Secret manager access denied despite correct roles for service account - node.js

I'm writing a cloud function in Nodejs (10), and trying to access a secret like so:
const [secret] = await new SecretManagerServiceClient().accessSecretVersion({
name: `projects/PROJECT_NUMBER/secrets/SECRET_NAME/versions/latest`
I created the secret in the web console and the name used in code matches that of the existing secret. On the page for the cloud function details, it states that the service account is PROJECT_ID#appspot.gserviceaccount,com, so I added the secretmanager.secretAccessor role to it. However, I'm still getting the same error every time:
Error: 7 PERMISSION_DENIED: Permission 'secretmanager.versions.access' denied for resource 'projects/PROJECT_NUMBER/secrets/SECRET_NAME/versions/latest' (or it may not exist).
It makes no difference if I specify a concrete version or just use latest.

HTTP cloud function code:
const { SecretManagerServiceClient } = require('#google-cloud/secret-manager');
const secretManagerServiceClient = new SecretManagerServiceClient();
const name = 'projects/shadowsocks-218808/secrets/workflow/versions/latest';
exports.testSecretManager = async (req, res) => {
const [version] = await secretManagerServiceClient.accessSecretVersion({ name });
const payload =;
console.debug(`Payload: ${payload}`);
gcloud functions deploy testSecretManager --runtime nodejs10 --trigger-http --allow-unauthenticated
Deploying function (may take a while - up to 2 minutes)...done.
availableMemoryMb: 256
entryPoint: testSecretManager
ingressSettings: ALLOW_ALL
deployment-tool: cli-gcloud
name: projects/shadowsocks-218808/locations/us-central1/functions/testSecretManager
runtime: nodejs10
status: ACTIVE
timeout: 60s
updateTime: '2020-08-04T03:34:32.665Z'
versionId: '2'
gcloud functions call testSecretManager --data '{}'
Got error same as you:
error: |-
Error: function terminated. Recommended action: inspect logs for termination reason. Details:
7 PERMISSION_DENIED: Permission 'secretmanager.versions.access' denied for resource 'projects/shadowsocks-218808/secrets/workflow/versions/latest' (or it may not exist).
You can find the serviceAccountEmail: from the deployment information details of cloud function.
go to IAM & Admin web UI, click ADD ANOTHER ROLE button, add Secret Manager Secret Accessor role to this service account.
Test again:
> gcloud functions call testSecretManager --data '{}'
executionId: 1tsatxl6fndw
result: OK
Read the logs for testSecretManager cloud function:
gcloud functions logs read testSecretManager
You will see the logs for the secret payload string.

I had the same issue and to solve it, I just had to:
Find the Service Account under General of my Google Cloud Function.
It looked like <project-name>
In IAM Admin, Add Secret Manager Secret Accessor Role to this Service Account.
After this, everything worked!

I have had similar issues working with secretmanager and the python google-cloud-secretmanager library (2.4). Specifically, after creating a secret and giving my service account the secretmanager.secretAccessor role on this secret (and nothing else, following the principle of least privilege), I was getting the following error when trying to access it:
details = "Permission 'secretmanager.versions.access' denied for resource 'projects/projectid/secrets/keyname/versions/latest' (or it may not exist)."
I could only make it work by also adding the secretmanager.viewer role at the project level, which as far as I can tell is not described in the documentation.

I had similar problem using terraform under gitlab.
I must add two authorizations to the service account which runs the pipeline:
resource "google_project_iam_policy" "gitlab" {
project = "secret_owner_project_id"
policy_data = data.google_iam_policy.iam.policy_data
data "google_iam_policy" "iam" {
binding {
role = "roles/secretmanager.secretAccessor"
members = [
binding {
role = "roles/viewer"
members = [

A bit late, but maybe this answer could be useful for future users. I encountered the same behavior only with Python. I tried lots of things but only thing that worked was creating new service account with zero roles(if I granted it secretmanager.secretAccessor role immediately, I got the same error). Then when empty service account is created, in IAM tab I press +Add, copy my empty service account adress and ONLY then I add secretmanager.secretAccessor role to it. Then I use this account as the account that will execute particular function. You of course may need to add other roles depending on what your function is intended to accomplish.

