would expect -march=native to produce optimized code. Is there other functions which could show this type of behavior ?
Another interesting point is that if size > 32*4 then there is no difference between the run time of the binaries thus generated
Following are the detailed performance analysis (__builtin_memcpy()) :-
size = 32 * 4, without -march=native - 7.5 ns, with -march=native - 19.3
size = 32 * 8, without -march=native - 26.3 ns, with -march=native - 26.5
EDIT 3 :
This observation does not change even if I allocate int64_t/int32_t.
EDIT 4 :
size = 8192, without -march=native ~ 2750 ns, with -march=native ~ 2750 (Earlier, there was an error in reporting this number, it was wrongly written as 26.5, now it is correct )
I have run these many times and numbers are consistent across each run.
I have replicated your findings with: g++ (Ubuntu/Linaro 4.5.2-8ubuntu4) 4.5.2, Linux 2.6.38-10-generic #46-Ubuntu x86_64 on my Core 2 Duo. Results will probably vary depending on your compiler version and CPU. I get ~26 and ~9.
When I specify -march=native in compiler options, generated binary runs 2.7 times slower. Why is that ?
Because the -march=native version gets compiled into (found using objdump -D you could also use gcc -S -fverbose-asm):
rep movsq %ds:(%rsi),%es:(%rdi) ; where rcx = 128 / 8
And the version without gets compiled into 16 load/store pairs like:
mov 0x20(%rbp),%rdx
mov %rdx,0x20(%rbx)
Which apparently is faster on our computers.
If anything, I would expect -march=native to produce optimized code.
In this case it turned out to be a pessimization to favor rep movsq over a series of moves, but that might not always be the case. The first version is shorter, which might be better in some (most?) cases. Or it could be a bug in the optimizer.
Is there other functions which could show this type of behavior ?
Any function for which the generated code differs when you specify -march=native, suspects include functions implemented as macros or static in headers, has a name beginning with __builtin. Possibly also (floating point) math functions.
Another interesting point is that if size > 32*4 then there is no difference between the run time of the binaries thus generated
This is because then they both compile to rep movsq, 128 is probably the largest size for which GCC will generate a series of load/stores (would be interesting to see if this also for other platforms). BTW when the compiler doesn't know the size at compile time (e.g. int size=atoi(argv[1]);) then it simply turns into a call to memcpy with or without the switch.
It's quite known issue (and really old one).
look at some bottom comment in a bug report:
"Just FYI: mesa is now defaulting to -fno-builtin-memcmp to workaround this
Looks like glibc's memcpy is far better than builtin...
