How do i decrypt after wards in npm - node.js

I have the example from for the file encryption
const fs = require('fs');
const algorithm = 'aes-192-cbc';
const password = 'Password used to generate key';
// Use the async `crypto.scrypt()` instead.
const key = crypto.scryptSync(password, 'salt', 24);
// Use `crypto.randomBytes()` to generate a random iv instead of the static iv
// shown here.
const iv = Buffer.alloc(16, 0); // Initialization vector.
const cipher = crypto.createCipheriv(algorithm, key, iv);
const input = fs.createReadStream('test.js');
const output = fs.createWriteStream('test.enc');
How do i do the oposite and get test.enc to test.js using the same key?
Thanks in advance

You can use a similar process to decrypt the file that you have encrypted using the above code.
We'll write the decrypted file to "test-decoded.js" so we don't end up overwriting our original file.
I'd also point out that you should ideally populate the IV with a random value and store this with the encrypted data, though if you're just testing it doesn't really matter too much!
const fs = require('fs');
const crypto = require("crypto");
const algorithm = 'aes-192-cbc';
const password = 'Password used to generate key';
const key = crypto.scryptSync(password, 'salt', 24);
const iv = Buffer.alloc(16, 0); // Initialization vector.
const decryptInput = fs.createReadStream('test.enc');
const decryptOutput = fs.createWriteStream('test-decoded.js');
const decipher = crypto.createDecipheriv(algorithm, key, iv);


How to store encrypted password in an environment variable in node.js?

So the idea is simple but I am not sure if I am doing it correctly.
In my application, I need to use a username/password for some database connections.
The information is stored in my .bashrc file and exports, env vars.
I dont want to store them in clear text so I want to store them encrypted.
At runtime, I read the env variables, decrypt them and use them.
What I currently have is an node.js application that does the encryption,
code snippet:
const crypto = require('crypto');
const emailPassword = CLEAR_TEXT_PASSWORD;
const algorithm = 'aes-192-cbc';
const password = 'p3241';
const key = crypto.scryptSync(password, 'salt', 24);
const iv = Buffer.alloc(16, 0);
const cipher = crypto.createCipheriv(algorithm, key, iv);
let encrypted = cipher.update(emailPassword, 'utf8', 'hex');
encrypted +='hex');
The result of the above becomes my env variable.
Now in my consumer application, to use the env variable, I have a reverse routine from decryption before usage.
It looks like
export const decipher = (input: string) : string => {
const algorithm = 'aes-192-cbc';
const password = 'p3241';
const key = crypto.scryptSync(password, 'salt', 24);
const iv = Buffer.alloc(16, 0);
const decipher = crypto.createDecipheriv(algorithm, key, iv);
let decrypted = decipher.update(input, 'hex', 'utf8');
decrypted +='utf8');
return decrypted;
but what I don't is all the parameters for encrypt/decrypt are in clear text in my code on the server.
Is there a better way of doing this or am I overly paranoid?

CrytoJS AES: Encrypted string gets decrypted to empty string

I was tinkering with crypto-js and AES.
I have a seemingly straightforward piece of code which takes a plainText and encrypts it using AES with a key and an initial vector.
When I try to decrypt the encrypted text, it gets decrypted to empty string for some reason.
This is the snippet:
const { enc, AES } = require("crypto-js");
const KEY = enc.Utf8.parse("this is a key");
const IV = enc.Utf8.parse("this is initial vector");
const originalText = "";
const hash = AES.encrypt(originalText, KEY, { iv: IV });
const hashText = hash.toString();
console.log(`"${originalText}" was encrypted to "${hashText}"`);
const hashTextCopy = `${hashText}`;
const decrypt = AES.decrypt(hashTextCopy, KEY, { iv: IV });
const decryptText = decrypt.toString(enc.Utf8);
console.log(`"${hashTextCopy}" was decrypted to "${decryptText}"`);
The output I get is:
"" was encrypted to "IgyDXGNVD8IokknoZqjamG0QecGvBM/dyxx4il8gCHA="
"IgyDXGNVD8IokknoZqjamG0QecGvBM/dyxx4il8gCHA=" was decrypted to ""
Can someone explain what is going on? I have seen quite a few examples of it over the Internet and they all seem to working just fine. But here, the text is not getting decrypted.
PS: The version I am using is "crypto-js": "^3.1.9-1",
Maybe try changing your code ever so slightly, this works for me.
As stated in the comments, I believe the problem with your initial example was the key length.
const { enc, AES } = require("crypto-js");
// Keep as a string..
const KEY = "this is a key";
const IV = enc.Utf8.parse("this is initial vector");
const originalText = "";
const hash = AES.encrypt(originalText, KEY, { iv: IV });
const hashText = hash.toString();
console.log(`"${originalText}" was encrypted to "${hashText}"`);
const hashTextCopy = `${hashText}`;
const decrypt = AES.decrypt(hashTextCopy, KEY, { iv: IV });
const decryptText = decrypt.toString(enc.Utf8);
console.log(`"${hashTextCopy}" was decrypted to "${decryptText}"`);
This also works:
const { enc, AES } = require("crypto-js");
// 128-bit key works nicely
const KEY = enc.Hex.parse("000102030405060708090a0b0c0d0e0f");
const IV = enc.Utf8.parse("this is initial vector");
const originalText = "";
const hash = AES.encrypt(originalText, KEY, { iv: IV });
const hashText = hash.toString();
console.log(`"${originalText}" was encrypted to "${hashText}"`);
const hashTextCopy = `${hashText}`;
const decrypt = AES.decrypt(hashTextCopy, KEY, { iv: IV });
const decryptText = decrypt.toString(enc.Utf8);
console.log(`"${hashTextCopy}" was decrypted to "${decryptText}"`);
The key:
const KEY = enc.Utf8.parse("abcdfghi");
Will also work correctly (since it's 128-bits). 256 would work too.
const KEY = enc.Utf8.parse("abcdfghijklmnopq");
If you just use a pass phrase, a 256-bit key will be generated from it.

Encrypt and Decrypt files using Node.js Crypto Stream

I am making a Desktop application using Electron and react.js in which I have to encrypt and decrypt files (.txt, .pdf, .jpg, .png) using Crypto library.
I am using streams to do that.
So I just get the file from FileAPI and pass the file path to create readStream.
export function encrypt (passphrase) {
const crypto = require('crypto');
const fs = require('fs');
const cipher = crypto.createCipher('aes192', passphrase);
const input = fs.createReadStream(file_path);
const output = fs.createWriteStream('test.enc');
export function decrypt (passphrase) {
const crypto = require('crypto');
const fs = require('fs');
const cipher = crypto.createDecipher('aes192', passphrase);
const input = fs.createReadStream(file_path);
const output = fs.createWriteStream('test.pdf');}
This code works fine for only for .txt files.
Any help to make this work for other file formats?
so here is a function that works.. just call on the function using 'data' in which ever format you need.. it seems best using strings or buffers.
function Encrypt_AES(data, pubkey) {
const algorithm = 'aes-192-cbc';
// Use the async `crypto.scrypt()` instead.
const key = crypto.scryptSync(pubkey, 'salt', 24);
// Use `crypto.randomBytes` to generate a random iv instead of the static iv
// shown here.
const iv = Buffer.alloc(16, 0); // Initialization vector.
const cipher = crypto.createCipheriv(algorithm, key, iv);
let encrypted = cipher.update(data, 'utf8', 'hex');
encrypted +='hex');
return encrypted;
function Decrypt_AES(data, pubkey) {
const algorithm = 'aes-192-cbc';
// Use the async `crypto.scrypt()` instead.
const key = crypto.scryptSync(pubkey, 'salt', 24);
// The IV is usually passed along with the ciphertext.
const iv = Buffer.alloc(16, 0); // Initialization vector.
const decipher = crypto.createDecipheriv(algorithm, key, iv);
// Encrypted using same algorithm, key and iv.
let decrypted = decipher.update(data, 'hex', 'utf8');
decrypted +='utf8');
return decrypted;

