Razor Pages RedirectToPage("/") causes error "No page named '/' matches the supplied values" - razor-pages

In a brand new out-of-the-box asp.net core RazorPages project, why does the following result in the exception "InvalidOperationException: No page named '/' matches the supplied values"?
public IActionResult OnPost()
return RedirectToPage("/");
I would expect it to redirect to /Index. RedirectToPage("") and RedirectToPage("Index") work as expected, but in this case I'm being passed a return url of "/". I know I could just check for "/" and replace it with "" but it seems like this should work.

The RedirectToPage() method is referring to a Razor cshtml "page" rather than a html page in the browser. So it expects the parameter to refer to a cshtml page in your project. e.g.
public IActionResult OnPost()
// Redirect to Index.cshtml in folder above
return RedirectToPage("../Index");
That's why "/" is not valid with this method.
If you want to redirect to a url you can use Redirect() e.g.
public IActionResult OnPost()
return Redirect("~/");


How to Render Razor Page in Azure Functions via Visual Studio 2019?

public static async Task<IActionResult> Run()
return data != null
? (ActionResult)new OkObjectResult($"Current-Temperature, {data.Current.Temperature}")
: new BadRequestObjectResult("Please pass a name on the query string or in the request
Here I am returning a value like string or a int.But I need to return a Razor Page.
In templates I am unable to find the Razor Page instead its showing HTML Page and other templates.
Can anyone help me out with this issue?

How to return a different Razor Page without redirect?

I am porting a Asp.Net MVC application to Razor Pages.
In some of the controllers of the MVC application it makes use of return View("someOtherView", someModelForOtherView);
How do I port this to Razor Pages?
What I need to do is to transfer the request over to another Razor Page and pass the prepared PageModel to it (the other page does not need to execute OnMethod() but simply render its html.
Or, in other words, I only need to swap the template file that should be rendered with another one.
I cannot use Redirect as there must not be another roundtrip via the browser.
I doubt this is (easily) possible. From the github request that Lerner linked above, it's noted Razor Pages weren't designed to do that.
The closest workaround I was able to achieve was to turn my destination Razor Page into a View. (Hence, no code-behind.) Obviously that will only be possible if your destination page is never directly accessed via URL. For example, if you want to redirect to /Pages/MyPage, and you still need to be able to access the url http://example.com/MyPage, this won't work.
But, say all you want is a generic error or status page. Those don't have to be directly-accessible through URL. This works well for that.
Here's a couple extension methods on PageModel to do it, one that accepts models and one that doesn't:
public static ViewResult View(this PageModel pageModel, string viewName) {
return new ViewResult() {
ViewName = viewName,
ViewData = pageModel.ViewData,
TempData = pageModel.TempData
public static ViewResult View<TModel>(this PageModel pageModel, string viewName, TModel model) {
var viewDataDictionary = new ViewDataDictionary<TModel>(new EmptyModelMetadataProvider(), new ModelStateDictionary()) {
Model = model
foreach (var kvp in pageModel.ViewData) viewDataDictionary.Add(kvp);
return new ViewResult {
ViewName = viewName,
ViewData = viewDataDictionary,
TempData = pageModel.TempData
FYI, the reason for having to recreate the view dictionary is because the one in your pageModel is going to have a model type specific to the current Page, not to the View you're directing to, and you can't change the Model within a ViewDataDictionary to a different type. MVC would complain and throw an exception.
public IActionResult OnGet(string id) {
// check if id is good here
if (idIsNoGood) return this.View("InvalidId", new ErrorModel...);
else {
return Page();
The above will look for InvalidId.cshtml view, which can be in the same folder as your page, the root /Pages/ folder, or /Pages/Shared/. And it'll still use your Layout too, like any other page.
Just make sure your cshtml file doesn't have a #page directive at the top; this won't work for a Razor page, only a View.
Example InvalidId.cshtml:
#model MyProject.Models.ErrorModel
<h1>Invalid Request</h1>

Does Redirection to public page from search result is property of search portlet?

I used search portlet in my portal. And when i click on the search result always it redirects to result's public page. E.g: I searched for a site through site name. And the result comes. When i click on the result it redirect always redirect me to site's public page, even i am the member of the site.
I want when if user is the member of the site, it must be redirected to the site's private page.
You can hook the search portlet. In the main_search_result_form.jsp you can change the URL to your private page.
Make changes in the below lines.
viewFullContentURL = _getViewFullContentURL(request, themeDisplay, PortletKeys.ASSET_PUBLISHER, document);
viewFullContentURL.setParameter("struts_action", "/asset_publisher/view_content");
if (Validator.isNotNull(returnToFullPageURL)) {
viewFullContentURL.setParameter("returnToFullPageURL", returnToFullPageURL);
viewFullContentURL.setParameter("assetEntryId", String.valueOf(assetEntry.getEntryId()));
viewFullContentURL.setParameter("type", assetRendererFactory.getType());
if (Validator.isNotNull(assetRenderer.getUrlTitle())) {
if ((assetRenderer.getGroupId() > 0) && (assetRenderer.getGroupId() != scopeGroupId)) {
viewFullContentURL.setParameter("groupId", String.valueOf(assetRenderer.getGroupId()));
viewFullContentURL.setParameter("urlTitle", assetRenderer.getUrlTitle());