OAuth scope plays an important role here and please make sure the scope is defined correctly.
To use Secret Manager with workloads running on Compute Engine or GKE, the underlying instance or node must have the cloud-platform OAuth scope. If you receive an error with the following message, it means the instance or node was not provisioned with the correct OAuth scopes.
Request had insufficient authentication scopes
The required OAuth scope to use Secret Manager is:
Example gcloud command to create dataproc with scope
gcloud dataproc clusters create xyz-pqr --region asia-south1 --subnet projects/xyz-pqr/regions/asia-south1/subnetworks/abc-serverless-vpc --zone asia-south1-b --master-machine-type n1-standard-4 --master-boot-disk-size 100 --num-workers 2 --worker-machine-type n1-standard-4 --worker-boot-disk-size 100 --image-version 2.0-debian10 --project xyz-development -scopes


Google API Node.js Library - Permission denied on `getIamPolicy` for projects in organization

get and set IAM Policies for auto-provisioned GCP Projects and Service Accounts within said projects using the Node.js Client Library for Google APIs. As well as give a the service account in the project the Dialogflow API Admin role (roles/dialogflow.admin)
I get the following error when I try to get the IAM policy for a project I just automatically created.
Error: 7 PERMISSION_DENIED: Permission 'resourcemanager.projects.getIamPolicy' denied on resource '//' (or it may not exist).
at Object.callErrorFromStatus (/home/aeglad22/va-project-provisioning/node_modules/#grpc/grpc-js/build/src/call.js:31:26)
at Object.onReceiveStatus (/home/aeglad22/va-project-provisioning/node_modules/#grpc/grpc-js/build/src/client.js:180:52)
at Object.onReceiveStatus (/home/aeglad22/va-project-provisioning/node_modules/#grpc/grpc-js/build/src/client-interceptors.js:365:141)
at Object.onReceiveStatus (/home/aeglad22/va-project-provisioning/node_modules/#grpc/grpc-js/build/src/client-interceptors.js:328:181)
at /home/aeglad22/va-project-provisioning/node_modules/#grpc/grpc-js/build/src/call-stream.js:182:78
at processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:78:11) {
code: 7,
details: "Permission 'resourcemanager.projects.getIamPolicy' denied on resource '//' (or it may not exist).",
metadata: Metadata {
internalRepr: Map(3) {
'grpc-server-stats-bin' => [Array],
'google.rpc.errorinfo-bin' => [Array],
'grpc-status-details-bin' => [Array]
options: {}
note: 'Exception occurred in retry method that was not classified as transient'
Here is the function I am trying to do this in.
async function setServiceAccountRolesV2(projectID, serviceAccountID){
const authClient = await auth.getClient();
const resourcemanagerClient = new ProjectsClient();
var request = {
resource: "projects/"+projectID,
auth: authClient
await resourcemanagerClient.getIamPolicy(request, function(err, response) {
if (err) {
console.log(JSON.stringify(response, null, 2));
Authentication Info
I am using a service account key to authenticate all of my functions in this node app with. This service account has the following permissions granted at the organization level
This service account I am using to authenticate my app with succeeds at getIamPolicy when I try to get the policy of the project it was created in itself. But I get the error when I try to get the policy of new projects I have created using this "admin project" service account.
Why is permissions denied when trying to get the IAM Policy of projects I have created programmatically, but successful when getting the policy of the "admin" project that I have this service account and the node.js app running. I thought that if I granted my service account proper permissions at the organization level, and the projects I am creating programmatically were in that same organization, my authenticating service account should inherit all of the right permissions to grant service account roles and change IAM policy in these newly generated accounts.
A potential thought/gut feeling I have that could be completely wrong - is it possible these new projects I'm making don't have IAM Policies at all? so when I try to get and set them there's nothing to change?
Update for clarifications
I have a project that acts as an "administration project" which contain hosts the VM my Node.js app for provisioning GCP resources runs on.
This project is also where I created my service account that the Node.js app authenticates with.
I am creating new projects and service accounts within those projects with this Node.js app.
I have given the aforementioned service account the Owner permission at the organization level.
In my setServiceAccountRolesV2() method, I have tried making the resource my provisioned project manually, as opposed to passed as a parameter to make sure the the project is located correctly. I manually copy and pasted the project ID from one of the auto-provisioned projects into the resource field like this for example
