How can I use genvar variable to access input signals? - verilog

I have a module with 30-vector inputs.. I need help in the for loop assignment.
module test (
input [3:0] i0,
input [3:0] i1,
input [3:0] i2,
input [3:0] i29
wire [3:0] int_i [0:29];
genvar j;
for (j=0; j<30; j=j+1) begin
assign int_i[j] = i(j) //need help here
Is there a easy way to do this in Verilog. I know I can do this in System verilog by creating a 2-d vector of inputs. But is there a way to do this in Verilog?

The only way to do this in Verilog is to flatten out the 2-D array into a single vector.
module test (
input [30*4-1:0] i;
wire [3:0] int_i [0:29];
genvar j;
for (j=0; j<30; j=j+1) begin
assign int_i[j] = i[4*j+:4];

This is a systemverilog feature, in verilog, this should be packing the input array into a vector (I included a parameter in order to automatize things):
module test
# (
parameter WIDTH = 4,
parameter DEPTH = 30
) (input [(WIDTH*DEPTH)-1:0] i);
wire [WIDTH-1:0] int_i [DEPTH-1:0];
genvar j;
for(j=0; j<DEPTH; j=j+1) begin: assign_i_gen //..(don't forget to name the for loop)
assign int_i[j] = i[(WIDTH*j)+:WIDTH];


Turning matrix to array in verilog 2005

I know that in Verilog a matrix can not be passed to the ports, so i am wondering how could i turn matrix into array.
Consider the code:
input [7:0] matrix1 [0:3][0:3];
The code is valid in systemverilog, but not in Verilog 2005 standard.
Anyone got any ideas how to do this? I need it to be synthesizable.
You got choices.
Break it up into a smaller ports:
module top();
// ...
example dut(
// ...
// ... other ports ...
// ...
module example(
input [7:0] matrix1_0_0,
input [7:0] matrix1_0_1,
// ...
input [7:0] matrix1_3_2,
input [7:0] matrix1_3_3,
// ... other ports ...
wire [7:0] matrix1 [0:3][0:3];
assign matrix1[0][0] = matrix1_0_0;
// ...
assign matrix1[3][3] = matrix1_3_3;
// ... other logic
Merge into a single bus then split it back to a matrix using +: or -: (see part-select addressing):
module top();
// ...
integer i,j;
reg [8*4*4-1:0] matrix1_bus;
always #* begin
for(i = 0; i<4; i=i+1) begin
for(j = 0; j<4; j=j+1) begin
matrix1_bus[ 8*( 4*i + j) +: 8] = matrix1[i][j];
example dut(
// ... other ports ...
// ...
module example(
input [8*4*4-1:0] matrix1_bus,
// ... other ports ...
integer i,j;
reg [7:0] matrix1 [0:3][0:3];
always #* begin
for(i = 0; i<4; i=i+1) begin
for(j = 0; j<4; j=j+1) begin
matrix1[i][j] = matrix1_bus[ 8*( 4*i + j) +: 8];
// ... other logic
Or mix/match combination of two approaches.
For a small matrix it doesn't matter which approaches you use. For a very larger matrix, then the specific synthesizer tool, version, and synthesis constraints may start becoming factors on which strategy to use.

verilog compile error - "variable not constant"

Why am I getting error "q is not constant"?
module prv(
input [7:0]x,
input [7:0]y,
output [49:0]z
wire [24:0]q;
assign z=1;
genvar k;
for (k=50; k<0; k=k-1)
wire [25:0]a;
assign a=0;
assign q= x;
genvar i;
for(i=0; i<8; i=i+1)
assign a=a+z;
assign {a,q}={a,q}>>1;
assign z={a[24:0],q};
I'm afraid that you are trying to use Verilog the wrong way. q is a wire, not a variable (a reg) so it cannot be assigned with a value that includes itself, because that would cause a combinational loop. You are using the assign statement as if it were a regular variable assignment statement and it's not.
Declare a and q as reg, not wire. i and k don't need to be genvars variables, unless you are trying to generate logic by replicating multiple times a piece of code (description). For for loops that need to behave as regular loops (simulation only) use integer variables.
Besides, behavioral code must be enclosed in a block, let it be combinational, sequential, or initial.
A revised (but I cannot make guarantees about its workings) version of your module would be something like this:
module prv(
input wire [7:0] x,
input wire [7:0] y,
output reg [49:0] z
reg [24:0] q;
reg [25:0] a;
integer i,k;
initial begin
z = 1;
for (k=50; k<0; k=k-1) begin
a = 0;
q = x;
for (i=0; i<8; i=i+1) begin
if (q[0] == 1) begin
a = a + z;
{a,q} = {a,q}>>1;
z = {a[24:0],q};

