NodeJS REST API - node.js

I'd like to understand how to make sure that only intended clients are connecting to API server?
For example there is an end point:
Users will be authenticated
Token will be issued
Authentication will be done on every request
But I'd like to make sure only my Web and Mobile apps are connecting to this API. I would like to block/deny all other incoming connections even you know the end point. Please help. Thank you.

I'd like to make sure only my Web and Mobile apps are connecting to this API. I would like to block/deny all other incoming connections even you know the end point.
That is impossible since anyone who knows how the API works and has access to a valid authentication token can make a request (using Node.js, for example). You have no way of distinguishing a request made from your app from one made from some other program.


Server handles sessions and restful Api in same server?

Im building a chat that uses a api rest full, but i found a problem storage jwt in client side (cookies and his problems), so i opted to use sessions(it's a better option in security terms), that adds state to my app.
I should create a separate server that handles the sessions and also have my rest api?, and apart another server that implements some functionality such as a push server (which I plan to implement). Because I really don't like the idea of ​​having everything on one server, and if so, what should I take into account? (have more than an rest api server and other with his funcionality).
I'm a developer and i think so this require architecture knowledge, and i have no many idea about servers. If you can give me some idea about the topic to get better on it will be great, and what's the better option in this case.
Thanks, give a nice day

How can i hide API Key in an Electron JS Project?

i'm working on an electron js app & i need to connect it to an API
knowing that the source code of an electron-js app is visible it's a huge security risk to leave the API key there !
how can i solve this problem ?
Instead of having the electron app (whether from the page or from the main process) make a request to the API directly, you can have it make a request to your own server instead - then, your server can make the request to the API, so that the key is only visible to your server, and isn't exposed publicly anywhere.
This will also let you gate requests from clients - if, for example, the credentials a client sends don't match what you need, or if they make too many requests in too short a time, you can cut them off.
You can't. If API key is shared, it's probably designed to be used in the backend.
The solution for that is to create a backend API for proxying API calls. Such proxying API should utilize authentication, so each user must send individual credentials.
How about obfuscate it using a utility like js-beautify.

Protect your API key from being stolen or abused

Hello so I would like to ask what are the other ways of protecting your api from being abused or DDOS'ed by your envious enemies?
I have this simple website of mine that uses Google API and some homebrew API that is deployed in Heroku.
My first idea is to simply never call an API on the front end let the webhost server call everything first and load the data with the webpage making it so that when the page is loaded there is no trace of your API in the front end.
But sometimes when your websites contains an auto-updating data your api has to be in the front end. In scenarios such as these what are other "pro" measures i can take so that i can protect my API.
I have heard that there are ways that involves OAuth and SSL ? how do they basically work?
My API are deployed to Heroku and is created using Node.Js express library.
Well APIs that are in the front end can and will be stolen, its just a matter of when. It is the nature APIs. Even API in the app can be retrieved by reading its assembly.
What you can do though is limit what the user can do to your API in server side, either place timeout, how fast is this specific device calling you API, then simply lock out the uses IP address for a day or so.
There is no way around it, the whole industry has to change in order for you to completely hide APIs. authentication with JWT

Recently I started learning at work and I got the general concept of emitting events and listening to events. Currently I'm building a simple chat app with Node.js, Express and and I want to add authentication to my app, so that on page refresh, the data is saved and the connection is retained.
I read a lot about token-based authentication vs cookie based authentication and I understood that in most cases it's better to use token based authentication strategy.
I found a lot of npm packages regarding this topic that help authenticate requests but I can't find one simple way of implementation for simple authentication.
My question is: What is the best/correct way of implementing authentication with sockets?
If you guys could help me with this issue, I'd really appreciate it.
When the client connects to the server, make it a requirement to send an 'authentication' event to the server with the token, if the user doesn't send this event within 5 seconds then disconnect them, if the token is invalid then disconnect them, only allow them to stay connected if they have a valid access token.
Also ensure they send this token up each time they make a request to the server & validate it, not 100% necessary because they wouldn't have been able to connect in the first place without a valid token but it wouldn't hurt.

Security for React front-end and Node back-end

I'm relatively new to the modern JavaScript web development world. I've built a very simple Node/Express back-end and a separate React front-end. My vague plan is to have users that will have permission to access certain areas of the front-end, and then have the front-end make requests to the back-end. Can the front-end and back-end share the same authentication/authorization scheme? Can they both use something like Auth0? How can I make these two secure?
I'm a little stuck and would appreciate any advice or a nudge in the right direction. I'm mostly stuck because these are two separate applications but the same "user" would technically have permissions to certain React views as well as certain Express endpoints - how they moosh together?
Although seems not directly related to your topic, but I would actually suggest you try Meteor if you are not planning to immediately start working on large projects (not pressing too hard on scalability).
Meteor has a builtin support for Accounts and interacts with MongoDB nicely, and it also has its own DDP protocol that simplifies API call massively. It also interacts nicely with React.
If you think Meteor might not be a good choice for yourself, you could still learn from its design policies of authorization, etc. It has quite a bit package source code that are not too difficult to understand, and should be helpful for you to learn the basic idea. (Actually, Meteor's Accounts package already implements the basic idea mentioned by another answerer, you can learn from its design principles)
When users log in to your site, issue them with an access token that they keep client side. On front-end, check if user has token and correct permissions before rendering components. On back-end, send the token as request headers to the endpoints.
I have implemented a similar case, but with the spring boot kotlin at the backend instead. My solution is using JWT token to validate the authentication and authorization.
User logins by input login form and send POST method to backend via a REST API.Backend validates credential and returns the JWT token including encrypted user_role, expiration date, etc... if valid or 403 exception
Front-end decodes the JWT (using jwt-decode lib or something else),
save it to validate the access permission to specific page in the
website based on user_role. Eg: role='ADMIN' can access to admin dashboard page, role='USER' can access user profile page, etc.
If you use express as the backend, I suggest to use the feathersjs. It has backend solutions for this and an optional front end version. Refer:
Secure Front end (React.js) and Back end (Node.js/Express Rest API) with Keycloak follow this