resource: "projects/va-31b899e6",
and I get the same permission denied error (full error message shown above).
However when I try to use this getIamPolicy method with the "admin" project that my node.js app and service account were created in, I get a successful policy return.
resource: "projects/provisioning-admin-339515"
I don't understand why one works, and one doesn't while the service account I'm using to make the call has Owner role at the organization level. The va-31b899e6 project shown above is in fact under the same organization my admin project is.
When I run the gcloud command gcloud projects get-iam-policy va-31b899e6 --format=json > ~/policy.json to check the policy of the api-generated project (not the admin project), I get the following policy back:
"bindings": [
"members": [
"" ],
"role": "roles/owner"
"etag": "ByXXh29efSc=",
"version": 1
This service account listed in the members is the service account I authenticate my Node app with. Again, Owner granted at the Org level. This to me looks like it should be able to use the get and setIamPolicy methods on this project, as well as any other project in my organization.
New edits to follow trouble shooting tips from answer.
Confirmed I am using the correct project in the api call:
async function setServiceAccountRolesV2(projectID, serviceAccountID){
const authClient = await auth.getClient();
const resourcemanagerClient = new ProjectsClient();
var request = {
resource: "projects/va-31b899e6",
auth: authClient
await resourcemanagerClient.getIamPolicy(request, function(err, response) {
if (err) {
console.log(JSON.stringify(response, null, 2));
(project ID copied from GCP Console) : resource: "projects/va-31b899e6",
I have verified my credentials are used correctly, I am using a json key file of the service account I created to create more projects and service accounts programmatically. This is how I am authenticating :
const auth = new google.auth.GoogleAuth({
keyFile: 'provisioner-admin-339515-411d1e284a77.json',
scopes: [''],
Then in my function, I create a new instance of auth like this:
const authClient = await auth.getClient();
which is then sent in the request of the api call: auth: authClient
Verified permissions for my authenticating service account:
When I run
gcloud projects get-iam-policy va-31b899e6 \
--flatten="bindings[].members" \
--format="table(bindings.role)" \
I get the output ROLE: roles/owner
Your service account has too many roles. Most of the roles are redundant and included within other roles that you assigned. For example, Billing Account Administrator contains the permissions of Billing Account User. The role Owner possesses almost all of the roles in your screenshot.
Next, you need to understand the Principle of Least Privilege. Seth Vargo put together a good intro video. In summary, only grant the required privileges and no more. Your service account IAM roles are vast and a serious security weakness.
To solve the problem in your question, follow these steps:
Confirm that the Project ID is correct in the API call. Make sure you are using the Project ID and not the Project Name. List the projects:
gcloud projects list
Verify that your code is using the correct credentials (the ones you think you configured). Your question does not show how you are authorizing your code. You are using ADC (Application Default Credentials) which means the credentials could be found from several sources (CLI remembered credentials, the environment variable, metadata server).
If you are using the environment variable GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS, open the file using the variable and make sure that it is a service account JSON key:
If you are using the CLI credentials, verify which identity is being used:
gcloud auth list
As a debugging test, clear the environment variable and use a user identity that has the role Owner and then login. Then retest your application.
gcloud auth application-default login
Once you have determined the correct Project ID and which service account your code is using, double-check the roles assigned to the service account at the project level. List the IAM roles with this command. Replace with your Project ID and Service Account Email address:
gcloud projects get-iam-policy <PROJECT_ID> \
--flatten="bindings[].members" \
--format="table(bindings.role)" \
The service account needs one of these roles or similar to view IAM bindings:
roles/browser aka Browser
roles/iam.roleViewer aka Viewer
The service account needs this role or similar to modify IAM bindings:
roles/resourcemanager.projectIamAdmin aka Project IAM Admin
Manage access to projects, folders, and organizations