Verilog logical error

module ocircuit (ooutp,s0,s1 ,clk,write,raddA,raddB,wadd,wdata);
output [3:0] ooutp;
input clk, write,s0,s1;
input [2:0] raddA;
input [2:0] wadd;
input [2:0] raddB;
input [3:0] wdata;
reg [9:0] ooutp;
wire [3:0] dataA;
wire [3:0] dataB;
reg [9:0] inner;
regfile y (dataA,dataB,clk,write,raddA,raddB,wadd,wdata);
always #(posedge clk) begin
if (s0==0) begin
assign inner = dataA [3:0]*dataB [3:0];
else begin
assign inner = ((dataA [3:0]*dataB [3:0])+inner [9:0]);
ooutp =s1?inner [9:0]:10'd0;
This is the code. regfile is a simple register file. In the testbench, s0 = 0 during the first cycle and s0 = 1.
For subsequent cycles, this code should return the value of A*B+C*D by using one adder and one multiplier. In the first cycle, when c0 = 0, the answer that is saved in inner (a register) is right but in the second cycle, when c0 = 1 the answer is wrong.
Por example: A=1; B=2; C=1; D=1;
First cycle: x=A*B=2
Second cycle (C*D)+x=5
I think there is something wrong with this statement
assign inner = ((dataA [3:0]*dataB [3:0])+inner [9:0]);
Any help or hint will be appreciated.
Although assign can be used from within an always block, I think you just wanted to store a value into inner depending upon the value of s0. To do that, use non-blocking assignments ( <= ).
Also, you can directly output to ooutp instead of saving the final result in inner, avoiding a possible glitch in the multiplexer you instantiate here:
ooutp =s1?inner [9:0]:10'd0;
Which, by the way, it should be outside the always block, in an assign line:
assign ooutp = s1? inner [9:0]:10'd0;
module ocircuit (ooutp,s0,s1 ,clk,write,raddA,raddB,wadd,wdata);
output [3:0] ooutp;
input clk, write,s0,s1;
input [2:0] raddA;
input [2:0] wadd;
input [2:0] raddB;
input [3:0] wdata;
reg [9:0] ooutp;
wire [3:0] dataA;
wire [3:0] dataB;
reg [9:0] inner;
regfile y (dataA,dataB,clk,write,raddA,raddB,wadd,wdata);
always #(posedge clk) begin
if (s0==0) begin
inner <= dataA [3:0]*dataB [3:0];
else begin
ooutp <= ((dataA [3:0]*dataB [3:0])+inner [9:0]);

Verilog HDL syntax error near text "for"; expecting "endmodule"

So I just got around to learning verilog and I was implementing a basic binary adder in it.
From my limited understanding of verilog, the following should add two 16-bit values.
module ADD(X, Y, Z);
input[15:0] X;
input[15:0] Y;
output Z[15:0];
wire C[15:0];
assign C[0] = 0;
integer i;
for(i=1; i<16; i=i+1) begin
assign C[i]=(X[i-1]&Y[i-1])|(X[i-1]&C[i-1])|(Y[i-1]&C[i-1]);
for(i=0; i<16; i=i+1) begin
assign Z[i]=X[i]^Y[i]^C[i];
However, I get an error when I try to synthesize the above.
Error (10170): Verilog HDL syntax error at add.v(10) near text "for"; expecting "endmodule"
I'm not sure what is wrong with the code. Any help is appreciated!
The for-loop is used outside of an always block, so i needs to be a genvar instead of an integer. Also, you probably want Z and C to declared an packed arrays instead of unpacked, mo the [15:0] to the other side.
output [15:0] Z; // make as packed bits
wire [15:0] C;
assign C[0] = 0;
genvar i; // not integer
generate // Required for IEEE 1364-2001, optional for *-2005 and SystemVerilog
for(i=1; i<16; i=i+1) begin
assign C[i]=(X[i-1]&Y[i-1])|(X[i-1]&C[i-1])|(Y[i-1]&C[i-1]);
for(i=0; i<16; i=i+1) begin
assign Z[i]=X[i]^Y[i]^C[i];
endgenerate // must be matched with a generate
Alternative solution 1: use an always block
output reg[15:0] Z; // make as reg
reg [15:0] C;
integer i; // integer OK
always #* begin
for(i=1; i<16; i=i+1) begin
if (i==0) C[i] = 1'b0;
else C[i]=(X[i-1]&Y[i-1])|(X[i-1]&C[i-1])|(Y[i-1]&C[i-1]);
Alternative solution 2: bit-wise assignment
output [15:0] Z;
wire [15:0] C = { (X&Y)|(X&C)|(Y&C) , 1'b0 };
assign Z = X^Y^C;
Alternative solution 3: behavioral assignment
output [15:0] Z;
assign Z = X+Y;
Working examples here
Change the definition of i from integer to genvar.
Notice that for loops can be used either in an always block or in a generate block. The latter is implicitly the context that you are using it in your code. In generate blocks, the loop variable should be of type genvar.
More info in IEEE Std 1800-2012

