I use Spark 2.4.3 with 12 executors, each with 5 cores and 40 memories. I set defaultParallelism to 180.
I use the following code to read two single text files from hdfs.
val f1 = sc.textFile("file1", sc.defaultParallelism)
val f2 = sc.textFile("file2", sc.defaultParallelism)
val all = f1.union(f2).persist()
When I look at the Spark UI, I find that executors get different number of tasks (some get only 3). Why not Spark assign the same # of tasks to executors so that the maximum efficiency can be obtained? Is there a way to avoid this?
A couple things to keep in mind...
not all tasks take the same amount of time. I find 2x or 4x often times is a better # of tasks.
scheduling has a bit of overhead.
the spark ui can make it difficult to determine to utilization rate of the cluster since a single executor task slot is scattered around the graph.
IMO you don't want to optimize executor utilization rate. What you want to optimize is either query latency or throughput per cpu. You can very easily over parallelize spark jobs and cause them to be extremely inefficient.
In Spark UI, there are 18 executors are added and 6 executors are removed. When I checked the executor tabs, I've seen many dead and excluded executors. Currently, dynamic allocation is used in EMR.
I've looked up some postings about dead executors but these mostly related with job failure. For my case, it seems that the job itself is not failed but can see dead and excluded executors.
What are these "dead" and "excluded" executors?
How does it affect the performance of current spark cluster configuration?
(If it affects performance) then what would be good way to improve the performance?
With dynamic alocation enabled spark is trying to adjust number of executors to number of tasks in active stages. Lets take a look at this example:
Job started, first stage is read from huge source which is taking some time. Lets say that this source is partitioned and Spark generated 100 task to get the data. If your executor has 5 cores, Spark is going to spawn 20 executors to ensure the best parallelism (20 executors x 5 cores = 100 tasks in parallel)
Lets say that on next step you are doing repartitioning or sor merge join, with shuffle partitions set to 200 spark is going to generated 200 tasks. He is smart enough to figure out that he has currently only 100 cores avilable so if new resources are avilable he will try to spawn another 20 executors (40 executors x 5 cores = 200 tasks in parallel)
Now the join is done, in next stage you have only 50 partitions, to calculate this in parallel you dont need 40 executors, 10 is ok (10 executors x 5 cores = 50 tasks in paralell). Right now if process is taking enough of time Spark can free some resources and you are going to see deleted executors.
Now we have next stage which involves repartitioning. Number of partitions equals to 200. Withs 10 executors you can process in paralell only 50 partitions. Spark will try to get new executors...
You can read this blog post: https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/big-data/best-practices-for-successfully-managing-memory-for-apache-spark-applications-on-amazon-emr/
The problem with the spark.dynamicAllocation.enabled property is that
it requires you to set subproperties. Some example subproperties are
spark.dynamicAllocation.initialExecutors, minExecutors, and
maxExecutors. Subproperties are required for most cases to use the
right number of executors in a cluster for an application, especially
when you need multiple applications to run simultaneously. Setting
subproperties requires a lot of trial and error to get the numbers
right. If they’re not right, the capacity might be reserved but never
actually used. This leads to wastage of resources or memory errors for
other applications.
Here you will find some hints, from my experience it is worth to set maxExecutors if you are going to run few jobs in parallel in the same cluster as most of the time it is not worth to starve other jobs just to get 100% efficiency from one job
How to decide no of partition in spark (running on YARN) based on executer, cores and memory.
As i am new to spark so doesn't have much hands on real scenario
I know many things to consider to decide the partition but still any production general scenario explanation in detail will be very helpful.
Thanks in advance
One important parameter for parallel collections is the number of
partitions to cut the dataset into. Spark will run one task for each
partition of the cluster. Typically you want 2-4 partitions for each
CPU in your cluster
the number of parition is recommended to be 2/4 * the number of cores.
so if you have 7 executor with 5 core , you can repartition between 7*5*2 = 70 and 7*5*4 = 140 partition
IMO with spark 3.0 and AWS EMR 2.4.x with adaptive query execution you're often better off letting spark handle it. If you do want to hand tune it the answer can often times be complicated. One good option is to have 2 or 4 times the number of cpus available. While this is useful for most datasizes it becomes problematic with very large and very small datasets. In those cases it's useful to aim for ~128MB per partition.
My use case is to merge two tables where one table contains 30 million records with 200 cols and another table contains 1 million records with 200 cols.I am using broadcast join for small table.I am loading both the tables as data-frames from hive managed tables on HDFS.