mvc custom route gives 404

I am trying to make a custom route but I cannot get it working and even though everything seems okay it always returns 404.
So here are the route defined.
It is defined first before the default and according to route debugger this is the route that gets hit.(Matched Route: Game/{id}/{title})
new Route("Game/{id}/{title}",
new RouteValueDictionary(new { controller = "Games", action = "ShowGame" }),
new DefaultMvcRouteHandler(urlTranslator, urlFoundAction)));
Here is the path Im trying to reach: /Game/5/test
And this is the Controller declaration. The GamesController is placed in the Controllers folder and its view are in Views/Games/showGames.cshtml.
public GamesController()
public ActionResult ShowGames(int id, string title)
return View(title);
The DefaultMvcRouteHandler doesnt do anything fancy.
public class DefaultMvcRouteHandler : IRouteHandler
public IHttpHandler GetHttpHandler(RequestContext requestContext)
return new MvcHandler(requestContext);
The default route works without problems, and I have tried everything I can find like changing the name of the route so it doesnt match any folders or anything like that.
If anyone have any ideas on what more to try I would be most grateful.
As per my comment you are passing incorrect default route values for the controller and action values.
Update your route like so:
new Route("Game/{id}/{title}",
new RouteValueDictionary(new { controller = "GamesController", action = "ShowGames" }),
new DefaultMvcRouteHandler(urlTranslator, urlFoundAction)));

Sub domain issue

basic overview...
i have a site setup in iis...
- "mysite" (wwwroot\mysite) under that there are 2 virtual directory applications
- "uploads" (\uploadfiles)
- "app" (wwwroot\myapp)
I also have a subdomain that is set up as a different site in iis...
- "beta.mysite" (wwwroot\mysitebeta) under that there are 2 virtual directory
- "uploads" (\uploadfiles)
- "app" (wwwroot\myappbeta)
the sub domain is working fine.... i can type in https://beta.mysite.com/app ... and it brings up the beta site log in perfectly fine.... the problem is, when i click on any of the buttons that create a post back... it reverts to https://www.mysite.com/app...
all of the links display the correct relative path to their files.... and if i type in https://beta.mysite.com/app/dir/page.aspx... it will actually go to that page on the beta site, all the links are going to the right spots... its just the postbacks that are killing me...
Have you tried setting a different application pool for these two websites? Looks like it's trying to be "smart" and concludes that the two virtual directories are actually the same website.
If all else fails, you could rewrite the postback URL in the FORM-tag that ASP.NET generates manually. Using an App_Browsers file and a ControlAdapter are probably the cleanest way of doing that.
I have an example of such a ControlAdapter implementation, though it is intended to work with URL rewriting to prevent reverting to the actual behind-the-scenes URL on postback. However, I think it would work for your problem out-of-the-box
public class FormRewriterControlAdapter : System.Web.UI.Adapters.ControlAdapter
protected override void Render(HtmlTextWriter writer)
base.Render(new RewriteFormHtmlTextWriter(writer));
public class RewriteFormHtmlTextWriter : HtmlTextWriter
private const string contextItemKey = "FormActionWritten";
public RewriteFormHtmlTextWriter(HtmlTextWriter writer) : base(writer)
InnerWriter = writer.InnerWriter;
public RewriteFormHtmlTextWriter(System.IO.TextWriter writer) : base(writer)
base.InnerWriter = writer;
public override void WriteAttribute(string name, string value, bool fEncode)
// If the attribute we are writing is the "action" attribute, and we are not on a sub-control,
// then replace the value to write with the raw URL of the request - which ensures that we'll
// preserve the PathInfo value on postback scenarios
if (name == "action" && !HttpContext.Current.Items.Contains(contextItemKey))
// Use the Request.RawUrl property to retrieve the un-rewritten URL
value = HttpContext.Current.Request.RawUrl;
HttpContext.Current.Items[contextItemKey] = true;
base.WriteAttribute(name, value, fEncode);
Form.browser file:
<browser refID="Default">
<adapter controlType="System.Web.UI.HtmlControls.HtmlForm" adapterType="FormRewriterControlAdapter" />
