Excel Custom Functions using Add-Ins: "This add-in is no longer available" error - excel

I followed all of the steps here to try and load in a basic excel custom function add in. Everything in the setup stages seems to work, however, when I run 'npm run start:desktop' and Excel opens, there is an error on the side that says:
ADD-IN ERROR This add-in is no longer available: add-ins inserted during development are only available during debugging from Visual Studio. Please open your project in Visual Studio and re-run your application, or deploy your application into a valid catalog and re-insert
I get this error whether I run the project from the command line, VS Code, or Visual Studio. I am on Windows 10 using Excel 2016.
Here is a photo of the Excel page with the error:

Even though question is old one and I think OP must have resolved this problem. However I am currently facing the exact same problem so often. Below are my work arounds which are working for me, it might help others.
Clear Excel Cache in Trust center settings and run application again.
Many times options 1 does not work, then I make change in Add-in menifest to make it invalid and then undo these changes and run application.
If both options fails, then restart Visual Studio.
If all other options fails, restart my system, and then this issue is resolved.
If still problem persists, Uninstall Office workload from Visual studio, install it again and check. If problem persists then repair office.
These 5 workarounds have so far worked for me.

Clearing the Office cache sometimes fixes this: Clear the cache
UPDATE 1/23/2021:
There is now a troubleshooting section for this error: Getting error "This add-in is no longer available".


Office Professional 2016 Excel Office.js Add-in Browser Issue

The Add-in was working fine under Internet Explorer 11 and I was able to reliably observe and debug its behavior in Visual Studio 2017. Recently after some automatic Windows/Office updates, I noticed that iexplore.exe was not being used as the host browser. This resulted
in not being able to know what process to attach to for debugging.
At this point, out of desperation I executed the following steps to to set JS_DEBUG:
In a windows power shell window executed command
Get-AppxPackage Microsoft.Win32WebViewHost
The command listed the package information including full package name for Win32WebViewHost , which was
I then executed the following
setx JS_DEBUG Microsoft.Win32WebViewHost_10.0.18362.449_neutral_neutral_cw5n1h2txyewy
After some poking I noticed that WWAHost.exe was being used as the browser. Now the add-in is deploying fine but is encountering strange errors.
Is it possible that the above steps resulted in WWAHost.exe as the browser being used to host the add-in. So wondering how to undo the above setting so Internet Explorer 11 is the browser used by Excel to host the add-in.
You cannot control which browser is used to host the add-in. Office decides that. For details how this is determined, see the article: Browsers used by Office Add-ins.

Microsoft Project not opening

I have a client who is asking me to fix an issue they are having with Microsoft Project.
The issue is that they are attempting to open a task list on SharePoint Online via the 'Open with Project' button in the ribbon, but after the alert asking them if they would like to open it in Project 2016 pops up nothing happens.
I have set up a fresh SharePoint environment and tried it at my end, but I get the same problem. There is no error message (as an alert or in the console) and I have wracked my brain and come up dry.
What I have tried:
New SharePoint instance.
Fresh Microsoft Project install.
Looked at the site/site collection features
Multiple browsers (specifically Chrome, IE and Firefox)
The issue is the same no matter what I do.
Has anyone else come across this problem before and, if so, how did you solve it?
Are you using 2016 Click-to-run (C2R) or MSI version? Can you share the build number from winproj.exe?
If you are on C2R version, can you try making the following registry edits (save the following as a .reg file and run it) and see if it helps?
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

Visual Studio 2017 publish to Azure fails with null reference ("object reference not set to an instance of an object")