I need the values to set for driver memory and executor memory and other parameters along with it for this use case.
I have this hardware configurations for my yarn cluster :
Spark Version 2.0.0
Hdp version
1) yarn clients 20
2) Max. virtual cores allocated for a container (yarn.scheduler.maximum.allocation-vcores) 19
3) Max. Memory allocated for a yarn container 216gb
4) Cluster Memory Available 3.1 TB available
Any other info you need I can provide for this cluster.
I have to decrease the time to complete this process.
I have been using some configurations but I think its wrong, it took me 4.5 mins to complete it but I think spark has capability to decrease this time.
There are mainly two things to look at when you want to speed up your spark application.
This is not a direct way to speed up the processing. This will be useful when you have multiple actions(reduce, join etc) and you want to avoid the re-computation of the RDDs in the case of failures and hence decrease the application run duration.
Increasing the parallelism:
This is the actual solution to speed up your Spark application. This can be achieved by increasing the number of partitions. Depending on the use case, you might have to increase the partitions
Whenever you create your dataframes/rdds: This is the better way to increase the partitions as you don't have to trigger a costly shuffle operation to increase the partitions.
By calling repartition: This will trigger a shuffle operation.
Note: Once you increase the number of partitions, then increase the executors(may be very large number of small containers with few vcores and few GBs of memory
Increasing the parallelism inside each executor
By adding more cores to each executor, you can increase the parallelism at the partition level. This will also speed up the processing.
To have a better understanding of configurations please refer this post
I have two questions around performance tuning in Spark:
I understand one of the key things for controlling parallelism in the spark job is the number of partitions that exist in the RDD that is being processed, and then controlling the executors and cores processing these partitions. Can I assume this to be true:
# of executors * # of executor cores shoud be <= # of partitions. i.e to say one partition is always processed in one core of one executor. There is no point having more executors*cores than the number of partitions
I understand that having a high number of cores per executor can have a -ve impact on things like HDFS writes, but here's my second question, purely from a data processing point of view what is the difference between the two? For e.g. if I have 10 node cluster what would be the difference between these two jobs (assuming there's ample memory per node to process everything):
5 executors * 2 executor cores
2 executors * 5 executor cores
Assuming there's infinite memory and CPU, from a performance point of view should we expect the above two to perform the same?
Most of the time using larger executors (more memory, more cores) are better. One: larger executor with large memory can easily support broadcast joins and do away with shuffle. Second: since tasks are not created equal, statistically larger executors have better chance of surviving OOM issues.
The only problem with large executors is GC pauses. G1GC helps.
In my experience, if I had a cluster with 10 nodes, I would go for 20 spark executors. The details of the job matter a lot, so some testing will help determine the optional configuration.
We recently have set up the Spark Job Server to which the spark jobs are submitted.But we found out that our 20 nodes(8 cores/128G Memory per node) spark cluster can only afford 10 spark jobs running concurrently.
Can someone share some detailed info about what factors would actually affect how many spark jobs can be run concurrently? How can we tune the conf so that we can take full advantage of the cluster?
Question is missing some context, but first - it seems like Spark Job Server limits the number of concurrent jobs (unlike Spark itself, which puts a limit on number of tasks, not jobs):
From application.conf
# Number of jobs that can be run simultaneously per context
# If not set, defaults to number of cores on machine where jobserver is running
max-jobs-per-context = 8
If that's not the issue (you set the limit higher, or are using more than one context), then the total number of cores in the cluster (8*20 = 160) is the maximum number of concurrent tasks. If each of your jobs creates 16 tasks, Spark would queue the next incoming job waiting for CPUs to be available.
Spark creates a task per partition of the input data, and the number of partitions is decided according to the partitioning of the input on disk, or by calling repartition or coalesce on the RDD/DataFrame to manually change the partitioning. Some other actions that operate on more than one RDD (e.g. union) may also change the number of partitions.
Some things that could limit the parallelism that you're seeing:
If your job consists of only map operations (or other shuffle-less operations), it will be limited to the number of partitions of data you have. So even if you have 20 executors, if you have 10 partitions of data, it will only spawn 10 task (unless the data is splittable, in something like parquet, LZO indexed text, etc).
If you're performing a take() operation (without a shuffle), it performs an exponential take, using only one task and then growing until it collects enough data to satisfy the take operation. (Another question similar to this)
Can you share more about your workflow? That would help us diagnose it.