connectors to applications 'azureeventgrid' is not compatible with the Gmail - azure

As part of microsoft integration service. I'm using an azure logic app that should send message to my GMAIL address each time an event is happening in a VM under a specified resource group.
Scenario applied is :
create RG + VM
create blank logic app
add event grid trigger
add condition ......
send email notificiations
(as of the link : article )
But Logic app designer denied to save as I receive the following message :
Failed to save logic app XXXXla01. The operation on workflow 'XXXXla01' cannot be completed because it contains connectors to applications 'azureeventgrid' which are not compatible with the Gmail connector.
When workraround, I find this article that stated some google policies update.
I'm looking now for an alternative to this issue, where I can still use an azure resource that send notifications to my GMAIL address everytime an event is happening to my VM.

Issue with Gmail API was resolved with the procedure : article


Azure Logic Apps - When a new email arrives workflow does not trigger

I'm trying to create an Azure Logic App Workflow to extract attachments when email arrives.
I have a workflow on my account to generate Logic App design.
This workflow is directly paste in our azuredeploy.json file to be deploy with our pipeline on the Azure Logic App main account.
This workflow works perfectly on my app but not in the deployed app. In the deployed app, when I send an email to test the workflow, it does not trigger the event like it does in my account.
It seems that our issue came from the office365 email that we specially created (which is different from ours) the be used to get email with attachments.
And now I just tried with the trigger "When a new email arrives in a shared mailbox" and it work exactly as expected. But it's not a shared mailbox !
Has anyone encountered this issue before?
I believe you have created your connection to Office 365 (Outlook) using your own account, which would explain why it works for you, and the Shared Mailbox (which only requires one having access to it).
However, your scenario requires the "delegated permissions" model, for which Graph API is better suited.
May I kindly suggest you read

Send azure monitor alert to slack not working

I am sure this has been asked many times but am unable to find relevant answer. Is there any way to send Azure monitor alerts to slack via Logic apps or some other way. I have found this template - and integrated it into my azure system but it is not working.
Have tried some work around mentioned at - but all in vain
Direct Webhook from action group using slack incoming webhook is not supported , as azure sends alert using its own schema.
Any input is highly appreciated ...
Azure Logic Apps is definitely an option, but if you are not needing complicated workflows, just send the alert directly from Azure Monitor to a Slack channel. You can do this by generating a unique email for the Slack channel and using that email in your Azure Monitor alert action group settings. Another option would be to send the alert to your company alert email inbox and have it automatically forwarded to that Slack channel email address. With this approach you completely remove the dependency and complexity of Azure Logic Apps.

How to get a callback when an Azure Marketplace Managed Application is installed from marketplace

The Microsoft documentation states:
Provide a notification endpoint URL: In the Notification Endpoint URL
box, provide an HTTPS Webhook endpoint to receive notifications about
all CRUD operations on managed application instances of this plan
I created a simple Logic App and copied the HTTP endpoint into my MPN App Plan under the
It looks like this and has the sig at the end:
To test it I hit it with PostMan and confirm that it is getting an HTTP200 as per the MS Docs.
I publish the app to the marketplace:
(you can see the app live here -
However - the endpoint never gets called at all. I can see in the logs that no attempt (failed or past) has been made to call it.
I raised a Microsoft Support Ticket and asked a Technical Specialist, however no one can tell me how to debug it or why it is not calling back on installs or failed installs.
Has anyone seen this working?
I found out that each PLAN has a GUID that is automatically used for deployment. Mine is "pid-34881ea9-xxxx--xxxx-xxxx-2cf731e06ef7-partnercenter" - should I be putting this on the callback notification URL as sig=ThisGUID?
In the example for Managed apps with notifications, it shows that managed applications will send a post to https://{your_endpoint_URI}/resource. Can you try adding /resource to your listener and see if it triggers your logic app? I believe that should fix this.

Azure API Management product subscription tracking

I am using Azure API Management for managing our APIs. Its containing product and all. Now I also want to catch some of the customer information into my database.
So my question is : "Is there anyway such that whenever someone is subscribing any product, my API will trigger?"
What I want to do is I will create an API which will fetch the details from Azure via REST API for all subscriptions and I want to call (auto trigger) that API whenever someone subscribe any product successfully. I know we can set the Approval workflow, we can send notification email also to any specific email id, but can we call any HTTP request?
Also if anyone have more idea about Developer portal then please share. (can we customize it, till what level, how, etc.)
Thanks in Advance..
One way is to put an Event Grid system topic on the resource group containing API Management service with
filter for Resource Write Success
subject filter / Subject begins with /subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroup}/providers/Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/{apiManagementService}/subscriptions
and forward to Azure Function or WebHook - basically filter for activities logged as Subscribe to product or Update subscription on the resource.

Azure LogicAPP to Receive data from SAP Message Server (Preview)

Does anybody know how to retrieve data from SAP module using SAP Message Server (Preview) in LogicApp.
I have connected to on premise gateway but not sure how do I call the SAP module from LogicApp. I have tried to google blogs or article for using SAP Message Server (Preview) but couldn't find anything that could explain how can you connect SAP Module with your logic app on azure.
Hi Bhavesh we are mainly using two way to connect Logic app to SAP
Does anybody know how to retrieve data from SAP module using SAP Message Server (Preview) in LogicApp.
You may get the answer from the Azure official document. The following is the snippet from the document.
1.Add the Request/Response trigger, and then select New step.
2.Select Add an action, and then select the SAP connector by typing SAP in the search field:
3.Select SAP Application Server or SAP Message Server, based on your SAP setup. If you don't have an existing connection, you are prompted to create one.
4.Enter a name for your SAP connection
5.The different SAP options are now available. To find your IDOC category, select from the list. Or manually type in the path, and select the HTTP response in the body field:
6.Add the action for creating an HTTP Response. The response message should be from the SAP output
7.Save your logic app. Test it by sending an IDOC through the HTTP trigger URL. After the IDOC is sent, wait for the response from the logic app:
Current limitations:
Your logic app times out if all steps required for the response don't finish within the request timeout limit. In this scenario, requests might get blocked.
The file picker does not display all the available fields. In this scenario, you can manually add paths.
