Jupyter Notebook No module named 'Grid' when Importing from Subdirectory - python-3.x

Before reading my question I would like to clarify that running the program within the python shell will run without any issues. I need to run some code through jupyter notebook and only then does importing within jupyter notebook will result in a No Module found error. This issue is described further below.
I have a project with the following hierarchy:
I was able to successfully import both Game.py and Grid.py into my jupyter notebook test file by adding the two lines to import each python file like below:
from modules import Game
from modules import Grid
Unfortunately for this project there is a hard requirement. I must import the Grid Class within the Game.py file. Because both Game.py and Grid.py reside in the same folder I thought I could simply add the line import Grid at the top of Game.py without any issues. I did this by adding the line importGrid:
import Grid
class Grid(object):
// grid structure logic
With that line, my test.ipynb now imports only the Game class from Game.py like so:
from modules import Game
class Game(object):
// game logic
When running test in jupyter I unfortunately get the error No module named 'Grid'. Could anyone please tell me what I am doing wrong in this case? I have tried several things like relative imports trying from .Grid import Grid but this didnt work either and had a module not found error as well"


ModuleNotFoundException: No module named utils

In our Airflow dags project, we have created a package called utils. In this package, we have created many Python files.
Recently I created a new file called github_util.py where I have written some code to interact with GitHub APIs.
There is another Python file called mail_forms.py in the utils folder.
I am importing github_util.py in mail_forms.py using
from utils.github_util import task_failed_github_issue
The content of github_util.py is
def task_failed_github_issue(context):
print("only function")
In utils package, we have an empty init.py file.
When I deploy this code in Airflow, I am getting below error:
ModuleNotFoundException: No module names 'utils'.
We have files called backend_util.py and entity_util in the same folder 'utils'. entity_util is also imported into backend file as below:
from utils.entity_util import read_definitions
This import is working correctly. I am not able to understand why this import works and mine does not.
I referred to many links on Stack Overflow and other websites, but none of the solution worked for me.

ImportError: No module named functions

I don't know what am I doing wrong here. I am importing the module from the functions package in the tests package. I tried every method but couldn't solve this problem while I tried to run valid_test.py
You need to use one dot before the functions so the python will know it is in the folder "above" the current location (import statement).
This look like this issue.
When specifying what module to import you do not have to specify the
absolute name of the module. When a module or package is contained
within another package it is possible to make a relative import within
the same top package without having to mention the package name. By
using leading dots in the specified module or package after from you
can specify how high to traverse up the current package hierarchy
without specifying exact names. One leading dot means the current
package where the module making the import exists. Two dots means up
one package level. Three dots is up two levels, etc. So if you execute
from . import mod from a module in the pkg package then you will end
up importing pkg.mod. If you execute from ..subpkg2 import mod from
within pkg.subpkg1 you will import pkg.subpkg2.mod. The specification
for relative imports is contained within PEP 328.
There is another way to solve this issue by adding the "father" folder to the sys.path
import os
import sys
sys.path.insert(0, os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__, '..')))
I have been getting the same problem again and again while using SPYDER with anaconda.
I make my own function in other file and import those functions. The code was still not running giving me the error "ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'my_functions".
I am sure you are selecting lines and executing only selected line only\
Solution to problem is here below
To execute your code as whole/line by line Follow the steps.
Change the working directory of spyder to the folder of current file as here https://pasteboard.co/ee79y0dLqzu4.png .
select lines and execute or you can also execute the whole code.

Import statement breaks in class-containing module when importing the class from different files

Here's my directory structure:
In my class-container file I import the SQL queries from queries.py with from Folder1.queries import sql_queries
When I import and use the class in main.py everything runs smoothly. But when I do the same from script.py I get a ModuleNotFoundError... no module named Folder1. I've tried relative imports and changing it to from queries import sql_queries but every time I change it, it breaks one or the other. Any insight would be valuable. Thanks!

Avoiding multiple import in Kivy when calling a function from a different file

I'm developing a small app using kivy and python3.6 (I'm still a beginner). I'm planning to separate the code in different files for clarity, however I have encountered a problem in a specific situation. I have made minimal working example to illustrate.
I have the following files:
Here a minimal code:
from kivy.app import App
from kivy.uix.button import Button
from kivy.lang import Builder
import module
class MainApp(App):
def function():
print('parent function')
if __name__ == '__main__':
from kivy.uix.button import Button
class CallFunction(Button):
def call_function(self):
from main import function
id : parent_button
text: 'Call parent button'
on_press: self.call_function()
So the problem is that when I run this code, I receive a warning
The file /home/kivy/python_exp/test/module.kv is loaded multiples times, you might have unwanted behaviors.
What works:
If the function I want to call is part of the main app class, there is no problem
If the function is part of the module.py there is no problem
If the function is part of another module, there is no problem
What doesn't work
I cannot call a function which is in the main.py. If I use the import the function as the beginning of module.py, kivy has a weird behavior and call everything twice. Calling within this call_function allows to have a proper interface, but I get the warning that the file has been loaded multiple time.
There are easy workarounds, I'm well aware of that, so it's more about curiosity and understanding better how the imports in kivy works. Is there a way to make it work?
I wanted to use the main.py to initialize different things at the startup of the app. In particular I wanted to create an instance of another class (not a kivy class) in the main.py and when clicking on the button on the interface, calling a method on this instance.
Thanks :)
When you import something from another python module the python virtual machine execute this module. In the call_function you import function from the main file so everytime you press the CallFunction the module.kv is loaded.
To solve this it is recommended to include the other kv files in your main kv file.
You can also move the import statement from the method to the top of the module file.
Your kv file is loaded twice because the code is executed twice. This is due to how pythons module system works and kivy just realized that loading the kv twice is probably not what you want.
Generally python objects live in a namespace. So when a function in the module foo looks up a variable the variable is searched in the namespace of the module. That way if you define two variables foo.var and bar.var (in the modules foo and bar resp.) they don't clash and get confused for each other.
The tricky thing is that the python file you execute is special: It does not create a module namespace but the __main__ namespace. Thus if you import the file you are executing as __main__ it will create a whole new namespace with new objects and execute the module code. If you import a module that was already imported in the current session the module code is not executed again, but the namespace already created is made available. You don't even need two files for that, put the following in test.py:
import test
If you now execute python test.py you will see two hello! and once __main__ and once test.
You can find more information on namespaces and how variable lookups works in python in the documentation.
Also if your function actually does some work and mutates an object that lives in main.py you might want to rethink the information flow. Often it is a good idea to bind the state and functions working on them together in classes and passing the objects then where they are called i.e. to CallFunction in your example.

How can I get Jupyter Notebook to import a python file?

I have a very simple .py file, displayD3caller.py:
def caller():
print("Here is a print statement from displayD3caller.py")
I can import and use the function defined in other files, and from the python shell. However, when I try to import the function in a Jupyter Notebook, it can't find the module:
ImportError: No module named 'displayD3caller'
What can I do to fix this?
Before Jupyter Notebook uses any change to the source code of related files, the kernal needs to be restarted. This includes creating a new file.
If you make a new module after Jupyter is already running, you need to restart the kernal before it will find it. From the top menu, select Kernal > Restart. You will need to re-execute any cells whose outputs you depend on.
