Pyramid routing to class methods - pyramid

From the pyramid documentation, there exists an attr argument on configurator's add_view that states:
The attr value allows you to vary the method attribute used
to obtain the response. For example, if your view was a
class, and the class has a method named index and you
wanted to use this method instead of the class' __call__
method to return the response, you'd say attr="index" in the
view configuration for the view.
With this in mind, I'd like to route all requests under /myrequest to the class MyRequest. Given the following class:
class MyHandler(object):
def __init__(self, request):
self.request = request
def start(self):
return {'success': True}
def end(self):
return {'success': True}
It would seem the way to do this would be in the configuration, add these lines:
config.add_view(MyHandler, '/myrequest', attr='start')
config.add_view(MyHandler, '/myrequest', attr='end')
and so on, for all the methods I want routed under MyHandler. Unfortunately this doesn't work. The correct way to do this appears to be:
config.add_route('myroutestart', '/myroute/start')
config.add_route('myrouteend', '/myroute/end')
config.add_view(MyHandler, attr='start', route_name='myroutestart')
config.add_view(MyHandler, attr='end', route_name='myrouteend')
This seems like an awful lot of boilerplate. Is there a way to bring this down to 1 line per route? Or more ideally, 1 line per class?

Example #4 in the Route and View Examples from The Pyramid Community Cookbook v0.2, Pyramid for Pylons Users, offers the following.
# Pyramid
config.add_route("help", "/help/{action}")
#view_config(route_name="help", match_param="action=help", ...)
def help(self): # In some arbitrary class.
Although this cookbook recipe mentions pyramid_handlers as one option to do this, the article "Outgrowing Pyramid Handlers" by one of the maintainers of Pyramid encourages the use of Pyramid's configuration.


Is there a function that is called when you visit a view in django

Is there a function that is called when a user visits a view (specifically a DetailView) in django. I am trying to count the number of views a particular page has (like StackOverflow), and I want to know if there is a function that I can utilise.
If this is useful, here is the DetailView:
class DetailQuestionView(DetailView):
model = Question
template_name = 'questions/questions-part/question-detail.html'
In all the generic class based views the dispatch method is the entry point of the view logic, i.e. if the view is used dispatch will be called. Also the HTTP method in lowercase i.e. get, post methods are also called depending on the requests method. Therefore you can override either of these two to suit your needs:
class DetailQuestionView(DetailView):
model = Question
template_name = 'questions/questions-part/question-detail.html'
def dispatch(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
# Your code
return super().dispatch(request, *args, **kwargs)
Nevermind, you can use the get method of the DetailView.

Can we make either of the serializer fields compulsory in the serializer class itself?

I have a serializer class, which I want to primarily use to fetch request data and use it to save details in different models. I want to have in request body either one or both the parameters. I can handle it in my, though I want to know is there a way we can have that either or both check inside the serializer class itself?
Thanks in advance :)
class ScanUpdateSerializer(serializers.Serializer):
assets = serializers.ListField(child=serializers.DictField())
issues = serializers.ListField(child=serializers.DictField())
If you want to make either of the two fields compulsory, you could use the validate method to check and enforce it.
from rest_framework.exceptions import ValidationError
class ScanUpdateSerializer(serializers.Serializer):
assets = serializers.ListField(child=serializers.DictField())
issues = serializers.ListField(child=serializers.DictField())
def validate(self, attrs):
if not ("assets" in self.initial_data or "issues" in self.initial_data):
raise ValidationError("Either assets or issues need to be set.")
return attrs
I dont know exactly what you want to do, but it seems the case for overwriting the methods def create(self, validated_data) and/or def update(self, instance, validated_data)
You can consult the documentation here:

Best way to implement abstract classes in Python

What is the best way to implement abstract classes in Python?
This is the main approach I have seen:
class A(ABC):
def foo(self):
However, it does not prevent from calling the abstract method when you extend that class.
In Java you get an error if you try to do something similar, but not in Python:
class B(A):
def foo(self):
B().foo() # does not raise an error
In order to replicate the same Java's behaviour, you could adopt this approach:
class A(ABC):
def foo(self):
raise NotImplementedError
However, in practice I have rarely seen this latter solution, even if is apparently the most correct one. Is there a specific reason to prefer the first approach rather than the second one ?
If you really want the error to be raised if one of the subclasses try to call the superclass abstract method, then, yes, you should raise it manually. (and then, create an instance of the Exception class to the raise command raise NotImplementedError() even if it works with the class directly)
However, the existing behavior is actually convenient: if your abstractmethod contains just a pass, then you can have any number of sub-classes inheriting your base class, and as long as at least one implements the abstractmethod, it will work. Even if all of them call the super() equivalent method, without checking anything else.
If an error - NotImplementedError or any other, would be called, in a complex hierarchy, making use of mixins, and such, you'd need to check at each time you'd call super if the error was raised, just to skipt it. For the record, checking if super() would hit the class where method is abstract with a conditional is possible, this way:
if not getattr(super().foo, "__isabstractmethod__", False):
Since what do you want if you reach the base of the hierarchy for a method is for it to do nothing, it is far simples if just nothing happens!
I mean, check this:
class A(abc.ABC):
def validate(self, **kwargs):
class B(A):
def validate(self, *, first_arg_for_B, second_arg_for_B=None, **kwargs):
# perform validation:
class C(A)
def validate(self, *, first_arg_for_C **kwargs):
# perform validation:
class Final(B, C):
Neither B.validate nor C.validate need to worry about any other class in the hierarchy, just do their thing and pass on.
If A.validate would raise, both methods would have to do super().validate(...) inside a try: ...;except ...:pass statement, or inside a weird if block, for the gain of...nothing.
update - I just found this note on the oficial documentation:
Note Unlike Java abstract methods, these abstract methods may have an
implementation. This implementation can be called via the super()
mechanism from the class that overrides it. This could be useful as an
end-point for a super-call in a framework that uses cooperative
I will even return you a personal question, if you can reply in the comments: I understand it is much less relevant in Java where one can't have multiple inheritance, so, even in a big hierarchy, the first subclass to implement the abstract method would usually be well known. But otherwise, in a Java project were one could pick one of various Base concrete classes, and proceed with others in an arbitrary order, since the abstractmethod raises, how is that resolved?

Dynamically generate Flask-RESTPlus routes

I am trying to abstract away some of the route class logic (i.e. I am looking to dynamically generate routes). api.add_resource seemed like the right place to do this.
So this is what I am trying to do:
from flask import Flask
from flask_restplus import Api, Resource, fields
from mylib import MyPost
# Define my model
json_model = api.schema_model(...)
resource_class_kwargs={"json_model": json_model}
And then in mylib:
def validate_endpoint(f):
def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
return api.expect(json_fprint)(f(*args, **kwargs))
return wrapper
class MyPost(Resource):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
# Passed in via api.add_resource
self.api = args[0]
self.json_model = kwargs['json_model']
# I can't do this because I don't have access to 'api' here...
# #api.expect(json_model)
# So I am trying to make this work
def post(self):
return {"data":'some data'}, 200
I don’t have access to the global api object here so I can’t call #api.expect(json_model). But I do have access to api and json_model inside of the post method. Which is why I am trying to create my own validate_endpoint decorator.
This does not work though. Is what I am trying to do here even possible? Is there a better approach I should be taking?
Stop using flask-restplus. Thats the most valuable answer I can give you (and anyone else).
Ownership is not there
Flask-restplus is a fork of flask-restful. Some engineers started developing features that suited them. The core guy has ghosted the project so its been officially forked again as Flask-Restx.
Poorly designed
I used to love flask when I was a yout’. I’ve realized since then that having global request, application, config that all magically update is not a good design. Their application factory pattern (to which flask-restplus conforms) is a style of statefully mutating the application object. First of all, Its hard to test. Second of all, it means that flask-restplus is wrapping the app and therefore all of the requests/handlers. How can anyone thing thats a good thing? A library whose main feature is endpoint documentation has its filthy hands all over every one of my requests?? (btw, this is whats leading to your problem above) Because my post is serious and thoughtful I’m skipping my thoughts on the Resource class pattern as it would probably push me into the waters of ranting.
Random Feature Set
A good library has a single purpose and it does that single thing well. Flask-restplus does 15 things (masking, swagger generation, postman generation, marshaling, request arg validation). Some features you can’t even tell are in the libraries code by reading the docs.
My solution to your problem
If you want to document your code via function decorators and models use a tool that does that alone and does it well. Use one that won’t touch your handlers or effect your actual request decorators. Use oapispec for swagger generation. For the other features of flask-restplus you’ve got marshmallow for marshaling request/response data, pydantic for validating request objects and args, and so on.
btw, I know all this because I had to build an api with it. After weeks of fighting the framework I forked it, ripped it apart, created oapispec, and trashed it from the project.

