How to highlight specific data points in a scatterplot (Excel) based on certain conditions? - excel

Suppose I have a data with two sets of xy coordinates, one pair for the customer side and one pair for the vendor side (so in total, there should be four columns, two x's and two y's). We can call Xc for customer and Xv for vendor and vice versa for Y. I know how to make a plot in excel and overlay the two pairs of coordinates, but I am stuck on how to present such plot with specific data points highlighted with a different symbol/color based on conditional statements. For example, if any data points in Xc or Yv have coordinates outside of a specific range (think of them as outliers), I would like to flag such points on the scatterplot. I know one way is to filter out the points first and create it as a separate series then plot, but wonder if there is a more streamlined procedure in doing so as I need to make a template for future references. Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Excel - How to find intersection point of two lines on a graph

I have a graph which has two lines.
The graph is generated from "random" data. I.e. not based on a formula or pattern. But there is always a point where the two lines intersect.
I'm trying to provide exact point (on x and y axis) where the lines cross.
Ive tried using slope/intercept formulas
And what if analysis.
However these methods only seem to work if the data is based on a formula or pattern.
I can sort the data and find the point where they are at their closest then take an average using data around that point to get an approximate match.
However is there any way to do this more accurately, or does the nature of my data(random data points) make this not possible using formulas/equations

Excel scatterplot graph update automatically

My problem is as follows:
The user inputs two numbers between 2 and 25, these numbers are used to create a grid. Every point on the grid has (x,y) coordinates. Based on the amount of points the user chose, my excel sheet is filled up with up to 25x25 (x,y) coordinates.
Example: A 6x7 grid is chosen by the user, the table is filled with 42 (x,y) coordinates and all other values in the table are set to "".
Now I want to use a scatterplot with lines connecting each array to plot the data.
Problem 1: If I only select the 6x7 part of the table that has values in it and create the scatterplot the result is correct. Until the user specifies a different grid, for example 8x9, then the graph is obviously missing two rows and two columns of input data.
Problem 2: If I select the entire 25x25 part of the table, including all the "" values, the graph axes get messed up. The y-axis works properly, but the x-axis shows sequential values (0-7) instead of the x-coordinates.
Problem 3: If I replace all the "" values in the table to 0 or NaN and plot the entire table the axes are correct, but the lines between the scatter data get messed up.
Is there a way to automatically change the input data for the plot, or is there a way to correctly display the values on the x-axis if I select all the data?
Not sure this will work in your case, but it's worth a try, especially since no one's addressed your post in 3+ hours. I've had success with this approach: 1) charting the largest data set, 2) copying the resulting chart, and 3) trimming the data it draws from to produce all smaller data sets.
To get this to work takes a lot of thought in laying out that largest data set so that all the other plots follow as needed. To illustrate, I've somewhat mimicked your data and in the animated gif I show largest data set, plus 2 others produced by copying it. Then I demonstrate how to make the second one, including the rescaling required to make all plots scaled equally. Notice that I've arranged things so that only one set of x-values feeds all the series. If you can do this, it makes working with the Excel's interface much easier.
After wrestling with it all night I came to the following solution:
Instead of setting all the empty cells to "" or zero the cells should be be set to #N/A (not available). The graph properly ignores the #N/A cells exactly like I want it to and updates when values are entered into them.

Filter and plot values that satisfy a certain condition

The data comes from several sensors that arranged in columns, and each row represents a measurement instance (say, a 10-minute average).
I perform some filtering and get a 'Global criteria' column of TRUE and FALSE depending on whether the data met the criteria.
Now, I want to create an x-y plot that only portrays the data that fullfils the criteria; perhaps I am missing something blatantly obvious but I have not been able to produce this graph.
I have tried to create a 'Filtered' vector in the Name manager:
X is
Y is
to no avail...
I have found a non-optimal solution, in that I multiply the boolean vector with the vector(s) I want to plot, and then plot that multiplication. I get of course a lot of values at (0,0) but I can live with that.
I am of course looking for a more elegant solution, perhaps with dynamic names.

Paraview-Creation of 3D body from points

I want ask how to create an object (coherent body), if I have 3 excel files (approximately 1mil. Rows each) with X Y Z coordinate. After importing to Paraview I have ‘object’ as in figure below, it consist of 25 ‘planes’ which consist of points from excel files. I need to make from this planes one object with coherent body, basically wrap this planes with something. Is it possible with use of some filters in Paraview or do I need some programmable filter ? I have tried few things but the result was not satisfying.
Apply Table to Points filter to generate a point set and then apply the Delaunay 3D filter to get a surface from those points.

chart in excel to represent correlation of 3 parameters

Please dont eat me because of this question :)
I have some data in excel and I would like to make a graphical representation of those data. Structure of my data:
persons ID : from 1 to 485 to every person, there is one parameter like average jumping distance and another parameter (like height) and finally there is a class to which every person belongs to (1, 2 or 3).
To assign persons to classes I have used k-means algorithm.
Now I would like to make a graph of this result. How can I do it please in excel (or by using another tool)?
Thank you
I would use a scatter (XY chart with markers and no lines). Plot average jumping distance on one axis, height on the second axis. Then for the classes I would separate all the data into 3 series and use different colors for each series. I would adjust the marker size to see which one works best with the data.
Here is a fast example to give you an idea how to it would look like. Its not as easy as just clicking once to insert the chart from the data though:
