Insert variable number of items with FORMAT ( ) - python-3.x

I have a text with some strings that I want to replace with a variable. For example:
message = """I am a message for {user} and you have puchased the following items {items} with color {color}"""
There I want to replace {user}, {items} and {color} by a variable using the following code:
message = message_template.format(user='Ali', ID = ID1)
The problem is that in some cases I will have one item and in other cases more than 5 and I need to insert them independently. Also, color and item are part of a Dataframe.
Any idea about how could I insert a changing number of variables with .format( )?

As for multiple items convert your list to a string using : ', '.join(items)
items = ['i1','i2','i3']
message = message_template.format(user='Ali', items = ', '.join(items), color='orange')


Extract multiple text string to form new row

I am trying to convert arrays within a row of csv into multiple rows. Currently the data is like this
test = result['properties.techniques'].dropna()
I can add the following line to extract the individual items -
test = result['properties.techniques'].dropna()
techniques = result['properties.techniques'].str.extract(r"(T[0-9]{4})").dropna()[0]
print(techniques )
This however will only extract one string per row.
How do I ensure that all data is converted into a new row ?
Using .explode():
techniques = result.explode("properties.techniques").reset_index(drop=True)
0 T1078
1 T1036
2 T1036

MATLAB: Count string occurrences in table columns

I'm trying to find the amount of words in this table:
Download Table here:
Words are indicated by the "Type" criteria, being "letters". The key thing to notice is that not everything in the table is a word, and that the entry "" registers as a word. In other words I need to determine the amount of words, by only counting "letters", except if it is a "missing".
Here is my attempt (Yet unsuccessful - Notice the two mentions of "Problem area"):
for col=1:size(Table_RandomInfoMiddle,2)
column_name = sprintf('Words count for column %d',col);
MiddleWordsType_table.(column_name) = nnz(ismember(Table_RandomInfoMiddle(:,col).Variables,{'letters'}));
MiddleWordsExclusionType_table.(column_name) = nnz(ismember(Table_RandomInfoMiddle(:,col).Variables,{'<missing>'})); %Problem area
%Call data from table
MiddleWordsType = table2array(MiddleWordsType_table);
MiddleWordsExclusionType = table2array(MiddleWordsExclusionType_table); %Problem area
%Take out zeros where "Type" was
MiddleWordsTotal_Nr = MiddleWordsType(MiddleWordsType~=0);
MiddleWordsExclusionTotal_Nr = MiddleWordsExclusionType(MiddleWordsExclusionType~=0);
%Final answer
FinalMiddleWordsTotal_Nr = MiddleWordsTotal_Nr-MiddleWordsExclusionTotal_Nr;
Any help will be appreciated. Thank you!
You can get the unique values from column 1 when column 2 satisfies some condition using
MiddleWordsType = numel( unique( ...
Table_RandomInfoMiddle{ismember(Table_RandomInfoMiddle{:,2}, 'letters'), 1} ) );
<missing> is a keyword in a categorical array, not literally the string "<missing>". That's why it appears blue and italicised in the workspace. If you want to check specifically for missing values, you can use this instead of ismember:
ismissing( Table_RandomInfoMiddle{:,1} )

SELECT statement returning the column name instead of the VALUE (for that said column)

I'm trying to parse information in to a SELECT statement using the two column names 'id' and 'easy_high_score' so I can manipulate values of them two columns in my program, but when trying to get the value of the column 'easy_high_score', which should be an integer like 46 or 20, it instead returns a string of ('easy_high_score',).
Even though there is no mention of [('easy_high_score',)] in the table, it still prints this out. In the table, id 1 has the proper values and information i'm trying get but to no avail. I am fairly new to SQLite3.
if mode == "Easy":
mode = 'easy_high_score'
if mode == "Normal":
mode = "normal_high_score"
if mode == 'Hard':
mode == "hard_high_score"
incrementor = 1 ##This is used in a for loop but not necessary for this post
c.execute("SELECT ? FROM players WHERE id=?", (mode, incrementor))
allPlayers = c.fetchall()
print(allPlayers) #This is printing [('easy_high_score',)], when it should be printing an integer.
Expected Result: 20 (or an integer which represents the high score for easy mode)
Actual Result: [('easy_high_score',)]
Column name cannot be specified using a parameter it should be present verbatim in the query. Modify the line that executes the query like this:
c.execute("SELECT %s FROM players WHERE id=?" % mode, (incrementor,))
A possible cause of this is double quotes vs single quotes.
'SELECT "COLUMN_NAME" FROM TABLE_NAME' # will give values as desired
"SELECT 'COLUMN_NAME' FROM TABLE_NAME" # will give column name like what you got

selecting all cells between two string in a column

I posted question previously as "using “.between” for string values not working in python" and I was not clear enough, but I could not edit, so I am reposting with clarity here.
I have a Data Frame. In [0,61] I have string. In [0,69] I have a string. I want to slice all the data in cells [0,62:68] between these two and merge them, and paste the result into [1,61]. Subsequently, [0,62:68] will be blank, but that is not important.
However, I have several hundred documents, and I want to write a script that executes on all of them. The strings in [0,61] and [0,69] are always present in all the documents, but along different locations in that column. So I tried using:
But the output I get is: Series([], Name: 0, dtype: object)
I was expecting a list or array with the desired data that I could merge and paste. Thanks.
enter image description here
If you want to select the rows between two indices (say idx_start and idx_end), excluding these two rows) on column col of the dataframe df, you will want to use
df.loc[idx_start + 1 : idx_end, col]
To find the first index matching a string s, use
idx = df.index[df[col] == s][0]
So for your case, to return a Series of the rows between these two indices, try the following:
idx_start = df.index[df[0] == start_string][0]
idx_end = df.index[df[0] == end_string][0]
For_Paste = df.loc[idx_start + 1 : idx_end, 0]

Groovy String Concatenation

Current code:
row.column.each(){column ->
println column.attributes()['name']
println column.value()
Column is a Node that has a single attribute and a single value. I am parsing an xml to input create insert statements into access. Is there a Groovy way to create the following structured statement:
Insert INTO tablename (col1, col2, col3) VALUES (1,2,3)
I am currently storing the attribute and value to separate arrays then popping them into the correct order.
I think it can be a lot easier in groovy than the currently accepted answer. The collect and join methods are built for this kind of thing. Join automatically takes care of concatenation and also does not put the trailing comma on the string
def names = row.column.collect { it.attributes()['name'] }.join(",")
def values = row.column.collect { it.values() }.join(",")
def result = "INSERT INTO tablename($names) VALUES($values)"
You could just use two StringBuilders. Something like this, which is rough and untested:
def columns = new StringBuilder("Insert INTO tablename(")
def values = new StringBuilder("VALUES (")
row.column.each() { column ->
columns.append(", ")
values.append(", ")
// chop off the trailing commas, add the closing parens
columns = columns.substring(0, columns.length() - 2)
columns.append(") ")
values = values.substring(0, values.length() - 2)
def result = columns.toString()
You can find all sorts of Groovy string manipulation operators here.