Crash on Azure publish from Visual Studio. The same thing happens in previous versions of Visual Studio, but in the past I've been able to work around the bug by clearing the appdata and if necessary resorting to resetting user settings per the responses to this question about a VS2015 issue.
Azure publish has been working up to now in 2017. Suddenly I am getting the dreaded null reference, and this time clearing the aforementioned data has not helped:
Restarted Visual Studio, restarted machine, cleared data a second time including both roaming and local appdata, all to no avail.
Just for others searching, in my case the issue was that I had previously disabled the "Microsoft VisualStudio Managed Publish" extension in VS2017 (probably in an attempt to get VS to be more responsive). To re-enable it, go to Tools > Extensions and Updates, enable it, then restart VS:
Thank you for your sharing. I have the same case as you. I accidently disabled the "Microsoft VisualStudio Managed Publish" extension in VS2017. The publish menu even doesn't show up in .net core solution explorer. To re-enable it, go to Tools > Extensions and Updates, enable it, then restart VS.
Unchecking/unselecting the Application Insights in the Publish workflow of Visual Studio 2017 fix the error for me.
This can be caused by a validation error in the service definition and configuration files.
Even though the editor doesn't highlight any problems, and the build completes successfully, there can be errors in these files and they are not handled properly when you attempt to publish, giving the null reference error.
I encountered this after modifying the files per these steps to configure SSL. I really wasn't expecting that to be the culprit, but in desperation I was trying everything I could think of that might be causing the problem. As soon as I commented out the change to the <certificates> element, the null reference error went away, and the publish succeeded.
(I now need to work out why the steps for SSL configuration didn't work, perhaps due to a change introduced by VS2017, but that's another story.)
I was experiencing the same issue as the OP. I created a new DB Project and then compared the settings of the new DB Project with the DB Project that was causing the Null Reference Exception upon Build or Publish. I noticed that our output directory was redirected to a non-standard location. After deleting all the files in the bin folder, the Build and Publish started working. YMMV
I found a lot of answers around that -- so may be there are more than one -- but none worked for me.
On my system it worked again after removing the installations for ASP.NET and Azure and installing it newly .. --> evth is fine.

Visual Studio 2012 opens Sharepoint 2013 page in login window

When I am trying do deploy/debug etc. my hosted app :
I am writing good credenials, and then something strange happen what happen only on one machine (sad to say it's only mine).
After putting sign in button (keep me signed checked/uncheced 100 times) it's would not login, but open sharepoint 2013 site in this window:
What I did:
reinstall visual studio
update visual studio
restart computers
clear cookies/catche etc.
Solved accidentally by installing CKSdev tools but only for one run...
It once happened to me that while it was a debug version all credentials were always rejected. I still don't really know why (it was a big project, not fully made by myself), but as a temporary solution you may try hardcoding your credentials. It's not perfect, but it may be working ;)
The one and only solution was reinstaling the windows, i didn find any other solution
After the newest updates this problem is solved

VS2012: Property Pages isn't opening: Object reference not set to an instance of an object

I'm on Visual Studio Premium 2012, Version 11.0.50727.1 RTMREL, Windows 7 Enterprise (SP1).
When I right click on the Solution, and click Properties, I get a popup window showing the the null reference exception (Object reference not set to an instance of an object).
When I try the same in 2010, it works fine, opening up the normal solution properties pages, allowing me to set the startup order etc.
Also, in 2012, View -> Property Pages, gives the same result.
Please advise how to solve this, is this a known bug?
UPDATE 1: Tried running devenv /resetsettings as well as devenv /safemode but the problem persists. Also tried it on a new solution, and the problem persists.
UPDATE 2: Seems that disabling any extension, and trying again, sorts out the issue. Re-enabling extension doesn't bring the bug back.
UPDATE 3: Go vote here if you're still having this issue: https://connect.microsoft.com/VisualStudio/feedback/details/763961/cannot-open-property-pages-for-solution
This happened to me as well. If you have ReSharper installed, try disabling it (Tools -> Options -> ReSharper -> General -> Suspend and restart VS2012. If you do not have ReSharper installed, I'm afraid I have no idea.
After seeing some comments here, and running into it myself, it appears that disabling Re-Sharper doesn't always fix the issue. However, if you disable, restart, re-enable 'other' add ons, the issue will eventually go away temporarily. The next time visual studio opens, you will likely be in the same spot.
In my case, the problem was solution-specific. NuGet was causing this error, but not the extension itself but a NuGet package that generated an error on VS load. When I opened NuGet Package Manager Console I saw a big red text with a description of the error. In my case it was T4Scaffolding.Core package, which in turn is a dependency of MVCMailer.
If this is your case, you will probably see what package generates an error in PM Console.
I was encountering this problem on one of my solutions, while it didn't happen for others. The solution causing the trouble didn't do so until I added a certain project to it; after that I could not view the solution's properties anymore or set the startup projects.
Removing the project from the solution didn't solve it, the only way to 'reset' was to create a new solution file and adding all projects one by one to it. This made it work again, until of course I re-added the offending project.
Today the issue was solved for me by updating the NuGet package manager.
This is my experience with the problem:
(Running VS2012 as administrator, hoping that some setting would be sorted out).
I have a solution with two MVC projects and other projects.
If I unload the two MVC projects without restarting VS, the problem is still there. After restarting VS, with the two projects not loading, but showing in Solution explorer, the problem disappears.
Load the two projects back, Solution properties still work, but after a restart the cycle restarts.
NOTE: There is no difference in the projects and solution files when the two MVC projects are not loaded.
