I've two XML files in which I manually change the values before proceeding with further evaluation. I would like to know how should I be able to update the values in the XML file using Robot Framework.
I've used faker library to generate random number but I don't know how to update them in XML. The first XML file is something like this:
and the second xml file looks like this:
<type>WorkOrder Specification</type>
<ID>Work Request ID</ID>
<ID>Reference ID</ID>
In the firs XML file the values of ORD, CLI & TOW needs to be changed and in the second XML file WOR & WRQ need to be changed but the value of ORD in the second file needs to same as the value of ORD in first file.
I really appreciate any help, because I am really lost in this now :( Thanks!
you can use lxml library.
Link: https://pypi.org/project/lxml/
This is example for edit element ID with your value ORD452257337191 to value '123456'.
${file}= get file ${path_to_file} encoding=UTF-8
${xml_file}= parse xml ${file}
set element text ${xml_file} 123456 xpath=ID
save xml ${xml_file} ${path_to_file} encoding=UTF-8
I have a simple XML with namespaces. I am unable to access the text inside the namespace. The XML looks like this:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!-- Created by IRIS Business Services Limited -->
<link:linkbase xmlns:xsi="http://www.ffff.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.uhtj.org/2006/ref http://www.frsfs.org/2006/ref-2006-02-27.xsd http://www.ghi.org/in-ghi-rep-par ../core/in-ghi-rep-par.xsd http://www.rl.org/2003/linkbase http://www.rl.org/2003/rl-linkbase-2003-12-31.xsd" xmlns:in-ghi-rep-par="http://www.ghi.org/in-ghi-rep-par" xmlns:link="http://www.rl.org/2003/linkbase" xmlns:ref="http://www.rl.org/2006/ref" xmlns:rli="http://www.rl.org/2003/instance" xmlns:xlink="http://www.ffff.org/1999/xlink">
<link:referenceLink xlink:type="extended" xlink:role="http://www.rl.org/2003/role/link">
<link:loc xlink:type="locator" xlink:href="../core/in-ghi-rep.xsd#in-ghi-rep_ReportingPeriodTable" xlink:label="in-ghi-rep_ReportingPeriodTable"/>
<link:reference xlink:type="resource" xlink:label="res_1" xlink:role="http://www.rl.org/2003/role/disclosureRef" id="res_1">
<in-ghi-rep-par:Circular>DBS.No.FBC.BC.34/13.12.001/99-2000 dt April 6, 2000</in-ghi-rep-par:Circular>
All I want to do is retrieve "DBS.No.FBC.BC.34/13.12.001/99-2000 dt April 6, 2000" which is the Circular value.
My current code looks like this. I have explored ElementTree but still not able to get the solution.
from lxml import etree
tree = etree.parse("s2.xml")
root = tree.getroot()
for Circular in root.findall('{http://www.ghi.org/in-ghi-rep-par}'):
print (Circular.text)
I am new to parsing XML. Please help.
Your expression for findall is not correct. findall will search based on your expression and you currently telling it to only look in the node its in. In the root node there are no nodes with this namespace so it correctly returns an empty list. So your expression could work if you ran it in the parent node where the Circular tag is located. But other than the name space you need to pass either a wild card to get all tags of that name space, or if you are interested in the Circular tag then specify that.
But assuming you dont know where the tag might be in the xml then you can search from the root and use .// to tell your xpath spression to look for this in all the elements recursivly from this element. Again you need to give either a wild card for the tag name or the actual tag name.
For example:
DBS.No.FBC.BC.34/13.12.001/99-2000 dt April 6, 2000
I used the following code to export an HBase table and save the output to HDFS:
hbase org.apache.hadoop.hbase.mapreduce.Export \
MyHbaseTable1 hdfs://nameservice1/user/ken/data/exportTable1
Output files are binary files. If I use pyspark to read the file folder:
test1 = sc.textFile('hdfs://nameservice1/user/ken/data/exportTable1')
It shows:
u'\x067-2010\x12\x01r\x1a\x08clo-0101 \ufffd\ufffd\ufffd*(\x042\\6.67|10|10|10|7.33|6.67|6.67|6.67|6.67|6.67|6.67|5.83|3.17|0|0|0.67|0.67|0.67|0.67|0|0|0|0|0'
I can tell that
'7-2010' in the 2nd line is the Rowkey,
'r' in the 4th line is the column family,
'clo-0101' in the 4th line is the column name,
'6.67|10|10|10|7.33|6.67|6.67|6.67|6.67|6.67|6.67|5.83|3.17|0|0|0.67|0.67|0.67|0.67|0|0|0|0|0' is the value.
I don't know where 3rd and 5th line came from. It seems like Hbase-export followed its own rule to generate the file, if I use my own way to decode it, data might got corrupted.