Permission iam.serviceAccounts.setIamPolicy is required to perform this operation on service account

I have below terraform script, to create a new service account and make it owner.
The scripts creates the service account, but it will throw an error on assigning role
resource "google_service_account" "pci_api_service_account" {
account_id = "pci-api"
display_name = "Api"
project = var.project_id
resource "google_service_account_iam_member" "pci_api_owner_binding" {
# service_account_id = "projects/pcb-poc-pci/serviceAccounts/"
service_account_id =
role = "roles/owner"
member = "serviceAccount:${}"
depends_on = [
and I already autheticated with infra-admin-sa service account by running
gcloud auth activate-service-account --project=pcb-poc-pci --key-file ~/sa/pcb-poc-pci-test-sa-94aa6c81d650.json
When I run terragrunt apply I get this error for the second script
Error: Error applying IAM policy for service account 'projects/pcb-poc-pci/serviceAccounts/': Error setting IAM policy for service account 'projects/pcb-poc-pci/serviceAccounts/': googleapi: Error 403: Permission iam.serviceAccounts.setIamPolicy is required to perform this operation on service account projects/pcb-poc-pci/serviceAccounts/, forbidden
These are the Roles of that service account
Based on google doc here and the error message, Service Account Admin should be enough, which my service account already have
Not sure what I missed
Solution 1
seems command line was not picking the correct credential/service account although I used gcloud auth activate-service-account command.
so I added this to my script
provider "google" {
credentials = file(var.service_account_file_path)
project = var.project_id
and now it's working fine
Solution 2
as per #John Hansley comments below
then terraform will be picking that service account file and scripts will run successfully.
This method is preferred since less issue in CICD pipeline and other deveopers, to set terraform variables

"Caller does not have permission" trying to create custom token with Firebase Admin SDK

When calling admin.auth().createCustomToken() I am getting the following error:
Error: The caller does not have permission; Please refer to for more details on how to use and troubleshoot this feature.
The provided documentation leads me to believe that the service account I am initializing the Firebase Admin SDK with does not have sufficient permissions. I don't believe this to be the case, so I want to ask and see if I've missed anything.
Firebase Admin SDK is initialized in the backend like so:
serviceAccountId: ''
Technically the value is referenced from an env var, but I have confirmed this value to be correct.
The service account being used has the following roles:
Per the documentation, the required permission for creating custom tokens is iam.serviceAccounts.signBlob. This permission is part of the iam.serviceAccountTokenCreator role as per this output:
❯ gcloud beta iam roles describe roles/iam.serviceAccountTokenCreator
description: Impersonate service accounts (create OAuth2 access tokens, sign blobs
or JWTs, etc).
etag: AA==
- iam.serviceAccounts.get
- iam.serviceAccounts.getAccessToken
- iam.serviceAccounts.getOpenIdToken
- iam.serviceAccounts.implicitDelegation
- iam.serviceAccounts.list
- iam.serviceAccounts.signBlob
- iam.serviceAccounts.signJwt
- resourcemanager.projects.get
- resourcemanager.projects.list
name: roles/iam.serviceAccountTokenCreator
stage: GA
title: Service Account Token Creator
Lastly, the code in question that is erroring out is as follows:
try {
const loginToken = await admin.auth().createCustomToken(uid);
return response(200).json({ loginToken });
} catch (err) {
The uid comes from signing in a user via a GoogleUser credential - the provided uid is confirmed to be accurate, and this flow works locally when referencing a JSON key file for the same service account.
Server is running on GKE, in case it could be a cluster permission error.
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Hiranya's answer did the trick - the K8s deployment had been configured with a service account whose original intent was only to enable Cloud SQL Proxy. Giving this service account the serviceAccountTokenCreator role solved the issue.
You need to make sure the service account that the SDK is authorized with (not the one specified as serviceAccountId) has the token creator role. This is the service account auto-discovered by Google Application Default Credentials. In case of Cloud Functions this is the service account named {project-name} You need to figure out the equivalent service account for GKE and grant it the token creator role.

What and how to pass credential using using Python Client Library for gcp compute API

