EXCEL: Take the average of a column in row (n-5,n-1) if row n fulfills a condition - excel

There are 50 rows. The first column (A), each row has has a ID number. They are not sorted in any way and should not be either and there are no duplicated ID numbers. When the ID is 0 then consider 4 rows before that row, take the mean value of those values in clumn C between those 4 rows. If it helps It is always the last row that has value ID = 0.
What I have done so far is that I can find the ROW number of the ID = 0 using the following formula:
Now I don't know how to navigate 4 rows upwards and take the corrosponding values in Column C.

If you use an extra column (say column Z), then paste this code into that column starting on row 4 (NB it won't work properly for the first 3 rows because there are not 4 above to check).
=IF($A4 =0, AVERAGE($C1:$C4), "Not Relevant")
so put that code in Z4, then press ctrl+E to flash fill it downwards.
Hopefully, on each line where the ID is 0, there will be an average of that line and the previous 3 in column Z on that row.



Auto Increment the value of a cell based on an adjacent sell value plus search last number increment by 1

Ok I have 2 excel columns
1st column A "Workstream", is a data list with three numbers as a dropdown. 1,2,3
2nd column B "ID", would like to auto-populate based on the selection made from the left adjacent cell + perform a lookup to get the MAX number in the current column and ADD by 1.
For Example:
So when a user selects from the drop-down in column A then Column B auto-populates with something like this
However, in order to complete the value, it needs to do the following:
="W"&A:1&"-" Search for the Max Record in Column B that starts with 1 or whatever value was entered into Column A, then include the next number based on the MAX value selected in Column A
So in the above example, let's say I Enter "2" in column A, then the value that auto-populates in column B would be
| 2 | W2-003
or if I selected 1 from column A given where we left off then the value that would auto-populate in column B would be:
| 1 | W1-006
If I am understanding correctly and you want the format to be "W" followed by number of the workstream (as inferred from the text of your question) try:
="W"&A2&"-"&TEXT(COUNTIF(A$2:A2, B2), "000")
If instead you want the output exactly as shown in the picture you provided, it's even easier:
="W1-"&TEXT(COUNTIF(A$2:A2, B2), "000")
EDIT: You might consider pre-dragging the formula to all the rows that you think have the possibility of being impacted so that you don't have to drag the formula each time you add a row. In that case, try:
=IF(A2="","", "W"&A2&"-"&TEXT(COUNTIF(A$2:A2, B2), "000"))

How would I delete a row of data if none of the cells are empty?

I have a spreadsheet with sales data for a given month for a number of different stores. There are approximately 450 rows (stores) to go through. The days of the month are in row 1, starting in column B, with the store numbers in column A, starting in row 2. What I need to find are the rows that are missing data for different days. I can use conditional formatting to highlight the cells that are empty, but that is still a lot to look at. What I am trying to do is reduce the amount of cells to look at by deleting any rows that are not missing data. So if a row is not missing any days of data, then I don't need to look at it, and can delete it. But if it is missing data, then keep the row.
I'm stuck on figuring out the actual code, but I have come up with pseudo code for what I want:
foreach row in range ($B$2:$AB$450)
foreach cell in row
if cell < 1
delete row
end foreach
end foreach
Here is an example of the spreadsheet:
1 12/1/2019 12/2/2019 12/3/2019
2 Site 1 1000 2000
3 Site 2 5000 5000 3000
4 Site 3 6000 4000 3000
In this example, rows 4 and 4 would be deleted because they are not missing any data.
**assuming that you have 4 columns and they start in column B:
with an array formula you can see the length of characters in each row.
for example, you can use the above formula in row 2 (remember: ctrl+shift+enter to use it)
So, if you apply that formula per row, you should be able to know if you have missing value per row (all of them that have length 0 per row); then, use that column to filter. E.g. Filter anything that is not 0.

Index Minif excel

I need a formula that looks for a value in column A, finds the smallest value of that row and displays the corresponding value of a row on the top of the sheet (row 3 in my case) where the smallest value has been found.
also would like to find the second and third smallest value and display the value of row 3.
For example: I need to lookup X in the first column, find the smallest value in that row (1) and display the value on the row on top of that column (D)
and second smallest value for X to display C, third smallest for X to display E.
enter code here
Z 6 8 9 5 2
X 7 2 1 3 7
Y 9 2 6 1 6
This codes should work:
Suppose your data are in range A1:F4 as shown below:
You can use the following formula to find the 1st, 2nd and 3rd smallest value in the row starting "X". Put it in Cell I2 and drag it down.
Then you can use the following formula to find the corresponding value in the row starting "Z":
It is basic INDEX+MATCH approach. If you have problem understanding the solution, I suggest you to google some online tutorials on the use of INDEX+MATCH. SMALL function is used to find the nth smallest value as requested.
Cheers :)

