TCP server ignores incoming SYN - linux

I have a tcp server running. A client connects to the server and send packet periodically. For TCP server, this incoming connections turns to be CONNECTED, and the server socket still listens for other connections.
Say this client suddenly get powered off, no FIN sent to server. When it powers up again, it still use the same port to connect, but server doesn't reply to SYNC request. It just ignores incoming request, since there exists a connection with this port.
How to let server close the old connection and accept new one?
My tcp server runs on Ubuntu 14.04, it's a Java program using ServerSocket.

That's not correct, a server can accept multiple connections and will accept a new connection from a rebooted client as long as it's connecting from a different port (and that's usually the case). If your program is not accepting it it's because you haven't called accept() a second time. This probably means that your application is only handling one blocking operation per time (for example, it might be stuck in a read() operation on the connected socket). The solution for this is to simultaneously read from the connected sockets and accept new connections. This might be done using an I/O multiplexer, like select(), or multiple threads.


What does the .listen() method in express look like?

I read the docs, concerning the .listen() method, used in express. I can USE the method and setup a server that is listening to HTTP requests.
However, since I am fairly new to coding, I find it difficult to grasp whats really happening when using the .listen() method. The high level explanation "listening for connections" didn't help me.
I think, this could be made easier if I could actually see the function instead of only calling it.
Any help is very much appreciated
In a nutshell, the Express app.listen() method creates an http server object and then configures it to receive incoming TCP connections on a specific port and IP address so that when clients request a connection to that port and send an http request, the server can receive that http request and process it, sending a response. The code in app.listen() is shown below later in the answer - though all it does is call down to one further layer down in the http server object.
Here are the lower level details for how that works.
When a server wishes to start listening for incoming connections, it informs the local TCP stack by creating a socket and binding to a particular port and IP address. That essentially reserves that incoming port for this particular server (no other server will be allowed to also bind to that port). So, for example, on a regular http server on the default port, you would bind to port 80. This type of bound socket is used for incoming connections only, not for two-way communications with a client.
Then, the server informs the TCP stack that it is ready for incoming connections. At the TCP level, this is referred to as listen. Within nodejs, the bind and listen steps are combined into the one step called listen.
From then on, whenever the local TCP stack receives an incoming connecting request whose destination is the IP address and port that the server bound to, then that incoming connection will be accepted and inserted into a queue for the server that is configured for that IP address and port. There will typically be a maximum number of incoming connections that can be queued in this way and, if that number is exceeded, then the connection will be refused. This manages load and protects the host if the server gets "backed up" and is behind on processing incoming connections.
The server will then be informed by the TCP stack for each new incoming connection. Once the server accepts that connection, then it can start reading any data that the client has sent over the socket. In the case of an HTTP server working with the HTTP protocol, this would be the initial request protocol, method, version, headers and any body data. For different types of servers, the data would be in a different format.
Here's a useful diagram of the server:
The server creates a socket used for the server to accept new connections..
It binds that socket to a specific IP address and port so it will only be informed about incoming connections targeted to that IP address and port.
It listens on that port to inform the TCP stack it is ready to accept incoming connections.
When it is notified of an incoming connection, it accepts that incoming connection.
Then it can read and write to that new connection over the new socket.
Then, sometime later, the incoming socket is closed to complete the client transaction.
The app.listen() method in Express encapsulates these steps and a few others. Internally (within Express), the code looks like this:
app.listen = function listen() {
var server = http.createServer(this);
return server.listen.apply(server, arguments);
You can see that method here in the open source repository.
To get an http server ready for steps 1-6 above, this creates the http server object within nodejs and then registers the app as the request listener for that server object (so it will be notified of incoming http requests).
Then, the call to server.listen() encapsulates steps 1-3 above.
Step 4 happens inside the http server object implementation and the app object is called when a new connection has been established and a new HTTP request is available. The http server reads the initial request and parses the http protocol and that initial request is already made available to the app for routing to the appropriate handler.
Then, subsequent calls such as res.send() or res.json() write a response back on the http socket and close the socket or res.end() will close it directly (steps 5 and 6 above).
Some other useful references:
Why is bind() used in TCP? Why is it used only on server side and not in client side? - Helps explain how a port and IP address define the TCP endpoint represented by a server. This port has to be known by the client so it can specifically request to connect to that port. The client end of the socket also has an IP address and a port, but its port can be dynamically assigned, thus the client does not have to bind to a specific port itself. The four pieces of data [server IP, server port, client IP, client port] define a specific TCP connection.
How TCP sockets work - has a good section about how new connections to a server work.
Understanding socket and port in TCP - talks about active and passive sockets. Passive sockets are sockets in "listen" mode used to accept incoming connections. Active sockets are two-way communications channels between two TCP endpoints.
Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) - more details on the various aspects of TCP from initiating a listening server, initiating a client connection to that server, through packet transmission to closing the socket.
There are a gazillion other references on the topic on the web. You can probably find 1000 articles on any single aspect of TCP that you might want more info about.
I think, this could be made easier if I could actually see the function instead of only calling it.
The underlying code for listen is inside the operating system's TCP stack and is not part of nodejs or Express. Express relies on the nodejs http server object as its interface to that and the nodejs http server object uses native code (built into nodejs) to call libuv (which is a cross platform C library that nodejs uses for networking and other things). Then, libuv talks to the underlying operating system APIs to reach the actual TCP stack on that target host. All of this is to put the server socket into listen mode so it can be notified of new incoming client connections to that target IP address and port.
Here's some doc on the related portions of the Linux TCP API if you want to see what the underlying TCP interface and description of that interface is:
socket() -
bind() -
listen() -
And, portions of the libuv library that nodejs uses for networking:
TCP handles -
Server listen() and accept() -

