Write to databricks table from spark worker node - apache-spark

Can someone let me know if I can write to a databricks table directly from a worker node in Spark ? Please provide the code snippets. I am partitioning big data around 100 million records and hence it is failing due to memory issues when I issue a collect statement to get the data back into driver node.

In general you are always writing from a Worker Node to a Databricks table. The collect should be avoided at all costs as you see - Driver OOM.
To avoid OOM issues you should do like most do, repartition your records so they fit inside the allowable partition sizes limit - 2GB or now 4GB with newer Spark releases, on your Worker Nodes and all well be fine. E.g.:
val repartitionedWikiDF = wikiDF.repartition(16)
val targetPath = f"{workingDir}/wiki.parquet"
You can also perform df.repartition(col, N). There is also range partitioning.
Best approach is like this imo:
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions._


Transfering a large table with small amount of memory using pyspark

I am trying to transfer multiple tables' data using pyspark (one table at a time). The problem is that two of my tables are a lot larger than my memory (Table 1 - 30GB, Table 2 - 12GB).
Unfortunately, I only have 6GB of memory (for driver + executor). All of my attempts to optimize the transfer process have failed. Here's my SparkSession Configuration:
spark = SparkSession.builder\
.config('spark.sql.shuffle.partitions', '300')\
.config('spark.driver.maxResultSize', '0')\
.config('spark.driver.memoryOverhead', '0')\
.config('spark.memory.offHeap.enabled', 'false')\
.config('spark.memory.fraction', '300')\
For reading and writing I'm using fetchsize and batchsize parameters and a simple connection to Postgresql DB. Using parameters like numPartitions are not available in this case - the script should be generic for about 70 tables.
I ran tons of tests and tuned all the parameters but none of them worked. Beside that, I noticed that there are memory spills but I can't understand why and how to disable it. Spark should be holding some rows at a time, write them to my destenation table then delete them from memory.
I'd be happy to get any tips from anyone who faced a similar challenge.

How to tell if spark session will be able to hold data size in dataframe?

Intend to read data from an Oracle DB with pyspark (running in local mode) and store locally as parquet. Is there a way to tell whether a spark session dataframe will be able to hold the amount of data from the query (which will be the whole table, ie. select * from mytable)? Are there common solutions for if the data would not be able to fit in a dataframe?
* Saw a similar question here, but was a little confused by the discussion in the comments
As you are running on local, So I assume it is not on a cluster. You can not say exactly how much memory would require? However, you can go close to it. You check your respective table size that how much disk space it's using. Suppose you mytable has occupied 1GB of Hard disk then spark would be required RAM more than that, because Spark's engine required some memory for its own processing. Try to have 2GB extra, for safer side than actual table size.
To check you table size in Oracle, You can use below query:
select segment_name,segment_type,bytes/1024/1024 MB
from dba_segments
where segment_type='TABLE' and segment_name='<yourtablename>';
It will give you a result in MB.
To configure JVM related parameter in Apache-Spark you can check this.
It doesn't matter how big the table is if you are running spark in a distributed manner. You would need to worry about the memory if:-
You are reading the data in the driver and then doing a broadcast.
Caching the dataframe for some computation.
Usually for your spark application a DAG gets generated and if you are using JDBC source then the workers will read the data directly and use the shuffle space and off-heap to disk for memory intensive computation.

spark partitionBy out of memory failures

I have a Spark 2.2 job written in pyspark that's trying to read in 300BT of Parquet data in a hive table, run it through a python udf, and then write it out.
The input is partitioned on about five keys and results in about 250k partitions.
I then want to write it out using the same partition scheme using the .partitionBy clause for the dataframe.
When I don't use a partitionBy clause the data writes out and the job does finish eventually. However with the partitionBy clause I continuously see out of memory failures on the spark UI.
Upon further investigation the source parquet data is about 800MB on disk (compressed using snappy), and each node has about 50G of memory available to it.
Examining the spark UI I see that the last step before writing out is doing a sort. I believe this sort is the cause of all my issues.
When reading in a dataframe of partitioned data, is there any way to preserve knowledge of this partitioning so spark doesn't run an unnecessary sort before writing it out?
I'm trying to avoid a shuffle step here by repartitioning that could equally result in further delays of this.
Ultimately I can rewrite to read one partition at a time, but I think that's not a good solution and that spark should already be able to handle this use case.
I'm running with about 1500 executors across 150 nodes on ec2 r3.8xlarge.
I've tried smaller executor configs and larger ones and always hit the same out of memory issues.