Excel: Merge two columns into one column with alternating values

how can I merge two columns of data into one like the following:
Col1 Col2 Col3
A 1 A
B 2 1
C 3 B
You can use the following formula in column D as per my example. Keep in mind to increase the $A$1:$B$6 range according to your data.
Thank you to #Koby Douek for the answer. Just an addition--if you are using Open Office Calc, you replace the commas with semi-colons.
Expanding #koby Douek's answer to more columns and explaining some of the terms
Original Code for 2 columns to 1 alternating
$A$1:$B$6 Defines the columns and rows to source the final set of data from, the $s are only present to keep the formula from changing the columns and rows selects if it is copied and pasted or dragged.
To extend to work on any values you dump into the columns instead of having to expand the range every time it should be amended to $A:$B or A:B so you can easily copy it to other sets of columns and create new merges, but it will also give the 1st value in every column as one of the alternating values so if you instead have headers you would be able to do this by instead using a large number so $A$1:$B$99999 or A$1:B$99999 if you want to past and move the columns ymmv which is better by situation.
lets assume you are fine including the values in the 1st row
This changes the formula to
Now on to D$2:D2
This is the row that is being used to calculate the difference between the current row the formula is in (D2) and the reference row (D$2) The important thing to make sure you do is to set the reference row number to the 1st row you will be putting values in, so if your 1st row is a header in the sort column you will use the 2nd row as the reference, if your values in the combined column D begin on the 3rd row then the reference row would be D$3
Since I like the more general form where the 1st row isn't a header row I'll use D$1:D1 but you could still mix source rows without headers into a combined row with a header of as many rows as you like just by incrementing that reference row number to be the 1st row where your values should begin.
This changes the formula to
Now INT((ROWS(D$1:D1)-1)/2)+1 and MOD(ROWS(D$1:D1)-1,2)+1
INT returns an integer value so any decimal places are dropped, it essentially functions like rounding down to the nearest whole number
MOD functions by returning the remainder of a division, it's result will be a whole number between 0 and n-1 where n is the number we are dividing by. (eg: 0/3=0; 1/3=1; 2/3=2; 3/3=0; 4/3=1 ... etc)
So -1)/2)+1 and -1,2)+1
the first value is again the difference between the current row and the reference row. but D$1:D1 is going to be the count of the rows, which is 1 so we have to correct for the rows count starting at 1 instead of 0 which would throw off our calculations, so both are using the -1 to reduce the count of the rows by 1
in the case of /2 and ,2 both are because we are dividing by 2 in the first statement it's a normal division by 2 /2 in the modulus statement it's an argument of the Mod function so ,2
finally we need to add 1 using +1 to correct for the index's need to have a value series which begins at 1.
INT((ROWS(D$2:D2)-1)/2)+1 is finding the row number to select the value from.
MOD(ROWS(D$1:D1)-1,2)+1 is finding the column number to select the value from
Thus we can change /2 and ,2 to /3 and ,3 to do this with 3 columns
This yields:
So maybe that's the confusing way to look at it but it's closer to how my mind works on it. Here is an alternative view:
=INDEX([RANGE],[ROW_#],[COLUMN_#]) returns the value from a range of rows and columns
Using the example:
[RANGE] = $A:$B this is the range of source columns.
[ROW_#] = INT((ROWS(D$1:D1)-1)/3)+1
INT([VALUE_A])+1 returns an integer value so any decimal places are dropped. Then adds one to it. we add one to the value because the result of the next steps will be 1 less than the value we need.
[Value_A] = (ROWS(D$1:D1)-1)/3
ROWS(D$1:D1) returns the number of rows in the Range to the current row in the results column, we use D$1 to designate the row number where the values in the results column begin. D1 is the current row in the results column giving us a range from the source row, allowing us to count the rows. we have to subtract 1 from this value using -1 to get the difference between the source and current. This is then divided by /3 because we have three columns we want to look through in this example so we only change rows when the result is divisible by 3. the INT drops any decimal places as mentioned so it only increments when cleanly divisible by 3.
[COLUMN_#] = MOD(ROWS(D$1:D1)-1,3)+1
MOD([VALUE],[Divisor])+1 returns the remainder of the value when divided by the divisor.
Using the example:
In this case we still divide by 3 but it's an argument to the MOD function, we still need to count the number of rows and subtract 1 before dividing it, this will return a 0, 1, or 2 for the column, but as above we are shifted backwards by 1 as the column numbers begin with the number 1, so as before we must add 1
And here we add column A and D
two different formulas depending on if you add the formula to an odd row or an even row.
Odd Start row
Even Start row
What is A1 in the picture is the cell directly above your first data cell.
If you want to place it on a different sheet you just add the sheet name:

Finding matching value in sheet 2 and copy adjacent cells value in sheet 1

I have searched through many similar topics but could find nothing that will do what I need.
I am trying to create a worksheet that will track scores for a darts game.
On Sheet 1 I have two columns that simply tracks each players throws from 501 down to 0
Row 25 is the amount remaining for each player.
In Sheet 2 I have 2 columns. The Column A contains scores that you can check out on, and Column B contains the checkout e.g. (T20, T20, D18). So if the value in row 25 of Sheet 1 matches any of the values in Column A of sheet 2, the I want to display the Value of Column B in the matching row on Sheet 2 Underneath the remaining score on Sheet 1.
Can anyone point me in the right direction?
not sure what you mean exactly, but this formula in row 26 should do the trick:
=index('Sheet 2'!$B:$B;match(A25;'Sheet 2'!$A:$A;0))
if your list separator is comma ,, use that instead of semicolon ;
you might want to use 1 as the third argument of match function, if you want to display the checkout according to the nearest match that is bigger than the number in row 25 and the column A in Sheet 2 is sorted in ascending order (1-9)
or -1 if you want the nearest match that is smaller and column A is sorted in descending order (9-1)
You can use this:
=IFERROR(VLOOKUP(A4, Sheet2!$C$2:$E$65535, 3, FALSE),0)
