I got a 3D tensor three and a 2D tensor two, which need to be multiplied. For example, the dimensions are:
three.shape = 4x100x700
two.shape = 4x100
Output shape should be:
output.shape = 4x100x700
So basically, in output[a,b] there should be 700 scalars which were computed by multiplying all 700 scalars from three[a,b] with the single scalar from two[a,b].
You can simply add an extra dimension to two:
output = three * two.unsqueeze(-1)
There are alternative syntax, e.g.:
output = three * two[..., None]
I have the following code segment to generate random samples. The generated samples is a list, where each entry of the list is a tensor. Each tensor has two elements. I would like to extract the first element from all tensors in the list; and extract the second element from all tensors in the list as well. How to perform this kind of tensor slice operation
import torch
import pyro.distributions as dist
num_samples = 250
# note that both covariance matrices are diagonal
mu1 = torch.tensor([0., 5.])
sig1 = torch.tensor([[2., 0.], [0., 3.]])
dist1 = dist.MultivariateNormal(mu1, sig1)
samples1 = [pyro.sample('samples1', dist1) for _ in range(num_samples)]
I'd recommend torch.cat with a list comprehension:
col1 = torch.cat([t[0] for t in samples1])
col2 = torch.cat([t[1] for t in samples1])
Docs for torch.cat: https://pytorch.org/docs/stable/generated/torch.cat.html
You could turn your list of 1D tensors into a single big 2D tensor using torch.stack, then do a normal slice:
samples1_t = torch.stack(samples1)
col1 = samples1_t[:, 0] # : means all rows
col2 = samples1_t[:, 1]
Docs for torch.stack: https://pytorch.org/docs/stable/generated/torch.stack.html
I should mention PyTorch tensors come with unpacking out of the box, this means you can unpack the first axis into multiple variables without additional considerations. Here torch.stack will output a tensor of shape (rows, cols), we just need to transpose it to (cols, rows) and unpack:
>>> c1, c2 = torch.stack(samples1).T
So you get c1 and c2 shaped (rows,):
>>> c1
tensor([0.6433, 0.4667, 0.6811, 0.2006, 0.6623, 0.7033])
>>> c2
tensor([0.2963, 0.2335, 0.6803, 0.1575, 0.9420, 0.6963])
Other answers that suggest .stack() or .cat() are perfectly fine from PyTorch perspective.
However, since the context of the question involves pyro, may I add the following:
Since you are doing IID samples
[pyro.sample('samples1', dist1) for _ in range(num_samples)]
A better way to do it with pyro is
dist1 = dist.MultivariateNormal(mu1, sig1).expand([num_samples])
This tells pyro that the distribution is batched with a batch size of num_samples. Sampling from this will produce
>> dist1.sample()
tensor([[-0.8712, 6.6087],
[ 1.6076, -0.2939],
[ 1.4526, 6.1777],
[-0.0168, 7.5085],
[-1.6382, 2.1878]])
Now its easy to solve your original question. Just slice it like
samples = dist1.sample()
samples[:, 0] # all first elements
samples[:, 1] # all second elements
There is a random initialized torch tensor of the shape as below.
tensor1 = torch.rand((4,2,3,100))
tensor2 = torch.rand((4,2,3,100))
tensor1 and tensor2 are torch tensors with 24 100-dimensional vectors, respectively.
I want to get a tensor with a shape of torch.size([4,2,3]) by obtaining the Euclidean distance between vectors with the same index of two tensors.
I used dist = torch.nn.functional.pairwise_distance(tensor1, tensor2) to get the results I wanted.
However, the pairwise_distance function calculates the euclidean distance for the second dimension of the tensor. So dist shape is torch.size([4,3,100]).
I have performed transpose several times to solve these problems. My code is as follows.
tensor1 = tensor1.transpose(1,3)
tensor2 = tensor2.transpose(1,3)
dist = torch.nn.functional.pairwise_distance(tensor1, tensor2)
dist = dist.transpose(1,2)
Is there a simpler or easier way to get the result I want?
Here ya go
dist = (tensor1 - tensor2).pow(2).sum(3).sqrt()
Basically that's what Euclidean distance is.
Subtract -> power by 2 -> sum along the unfortunate axis you want to eliminate-> square root
Let the tensor shown below be the representation of two sentences (batch_size = 2) composed with 3 words (max_lenght = 3) and each word being represented by vectors of dimension equal to 5 (hidden_size = 5) obtained as output from a neural network:
# tensor([[[0.7718, 0.3856, 0.2545, 0.7502, 0.5844],
# [0.4400, 0.3753, 0.4840, 0.2483, 0.4751],
# [0.4927, 0.7380, 0.1502, 0.5222, 0.0093]],
# [[0.5859, 0.0010, 0.2261, 0.6318, 0.5636],
# [0.0996, 0.2178, 0.9003, 0.4708, 0.7501],
# [0.4244, 0.7947, 0.5711, 0.0720, 0.1106]]])
Also consider the following attention scores:
# tensor([[0.2425, 0.5279, 0.2295],
# [0.2461, 0.4789, 0.2751]])
Which efficient approach allows obtaining the aggregation of vectors in net_output weighted by att_scores resulting in a vector of shape (2, 5)?
This should work:
weighted = (net_output * att_scores[..., None]).sum(axis = 1)
Uses broadcasting to (elementwise) multiply the attention weights to each vector and aggregates (them by summing) all vectors in a batch.
I have two tensors and both are of same shape. I want to calculate pairwise sinkhorn distance using GeomLoss.
What i have tried:
import torch
import geomloss # pip install git+https://github.com/jeanfeydy/geomloss
a = torch.rand((8,4))
b = torch.rand((8,4))
# ^ input shape [batch, feature_dim]
# will return a scalar value
# ^ input shape [batch, n_points, feature_dim]
# will return a tensor of size [batch] of distances between a[i] and b[i] for each i
However I would like to compute pairwise distance where the resultant tensor should be of size [batch, batch]. To achieve this, I tried the following to use broadcasting:
geomloss.SamplesLoss('sinkhorn')(a.unsqueeze(0), b.unsqueeze(1))
But I got this error message:
ValueError: Samples x and y should have the same batchsize.
Since the documentation doesn't give examples on how to use the distance's forward function. Here's a way to do it, which will require you to call the distance function batch times.
We will construct the distance matrix line by line. Line i corresponds to the distances a[i]<->b[0], a[i]<->b[1], through to a[i]<->b[batch]. To do so we need to construct, for each line i, a (8x4) repeated version of tensor a[i].
This will do:
a_i = torch.stack(8*[a[i]], dim=0)
Then we calculate the distance between a[i] and each batch in b:
dist(a_i.unsqueeze(1), b.unsqueeze(1))
Having a total of batch lines we can construct our final tensor stack.
Here's the complete code:
batch = a.shape[0]
dist = geomloss.SamplesLoss('sinkhorn')
distances = [dist(torch.stack(batch*[a[i]]).unsqueeze(1), b.unsqueeze(1)) for i in range(batch)]
D = torch.stack(distances)
import torch
a = torch.rand(5,256,120)
min_values, indices = torch.min(a,dim=0)
aa = torch.zeros(256,120)
for i in range(256):
for j in range(120):
aa[i,j] = a[indices[i,j],i,j]
I want to know how to avoid to using the for-for loop to get the aa values? (I want to use the indices to select elements in another 3-d tensors so I can't use the values return by min directly)
You can use torch.gather
aa = torch.gather(a, 0, indices.unsqueeze(0))
as explained here: Slicing a 4D tensor with a 3D tensor-index in PyTorch