How can I convert this file back to a readable format? For example:
7-2010, r, clo-0101, 6.67|10|10|10|7.33|6.67|6.67|6.67|6.67|6.67|6.67|5.83|3.17|0|0|0.67|0.67|0.67|0.67|0|0|0|0|0
I have tried:
test1 = sc.sequenceFile('/user/youyang/data/hbaseSnapshot1/', keyClass=None, valueClass=None, keyConverter=None, valueConverter=None, minSplits=None, batchSize=0)
test1 = sc.sequenceFile('hdfs://nameservice1/user/ken/data/exportTable1'
, keyClass='org.apache.hadoop.hbase.mapreduce.TableInputFormat'
, valueClass='org.apache.hadoop.hbase.io.ImmutableBytesWritable'
, keyConverter='org.apache.spark.examples.pythonconverters.ImmutableBytesWritableToStringConverter'
, valueConverter='org.apache.spark.examples.pythonconverters.HBaseResultToStringCon verter'
, minSplits=None
, batchSize=100)
No luck, the code did not work, ERROR:
Caused by: java.io.IOException: Could not find a deserializer for the Value class: 'org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.Result'. Please ensure that the configuration 'io.serializations' is properly configured, if you're using custom serialization.
Any suggestions? Thank you!
I had this problem recently myself. I solved it by going away from sc.sequenceFile, and instead using sc.newAPIHadoopFile (or just hadoopFile if you're on the old API). The Spark SequenceFile-reader appears to only handle keys/values that are Writable types (it's stated in the docs).
If you use newAPIHadoopFile it uses the Hadoop deserialization logic, and you can specify which Serialization types you need in the config-dictionary you give it:
hadoop_conf = {"io.serializations": "org.apache.hadoop.io.serializer.WritableSerialization,org.apache.hadoop.hbase.mapreduce.ResultSerialization"}
Note that the value in hadoop_conf for "io.serializations" is a comma separated list which includes "org.apache.hadoop.hbase.mapreduce.ResultSerialization". That is the key configuration you need to be able to deserialize the Result. The WritableSerialization is also needed in order to be able to deserialize ImmutableBytesWritable.
You can also use sc.newAPIHadoopRDD, but then you also need to set a value for "mapreduce.input.fileinputformat.inputdir" in the config dictionary.
I'm trying to make simple Python 3 program to read weather information from XML web source, convert it into Python-readable object (maybe dictionary) and process it (for example visualize multiple observations into graph).
Source of data is national weather service's (direct translation) xml file at link provided in code.
What's different from typical XML parsing related question in Stack Overflow is that there are repetitive tags without in-tag identificator (<station> tags in my example) and some with (1st line, <observations timestamp="14568.....">). Also I would like to try parse it straight from website, not local file. Of course, I could create local temporary file too.
What I have so far, is simply loading script, that gives string containing xml code for both forecast and latest weather observations.
from urllib.request import urlopen
#Read 4-day forecast
forecast= urlopen("http://www.ilmateenistus.ee/ilma_andmed/xml/forecast.php").read().decode("iso-8859-1")
#Get current weather
Shortly, I'm looking for as universal as possible way to parse XML to Python-readable object (such as dictionary/JSON or list) while preserving all of the information in XML-file.
P.S I prefer standard Python 3 module such as xml, which I didn't understand.
Try xmltodict package for simple conversion of XML structure to Python dict: https://github.com/martinblech/xmltodict
I am trying to use the the Utilities > Member Import Utility to create an XML file that I can then use to import member data.
I have about seventy members to import. I was able to work through the mapping with what appeared to be a good match, but when I click the button, I get the following error:
Line does not match structure
I am using a .csv file to bring the data and I have selected comma as the deliminator. I can map the fields but when I click Create XML I get the Parse error.
Any suggestions on how to resolve this?
I found the answer. I appears to automatically understand that it is relative. When I simply put the name of the file in it went in with error.
So the correct path is: customer.txt
However, because the username is a number and not alpha numeric it cannot be imported.
I am trying to build a tiny app to read from an xml file and display on a widget. I don't know which widget to use exactly; QTextBrowser, QTextedit and QWebView. I can't seem to find a good explanation. Please help as much as you can. Before i get, I'm so new to Python, PyQt and my programming ain't good at all.
I suggest you first interprete the xml content into a dom object, and then show whatever you want from that object into your widget. For the first part (detailed info here):
from xml.dom import minidom
dom = minidom.parse('my_xml.xml')
print(dom.toxml()) # .toxml() creates a string from the dom object
def print_some_info(node):
print('node representation: {0}'.format(node))
print('.nodeName: ' + node.nodeName)
print('.nodeValue: {0}'.format(node.nodeValue))
for child in node.childNodes:
(using e.g. an xml example in file 'my_xml.xml' from here)