What is the difference between net.createServer() and net.createConnection()?

I am trying to create a simplistic TCP client and server. Conceptually, I know that a TCP socket is the same on both the client and server side (at least, this is how it is in python). However, the steps after creating a socket are different. Ie, for clients, the socket establishes a TCP connection to the server. On the server side, the socket is bound to a specific port, and waits for connections, and when it gets a req, it creates a new connected socket. (correct me if I got anything wrong, I'm new to networking).
My question is if there's any difference between the net.Socket and net.Server classes. Did node.js separate the two, and net.Server is explicitly meant for servers? Is it still possible to use net.Socket to make the TCP server socket?
What is the difference between net.createServer() and net.createConnection()?
net.createConnection() initiates an outbound TCP connection to some other host or server.
net.createServer() sets up a server that will accept incoming TCP connections from other hosts or processes.
These are opposite ends of enabling a connection.
My question is if there's any difference between the net.Socket and net.Server classes.
Yes, there's a huge difference between them as neither is a substitute for the other. A server listens for inbound connections.
A client then creates a TCP socket and attempts to connect to a server that is listening for inbound connections on the port and IP address that the server is listening on. During the connection process, the server follows the TCP handshake process to enable the creation of a TCP socket that connects the client and server. That TCP socket is then bidirectional so either end can then send data to the other.
Nodejs uses the net.Socket class as the nodejs object to represent a TCP socket so when you initiate a connection from a client, you get a net.Socket object that represents your TCP connection to some other server. When you are a server and someone connects to you, you get a net.Socket object that represents your TCP connection to the client that connected to you. Those two objects are different ends of a TCP connection and both ends do not have to be nodejs endpoints - they can be any language or tool that can make a standard TCP connection.
Did node.js separate the two, and net.Server is explicitly meant for servers? Is it still possible to use net.Socket to make the TCP server socket?
Yes, net.Server is exclusively for servers to set up a listener for inbound connections on a specific port on your host.
net.socket by itself cannot listen to incoming connections (you use an instance on net.Server for that. It is either used to initiate a TCP connection to some server or it is created as part of of some client connecting to your server.

Given one established tcp connection from client to server, is a second one resolved without server explicitly calling accept?

