"SwiftChart" pod library has an error in Chart.swift file - swiftcharts

There is an error in Chart.swift file which is part of the "SwiftChart" pod library. It says "kCALineJoinBevel" has been renamed to "CAShapeLayerLineJoin.bevel".
Could you please correct this?


SoapUI specify alternate logdir as a property defined on the command line

I'm upgrading from SoapUI 5.4.0 to 5.7.0 and trying to put the log files in a specific directory. Note: The alternate error logs directory was working prior to the upgrade.
I have both the following specified in my JAVA_OPTS for SoapUITestCaseRunner
In my soapui-log4j.xml I specify the error file as:
<RollingFile name="ERRORFILE"
The error file then gets created without resolving ${soapui.logroot} e.g.
$ find . -name "*errors*"
I also tried it as lookup but ended up with this:
ERROR Unable to create file ${sys:soapui.logroot}/soapui-errors.log java.io.IOException: The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect
Am I missing anything? Any ideas for next steps?
I tried replacing
and it worked for me.
I no longer see unresolved '${soapui.logroot}' directory created.

Linux:load error:No such file or directory

I am deploying a web server, and after I finish compiling.There are the executing documents;
01client.c client epoll_server.c server
Then I try to run server
There is an error which I cant fix it. I have search ways for solving but still can't fix it.
load error: No such file or directory
Maybe some one can help me,please!
Thanks a lot!!!!
System utilities print the program generating the error at the beginning of the line followed by other useful information such as the name of the missing file, so this is probably an error from a user program. I can duplicate the error as follows:
errno = 2;
perror("load error");
which prints:
load error: No such file or directory
Look for the perror line in the server code. If it isn't clear what file it can't find, print the string from the failed command it is reporting.

GCF Node10 deploy failed: "Function failed on loading user code. Error message: Provided code is not a loadable module."

After making some adjustments (a rather big PR), which basically adds Google Cloud Storage connection to this function, deployment starts to fail. Unfortunately, the error message is pretty unclear and therefore doesn't provide me in much hint. Locally and in tests things run fine, so I'm a bit lost right now which direction to search. Logs don't provide insights either.
Can't really easily share the changes in the PR unfortunately. Worst case I'll revert and go piece by piece from there, but that's a tedious process.
The service account that is used in the deployment got access to the used bucket (with write), but I also don't think this error hints to permissions else I hope the error message would be more insightful.
Command used:
gcloud beta functions deploy eventStreamPostEvent --runtime nodejs10 --memory 128MB --trigger-http --source ./dist --service-account $DEPLOY_SERVICE_ACCOUNT --verbosity debug
Deploying function (may take a while - up to 2 minutes)...
DEBUG: (gcloud.beta.functions.deploy) OperationError: code=3, message=Function failed on loading user code. Error message: Provided code is not a loadable module.
Could not load the function, shutting down.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/lib/google-cloud-sdk/lib/googlecloudsdk/calliope/cli.py", line 985, in Execute
resources = calliope_command.Run(cli=self, args=args)
File "/usr/lib/google-cloud-sdk/lib/googlecloudsdk/calliope/backend.py", line 795, in Run
resources = command_instance.Run(args)
File "/usr/lib/google-cloud-sdk/lib/surface/functions/deploy.py", line 231, in Run
File "/usr/lib/google-cloud-sdk/lib/surface/functions/deploy.py", line 175, in _Run
return api_util.PatchFunction(function, updated_fields)
File "/usr/lib/google-cloud-sdk/lib/googlecloudsdk/api_lib/functions/util.py", line 300, in CatchHTTPErrorRaiseHTTPExceptionFn
return func(*args, **kwargs)
File "/usr/lib/google-cloud-sdk/lib/googlecloudsdk/api_lib/functions/util.py", line 356, in PatchFunction
operations.Wait(op, messages, client, _DEPLOY_WAIT_NOTICE)
File "/usr/lib/google-cloud-sdk/lib/googlecloudsdk/api_lib/functions/operations.py", line 126, in Wait
_WaitForOperation(client, request, notice)
File "/usr/lib/google-cloud-sdk/lib/googlecloudsdk/api_lib/functions/operations.py", line 101, in _WaitForOperation
File "/usr/lib/google-cloud-sdk/lib/googlecloudsdk/core/util/retry.py", line 219, in RetryOnResult
result = func(*args, **kwargs)
File "/usr/lib/google-cloud-sdk/lib/googlecloudsdk/api_lib/functions/operations.py", line 65, in _GetOperationStatus
raise exceptions.FunctionsError(OperationErrorToString(op.error))
FunctionsError: OperationError: code=3, message=Function failed on loading user code. Error message: Provided code is not a loadable module.
Could not load the function, shutting down.
ERROR: (gcloud.beta.functions.deploy) OperationError: code=3, message=Function failed on loading user code. Error message: Provided code is not a loadable module.
Could not load the function, shutting down.
I hope anyone knows what is causing this error.
Stackdriver logs show me nothing more than:
protoPayload: {
#type: "type.googleapis.com/google.cloud.audit.AuditLog"
authenticationInfo: {…}
methodName: "google.cloud.functions.v1.CloudFunctionsService.UpdateFunction"
requestMetadata: {
destinationAttributes: {…}
requestAttributes: {…}
resourceName: "projects/<projectName>/locations/europe-west1/functions/eventStreamPostEvent"
serviceName: "cloudfunctions.googleapis.com"
status: {
code: 3
I had the same issue and seems the message comes from here.
When you have multiple .js files with some subfolders in the root folder of your function, by default without any specification you need to name the entry module as index.js or function.js.
I found that by deploying the function using node8. The error messages should be clearer...
Usually (or; for me) the cause of OperationError: code=3 is an error in importing the modules you have defined.
Fixed this by:
deleting node_modules
rm -r .\node_modules\
optional: you can do npm i after deleting node_modules and test your function locally before deploying.
then deleting .gcloudignore and deploying as usual.
For me, the problem was caused by having installed one of my node_modules in the wrong directory (.. - up one dir). Make sure all of your node_modules needed are in the right place. This can easily happen if you have multiple functions in subfolders.
Your source code must contain an entry point function that has been correctly specified in your deployment, either via Cloud console or Cloud SDK.
Source: https://cloud.google.com/functions/docs/troubleshooting#entry-point

