How can I put background color to Entity-Relationship diagram in PlantUML - diagram

I'm currently using PlantUML to design my database's ERD. All's well, the diagram is complete, but I'm trying to add a background color to my entities, to dintinguish them in their respective schemas.
I'm thinking of a backgroung color for the entities, or maybe a colored rectangle that holds the entities within it.
I tried using skinparam with the name of the entity, with its alias...
skinparam entity {
backgroundColor<<usr>> DarkOrchid
skinparam entity {
backgroundColor<<User>> DarkOrchid
None of these work... Can anybody help?
As requested, a small example:
'auth schema'
entity "User" as usr {
*id : number <<PK>>
password: varchar
salt: varchar
role: number <<FK>>
last_login_at : datetime
is_active : boolean
entity "User Role" as url {
*id : number <<PK>>
name: varchar
clearance_lvl: text
is_active : boolean
'personnel data schema'
entity "Professor" as prof {
*id : number <<PK>>
name: varchar
office: integer
user_id: number <<FK>>
wage: number
last_login_at : datetime
is_active : boolean
entity "Student" as stu {
*id : number <<PK>>
name: varchar
semester: text
user_id: number <<FK>>
specialization: text
is_active : boolean
usr ||--o{ url
prof ||--|| usr
stu ||--|| usr
This generates the following diagram:
And I want to see something like this:
Or at least somthing like this:

The entity object uses the skinparams of class ! So, you would have to say skinparam class instead of skinparam entity to change the background color of your entities.
To apply a certain background color to a selection of entities, you would have to add a stereotype to them so that they can be identified by the skinparam class command. For example, you could add <<personnel>> to the Professor and Student entities and BackgroundColor<<personnel>> to skinparam class.
This should fulfill the requirements of your first example:
skinparam class {
BackgroundColor<<personnel>> #A9DCDF
'auth schema'
entity "User" as usr {
*id : number <<PK>>
password: varchar
salt: varchar
role: number <<FK>>
last_login_at : datetime
is_active : boolean
entity "User Role" as url {
*id : number <<PK>>
name: varchar
clearance_lvl: text
is_active : boolean
'personnel data schema'
entity "Professor" as prof <<personnel>> {
*id : number <<PK>>
name: varchar
office: integer
user_id: number <<FK>>
wage: number
last_login_at : datetime
is_active : boolean
entity "Student" as stu <<personnel>> {
*id : number <<PK>>
name: varchar
semester: text
user_id: number <<FK>>
specialization: text
is_active : boolean
usr ||--o{ url
prof ||--|| usr
stu ||--|| usr
To implement your second example, you could wrap your entities into packages and apply a different background directly as part of the package statement.
'auth schema'
package "auth schema" #B4A7E5 {
entity "User" as usr {
entity "User Role" as url {
'personnel data schema'
package "personnel data schema" #A9DCDF {
entity "Professor" as prof <<person>> {
entity "Student" as stu <<person>> {
usr ||--o{ url
prof ||--|| usr
stu ||--|| usr


Can we have two foreign keys pointing to the same table in one TypeORM entity?

I have two entity models (Match and Partner), one of which contains two references to the other (partner1 and partner2).
export class PartnerEntity {
id: string
text: string
export class MatchEntity {
id: string
#ManyToOne(() => PartnerEntity, partner =>
partner1?: PartnerEntity
#ManyToOne(() => PartnerEntity, partner =>
partner2?: PartnerEntity
I am trying to persist a MatchEntity object using the Repository class from TypeORM like this:{
partner1: { text: "AAA" },
partner2: { text: "BBB" }
However, the same value is being saved for partner1 and partner2. I can confirm both that the object is correct and that the row stored in the database has the same value for the two foreign keys. The following object is returned:
id: "c58f3ea7-5002-463d-92e7-94d0c2992784",
partner1: { id: "10978976-d120-4e48-a490-eba62e7c06e5", text: "AAA" },
partner2: { id: "10978976-d120-4e48-a490-eba62e7c06e5", text: "AAA" }
What is wrong with my code? Is there a way to make this work?
Options that were considered but that I'd rather avoid for this use case:
Implementing a ManyToMany relationship instead (convert the two fields into an array with two positions)
Inserting new rows with explicit SQL queries using Repository.createQueryBuilder()

How do insert data into this schema?

