Q: Googles OR TOOLS, conjunctive arcs - constraint-programming

Im currently reading the laymans theory behind the job shop problem written in OR TOOLS. I have come by an annotation that I do not understand, hopefully somehow here could help me.
In the above link, step 6.1.3 the notation l is introduced as a part of the conjunctive arcs, can anyone see what this l is a notation for? It isn't in the theory "they" introduce and I can't seem to link it to general job scheduling or mixed graph theory.
Kind regards


NLP (topic modeling) with PLSA

Im trying to understand PLSA (probabilistic latent semantic analysis), to do text modeling (NLP), the problem in every article i red, it's only maths (probabilities), without any semi-algorithme or anything to help you understand that, is there any link where i can understand PLSA please ?
The P in PLSA stands for probablistic and hence I am afraid you may not find any article that does not talk about these. The model itself is a probablistic model and some knowledge of joints, conditionals, independence etc are expected. I would recommend https://medium.com/nanonets/topic-modeling-with-lsa-psla-lda-and-lda2vec-555ff65b0b05 which I found to be the best online resource. There is a bit of Math but most of it is explained well. About PLSA algorithm - I am not sure. It is not used that often and one almost always prefers LDA. I could find a GitHub implementation of solving PLSA using EM here: https://github.com/laserwave/plsa.

Is there any working implementation of reverse mode automatic differentiation for Haskell?

The closest-related implementation in Haskell I have seen is the forward mode at http://hackage.haskell.org/packages/archive/fad/1.0/doc/html/Numeric-FAD.html.
The closest related related research appears to be reverse mode for another functional language related to Scheme at http://www.bcl.hamilton.ie/~qobi/stalingrad/.
I see reverse mode in Haskell as kind of a holy grail for a lot of tasks, with the hopes that it could use Haskell's nested data parallelism to gain a nice speedup in heavy numerical optimization.
In response to this question, I've uploaded a package named ad to Hackage for handling reverse-mode automatic differentiation in Haskell.
Internally, it leverages a trick from Andy Gill's Kansas Lava to observe sharing in the tape it records for back propagation purposes, and uses type level branding to avoid confusing sensitivities.
I've tried to keep the API relatively close to that of Barak Pearlmutter and Jeffrey Mark Siskind's fad package, but I couldn't resist making a couple of minor tweaks here and there for generality.
I still need to go through and finish up the remaining unimplemented fad combinators, figure out a nice way to build a reverse-mode AD tower, validate that I didn't screw up my recollection of basic calculus, and provide a nice API for using this approach to get local reverse mode checkpoints in an otherwise forward mode AD program, but I am quite happy with how things have progressed thus far.
We have a bunch of forward mode AD implementations (I even have one in my monoids library!), but reverse mode AD for all of Haskell seems to be intractable.
Sadly while Pearlmutter and Siskind give a translation for a lambda calculus, it doesn't map into something you can do for arbitrary Haskell lambdas, you don't get the right introspection properties and given the way the shape of the types change in the translation you don't get something that is amenable to being packed into a monad, arrow, or other control structure.
I had a go at it via a series of email exchanges with Pearlmutter, but ultimately the best I was able to obtain was a reverse mode AD solution for a small EDSL in Haskell, and not a solution for Haskell itself.
Not that I'm aware of. I do know that some Haskell folks are interested in automatic differentiation, but some quick digging found little more than short asides mentioning the reverse mode; I expect you already found the same material I did.
I also note that the fad package and Stalingrad project you found are in fact the work of the same two people, and that at least Prof. Pearlmutter has posted to the haskell-cafe mailing list. You may want to consider contacting him directly about his work--it's possible he has something in progress, or hit serious obstacles while attempting to implement reverse-mode AD.
Sorry I couldn't turn up anything more useful; if someone else wants to dig further, at least the links above are a starting point.
I think forward is the way to go in Haskell. You shouldn't be able to do reverse mode on arbitrary functions, as Edward pointed out. But you responded that you should be able to do it on certain constrained functions. And said constraints can lead readily to forward mode. Eg. if you have a function:
foo :: Num a => a -> a -> a
Then you can instantiate a with a differentiable type, and thus differentiate foo in forward mode.
See the vector-space library on Hackage for very elegant forward mode automatic differentiation. It might not be entirely clear how to use it at first. Read the paper about it, Beautiful Differentiation by Conal Elliott.

Programmatic parsing and understanding of language (English)

I am looking for some resources pertaining to the parsing and understanding of English (or just human language in general). While this is obviously a fairly complicated and wide field of study, I was wondering if anyone had any book or internet recommendations for study of the subject. I am aware of the basics, such as searching for copulas to draw word relationships, but anything you guys recommend I will be sure to thoroughly read.
Check out WordNet.
You probably want a book like "Representation and Inference for Natural Language - A First Course in Computational Semantics"
Another way is looking at existing tools that already do the job on the basis of research papers: http://nlp.stanford.edu/index.shtml
I've used this tool once, and it's very nice. There's even an online version that lets you parse English and draws dependency trees and so on.
So you can start taking a look at their papers or the code itself.
Anyway take in consideration that in any field, what you get from such generic tools is almost always not what you want. In the sense that the semantics attributed by such tools is not what you would expect. For most cases, given a specific constrained domain it's preferable to roll your own parser, and do your best to avoid any ambiguities beforehand.
The process that you describe is called natural language understanding. There are various algorithms and software tools that have been developed for this purpose.

Known "Z notation" applications?

I was just remembering back my university classes and was wondering to know if anyone out here even used the "Z notation" in a professional environment. I honestly must say that it was the single most boring class that I have ever attended in my life. Maybe because of the teacher, but at the time we really all thought it was a big waste of time. I might have been wrong, which is why I'd like to hear you about it.
If you are using it or some derived language (Z++), I'd just like to know how is it useful for you. Just curious to know some commonly-known applications of Z or your application.
For those who are not familiar : http://staff.washington.edu/jon/z/z-examples.html
It's worth looking at the B Method (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/B-Method). It's a slightly more pragmatic descendent of Z. The idea is that you can actually discharge a bunch of proof obligations through refinements steps (with the help of a theorem prover that is hiding behind the scenes) and then eventually generate code directly from your specification. I believe it has been used in a number of "real world" projects.
Z is (as you pointed out) a specification notation and not a programming language intended to facilitate formal verification.
One of the larger (publicly known) projects specified using the notation was the protocol used in the Mondex smart card platform. There was recently a revival to determine the correctness of the original manual proofs with mechanical checking by multiple teams that included verification of the original Z specifications. Not surprisingly, no new fundamental errors were detected, although a number of assumptions were shown invalid by most of the teams.
The National Security Agency Tokeneer project was specified in Z before implementation in the Spark Ada subset.
Given the expressiveness of the notation it is unlikely that it will be extended. This would also make proofs more complex and be counter-productive.
I first encountered Z notation when I read that XCB (a replacement for the original Xlib API in X11) was proven correct with Z-notation .
The Web Services Description Language (WSDL) was developed using the Z notation. You can find the specification with the Z notation here: http://www.w3.org/TR/wsdl20/wsdl20-z.html. The specification states that
The Z Notation was used to improve the quality of the normative text that defines the Component Model, and to help ensure that the test suite covered all important rules implied by the Component Model.
I had to do Z back in uni! Brings back memories, if you have a Linux install handy try this application CADiZ...
'Z++' is called object-Z. I haven't been active in Z since the early-'90s (working in part on a Windows port of CADiZ, which appears to have vanished), so have no idea if its current community, but some more recent papers have been published on using object-Z to formalise UML.

Resources for graph structure?

I have a problem related to graph.
I am not a computer science grad hence needed a some quick intro on what is graph and were can i read about graph and how to solve graph related problem in c++ or in general.
The boost graph library may be a starting point and give you some code for solving your graph related problems.
Please see Graph problems in the Stony Brook Algorithm Repository,
and a cute lecture by Xavier Llora.
I would start by studying a few specific algorithms. Dijkstra's algorithm and the graph closure algorithm are good places to start. Also most introductory computer science (eg. Data Structures) texts have a section on graphs. I used this book, mostly after I was already pretty comfortable with most of the material though. It takes a pretty formal approach, so if your maths is strong you might like it.
The community might be able to give you better pointers if you mentioned something specific that you're trying to solve (if there is such a thing).
This is a very cool tool for representing graphs