Shift Register Design using Structural Verilog outputs X

I am designing a shift register using hierarchical structural Verilog. I have designed a D flip flop and an 8 to 1 mux that uses 3 select inputs. I am trying to put them together to get the full shift register, but my output only gives "XXXX" regardless of the select inputs.
Flip Flop Code
module D_Flip_Flop(
input D,
input clk,
output Q, Q_bar
wire a,b,c,d;
8 to 1 Mux
module Mux8to1(
input [2:0]S,
input A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,
output Out
wire a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h;
and(a, A,~S[2],~S[1],~S[0]);
and(b, B,~S[2],~S[1],S[0]);
and(c, C,~S[2],S[1],~S[0]);
and(d, D,~S[2],S[1],S[0]);
and(e, E,S[2],~S[1],~S[0]);
and(f, F,S[2],~S[1],S[0]);
and(g, G,S[2],S[1],~S[0]);
and(h, H,S[2],S[1],S[0]);
or(Out, a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h);
Hierarchical Combination of the Two
module shiftRegister_struct(
input clk,
input [2:0]S,
input [3:0]L,
output reg [3:0]V
wire a,b,c,d;
wire V_bar[3:0];
Mux8to1 stage3(S[2:0],V[3],V[0],V[2],1'b0,V[2],V[3],V[2],L[3],a);
Mux8to1 stage2(S[2:0],V[2],V[3],V[1],V[3],V[1],V[3],V[1],L[2],b);
Mux8to1 stage1(S[2:0],V[1],V[2],V[0],V[2],V[1],V[2],V[1],L[1],c);
Mux8to1 stage0(S[2:0],V[0],V[1],V[3],V[1],1'b0,V[1],1'b0,L[0],d);
D_Flip_Flop stage3b(a,clk,V[3],V_bar[3]);
D_Flip_Flop stage2b(b,clk,V[2],V_bar[2]);
D_Flip_Flop stage1b(c,clk,V[1],V_bar[1]);
D_Flip_Flop stage0b(d,clk,V[0],V_bar[0]);
end module
Any thoughts on what might be screwing up my output? The output is V[3:0].
I should also include my test bench code:
module Shift_Test_Bench;
// Inputs
reg [2:0] S;
reg [3:0] L;
reg clk;
integer i;
integer j;
// Outputs
wire [3:0] V;
// Instantiate the Unit Under Test (UUT)
shiftRegister_struct uut (
initial begin
// Initialize Inputs
S = 7;
L = 3;
clk = 1;
// Wait 100 ns for global reset to finish
// Add stimulus here
for(i = 0; i < 16; i = i+1)
S = i;
for(j = 0; j < 2; j = j+1)
clk = !clk;
You have a wiring bug in your D_Flip_Flop module. When I simulated your testbench, I got compiler warnings:
Implicit wire 'f' does not have any driver, please make sure this is
Implicit wire 'e' does not have any driver, please make sure this is
Here are the lines:
Your missing a reset condition, either synchronous or asynchronous. Your flops have an unknown value and never reach known state because the data input is dependent on the flop output. By adding a reset to can put the flops into a known state independent of its outputs (V/V_bar).
In this case adding a synchronous is be easier. Simply add some 2-to-1 muxes and a new reset pin.
Mux2to1 syncrst3(a_d,a,1'b0,reset);
// ...
D_Flip_Flop stage3b(a_d,clk,V[3],V_bar[3]);
// ...