Below is my prisma schema
model Allegations {
allegation_id String #id #db.VarChar(200)
faculty String? #db.VarChar(200)
department String? #db.VarChar(200)
course String? #db.VarChar(200)
instructor String? #db.VarChar(200)
instructorEmail String? #db.VarChar(200)
instructorPh String? #db.VarChar(200)
details String? #db.VarChar(200)
allegationDate DateTime? #db.DateTime(0)
violationDate DateTime? #db.DateTime(0)
Students Students[]
model Students {
id String #id #db.VarChar(200)
student_name String? #db.VarChar(200)
banner String? #db.VarChar(200)
allegation_id String? #db.VarChar(200)
Allegations Allegations? #relation(fields: [allegation_id], references: [allegation_id], onDelete: Restrict, onUpdate: Restrict, map: "Students_ibfk_1")
##index([allegation_id], map: "allegation_id")
So far I got his but getting errors. I also tried inserting seperately into allegations and students, but the insert in students doesn't go through.
data: {
faculty: Faculty,
department: Department,
course: Course,
instructor: Instructor,
instructorPh: PhoneNumber,
instructorEmail: InstructorEmail,
details: Details,
allegationDate: date,
violationDate: OffenceDate,
student_name: 'kn',
banner: '555555'
Modifying your code snippet slightly, I was able to correctly insert a record into the database. Also, you have to specify the student ID because you do not have the #default attribute on the Student schema. Find the modified code below
const allegation = await prisma.allegations.create({
data: {
faculty: "Science",
department: "Biochemistry",
course: "BCH101",
instructor: "John Doe",
instructorPh: "+231345678",
instructorEmail: "",
details: "some details",
allegationDate: new Date('2022','07', '31'),
violationDate: new Date('2022','08', '01'),
id: 'std1',
student_name: 'Test Student',
banner: '555555'

TypeORM View Entity to display array of jsonb objects

we have 3 tables:
PK: id
PK: id
PK: id
FK: human_id
FK: characteristic_id
and I am trying to build a view table with:
so with TypeOrm with view table,
#ViewEntity({ ...? })
export class HumanCharacteristicView {
human_id: string;
#Column({ type: 'jsonb', array: false, default: () => "'[]'", nullable: false })
human_characteristics: Array<HumanCharacteristicWithName>
HumanCharacteristicWithName is simply an interface extending HumanCharacteristic, but adding name field from Characteristic entity..
What should go into "...?" area?
I tried:
creating query builder,
select human_characteristic.human_id as human_id
from human_characteristic
left join (...?) << struggling with jsonb here
groupBy human_id
Any help will be appreciated, thank you!

Typeorm query on ManyToMany relations

I'm trying to query over the table products to find, Certain products that have "at least" Category "Food", "Cold".
I hope someone can give me a hand to be able to query for 2 or more Categories
I'm able to make it dynamic but I'm struggling hard on the queryBuilder
export class Product{
#ManyToMany(() => Category, category=> category.products)
name: "product_category",
joinColumn: {
name: "product",
referencedColumnName: "Id"
inverseJoinColumn: {
name: "category",
referencedColumnName: "Id"
categories: Category[];
export class Category {
Id: string;
name: string;
#ManyToMany(() => LibraryItems, libraryItem => libraryItem.categories)
products: Product[];
I have tried using this:
query.where(" IN(:...name1) AND IN(:...name2)", { name1: "Food", name2: "Cold" })
As we discuss. this is an example of the query will be:["count( as count","o.*"])
// count( here to get total of categories
.where(' in (:...categories)',{categories})
// filter by user ids we need
.having("count = :count", {count:categories.length})
// here we check if the products has the categories we want
PS: as you mentioned in the comment this question will return the rows with at least the categories wanted
SELECT o.*,count(o.OrderID) as total FROM OrderDetails as o join Products as p on o.ProductId = p.ProductID where o.ProductID in (11) group by o.OrderID having total = 3;

match all if the user doesn't specify the field value MongoDB

I am building an API where I have several fields that are optional in my get request. So I want MongoDB to match all values for those optional fields if the user does not specify it. I have come up with this solution:
db.collection(expenses_collection).find(username: username, category: {$regex:"/" + category + "/"}, payment_type: {$regex:"/" + payment_type + "/"}})
Where if category and payment_type are not specified by the user I set them to ".*":
const {category=".*", payment_type=".*"} = req.query;
However, mongodb is still not matching any data. Any help is appreciated. Thanks a lot.
The issue is with your regex string. To match any string value, you have to use this pattern (this matches any string): (.*?)
Consider input documents:
{ _id: 1, name: "John", category: "cat 1", payment_type: "cash" },
{ _id: 2, name: "Jane", category: "cat 2", payment_type: "credit card" }
Usage to match any category field value:
let categoryStr = /(.*?)/
db.exp.find( { category: categoryStr } )
The query returns all documents.
So, in your application for the category value not specified the code can be like this:
if (category is empty or null) { // category not specified by user
categoryStr = /(.*?)/
Similarly, for the payment_type field also.
Then query would be:
db.exp.find( {
username: usernameStr,
category: categoryStr,
payment_type: paymentStr
} )
NOTE: The code tests fine with MongoDB NodeJS driver APIs.
Isn't this what exists is made for?
{category: { $exists: true }, payment_type: { $exists: true }}