Nodejs decrypt AES256 help needed

Hi guys I am wondering if anyone has experience using nodejs to decrypt using aes256.
The encrypted string is base64 encoded and the first 16 bytes has the IV.
I am trying to extract the IV like below but having problems:
var crypto = require('crypto'),
algorithm = 'aes-256-cbc',
key = '6IAVE+56U5t7USZhb+9wCcqrTyJHqAu09j0t6fBngNo=';
function decrypt(text) {
var buf = Buffer.from(text, 'base64');
var iv = buf.toString('binary', 0, 16);
//var crypt = buf.toString('base64', 16);
var decipher = crypto.createDecipheriv(algorithm, key, iv);
var dec = decipher.update(crypt, 'base64', 'utf-8');
dec +='utf-8');
return dec;
I keep getting the "Invalid IV Length" error.
I believe the problem is that your key is in base64, when createDecipheriv is expecting another type.
From the docs:
The key is the raw key used by the algorithm and iv is an initialization vector. Both arguments must be 'utf8' encoded strings, Buffers, TypedArray, or DataViews. If the cipher does not need an initialization vector, iv may be null.
Also, from the encrypted data, you get the IV first from the first 16 bytes, then decrypt the rest of the data.
Here's what I believe you need, though the result is a little confused:
const crypto = require('crypto');
const decrypt = (textBase64, keyBase64, ivBase64) => {
const algorithm = 'aes-256-cbc';
const ivBuffer = Buffer.from(ivBase64, 'base64');
const keyBuffer = Buffer.from(keyBase64, 'base64');
const decipher = crypto.createDecipheriv(algorithm, keyBuffer, ivBuffer);
let decrypted = decipher.update(textBase64, 'base64', 'utf8');
decrypted +='utf8');
return decrypted;
const encryptedMessage = 'mIBOVqk3bDCQPupFcIWNReXrdNRnb2P+iKl35yYRgbA=';
const key = '6IAVE+56U5t7USZhb+9wCcqrTyJHqAu09j0t6fBngNo=';
const iv = Buffer.from(encryptedMessage, 'base64').slice(0, 16);
// the message comes from the bytes AFTER the IV - this is what you should decrypt
const message = Buffer.from(encryptedMessage, 'base64').slice(16);
const result = decrypt(message, key, iv);
Where the result is:

Protect nedb database with user/password.

I'am evaluating the use of nedb for one proyect. But it seems that natively it's don't support user/password protection. There is any way to protect an nedb database with user and password?
Here's an example.
const crypto = require('crypto')
const Datastore = require('nedb')
const ALGORITHM = 'aes-256-cbc'
const BLOCK_SIZE = 16
const KEY_SIZE = 32
// Generate a random key.
// If you want to use a password, use scrypt to generate the key instead.
const key = crypto.randomBytes(KEY_SIZE)
const db = new Datastore({
filename: 'encrypted.db',
afterSerialization (plaintext) {
// Encryption
// Generate random IV.
const iv = crypto.randomBytes(BLOCK_SIZE)
// Create cipher from key and IV.
const cipher = crypto.createCipheriv(ALGORITHM, key, iv)
// Encrypt record and prepend with IV.
const ciphertext = Buffer.concat([iv, cipher.update(plaintext),])
// Encode encrypted record as Base64.
return ciphertext.toString('base64')
beforeDeserialization (ciphertext) {
// Decryption
// Decode encrypted record from Base64.
const ciphertextBytes = Buffer.from(ciphertext, 'base64')
// Get IV from initial bytes.
const iv = ciphertextBytes.slice(0, BLOCK_SIZE)
// Get encrypted data from remaining bytes.
const data = ciphertextBytes.slice(BLOCK_SIZE)
// Create decipher from key and IV.
const decipher = crypto.createDecipheriv(ALGORITHM, key, iv)
// Decrypt record.
const plaintextBytes = Buffer.concat([decipher.update(data),])
// Encode record as UTF-8.
return plaintextBytes.toString()
Note that this only protects the database with an encryption key, not a username/password combination.
For more detailed information, see
You can use nedb hooksafterSerialization, beforeDeserialization to encrypt & decrypt data
example :
var db = new Datastore({
filename : path.join(__dirname, 'data/anything.db'),
autoload: true,
afterSerialization: function (doc) {
// encription usig AES or any algo
beforeDeserialization : function(doc) {
// encription usig AES and or algo with same key
return doc;