I want to get list of all instances in a project using python google client api google-api-python-client==1.7.11
Am trying to connect using method this method required credentials as argument
I read documentation but did not get crdential format and which credential it requires
Can anyone explain what credentials and how to pass to make gcp connection
The credentials that you need are called "Service Account JSON Key File". These are created in the Google Cloud Console under IAM & Admin / Service Accounts. Create a service account and download the key file. In the example below this is service-account.json.
Example code that uses a service account:
from googleapiclient import discovery
from google.oauth2 import service_account
scopes = ['']
sa_file = 'service-account.json'
zone = 'us-central1-a'
project_id = 'my_project_id' # Project ID, not Project Name
credentials = service_account.Credentials.from_service_account_file(sa_file, scopes=scopes)
# Create the Cloud Compute Engine service object
service ='compute', 'v1', credentials=credentials)
request = service.instances().list(project=project_id, zone=zone)
while request is not None:
response = request.execute()
for instance in response['items']:
# TODO: Change code below to process each `instance` resource:
request = service.instances().list_next(previous_request=request, previous_response=response)
Application default credentials are provided in Google API client libraries automatically. There you can find example using python, also check this documentation Setting Up Authentication for Server to Server Production Applications.
According to GCP most recent documentation:
we recommend you use Google Cloud Client Libraries for your
application. Google Cloud Client Libraries use a library called
Application Default Credentials (ADC) to automatically find your
service account credentials
In case you still want to set it manaully, you could, first create a service account and give all necessary permissions:
# A name for the service account you are about to create:
export SERVICE_ACCOUNT_NAME=your-service-account-name
# Create service account:
gcloud iam service-accounts create ${SERVICE_ACCOUNT_NAME} --display-name="Service Account for ai-platform-samples repo"
# Grant the required roles:
gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding ${PROJECT_ID} --member serviceAccount:${SERVICE_ACCOUNT_NAME}#${PROJECT_ID} --role roles/ml.developer
gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding ${PROJECT_ID} --member serviceAccount:${SERVICE_ACCOUNT_NAME}#${PROJECT_ID} --role roles/storage.objectAdmin
# Download the service account key and store it in a file specified by GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS:
gcloud iam service-accounts keys create ${GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS} --iam-account ${SERVICE_ACCOUNT_NAME}#${PROJECT_ID}
Once it's done check whether the ADC path has been set properly by checking:
Having set the ADC path, you don't need to import from code the service access key, which undesirable, so the code looks as follows:
service =<API>, <version>,cache_discovery=False)

BigQuery Node.js API Permission Bug

I am building a Node.js server to run queries against BigQuery. For security reasons, I want this server to be read only. For example, if I write a query with DROP, INSERT, ALTER, etc. statement my query should get rejected. However, something like SELECT * FROM DATASET.TABLE LIMIT 10 should be allowed.
To solve this problem, I decided to use a service account with "jobUser" level access. According to BQ documentation, that should allow me to run queries, but I shouldn't be able to "modify/delete tables".
So I created such a service account using the Google Cloud Console UI and I pass that file to the BigQuery Client Library (for Node.js) as the keyFilename parameter in the code below.
// Get service account key for .env file
require( 'dotenv' ).config()
const BigQuery = require( '#google-cloud/bigquery' );
// Query goes here
const query = `
FROM \`dataset.table0\`
// Creates a client
const bigquery = new BigQuery({
projectId: process.env.BQ_PROJECT,
keyFilename: process.env.BQ_SERVICE_ACCOUNT
// Use standard sql
const query_options = {
query : query,
useLegacySql : false,
useQueryCache : false
// Run query and log results
.query( query_options )
.then( console.log )
.catch( console.log )
I then ran the above code against my test dataset/table in BigQuery. However, running this code results in the following error message (fyi: exemplary-city-194015 is my projectID for my test account)
{ ApiError: Access Denied: Project exemplary-city-194015: The user does not have permission in project exemplary-city-194015.
What is strange is that my service account ( has the 'Job User' role and the Job User role does contain the permission. So that error message doesn't make sense.
In fact, I tested out all possible access control levels (dataViewer, dataEditor, ... , admin) and I get error messages for every role except the "admin" role. So either my service account isn't correctly configured or #google-cloud/bigquery has some bug. I don't want to use a service account with 'admin' level access because that allows me to run DROP TABLE-esque queries.
I created a service account and assigned it a custom role with and bigquery.tables.getData permissions. And that seemed to work. I can run basic SELECT queries but DROP TABLE and other write operations fail, which is what I want.
As the error message shows, your service account doesn't have permissions to create BigQuery Job
You need to grant it roles/bigquery.user or roles/bigquery.jobUser access, see BigQuery Access Control Roles, as you see in this reference dataViewer and dataEditor don't have Create jobs/queries, but admin does, but you don't need that
To do the required roles, you can follow the instructions in Granting Access to a Service Account for a Resource
From command line using gcloud, run
gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding $BQ_PROJECT \
--member serviceAccount:$SERVICE_ACOUNT_EMAIL \
--role roles/bigquery.user
Where BQ_PROJECT is your project-id and SERVICE_ACOUNT_EMAIL is your service-account email/id
Or from Google Cloud Platform console search or add your service-account email/id and give it the required ACLs
I solved my own problem. To make queries you need both and bigquery.tables.getData permissions. The JobUser role has the former but not the latter. I created a custom role (and assigned my service account to that custom role) that has both permissions and now it works. I did this using the Google Cloud Console UI ( IAM -> Roles -> +Add ) then ( IAM -> IAM -> <set service account to custom role> )