Inheriting __init_subclass__-parameters

Let's say I have a class that requires some arguments via __init_subclass__:
class AbstractCar:
def __init__(self):
self.engine = self.engine_class()
def __init_subclass__(cls, *, engine_class, **kwargs):
cls.engine_class = engine_class
class I4Engine:
class V6Engine:
class Compact(AbstractCar, engine_class=I4Engine):
class SUV(AbstractCar, engine_class=V6Engine):
Now I want to derive another class from one of those derived classes:
class RedCompact(Compact):
The above does not work, because it expects me to re-provide the engine_class parameter. Now, I understand perfectly, why that happens. It is because the Compact inherits __init_subclass__ from AbstractCar, which is then called when RedCompact inherits from Compact and is subsequently missing the expected argument.
I find this behavior rather non-intuitive. After all, Compact specifies all the required arguments for AbstractClass and should be usable as a fully realized class. Am I completely wrong to expect this behavior? Is there some other mechanism that allows me to achieve this kind of behavior?
I already have two solutions but I find both lacking. The first one adds a new __init_subclass__ to Compact:
class Compact(AbstractCar, engine_class=I4Engine):
def __init_subclass__(cls, **kwargs):
super().__init_subclass__(engine_class=I4Engine, **kwargs)
This works but it shifts responsibility for the correct working of the AbstractCar class from the writer of that class to the user. Also, it violates DRY as the engine specification is now in two places that must be kept in sync.
My second solution overrides __init_subclass__ in derived classes:
class AbstractCar:
def __init__(self):
self.engine = self.engine_class()
def __init_subclass__(cls, * , engine_class, **kwargs):
def evil_black_magic(cls, **kwargs):
AbstractCar.__init_subclass__(engine_class=engine_class, **kwargs)
if '__init_subclass__' not in cls.__dict__:
cls.__init_subclass__ = evil_black_magic
While this works fine for now, it is purest black magic and bound to cause trouble down the road. I feel like this cannot be the solution to my problem.
Indeed—the way this works in Python is counter-intuitive—I agree with you on your reasoning.
The way to go to fix it is to have some logic in the metaclass. Which is a pity, since avoiding the need for metaclasses is exactly what __init_subclass__ was created for.
Even with metaclasses it would not be an easy thing—one would have to annotate the parameters given to __init_subclass__ somewhere in the class hierarchy, and then insert those back when creating new subclasses.
On second thought, that can work from within __init_subclass__ itself. That is: when __init_subclass__ "perceives" it did not receive a parameter that should have been mandatory, it checks for it in the classes in the mro (mro "method resolution order"—a sequence with all base classes, in order).
In this specific case, it can just check for the attribute itself—if it is already defined for at least one class in the mro, just leave it as is, otherwise raises.
If the code in __init_subclass__ should do something more complex than simply annotating the parameter as passed, then, besides that, the parameter should be stored in an attribute in the new class, so that the same check can be performed downstream.
In short, for your code:
class AbstractCar:
def __init__(self):
self.engine = self.engine_class()
def __init_subclass__(cls, *, engine_class=None, **kwargs):
if engine_class:
cls.engine_class = engine_class
for base in cls.__mro__[1:]:
if getattr(base, "engine_class", False):
raise TypeError("parameter 'engine_class' must be supplied as a class named argument")
I think this is a nice solution. It could be made more general with a decorator meant specifically for __init_subclass__ that could store the parameters in a named class attribute and perform this check automatically.
(I wrote the code for such a decorator, but having all the corner cases for named and unamed parameters, even using the inspect model can make things ugly)