Apologies in advance if my terminology is very rudimentary:
I am working with a client that establishes a tcp connection to a server. The client's socket is nonblocking, so after calling connect(), the client waits for the socket to become writable.
Upon accept()ing the connection from the client, the server performs a blocking operation (call it function X) and does not return to blocking at accept() for a long time.
During this time that the server is occupied performing function X, the client does another connect() to the same server, again using a nonblocking socket (different than the socket used with the first connection), then waiting for the socket to become writable in order to consider the tcp connection as "established."
I naively expected the second socket to remain not-writable until the server called accept() a second time to accept that second connection. But I've observed this as not the case: the second socket becomes writable quickly, so the client again considers this new tcp connection as "established."
Is this expected?
From one of the comments at this question, I (very loosely) understand that nonblocking sockets that are in the middle of a tcp connect will remain not-writable for the duration that TCP handshaking is being performed - is this true? Does this relate to the above question? Is it something like: if there is an existing tcp connection from a client to a server, then subsequent tcp connections from that same client to that same server are immediately/quickly "resolved" (the socket becomes writable without the server explicitly performing a second accept)?
What I tried:
I tried writing up a unit test to simulate this scenario with one thread each for client and server running on a single PC, but I think this is not a valid way to test: per this Q&A I think if client and server are on the same PC, "TCP handshaking" is not quite the same as with two separate PCs, and for example, the client's connecting socket becomes writable without the server even listening let alone accepting the connection.
Every connect() needs a corresponding accept() in order for client and server to communicate with each other.
However, it is possible/likely that the 3-way TCP handshake maybe/is completed while the connection is still in the server's backlog, before accept() creates a new socket for it. Once the handshake is complete, the connection is "established", and that will complete the connect() operation on the client's side, even if the connection has not been accept()ed yet on the server side.
See How TCP backlog works in Linux

Linux UDP Socket: why select()?

I am new to Linux socket programming. Here I have an basic question:
for UDP, why we need select()?
As UDP is stateless, so UDP server just handles whatever data it received. There will be no new socket created once a new client sends data, right?
if so, select() will be returned/notified once this socket has data arrived. So we don't need to go throughput all to check which socket is being notified (as there will be only one socket);
Is this true? non-blocking UDP socket + select() == blocking UDP socket.
The main benefit of select() is to be able to wait for input on multiple descriptors at once. So when you have multiple UDP sockets open, you put them all into the fd_set, call select(), and it will return when a packet is received on any of them. And it returns an fd_set that indicates which ones have data available. You can also use it to wait for data from the network while also waiting for input from the user's terminal. Or you can handle both UDP and TCP connections in a single server (e.g. DNS servers can be accessed using either TCP or UDP).
If you don't use select(), you would have to write a loop that continuously performs a non-blocking read on each socket. This is not as efficient, since it will spend lots of time performing unnecessary system calls (imagine a server that only gets one request a day, yet is continually calling recv() all day).
Your question seems to assume that the server can work with just one UDP socket. However, if the server has multiple IP addresses, it may need multiple sockets. UDP clients generally expect the response to come from the same IP they sent the request to. The standard socket API doesn't provide a way to know which IP the request was sent to, or to set the source address of the outgoing reply. So the common way to implement this is to open a separate socket bound to each IP, and use select() or epoll() to wait for a request on all of them concurrently. Then you send the reply through the same socket that the request was received on, and it will use that socket's bound IP as the source.
(Linux has socket extensions that make this unnecessary, see Setting the source IP for a UDP socket.)

How to know Socket client got disconnected?

I am doing coding in linux architecture.
I have question regarding socket server and client.
I have made one sample code in which server continue to accept the connection and client is connected to server.
if somehow someone has remove the network cable so i am disconnecting client (client socket disconnected from PC) while in server side connection is still alive because i am not able to notify that client is disconnected because network is unplugged.
How can i know that client got disconnected ?
You need to either configure keepalive on the socket or send an application level heartbeat message, otherwise the listening end will wait indefinitely for packets to arrive. If you control the protocol, the application level heartbeat may be easier. As a plus side, either solution will help keep the connection alive across NAT gateways in the network.
See this answer: Is TCP Keepalive the only mechanism to determine a broken link?
Also see this Linux documentation:
SIGPIPE for local sockets and eof on read for every socket type.