%AddJar for hellospark_2.10-1.0.jar giving Name: java.util.zip.ZipException Message

I am trying to run AddJar in my new notebook in ibm bluemix.
%AddJar https://github.com/ibm-cds-labs/spark.samples/blob/master/dist/helloSpark-assembly-2.1.jar -f
However, I keep receiving this error -
Starting download from https://github.com/ibm-cds-labs/spark.samples/blob/master/dist/helloSpark-assembly-2.1.jar
Finished download of helloSpark-assembly-2.1.jar
Name: java.util.zip.ZipException
Message: error in opening zip file
StackTrace: java.util.zip.ZipFile.open(Native Method)
I tried all sort of URLs - raw, file etc. as specified in this other link, but no help.
%AddJar for hellospark_2.10-1.0.jar giving Name: java.util.zip.ZipException Message: error in opening zip file
Please advice.
Your URL points to an HTML page with a download button. You must use a URL that points to the actual JAR file instead. I got it by right-clicking on the download button and selecting "Copy Link Address". The URL has /raw/ instead of /blob/ in the path:
%AddJar https://github.com/ibm-cds-labs/spark.samples/raw/master/dist/helloSpark-assembly-2.1.jar -f
That line "worked" for me, in the sense that I got a totally different error messages on the first try: Assertion failed. After restarting the kernel and re-executing the %AddJar, the error was gone. Maybe my service didn't have the download directory yet when I executed the line for the first time.

Kohana framework Fatal error mystery

I got a fatal error at auto_load function. See the following error, indicating that the specific directory and file '/mnt/webDir/www/sossage/system/classes/kohna/log.php' file failed opening required. Yes, file doesn't exist. Its's wrong path.
But, I never write the code, also can't find anywhere using 'find' option on my web root.
Fatal error: Kohana_Core::auto_load(): Failed opening required '/mnt/webDir/www/mysite/system/classes/kohna/log.php' (include_path='.:/usr/share/php:/usr/share/pear') in /mnt/webDir/mysite/system/classes/kohana/core.php on line 418, referer:
How can I solve the problem, please let me know the solution or tips.
You've got a typo in your configuration, likely. Note the directory it's attempting to access:
"kohna" is not the appropriate spelling. The directory is instead:
