Is it possible to configure PassportJS strategies on the requests? - passport.js

I'm building a multitenant application that manages requests for various different domains and each domain will have it's own set of authentications configured, so, for example, there would be several Facebook API ID and Secret pairs and not all know at start time.
Is there a way, with PassportJS, to configure the strategy on the fly on each request?


Difference between authentication server and web server? (in use of JWT)

I'm new to whole authentication/authorization part in web development. Specifically JWT. So I came across a medium post explaining the fundamentals of JWT. There was a diagram which showed how the web server and authentication server had no direct communication, AFTER a JWT token had been issued by the authentication server.
So, my 3 questions are:
What's the difference between the authentication server and the web server?
Is the authentication server, the database server?
And, since you are going to take user data(e.g password/username) from the
client(browser/user), to which server do you write the code to? authentication or web?
Because NodeJS/Express allows you to write the app server code right?
1 - An auth server is usually part of a microservice architecture, if you do not have to scale you can have a simple authentification middleware in your web server.
2 - The auth server is a server usually part of a microservice architecture which role is to authentificate requests and act as a gateway to the rest of the microservices.
3 - Depends if you want to scale or not. If you want to separate auth and the rest of the apis, there are multiple ways to scale.
Hope it helps =)
What's the difference between the authentication server and the web server?
These are two separate servers. Two different programs, potentially running on two (or more) different machines. With different purposes and responsibilities.
Is the authentication server, the database server?
No. For all you know the auth server may not use db at all. For example it can store all the data directly in files, or even in memory. Although, in practice there will be some db behind it. Auth server is just a server with a special purpose: user authentication (as the name suggests).
And, since you are going to take user data(e.g password/username) from the client(browser/user), to which server do you write the code to? authentication or web? Because NodeJS/Express allows you to write the app server code right?
Write code? Both? Depends on whether you implement the auth server by yourself or not. I'm not sure I get that question.
The point is that user credentials should be send to the auth server and the auth server is responsible for validation, secure storage and token issuing. So that other servers (in particular the one you call "web") don't have to worry about it.

How to authenticate api calls in Kubernetes

I am planning on building a K8s cluster with many microservices (each running in pods with services ensuring communication). I'm trying to understand how to ensure communication between these microservices is secure. By communication, I mean HTTP calls between microservice A and microservice B's API.
Usually, I would implement an OAuth flow, where an auth server would receive some credentials as input and return a JWT. And then the client could use this JWT in any subsequent call.
I expected K8s to have some built-in authentication server that could generate tokens (like a JWT) but I can't seem to find one.
K8s does have authentication for its API server, but that only seems to authenticate calls that perform Kubernetes specific actions such as scaling a pod or getting secrets etc.
However, there is no mention of simply authenticating HTTP calls (GET POST etc).
Should I just create my own authentication server and make it accessible via a service or is there a simple and clean way of authenticating API calls automatically in Kubernetes?
Not sure how to answer this vast question, however, i will try my best.
There are multiple solutions that you could apply but again there is nothing in K8s for auth you can use.
Either you have to set up the third-party OAuth server or IAM server etc, or you write and create your own microservice.
There are different areas which you cannot merge,
For service interconnection service A to service B it would be best to use the service mesh like Istio and LinkerD which provide the mutual TLS support for security and are easy to set up also.
So the connection between services will be HTTPS and secured but it's on you to manage it and set it up.
If you just run plain traffic inside your backend you can follow the same method that you described.
Passing plain HTTP with jwt payload or so in backend services.
Keycloak is also a good idea to use the OAuth server, i would also recommend checking out Oauth2-proxy
Listing down few article also that might be helpful
My Own article on Keycloak with Kong API gateway on Kubernetes
GitHub files for POC :
Keycloak deployment on K8s :

Is there a better way to verify tokens across services in djangoREST using django-simple-jwt

I have two Django backends hosted differently, one is an authentication service(ServiceA) that handles everything auth including generating tokens using the djangorest-simple-jwt library. The other is a service for my business logic(ServiceB).
There is a route on the 'ServiceA' that verifies tokens which is token/verify. I currently verify tokens on 'ServiceB' before processing a request, by calling the token/verify on ServiceA which I think is not the optimal way to communicate between the two services. What better approach do you suggest.
Have you looked at JWTTokenUserAuthentication?
This can facilitate developing single sign-on functionality between separately hosted Django apps which all share the same token secret key.

How to handle user authentication with microservices in AWS?

I'm reading a tutorial provided by AWS explaining how to break up a monolithic NodeJS application into a microservice architectured one.
Here is a link to it.
One important piece is missing from the simple application example they've provided and that is user authentication.
My question is, where does authentication fit into all this?
How do you allow users to authenticate to all these services separately?
I am specifically looking for an answer that does not involve AWS Cogntio. I would like to have my own service perform user authentication/management.
First, there is more than one approach for this common problem.
Here is one popular take:
Divide your world to authentication (you are who you say you are) and authorization (you are permitted to do this action).
As a policy, every service decides on authorization by itself. Leave the authentication to a single point in the system - the authentication gateway - usually combined inside the API gateway.
This gateway forwards requests from clients to the services, after authenticating, with a trusted payload stating that the requester is indeed who they say they are. Its then up to the service to decide whether the request is allowed.
An implementation can be done using several methods. A JWT is one such method.
The authenticator creates a JWT after receiving correct credentials, and the client uses this JWT in every request to each service.
If you want to write your own auth, it can be a service like the others. Part of it would be a small client middleware that you run at all other service endpoints which require protection (golang example for middleware).
An alternative to a middleware is to run a dedicated API Gateway that queries the auth service before relaying the requests to the actual services. AWS also has a solution for those and you can write custom authentication handlers that will call your own auth service.
It is important to centralize the authentication, even for a microservices approach for a single product. So I'm assuming you will be looking at having an Identity Service(Authentication Service) which will handle the authentication and issue a token. The other microservices will be acting as the service providers which will validate the token issued.
Note: In standards like OpenID connect, the id_token issued is in the format of JWT which is also stateless and self-contained with singed information about the user. So individual Microservices doesn't have to communicate with the authentication service for each token validation. However, you can look at implementing or using Refresh tokens to renew tokens without requiring users to login again.
Depending on the technology you choose, it will change the nature how you issue the tokens and validate.
ExpressJS framework for backend - You can verify the tokens and routes in a Node Middleware Handler using Passport.
If you use API Gateway in front of your Microservice endpoints you can use a Custom Authorizer Lambda to verify the tokens.
However, it is recommended to use a standard protocol like OpenID connect so that you can be compatible with Identity Federation, SSO behaviors in future.
Since you have mentioned that you are hoping to have your own solution, it will come also with some challenges to address,
Password Policies
Supporting standards (OpenID Connect)
Security (Encryption at rest and transit especially for PIDs)
SSO, MFA & Federation support etc.
In addition to non-functional requirements like scalability, reliability, performance. Although these requirements might not arise in the beginning, I have seen many come down the line, when products get matured, especially for compliance.
That's why most people encourage to use an identity server or service like Cognito, Auth0 & etc to get a better ROI.

What is the most secure way to pass user credentials from a frontend to a node backend

I'm building an application using nodejs express + mongodb.
I need to add authentication.
I've found these options:
using json web tokens
using passport framework
Are my user credentials which I pass over the internet secure if I combine one of these 2 with ssl?
Well, both are secure but different (https is the way).
If you need server side sessions after autentication, go for passport is easy to set up and supports a ton of autentication ways.
In the case of JsonWebTokens, are great way to implement session-less autentication like interacting with a REST API.
This is a good read: If REST applications are supposed to be stateless, how do you manage sessions?
Yes, it will be secure if you do that, you may consider using two-factor authentication if you want to increase security.
json web tokens is just a standard used for token based authentication, while the passport framework is a tool that will help you to build your software in a more secure way. I'm not familiar with Passport Framework, but I believe that all strategies that it provides will use JWT.
TLS (or SSL) is a tunneling protocol to tunnel unsecure http protocol, which sends plain text data to a server. You may be interested in RFC1818 that has some information about using http with tls.
It's very important to tunnel http request when sending sensitive information. It will add to you app:
1) Server authentication
2) Integrity protection
3) Replay protection
4) Confidentiality
