Regarding isolating reaources created by two users in subscription in Azure - azure

I have one AD associated with one subscription and I need to create two users and need to isolate the resources created by them. Is this really possible? since I am new to Azure I am not much aware of this. It would be great if someone render their hand.

I need to create two users and need to isolate the resources created by them. Is this really possible?
Yes. To isolate them from a management and administration point-of-view, create two resource groups, and add each user to the appropriate role on one resource group.


isolating resources creating by two different users in Azure

I need to create two users in same subscription.Let users be A and B.the resource creating by user A should not be visible to user B and vice versa.It would be great if some one help me on this.
Assign RBAC to the user in the resource group Level, the user not able to access the resource until the user has permission to that resource group.
for more details please refer to this document
it would depend on the type of resources being created. it works in a hierarchy fashion, so if a user had access to read and write resources under the subscription, then they could see it all the resources under that. but you could for example create a resource group and only give users access to that, so they won't see other resource groups that they don't have access to.
Other than that, you could create more subscriptions, then use management groups for a level of management above that.
there may be other options, like creating custom roles that only allow very specific creation and not reading resources and such, which may or may not work. but that would need to be tested.

Azure management groups permissions over subscription

I'm trying to configure some management groups in Azure, I have three subscriptions (prod, dev and core), I have three mnagement groups by the same name, I then have six application groups (prod1, prod2, dev1, dev2, core1 and core2), what I;'m trying to work out is whether we can have the root management group, going into three subscription groups, which then go into 2 application groups, per subscription group and then have the two application groups going into one subscription? Or does it not work like that? All the reading I've been doing shows one management group per subscription, but I can't see why we can't do this. Help!!
Hope that makes sense
Thanks in advance
A subscription can exist in a single management group. You can have hierarchy of groups to have more fine grain control but each group can have a single parent
If you need to control access for multiple users between different subscriptions then you can use a custom RBAC roles and give it a custom permissions.

Should I create a resource group or subscription?

We are a software company so we setup solutions for the other companies. I guess we are not unique in this regards :) so I would like to know if we should create a new subscription each time or just a resource group.
We should be able to bill each customer/project separably
They should be able to take control of their resources easily and move to another company
Managing them should not be a headache
What we have tried
We've tried adding a subscription for each customer. This way, we could just change the admin profile and they could completely move away from us.
The billing is also OK, since we receive a different email for each subscription, but managing them is becoming a real headache.
What I guess could work
From what I read, I guess we could work with resource groups instead of subscriptions and handle the billing part with tags (haven't tried it yet. can we?) but then I'm afraid of not being able to move it to another subscription when they've asked us.
Is it even possible? How easy is that? Does it envolve contacting support?
Has anyone tried it?
I would advise against billing using resource groups and tags. The reports are a real mess and 100% unusable. Also, its a lot of extra work for nothing (seriously, do you care if you have 1 subscription or 10?) and adds no real benefit.
Also, you can move resources across subscriptions of different tenants. Best way of handling this is doing a subscription move. That way you dont have to do anything else. They just link your subscription to another tenant and you are good.
I'm talking from a perspective of administering dozens of subscriptions, and believe me, if you move away from subscriptions to resource groups (as a billing\security boundary) you will get completely devastated by the increased complexity of what you are doing.
In my experience working with organisations that provide similar hosting services to customers, I'd say resource groups is the way to go to avoid too much segregation. It's easier for you to keep control of the resources as well as keeping the cost low if you decide to use shared compute resources such as Application Gateway, DDOS protection, etc.
Bear in mind that depending on what level of permission you're giving to your clients, they might have access to information from other clients, so it's important to come up with a good security and governance plan for the Azure environment and strictly limit what they can access.
Moving things from one subscription to another is easy as long as you're using resources within the supported move list. Check the list below:
You don't have to open a ticket with Microsoft to move these resources and the move can be easily done through the portal interface as long as you select all the resources and it's dependencies and you have access to both subscriptions. If your client decides to move their stuff to their own Azure subscription, they will have to give you permission on that. If the resource you're trying to move is not in the supported list, not even Microsoft can move that.
From a billing perspective, I'd say separating by RG and using tags is the way to go as that can be easily filtered in your exported Azure consumption usage report.

Azure role/resourcfe group based security and CloudServiceManagementClient

We are looking at using Azure Jobs for out multi-tenant platform, but want to figure the best way to do security for it, without using a certificate that has access to our whole Azure account.
We have a Resource Group called "Scheduler" and for each tenant we create a Job Collection with the Tentants Id "Tenant{tenant.Id}".
Currently we do this using SchedulerManagementClient and passing in CertificateCloudCredentials. We could use the Token to do this, but I believe it still has the same problem - in that the credentials have access to the full azure account, which we don't want.
Ideally we would like to lock down creation to the resource group "Scheduler" and create a certificate/token for this.
Is there a way to do that? Is there a better way to do what we are doing anyway?
Ok I figured this out, as is always the way it seems when you finally post something on StackOverflow. Everything was complicated by the fact I was using the old management libraries (Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management) and not the new libraries (Microsoft.Azure.Management).
Basically I needed to create an application, and then assign that application roles just like you do users. This also helped:

How can i transfer the cost of a resource to one of my Bizpark's team member?

We have three developers in my startup and we are members of Microsoft Bizpark.
I am the only back-end developer so i create and control all the resources in our azure portal.
Even though i made the other members as owners of our resources (settings->users) i am still the only one losing credits. I always reach the limit and they always have 150$ left.
Is it possible to transfer the cost of a resource to another member or do i have to create it again from theirs accounts?
Thank you in advance for any response!
I've been using bizspark also, and there is no way to transfer elements between accounts. Depending on the objects you are planning to move, some of them, you will have to create a backup and restore them in the new account.
Basically, you have to create them again. It's a pain, but if you order your components you can get the most out of the 5 accounts wiht 150 usd.