Increase the Query Parallelism Capacity on Cached RDD (DataFrame) with Spark-Job-Server on a Standalone Spark Cluster

First of all, our standalone Spark cluster consists of 20 nodes, each one of them has 40 cores and 128G memory (including the 2 masters).
We use Spark-Job-Server for reusing Spark-Context (in the core, we want to reuse cached RDD for querying), when we set the Spark executor memory to 33G each node and execute the SQL on the DataFrame such as "select * from tablename limit 10", then the result will be in mal-formatted UTF-8 style which cannot be resolved by app.
But if we set the executor-memory below 32G,the result is well formed then. We kept the rest setting untouched while we changed the memory.
Can anyone knows Spark & Spark-Job-Server well tell us the cause of the messed code?
Is it the too much memory giving the reason why we get our result mess coded?
The second thing is a more specific one in our user case.
We load 60G data into the mem and persist it using the memory-only storage level, the data is actually a structured table we will do some query on.
Then we tried the Spark SQL on our cached 60G RDD (registered as a DataFrame), specifically speaking, execute several queries like "select column from tableName where condition clause" in parallel, which lead to OOM exception.
We really want to increase our query parallelism with current cluster .
Can anyone give us some hints or some info which will help us solve our parallelism requirement.

What should be the optimal value for spark.sql.shuffle.partitions or how do we increase partitions when using Spark SQL?

I am using Spark SQL actually hiveContext.sql() which uses group by queries and I am running into OOM issues. So thinking of increasing value of spark.sql.shuffle.partitions from 200 default to 1000 but it is not helping.
I believe this partition will share data shuffle load so more the partitions less data to hold. I am new to Spark. I am using Spark 1.4.0 and I have around 1TB of uncompressed data to process using hiveContext.sql() group by queries.
If you're running out of memory on the shuffle, try setting spark.sql.shuffle.partitions to 2001.
Spark uses a different data structure for shuffle book-keeping when the number of partitions is greater than 2000:
private[spark] object MapStatus {
def apply(loc: BlockManagerId, uncompressedSizes: Array[Long]): MapStatus = {
if (uncompressedSizes.length > 2000) {
HighlyCompressedMapStatus(loc, uncompressedSizes)
} else {
new CompressedMapStatus(loc, uncompressedSizes)
I really wish they would let you configure this independently.
By the way, I found this information in a Cloudera slide deck.
OK so I think your issue is more general. It's not specific to Spark SQL, it's a general problem with Spark where it ignores the number of partitions you tell it when the files are few. Spark seems to have the same number of partitions as the number of files on HDFS, unless you call repartition. So calling repartition ought to work, but has the caveat of causing a shuffle somewhat unnecessarily.
I raised this question a while ago and have still yet to get a good answer :(
Spark: increase number of partitions without causing a shuffle?
It's actually depends on your data and your query, if Spark must load 1Tb, there is something wrong on your design.
Use the superbe web UI to see the DAG, mean how Spark is translating your SQL query to jobs/stages and tasks.
Useful metrics are "Input" and "Shuffle".
Partition your data (Hive / directory layout like /year=X/month=X)
Use spark CLUSTER BY feature, to work per data partition
Use ORC / Parquet file format because they provide "Push-down filter", useless data is not loaded to Spark
Analyze Spark History to see how Spark is reading data
Also, OOM could happen on your driver?
-> this is another issue, the driver will collect at the end the data you want. If you ask too much data, the driver will OOM, try limiting your query, or write another table (Spark syntax CREATE TABLE ...AS).
I came across this post from Cloudera about Hive Partitioning. Check out the "Pointers" section talking about number of partitions and number of files in each partition resulting in overloading the name node, which might cause OOM.
